"J iflt 'VP' "f f" -ytl p . ft i"v - ! 'J" - "Vi 9 The Commoner. 3 NOVEMBER 4, 1910 ftwgez- 4S'ri-"'",y5iiS,'raf,w7i" R- r l v it1 braska. In tho latest issue of the Trado Review Mr. Buslmoll speaks of Senator Burkott in these .words: "Why should business men of Nebraska, who have constantly to advance trust-raado goods which thfcy sell, make more and more burden some their business by sending men to WaBhing- ton to voto with Aldrich and Crane and the Louisiana senators, instead of voting with men of the west and for home interests? Why should Nebraska, the business men of Nebraska, keep in the senato of the United States a senator to voto for that which Rhode Island wants rather than for the things of vital interest to this state? "Why should a senator from Nobraska voto to make barbed wire higher to the consumers of this state, to make cotton and woolen goods higher, to make rubber goods higher, voto against free lumber, vote with the harvester trust and with the sugar trust, and then expect business men to vote to return him to misrepre sent them into an indefinlto future?" Here is another pestiferous progressive repub lican who gets his facts from the Congressional Record rather than from Senator Burkett. His seditious utterances right at this time give fresh point to the moral that a senator who is standpat in Washington and insurgent out on the hustings has a hard row to hoe. Omaha World-Herald. SENATOR DOLLIVER'S DEATH The death of Senator Jonathan P. Dolliver is a real loss to the country. He was stricken down In the very zenith of his power, and his place will not bo easily filled. His long experience in public life and his large acquaintance, together with his great ability, gave him a commanding position in the senate and in the political world, while the zeal with which he attacked and ex posed the predatory interests made him a tower of strength to the progressive element of the country. The cause of tariff reform seemed to arouse his energies to their maximum he was at his best when he was inveighing against the 'mon strosities of the Payno-Aldrich bill, and his fame, like the fame of Senator Hoar, reached its highest point in opposing rather than in defend ing the policy of his party. Democrats who formerly feared Senator Dolli ver as the most brilliant and resourceful of the republican orators, have been drawn toward him during the past year as they saw him measuring swords with the leaders of privilege and favor itism. The deep and universal sorrow expressed at his sudden taking off is evidence that devo tion to the public welfare is really appreciated by the people. THE SUPREME QUESTION There, is one issue and only one which manifests itself everywhere and at all times; it is the conflict between the organized few who clamor for privileges and favors, and the un organized many who ask nothing but the right to enjoy the proceeds of their own toil under laws which guarantee equal and exact justice. This is the never ending struggle which Is go ing on in all lands in the United States as well as in other countries. It is of vital importance that every senator and congressman shall be on the side of the people; that every one who represents the people at Washington shall say what the people wait said and do what the people want done. See that the men you support for congress and the senate are on your side. See that their hearts are right, for out of the heart are the issues of life. A man's head may lead him astray on some questions but his heart is wrong" if he takes the side of those who want to use the government as a private asset In business. POLITE An average of 89 per cent duty on woolen goods makes such goods cost nearly twice aB much as they ought to. If, instead of substi tuting shoddy or cotton for wool, the men wear only one woolen sock out of courtesy to a lilgh tariff law they would soon know what it costs to be polite to the protective principles. Our government can not be accused of undue haste in recognizing the republic of Portugal. If Portugal had been as far south as Panama or as far west aB Hawaii the president might havo acted more quickly. The Nebraska Situation In speaking at Lincoln, Nob., on Monday night, October 31, Mr. Bryan discussed national issues, following the lino of Ills Indianapolis speech. Ho concluded with a statement of his position on tho local situation as follows: After what I havo said In rogard to tho Im portance of national issues I need hardly add that I regard them aB paramount when wo are considering tho claims of those who aro candi dates for national offices. Our democratic candi dates for congress and tho United States senato in this .state all stand for democratic principle and policies as those principles and policies aro set forth in tho democratic national platform of 1908, and I believo that they are entitled to tho votes of democrats whatever their position may bo on local questions and on minor national , questions. I havo on former occasions' Btatcd my position on county option and tho eight o'clock closing law, and it is not necessary to reiterate what I havo said on these subjects. Noithor is it neces sary to discuss tho initiative and referendum since all parties havo endorsed it in this state, and I take it for granted that candidates for tho legislature are all committed to It. Our United States senator must be elected by tho legislature, and theroforo wo must elect him when we elect tho legislature, but fortunately our state has adopted tho Oregon plan, which enables us to'soparato local issues from national ones If tho legislators aro willing to do so. In any district in which tho republican candidato refuses to sign Statement No. 1, agreeing to support tho senatorial candidato receiving tho highest number of votes at" tho election, In such district the democratic candidato should, in my judgment, bo elected, no matter what his posi tion may be on stato issues. Where both candi dates sign Statoment No. 1 national questions aro eliminated and voters can bo governed by their views on local issues. In such districts I would advlso democrats to voto against demo cratic candidates committed to tho program of the liquor interests, provided tho opposing re publicans are committed against tho liquor program. Tho stato ofllcers, except tho govornor, havo nothing to do with legislation and but little to do with shaping tho policy of the party on public questions, and I shall support tho democratic candidates. The governor, however, stands in a different position, and I owo it to tho democrats of tho state to define my own attitude and to set forth the reasons for withholding my support from Mr. Dahlman. It might be sufficient to say that ho was not tho choice of a majority of tho demo crats who voted at tho primary. He received considerably less than half of tho democratic vote polled and owes his nomination to the sup port of wet republicans who entered ourprl mary and converted a democratic minority into a combination majority. , Even then his ma jority was only about two hundred, and while this majority, secured in the open primary through the aid of republicans, gives him a legal right to the nomination, it does not give him a' moral right to the democratic vote of the state. He received 27,591 including tho votes of the wet. republicans a little more than one-fifth of the democratic vote cast two years ago. On tho strength of this kind of an endorsement ho pro ceeds to announce that ho will veto, if passed, the proposition which the last democratic state convention and ho was a member of it re fused, by a vote of 638 to 202, to condemn. And not content with that, ho announces that ho will sign, if passed, a bill repealing tho daylight saloon law, a law endorsed b"y the laBt demo cratic stato convention by a vote of 710 to 163. Surely no democrat should bo asked to voto for Mr. Dahlman on tho ground of regularity. He does not expect it, for he presents tho issue which he embodies as a non-partisan Issue and justifies his determination to veto a county op tion bill on the ground that his election will mean that a majority of tho people want him to veto it. Since tho issue is presented upon its own merits and not as a party issue, each voter is at liberty to cast his vote regardless of the party affiliations of tho candidate." In tho exer cise of that right I withhold my support from i Mr. Dahlman. National Issues are not involved, and the subordination of all other local issues to the liquor question makes it impossible for a democrat to vote for him without endorsing the position which ho has taken in regard to tho liquor legislation. I am not willing to -turn the democratic party over to tho breweries and mako It tho opon and avowed champion of tho liquor Interests our party has a hlghor mission than that. It Is not necessary to consider Mr. Dahlman's good quali ties, and ho has many of them, but no man in good enough to bo intrusted with executive power whon that power Jh conferred by thoBO who constttuto tho controlling lnfiuonco back of his campaign. As domocrnts wo aro opposed to allowing tho tariff barons to mnko tho tariff laws; wo aro opposed to allowing tho trusts to mako and onforco laws against prlvato mon opoly, and wo can not endorso tho doctrlno that tho liquor trust tho basest of all trusts- should control tho making and enforcing of liquor lawB. Tho liquor business Is on tho defensive; its representatives aro for tho most part lawless themselves and in leaguo with lawlessness. Thoy aro in partnership with tho gambling hall and tho.brothol. Thoy aro tho most corrupt and corrupting Influcnco In politics, and I shall not, by voico or voto, aid thorn In establishing a reign of terror In this stato. Even boforo tho election thoy aro impudently attempting to ques tion tho democracy of every mombor of tho party who refusos to allow them to censor his speeches. Thoy will, if successful in this cam paign, insist on controlling tho party. Wo must meet tho conditions that now con front us, and each ono must net as ho thinks best. I shall neither speak for Mr. Dahlman nor voto for him. I hope to see him defeated by a majority so overwhelming as to warn tho brewers, distillers and liquor dealers to retiro from Nebraska politics and allow the pooplo to act upon tho liquor question aB thoy do upon other questions. But whothor Mr. Dahlman is elected or de feated I shall continuo my protest against tho domination of our party by tho liquor interests. I shall contribute whatever assistanco I can to tho effort which will bo mado to put an end to tho spree upon which our paTty seoma to havo ombarked. I am not willing thnt tho party shall die of delirium tremens. An appeal will be made from Philip drunk to Philip sober, and I am confident that tho appeal will bo success ful, that tho party will rise again to tho high plane upon which it has conducted Its campaigns In this, stato for nearly two decades and appeal once moro to tho conscience and moral sonso of tho people. GLOSSARY OP CURRENT POLITICAL TERMS Initiative A method of popular lawmaking by which a certain proportion of tho community initiates legislation without the intervention of tho legislature. Referendum Tho submission of public measure or law, passed by a legislative body, to a voto of the people for ratification or rejection Payne-Aldrlch Tariff Tho rates of duties on imports into tho United States under tho cus toms tariff act of August 5, 1909. Cannonlsm Tho term applied to the almost absolute control of tho house of representatives through tho speaker and tho commlttco on rules. Standpatter Ono opposed to any modification or revision of tho tariff. Insurgent A republican favoring a moro thorough revision of tho tariff, and hostile to various policies of tho Taft administration and tho republican organization. Friar Lands Tho estates In tho Philippines formerly held by religious orders, amounting to about 400,000 acres, which wero bought for $7,090,000 by tho government. Direct Nominations Tho system by which members of a party directly select its candidates instead of electing delegates to a convention to chooso tho party candidates. New Nationalism Tho body of doctrines laid down by Mr. Roosevelt In his speech at Osa watomle, Kan., August 30 last. ".My Policies" The term applied by Mr. Roosevelt to tho various measures which ho favors. Inheritance Tax A tax levied on estates passing to heirs of former holder. Plank That part of a party's platform or declaration of principles that relates to a par ticular subject like tho tariff, tho trusts, pub licity of campaign expenses, etc. "Tho Big Stick" Mr. Roosevelt's expression. The threat of forco or violenco or coercion. Tho Old Guard Tho term applied to such republican bosses in New York as opposed Mr. Roosevelt at the Saratoga convention. Tho Machine A combination of political bosses and their creatures who assume tho pow er to control their party's action. New York World. 1