- MfjrtilUMW 16 The Commoner. VOLUME 10, NUMBER 41 ? 7571 T733 PllOFISSSOIl LONG, , Stipt. Public School, St. Lotiiii, Htiidt "I unhesitatingly commend Dr. Ridpath's HiBtory of the fmVUOP VINCENT, Chan rigJHri ot Chautauqua, aaldt UMfflpatn's .History is in clear utfd)agreeablo stylo, compre hensive In treatment, read able typo and admirable illus trations. This set of books is a permanent college chair of general history in ono's own house." worm uh tno anioat woric on that sUbJoct which I have examined. The cngravinga, irnitiH nnil chnrtfl aro alono worth tho entire cost of tho worlc." .5w77M c-i " ' ' 'BnHiB tm M i' i . I if -h. Els ' ii it 3 I 1 - :' I ? HAVE PLACED IN THEIR HOMES THE WORLD-FAMED PUBLICATION RIDPATH'S HISTORY OF THE WORLD This means that practically as many Americans have bought Ridpath as have bought the Encyclopedia Brltannica and the Century Dictionary combined. Can you imagino a greater testimonial for any book? Dr. Ridpath's Immortal Work commands the admiration of the English speak ing world. It is endorsed by the scholarship of tho world, and by the great American people as the only history of the world worth having. THE PUBLISHER'S FAILURE placed in our hands the entire unsold edition of this monumental work. Brand new, down to date, beautifully bound in Half-Morocco. We are offering the remaining sets to The Commoner readers NEVER AGAIN SUCH A BOOK BARGAIN AS THIS EIDPATlC is recognized as America's greatest historian. He was a strong advocate of the rights and liberties of the common people. In 189G ho was .the Democratic Nominee for Congress in his home district, and received tho warm support of the Leader of tho Party. He was a great man and a great historian. Dr. Ridpath is dead, but his work lives. He devoted his entire life to writing the History of the World. It is absolutely accurate and impartial, and commands the admiration of the English speaking world. We will name our price only in direct letters' to those sending tho coupon below. Tear off tho coupon, write name and address plainly and mail now before you forget it. Dr. Ridpath's family derive their income from his History, and to print our price broadcast for the sake of more quickly selling these few sets would cause great injury to future sales. We do not sell through stores or salesmen, but ship direct from factory to customer subject to your examination. The entire transaction is by mail. SEND COUPON TODAY. m HISTORY OF THE WORLD $fe-It ' RIDPATH VOUI. EGYPT. CHALDAEA. ASSYRIA. MEDIA. BABYLONIA. PERSIA. f HISTORY OP THE WORLD in htSjE "jS HISTORY OF THE WORLD pgJjJSB f -: HISTORY OF THE WORLD HISTORY OF THE x x HiSTORYfMSTORY OF THE 1 OF THE: RIDPATH VOL.11. PARTHIA GREECE MACEDONIA ALEXANDER THE fREAT "item RIDPATH VOL.MI- vEQwSSCwm famm ROME. E KINGDOM THE REPUBLIC THE EMPIRE- RIDPATH VOL.IV. barbarian AsrPMnrNCY, IthemohahneoaN ASCENDENCY. 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ADDRESS WrUonamoand addross carefully, and mall coupon THE COMMONER SEND COUPON TODAY 4.000 Large Pages 2,000 Superb Pictures RIT)l ATH takes you back to the dawn of history, long before the pyramids of Egypt were built; down through the ro mantic troubled times of Chaldea's grandeur and Assyria's magnificence; of Babylonia's wealth and luxury; of Grecian and Roman splendor; of Mohammedan culture and refinement; of French elegance and British power; of American patriotism and religious freedom, to the dawn of yesterday. He covers every race, every nation, every time, and holds you spellbound Dy his wonderful eloquence. Nothing more Interesting, ab sorbing and inspiring was ever written by man. T IDPATH throws tho mantle of personality over the old he-o-nrSif lliftory- Alexander is there; patriot, warrior, states man, diplomat crowning the glory of Grecian history. 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