7-?TT(M?-' fwrwwrj',"iV, a The Commoner VOLUME 10, NUMBER 45 ' !U v y I fe tment v For My Boy's Album (By Request) Do you know that your soul is of my soul such part That you seem to be fibre and strength of my heart? None other can praise me, as you, dear, can do; None other can please me or pain me, as you. Remember, the world will be quick with its blame If shadow or blight ever darkens your name; "Like mother, like son" is a saying so true The world will judge largely of mother, through you. ' Be yours, then, the task if a task it shall be, . To force the proud world to do homage to me; Be sure it will say, when its verdict you've won, "She reaps as she sowed, for this man is her son." Helen Watts-McVey. us "things of the inner life demand outward expression," which, if they fail to find, turn bacik upon the inner self and work ruin to the ner vous system. The remedy for this state of things has not yet been found; yet many thoughtful, observ ing men and women ore trying to solve the problem, and urge that, wherever possible, a sense of broth erly comradeship shall be cultivated, and gathering places where like may meet like, should be established, not only in the country, but in the great, lonely city. ( ( in our His God's Reminders (Ttv RonnocsM God, lest we grow skeptic earthly bower, ' And deny the greatness of t strength some future hour, Has placed these four warnings He who reads must cower! The lightning's flash; The thunder's crash; ; The cyclone's lash; The earthquake's gash; To remind us of the vastness of His power. Guy M. Stealev. t; The Loneliness of Crowds In a recent work of fiction a dis tinguished writer describes the effect which first experiences of city life .produce on the minds of the country born and bred who plunge into the 1 maelstrom of its fierce competition. ' He says: "There is a fierceness " about this city life that . appals the country lad fresh from the brother- liiieas of a small town. The contin- ually changing faces of the thou- . sands to whom he is nothing, the hard, self-centerednessof every one, give him at first a sense of black loneliness that pierces to the very marrow of his spirit. For a time, it . is even a sense of relief to nod fa miliarly to an omnibus driver, to recognize a street cleaner, or a po 5 liceman on his beat; to know that, for a second at least, he has emerged Into somebody's mind as an individ- uality." Every one who has gone .' into a strange city will recognize the picture, and with some, the loneli- ,. ness nas lingered tnrougn an tne years; they never seem to get into 2 real touch with what they want. T. be .' lonely, it is not necessary merely to : be alone; many most socially inclined never get away from themselves; they feel that to even their most in K timate friends, on some subjects they - dare not speak their thoughts, be ! cause they know they will not be ' understood, and while the lips may laugh, and the voice join in the babel of words about them, there is in I their hearts a profound sense of ' loneliness and a longing for some- thing of their very own, the lack of . which compels them to walk com I panionless to the end of their days. ! Psychologists tell us of certain types " of nervoas disorders produced by these suppressed emotions, and tell Caring for the Faco If girls were taught to properly care for their faces and hands, there would "be fewer young women and middle-aged frantically calling on the beauty doctor for aid and advice as to how to remove blemishes and re store healthy coloring. In the mat ter of washing the face, how few girls are ever taught how best to do it! Begin now, and teach them to always use tepid or warm water to start with never cold, as cold water seldom removes the accumu lation of dirt. Do not use a wash cloth or sponge, unless it is kept perfectly clean and sweet by fre quent washing and sunning. "Cup" your hands, leaning well over the basin, and fill with the water, put ting this on the face again and again; the hands should do the rub bing, and they will not roughen the most delicate skin. If you use soap, let it bo the vegetable-oil kind never the laundry soap; and when the face is clean, rinse in the same way, with water of the same temper ature, then with cold, rubbing the flesh upward and outward with the finger-tips, very gently. Dry the face with a soft, warm towel, pat ting and pressing rather than rub bing with the towel. Then wet the face and hands with cider or other good vinegar, letting it dry on. The vinegar kills the alkali in the soap, and its action is Healing, astringent and chemically cleansing, and no harm can come of it. The less soap used on the face and hands, the bet ter, but this will depend in a great measure on how dirty one's environ ments are whether soft coal is used, or like conditions prevail. The face should be well cleaned at night, and after drying, should have a' little cold cream, or a little thick cream from the milk pan, or a little almond oil, well rubbed into the skin to soften, and to restore the natural oil which has been removed by washing. If you want an object lesson as to what ruins the complexion, watch how girls and women usually wait on tneir laces alkali soaps, hard water, hot or cold, a coarse wash rag vigorously applied, no rinsing, followed by imperfect drying; and the aftermath is roughness, coarse ness, enlarged pores, blackheads, chaps, and evils of like nature. Teach tho girls now. contrasting color. For mats to lay on the stand, use cloth to match the splasher, and decorate the -same. Or they may be pinked or scolloped around the edges. A set of old-time mats may be made of a sheet of white or gray wadding and a skein of saxony yarn of bright color. Cut out a circle of the wadding, or any shape you want, and strips two inches wide, enough to go thrice around each mat. Take either pink, light blue, or light green make very delicate coloring, and crochet around tho edge of the circle and both sides of the strips with a chain of two or three stitches be tween each crochet. Then plait the strips in box plaits, sew through the center with the machine, or by hand, having the center of the plaiting and the mat even. Tack the edges of each, box plait together, and let them stand up full. These are serviceable. Squares of linen, or cotton cloth, either fringed, or with lace or em broidery stitched around the edges, are neat. There are so many pretty patterns for crocheting or knitting mats, that one has but to choose, but the above are very simple and easily made. lires'JOf the amateur. The cleansing cream should be washed off with a good1 vegetable-oil soap, almond meal or one-'of the oatmeal cleansing bags so often- recommended. Tho pores are in this way cleansed of the ac cumulations of dust and grime gath ered through the day, and should then be at once filled with more cream to keep them free from an other dose of dirt. ' The face should have this cleansing every night be fore retiring. This is the season of year when one must begin to take care of the face and hands becauso of the cold, or damp or windy weather. Too frequent bathing in cold weather is injurious to health. An application by tho hand of cold wa ter, followed by moderate friction is quite sufficient to keep the skin of the body clean and stimulated. Warm baths taken through the day should be followed by the application of cool or cold water; otherwise the person is made susceptible to expo sure, and. colds are taken. No one, however strong or healthy, should take a cold bath when hungry or fatigued. Any bath should be followed by friction over the bjdy. Inexpensive Cure for Rheumatism In giving directions for the cure of rheumatism, Dr. Reeder, of In diana, says: "Just stop eating until the poor stomach, in fact the whole alimentary canal, can unload and get cleaned up, so to speak. Just drink water, lots of it; gallons of it; wash out the whole tract; get it clean. You will not starve nor suffer If you do not eat a mouthful of solid food for three or four days; but as soon as the tongue clears, begin to eat. Yes, eat buttermilk, a half pint every two hours; you won't need anything else for a week five days, anyhow and by that time there won't be a particle of rheumatism about you. After that, if you will just remem ber that your teeth were made to chew your food with, and use them, ,cut out all liquids while eating, eat reasonably and work reasonably, you won't again be troubled with rheu matism." It won't cost you anything to try this unless, in some cases, and at this season of feasting, it be a pretty severe self-denial, but a little doing without will be wholesome and beneficial in other ailments. A Good Cold Cream Nothing is so good for chapped hands, rough faces and cracked lips as the old mutton tallow remedy of our grandmothers. If you tell your butcher what you want it for, he will select some very fine white tallow from the mutton, and you must take Tt home and cut it into bits, and put into a saucepan without any water; set this pan in a kettle of boiling wa ter and let remain until the fat is entirely tried out of the fibre; strain through a fine sieve and while still waTm, stir in a teaspoonful of the essence of camphor In tho proportion of one teaspoonful of camphor es sence to every cupful of tallow; next add a teaspoonful of your favorite perfume, and beat, and beat and beat, until it is all a sweet-smelling, creamy mixture. Before it gets cold, turn into little jars or old teacups and set where it will get perfectly cold. It should be used like any other cold cream, after the face and hands have been thoroughly washed and dried. Somo Inexpensive Toilet Mats XCSOIO J.V. )T 1DUCO IU U1UU.U DU1UO simple, inexpensive toilet mats for her Christmas box. Here are two kinds, easily made and inexpensive: Take a strip of plain white oilcloth or colors, if you like, and make It the size you want your splasher. If For the Toilet One of the latest accessories to the toilet Is the "vanity case." It is a little book, or case, covered with some delicate satin, or other ma terial, which contains a number of powdered leaves and a little mirror, closes with a' button clasp, and may be carried in the coat pocket or shop ping bag. The woman or girl of today, Instead of scorning the use of powder, looks upon it as a necessity, and this little device has taken the place of the powder-bag. In some of the Btores dealing with toilet articles, little metal boxes, something like the little metal match box are to be had and these contain a little mir ror, a tiny powder puff and a supply of powder. Soap does not agree with all skins, and an application of a soft, cleans ing cream is better. Theso creams are not expensive, and for most peo ple, are bettor bought ready mado you can paint, stamp with any de Rlcrn vmi Hlci. and rmint with oil paints. If you can not paint, the than they will be. if mado at homo strip may bo bound with some bright with the uncertain weights and meas- Some Seasonable Recipes Oyster Filling for Turkey A six teen pound turkey will -require twenty-five large oysters, one table spoonful of chopped parsley, one teaspoonful of sweet marjoram, one quart of stale bread crumbs, one tablespoonful of butter, one tea spoonful of salt, and pepper to taste. Drain the oysters, dash cold water over them and drain again; mix tho crumbs, salt, pepper, and herbs to gether, add the butter warmed, and then work in the oysters. If the herbs are not at hand, they may be omitted. Fruit Meringues Make a nice puff paste, line pie-plates with it rolled about a quarter of an inch thick; bake these shells in the oven, and if they rise too much, prick thera to keep level. Have the paste fulled on so it will not shrink in baking. When the shells are done, fill them with a rich apple sauce, or with pre served peaches sliced, or canned peaches, or with marmalade, or any preferred filling. Cover each pie of ordinary size with a thick meringue made by beating the whites of two eggs to a stiff froth and adding two tablespoonfuls of powdered sugar and the juice of half a lemon, beating the sugar in gradually. Return to the oven and cook slowly for twenty minutes in a moderate oven. At the end of that time it should be firm 'Ss-o