The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, November 04, 1910, Page 9, Image 9

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    jWWi' arqQiff ' r-ynrvjtyy. prT n pf , 4, ,jT
The Commoner.
NOVEMBER 4, 1310
take two oundcs of rosewater (about
four tablespoonfuis), half an ounco
of glycerine (ono tablespoonful), and
flvo drops of carbolic acid. Mix well,
and after partly drying tho hands,
rub a' few drops of this well into the
hands. Honey, ono ounce, lemon
Juice ono ounce, and two ounces of
eau do cologne, well mixed, and ap
plied as tho above, is good. For
washing the hands and face, take a
gallon of fresh rain water, half an
ounco of powdered borax, and four
ounces of oatmeal; let stand for
three days, then drain off and keep
in a cool place. Do not use if it
sours, but make fresh. Always use
rain water for toilet purposes, if
Query Box
.Housewife Clean tho bamboo
furniture with a small brush dipped
in warm, weak salt water. Tho salt
will prevent the bamboo turning
Mrs. L. Three cupfuls of stowed
' pumpkin, a cup and a half of sugar,
three well beaten eggs, three cups of
sfreet milk, and a' pinch of salt. Fla
vor with a little ginger or nutmeg.
Bako in single crust.
"A Subscriber" says, to mako vel
vet look liko now, dip a brush in
clean, damp sand and lightly brush
tho velvet against the pile, then
shake out the sand.
F. A. If the passementerie is good
and only looks gray and dingy,
sponge both sides of it with clear,
strong tea and a little ammonia.
John S. For varnishing the leath
er goods, take equal parts of gum
.arable water and the white of an egg.
mix well and apply. If the article
"is likely to bo handled much, tho
white of an egg with less water than
egg will serve.
Minnie To remove the grease
from tho wall paper, mix pipe clay
, with water tq t tljie consistency of
cream, 'spread U on ' the spot and
leave until next day, then brush off.
If necessary, repeat.
T. T. To remove the iron rust
spots quickly, have a teakettle of wa
ter boiling on tho stove; take the
garment dry; cut and squeezo lemon
juice on the spot and cover with salt,
wetting tho salt with lemon juice.
Hold the spot over the steaming ket
tle spout and the spots should dis
appear. E. J. C. For tho nickle-plating
that has -rusted, try covering the spot
with mutton tallow and let stand for
several days; then follow this treat
ment with a rubbing with a good
metal polish, and then a thorough
washing with strong ammonia, rins
'ing with clear water, and giving a
"final polish with dry whiting. This
Is generally effective.
"What Others Tell Us
Mrs. L. says: In cleaning the win
dows, this fall, rub them with a cloth
dipped in a thin mixture of whiting
and ammonia1, let them dry, and then
polish with a soft dry cloth. Don't
use soap, as it streaks them.
Mrs. E. S. says: When putting
away seed beans, if they are put in
a fruit jar, and a cloth or paper sat
urated with carbolic acid laid on top
of them, there will bo no bugs; paste
a piece of paper and one of muslin
on top of the can. (Thanks for kind
words, also.)
E. A. T. says: I wish to add one
to tho other good things recommend
ed for strengthening tho feet and
making them healthy; just bathe
them occasionally in sunshirie every
day, or two or three times a week,
especially in warm weather. This,
in connection with wbat you advise
' will help; at least it does for me.
"A Reader" offers a cure for wom
an's inclination to cry. "A Reader"
must certainly be of tho "sterner
sex," or ho would know tbat women
on't cry from physical pain they
just glory in physical martyrdom.
They just cry 'because." And why
they cry, "no man knowoth," any
moro than they themselves do. Guess
again, brother.
, Bleaching Muslin
Answering "A Reader:" Placo a
boilerful of deeply, blued water on
tho stovo and unroll tho muslin; put
it into tho boiler and let it como to
a steady boil; boil flvo minutes, lift
ing and stirring, then removo from
the boiler and, without wringing,
hang 6n the lino to drip dry In full
sunlight. When dry, iron, and de
pend on the first washing to mako
it a clear white.
Another: Into eight quarts of
warm water put ono pound of chlo
rido of lime; stir this with a stick
until all is dissolved. Add to this
flvo pailfuls of warm water; stir it
well, then put in tho muslin. This
quantity will bleach about twent-y-five
yards of muslin. Let it remain
ono hour in tho lime water, turning
it over occasionally, so that every
part will bo thoroughly wet. When
taken out, wash through two waters
to remove tho lime, and hang on the
lino to dry.
Thanksgiving Cakes
Raised Loaf Cake At night, mix
one pint of milk, scalded and cooled,
one teaspoonful of salt, half a cup
ful of live yeast, five or six cupfuls
of flour, or enough to mako a soft
dough, and set to rise. In tho morn
ing prepare one cupful of butter,
creamed with two cupfuls of brown
sugar, one tablespoonful of mixed
spices cinnamon, nutmeg, and all
spice, and four eggs, yolks and
whites beaten separately. Add this
mixture to tho dough, and beat well
with a strong spoon. Add two cup
fuls of seeded and chopped raisins
or qnc cupful of currants, and half
a cupful of shredded citron, flouring
the fruit after cleaning it. Let rise
in a bowl until light, stir it down
and pour into two deep cake tins,
making them each two-thirds full;
let stand in a warm placo fifteen or
twenty minutes, then bake ono hour
or longer" in a moderate oven.
Old Virginia Doughnuts This
recipe will mako quite a lot of cakes:
Melt half a pound of butter in a
quart of new milk, brought to tho
boiling point. Beat three eggs un
til very light and mix with two
pounds of sugar, stirring this also
into the milk and butter when near
ly cold; stir in a cupful of yeast, or
two cakes of compressed yeast dis
solved in a cupful of lukewarm wa
ter, a teaspoonful of salt and flour
enough to make a dough stiff enough
to roll out. Let stand until light;
add two grated"- nutmegs and let it
stand, until light again, then roll
out, cut into shapes and fry In smok-ing-hot
Fruit Cake One cupful of butter
and two cupfuls of sugar creamed to
gether; add five well-beaten eggs,
one cup of molasses, ono tablespoon
ful each of ground cinnamon, nut
meg and cloves. Clean and seed ono
and one-half pounds "of raisins, wash
and dry one and "one-half pounds of
currants, shred one-fourth pound of
citron, flouring the fruit well with
five cupfuls of flour; beat all Into
the other ingredients and stir well;
it should be rather thick. Line deep
tins with buttered paper, pour in
the batter, dividing into four large
cakes; bake slowly for two hours,
or a little longer, being careful not
to scorch. When removed from tho
oven, let stand a' few minutes bo the
cakes can bo removed from tho pans
without disturbing tho paper, and
when thoroughly cold, cover closely
in a stone jar or tin box. This cake
should be made at least six weeks
before it Is cut, and Is fine. Re
quires no loda, baking powder or
Commoner Clubs
Three Papers for One Dollar Clubs
Knelt Three Pnpcrn In ISnch Group One IhII
Yenr for Oni; Dollar
Commoner, American Homestead find Woman's World, till three
ano year for 31,99
Commoner, People's Popular Monthly and American Homantoad, -
all thrco one year for 1.0
Commoner, American Poultryman and American Homestead, all
thrco one year for 1.00
Commoner, Tho Badger and American Homestead, all three ono
ycur for .', 1.00
Splendid Two for One Dollar Clubs
Any Pnper la thin JAnt In Combination Willi
The Ootnmonrr, llofh One Year fur 91.00
Tho Commoner and "Weekly Nashville American, both one year.. 81.00
Tho Commoner and Hoys' World, both ono year for 1.00
The Commoner and Weekly Commercial-Appeal, both ono year.. 1.00
The Commoner and Chattanooga News, both ono year for 1.00
The Commoner and Industrious Hen, both ono year for 1.00
Tho Commoner and National Fruit Grower, both ono year for.... 1.00
Tho Commoner and Poultry Success, both one year for 1.00
Tho Commoner and Reliable Poultry Journal, both ono year for., l.oo
Tho Commoner and St. Louis Republic, both one year for 1.00
Tho Commoner and Southern Fruit Grower, both ono year for... 1.00
Six Attractive Newspaper Offers
Regular $1.00 Pnpern In Combination Willi The
Commoner, Hotb One Vcnr for S1.25,
Thrlce-a-Weelc Now York World and Tho Commoner, both ono
year for S1.S5
Word and Works with Hicks' Almanac, and Tho Commoner, both
one year for '. 1.28
LaFollctto's Magazine, and The Commoner, both ono year for.. 1.23
Cincinnati Enquirer, and Tho Commoner, both ono year for J.2S.
Undo Remus' Magazine, and The Commoner, both ono year for.. 1.25
Weekly Courier-Journal, and Tho Commoner, both ono year for. . 1.25
Leading Magazine Clubbing Offers
Standard American MngnxiiicH and Periodical
In Combination With The Commoner
Publisher' Price with
Price Commoner
American Magazino $1.50 31.75
American Motherhood , 1.00 1.90
American Boy j. ... 1.00 1.50
Current Literature 3.00 3.25
Cosmopolitan Magazine : 1.00 , 1.69
Delineator 1.00 1.55
Etudo-7-For Music Lovers u.u- 1.00 1.75
Everybody's Magazine 1.50 1.80
Field and Stream 1.50 1.80
Forest and Stream 3.00 3.00
Good Housekeeping , 1.25 1.75
Health Culture -. 1.00 1.59
Housekeeper 1.00 1.50
Harper's Bazaar ... 1.25 1.76
The Independent 3.00 3.00
Literary Digest -. ... 3.00 8.25
McCaU's Magazine 50 1.05
McCluro's Magazine 1.C0 1.85
Metropolitan Magazine .'.... 1.50 1.75
Modern Prlscllla 75 JL3S
Outing 3.00 3.19
Outlook : 3.00 3.50
Pacific Monthly 1.50 i.9
The Public 1.00 1.3
Pictorial Review 1.00 uw
Pearson's Magazine . . . . , 1.50 1.75
Recreation 3.00 - 3.99
Review of Reviews.... , 8.00 3.09
Sturm's Oklahoma Magazine 1.50 1.99
Success Magazine 1.00 1.75
Scrlbner's Magazine 3.00 355
Twentieth Century 2.00 2.09
Table Talk 1.50 1.59
Taylor-Trotwood Magazine 1.50 1.00
Technical World 1.50 140
Woman's Home Companion 1.60 1.75
World's Events r 1.00 IAS
World of Today 1.50 u&$
Commoner readers will save money by ordering subscrip
tions in clubs. Send us a list of all papers and magazines
you wish to take and let us quote you the lowest possible
rate for the club. Invite your friends to join you.
Address all Orders to THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Neb.
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