&&. li The Commoner. !.''' VOLUME 10.. NUMBER 48 hi V,I fti I.T K us Before the Battle Novor in American history was tho political situation so feverish as is now the case In all sections of tho country. Everywhere tho fight has grown hotter and hotter and all sorts of personalities are being indulged in. In New York the gubernatorial fight is par ticularly bitter. Mr. Roosevelt is on tho stump and has attacked Mr. Dix, democratic nominee i for governor. Judge Alton B. Parker is mak ing speeches in which he attacks Mr. Hoosevelt's record as a trust buster. Martin W Littleton,. candidate for congress in the Oyster Bay dis trict, charges that Mr. Stimson, republican nom inee for governor, had enjoyed closo personal relations with Charles W. Morse, tho ice trust king, whom he later sent to prison as an attor ney for a New York national bank. Tho im pression seems to be growing that Mr. Roose velt's candidate for governor of New York will bo defeated, and tho professional betting appears to bo in favor of Dix, the democratic nominee. In Pennsylvania the editor of tho Philadelphia North American has been arrested on a warrant sworn out by John K. Tenor, republican candi date for governor. The editor, E. A. Van Val kenburg, Is charged with criminal libel because ho intimated that Tenor had sold his name to "a fraudulent and swindling corporation." Mr. Roosevelt has injected himself into the Connecticult campaign and has attacked former Chief Justice Baldwin, who Ib the democratic nominee for governor. Judge Baldwin has writ ten to the former president the following letter: "Hon. Theodore Roosevelt, LL. D. Dear Sir: In tho newspaper reportsof a speech delivered, by you at Concord, N. H.', on October 22, it is stated that you remarked that the democratic party of Connecticut had nominated for gov ernor a former judge who was 'a man who took tho view that it was competent for the work man, when driven to accept any employment to grind him to bind himself not to be compen sated, if he lost lifo or limb in that occupation.' I never took such a view. I never stated that I took such a view. Such a view would be opposed to the settled principles of law, and no competent lawyer could or would take it. I trust that your remarks at Concord were mis-., interpreted; if not, you certainly were misinVr formed. If you did, in fact, make the charge against me, or one substantially of that charac ter, I write to request that you would retract it, as it is ono calculated to affect my standing as a lawyer (at least among those who do not know me) , as well as to prejudice my position as a candidate for public office,. Yours truly, "SIMEON E. BALDWIN." In Indiana the fight swings around the sena torial contest with John IV. Kern, tho democratic candidate, and Senator Beveridge, struggling for re-election. Mr. Kern's friends are much more hopeful than the followers of Mr. Beve ridge are. Tho New York Herald, which has generally shown itself to he reliable In election predic tions, says that'the democrats will probably win In New York state. The Herald's canvass in dicates that the next house will be democratic. The Herald gives 179 districts to the democrats, 151 to the republicans with 61 districts in doubt. The Herald's canvass shows that political lines everywhere are broken. It shows that districts that heretofore have been republican in Con necticut, Illinois, Iowa, Massachusetts, Pennsyl vania, Minnesota, New York and Wisconsin are now in tho doubtful column and likely to go democratic. As to the next United States senate the Herald shows that the democrats and insurgents will be in control. ThoJIerald says: "The senate consists of ninety-two members. There are now three vacancies, caused by death Mr. McEnery of Louisiana, and Mr. Daniel of Virginia,, both democrats, and Mr. Dolliver of Iowa, republican. It is proper to assume that when these vacancies are filled the political sentiment of tho incumbents will bo tho same as that of their predecessors. Making tho basis of argument on the full senate, there are fifty nine republicans and thirty-three democrats. Drawing the line between the conservatives and the insurgents, the political control of the sen ate has almost passed away from tho conserva tives into the hands of the democrats and the Insurgents. There Is twenty-six republican ma jority in tho senate, including tho Insurgents. There aro at least eleven insurgents in the Ben ate, which makes the margin very small, and occasionally tho regulars have had to obtain democratic votes to save them from defeat. On March 3, 1911, tho terms of thirty senators will expire. Of tho six democrats Senator James R. Frazier of Tennessee, appears to be the only one in danger. The other democratic seats then to bo vacant aro thoso of Texas, Virginia, Mis sissippi, Maryland and Florida. But twenty four republicans go out, and of these the demo crats have already gained one, in Maine, whero a democrat will succeed Senator Eugene Halo. Senator Aldrich of Rhode Island, has decided to retire at -the end of the present term, on March 3, 1911. In consequence there is great dis turbance in Hhode Island over his successor. There are three candidates Colonel Henry F. Lippett, Robert Ives Gammell and Colonel Sam upI P. Colt. Tho republicans can see no great defection threatening tho legislature, but the democrats assert that they will sweep every thing in Rhode Island. . What is the forecast? Of tho three insurgent senators Beveridge, Clnpp and LaFollette Mr. Beverldge's" election is in doubt, while Mr. Clapp and Mr. La Follette will be returned. There will also ho a repub lican successor to Senator TDolHver. Of the con servative senators, tho seats of Messrs. Bulkeley, Depew, Dick, Dupont and Kean are in doubt. Messrs. Burrows, McCumber and Piles will be succeeded by Insurgents. Messrs. Hale and Warner, beyond question, will he succeeded by democrats. This is a net loss to tho conserva tive republicans of five, with the possibility of six more "being succeeded either by Insurgents or democrats. The forecast Is that the demo crats and insurgents will easily control tho United States senate after March 3, 1911." Tn Ohio the political situation Is so complex that only an election can solve It. Tn Connecticut the republicans aro badly scared. 'Tn Nebraska a hot fight is on between Dahl man. the democratic nominee for governor, and Aldrich, the republican nominee, and between Hitchcock, the democratic nominee for senator, and Burkett, the republican nominee for senator. Party lines in Nebraska are badly broken and both sides claim the victory with but little bet 'ting and no experienced 'men willing to make predictions as to tho result. Tn California a hot fictfit is on between Theo dore A. Bell, democratic nominee for governor, and Hiram W. Johnson, republican candidate. Democrats claim that Bell will be elected and that California will have democratic victories generally. In Massachusetts democratic dissension has made results uncertain and the friends of Sen ator Lodge claim that Roosevelt's speeches in Lodge's behalf will Insure his re-election. At tho same time many reform republicans are condemning the former president for urging the election of a senator who stands for "the system." GOING SLOW, The American Economist (tho mouthpiece of the interests that havo grown powerful through tariff extortion) prints a story from Washing ton to tho effect that tho tariff board is "dis posed to go slow," and that "little progress has been made thus far in ascertaining the cost of production either at home or abroad." This prompts LaFollette's Magazine to in quire: "Does this mean that the Economist has Inside information? Or merely that it Is just 'playing horse' with the. public, well knowing that the tariff board Is' a hody without power and without authority to do the work required of a tariff commission and that it was made so by Aldrich and his 'me-too senators?" WALL STREET ALLIANCES Mr. Roosevelt begins his campaign in New York by charging that Tammany has made an alliance with Wall Street. That is important, if true, and as bad as it Is important. But why does Mr. Roosevelt complain? Does he think the republican party has the exclusive right to an alliance with Wall Street? Does he think that his party has secured a prescriptive title to Wall Street's support? He has never won an office except when his party has had an alliance with Wall Street. He was an enthu siastic supporter of the, alliance which the re publican party made with Wall Street In 1896 and as a result of the victory he became assis tant secretary of tho navy and colonel in the Spanish war. His party was in alliance- with Wall Street in 1896 when he was elected gov ernor of New York with the aid of Senator Piatt. His party wa3 In alliance with Wall Street In 1900 when ho was elected vice presi dent. His party was in alliance with Wall Street In 1904 when ho waa elected president, and again in 1908 when h picked out bin successor. m In all these campaigns he knew that Wall "Street was in open and notorious alliance with the republican party and it did not arouse his indignation. Why is he so wrathful at the possibility of the alliance being dissolved? And is ho sure it is dissolved? Can Tammany get closer to Wall Street than Mr. Root? if so, sinco when? What influences elected Mr Root to the senate? It will be remembered that Mr. Roosevelt tried to make the public believe that the Stand ard Oil company was supporting the democratic party in the campaign of 1908, but just before the election Mr. Rockefeller gave out an inter view, urging the election of Mr. Taft too lato t for the country voters to find It out. Possibly Wall Street will be "practical" enough to conceal its support of the Roosevelt ticket until just before tho election, or even until after. CUMMINS' INDORSEMENT Now that Senator Cummins of Iowa has spoken in Nebraska in the effort to hold pro gressive republican voters in line for republican senators and congressmen seeking re-election, it is interesting to note what he said in Chicago just before coming to Nebraska, and what a progressive republican newspaper in that city thought about it. In the course of hie Chicago speech Senator Cummins pleaded for the election of every re publican candidate in Illinois, including Speaker Cannon. He used these words: "I certainly desire that every man the repub licans of Illinois have nominated shall be elect ed. Any man who can draw from any of my speeches the conclusion that I would substitute for any republican the best democrat on earth is sadly in need of a mental stimulant." How much is Senators Cummins' indorsement worth, to any republican candidate, when he frankly declares that he prefers "any republi can," no matter how bad, no matter how faith less, no matter how 'slavish a tool of the special interests, to "the best democrat on earth;" how much is it worth? What weight can any -Independent voter, weighing the records of Burkett and Norris and Kinkaid, give to the plea of a man who takes this position? This is what the Chicago Record-Herald, con sistent but progressive republican newspaper, thinks about it: "The speech of Senator Cummins in this city was certainly 'regular' enough to satisfy the most hardened standpatter. The senator virtu ally declared that the most reactionary repub lican, if 'honest' in his beliefs, should bo pre ferred by voters to the most level-headed and progressive democrat; . and he asserted in so many words that he would rather suffer the mistakes of the Payne-Aldrich tariff for a thou sand years than the disaster of a tariff for revenue for a single month. "Having made up his mind to encourage the 'regulars' and emphasize his own loyalty to party, Senator Cummins was regular with a ven geance. He knew he was expected to stand straight; he leaned backward so far backward that the effect must have been bewildering to many independents and more democrats." Omaha World-Herald. SENATOR BURKETT AT PENDER C. O. Whedon, whom the Nebraska insurgents supported in the republican primaries as a can didate for senator against Mr. Burkett, is de nounced as a liar by Mr. Burkett in a speech which the latter delivered in Pender Tuesday night. In response to a question from the au dience he said that Whedon was a "liar," and that "the contents of the circular he published and distributed were false In every particular." Since every statement that Mr. Whedon made in his circular was based upon the Congressional Record, and is substantiated by the proceedings of the house as published in the Record, tho Congressional Record must also be a liar. And, in addition, a brand new "liar," of strong republican faith and with an honored re publican record, has just sprung up in Lincoln. H. M, Bushnell is one of the best known and most substantial citizens of Lincoln. He served as a postmaster there, and was for several y ars editor of the Lincoln Call, a republican daily. He is now publisher and editor of the Trade Review, a thriving publication devoted to th upbuilding of tho commercial interests of Ne-