The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, November 04, 1910, Page 13, Image 13

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The Commoner.
NOVEMBER 4," 1010
hearted plea for the eleciien of Mr.
Kern, a plea in which all the great
issues were discussed, and as such
was in striking contrast with the
speech delivered last week from the
game platform .in advocacy of the
election of Mr. Beveridge. TherQ
were no dodging and evading, no
mere generalities, no homilies in
praise of virtues which all admit to
be admirable. Mr. Bryan, unlike
Mr. Beveridge's champion, discussed
controverted questions. And ho car
ried his audience with him. Those
who were not fortunate enough to
hear the spoech should read it. The
man who begins it will hardly And
It possible to lay It down till he has
finished it.
Mr. Hoosevelt now says that had
that control (of the Saratoga conven
tion) been absolute, the tariff plank
would have been different. The de-
claimer comes too late. Theodore
Mr. Roosevelt's Outlook article,
which is in substance what ho said
at Sioux Falls. The membors of Mr.
Roosevelt's committee did not con
cern themselves with the failure of
the Payne tariff to glvo "general sat
isfaction." They wero satisfied with
it, and said so. Through them Mr.
Roosevelt said so. It is for this rea
son that the republican insurgents of
the west accuso him of surrendering
to "the bandits of plutocracy."
It is our opinion that Mr. Roosevelt
will have to stand on the tariff plank
of his platform. New York Times.
The New York Commercial, which
la one of the most consistent and ncr-
slstent boosters of the ship subsidy
graft In the country, Is somewhat dis
turbed at the trend of political
events. It saysr
"It Is amazing that in a congres
sional campaign like the present one,
wherein a mighty struggle is going
Roosevelt made up the committee on on for political control of the next
resolutions which rlrn.ft.prt that, tariff I .-...,, t i.nnMniiflvna nnn Tinnrn
plank. One minute before he named
the members of the committee ho
took the already prepared typewrit
ten list and struck off the names of
several delegates who had opposed
his wishes during the debate, and
substituted for them the names of
other delegates, who could be fully
trusted to do his bidding.
It was his committee. "When tho
platform was reported to the conven
tion no word of dissent was heard
from him. It was open to him to
movo an amendment. He was per
fectly free to declare, if so minded,
that a tariff plank phrased to meet
the approval of Cannon and Payne
and Aldrich would not be a good
thing for the republican party in New
York this year. He did nothing of
the kind. The platform was adopted,
it stands as the republican paTty's
declaration of policy. It is as much
Mr. Roosevelt's platform as it would
have been had he written it; for the
men who did write it were his close
friends and appointees. He accepted
tho platform, tariff plank and all,
and he spoke no word in criticism
of it, he gave no intimation that he
would have had it otherwise until
after his interview with tho distin
guished insurgent from Iowa.
At Carnegie hall he had a fine op
portunity to tell the men of the re
publican league In what way or ways
he would have had the tariff planlc
differently drawn. But instead of
that he spoke in praise of the plat
form, of the whole platform. Even
in the Outlook he had said: "I think
that the present tariff is better than
the one before the last; but it has
certainly failed to glvo general sat
isfaction." The Saratoga platform in
its praise and defense of tho tariff
Is therefore perfectly consistent with
TALITY Now York dispatch to tho Chicago
American: "If Thomas A. Edison
had paused to write hla views on 'Im
mortality' Instead of being 'Inter
viewed, ho would have avoided this
mass of contradictions, of anarchy
and folly," said tho Rov. C. P. Aked,
pastor of tho Fifth Avenue Baptist
church, yesterday, In reply to the
great inventor's views on tho here
after. Dr. Aked picked tho Interview to
pieces. He said ho had great rcBpect
and admiration and gratitude for Mr.
Edison, for his wonderful Inventions
of tho phonograph and several hun
dred other things, but thought that
neither Mr. Edison nor any other
man should attempt to discuss vast
themes of mankind, life and destiny
In an interview. He pointed out the
fact that tho United States supreme
court was listening to arguments In
tho Union Pacific rate cases nnd that
the learned judges would weigh each
word and polish each sentenco before
It rendered a decision and would not
attempt to decide offhand.
"Tho Interviewer says ho wont to
Mr. Edison because he has solved so
many puzzling problems," said Dr.
Aked. "Why go to Mr. Edison?
What metaphysical problems has ho
solved? What has he done to entitle
him to bo heard as an authority -ttpon
questions of tho human spirit and of
"Now, frankly, wo must rid our
selves of this delusion that the spe
cialist in one department is an au
thority to be heard in matters cf
which he is not a specialist.
"If Mr. Wellman crosses tho Atlan
tic ocean in his balloon, and I hope
that he does, are you ready to say
t1rf k.
nhlA jr
fA4wxrfi Ati
l"fn Jfl t
hit life tvJWL
!rrrffJr m
E?E?f?I? Thin Mr Hook Ilia
rate vr t
thaUtrat ttjlm andahocantalna
llluttratMl L.aea on Cttmf
and rmafclnf. And wkat t
peruana mora Important. I will tail
7 on dnu pattern of any trJ
abotrn In tho book AC Rv mate
each, ther arr the rarrto pattern
you haroatwari paid Daml lieta
lorai mtuv uj ma
tamo peopi and comet In
mrrj detail. im 7ml
way l JElvlJBC thla Mg
Look rilKK. 1 duWUIi the
mn ma caalno and I want Yottr
nar en rny MibTrtrrt I on Nit.
orient, entertaining, clean, and
lntnctle Jtmt theaortofApa-
ftrjou atiottfd lia vo In 7 oaf bom
t Ij dtffartmrata lartrnrj fee
turoof ttiobomo Ufa. and Mint a
thecfcalceft fiction crcrr month.
Kreryloe hs paste derated te
latest faUilon, fully llltMtrated.
anal I urtH aantf yu That HOMI
houso of representatives, one hears
or reads so little about this great
merchant marine issue practically
nothing and it is one of tho most
important that confronts the Ameri
can people today."
Republican candidates for con
gress will probably be even more sur
Drised at the Commercial's surprise;
surprised, in fact, that it should have
so little comprehension of the popu
lar sentiment of tho country. Tho
ship subsidy subject is one that is
full of dynamite, especially in tho
great middle west, which will prob
ably have a large inlluence m tue
sixty-second congress. In the view
of the practical politician the less
said about ship subsidy during this
campaign the better. This is made
evident by the peculiar reticence of tnat that cntitles him to Bpeak aH an
the republican candidates concerning anvnfv intnmnfinngi r,mio
it. Right here at home, for instance,
we have as yet no light how Mr. Bev
and vrtll earn my Mc U
fee te you nice, rim sotn
rAtl rlll MMtlvil Titm Kami Ia.
I etrvrevrylaueforTiref,wIVear. Kaeblraee
for Z4 MaMMi It win unni 700 ina (- arm ict
Information ahont Rtrlca for woman and enlldnra.
Juet think of tuemoacy It trill avo yowl Mecaural
agree to aell yon any pattern you wanttaareaflrr
forf-eentn. Icanectll tham forrenfalooaaI buy
tliemlir tliotliooaandandalon'tmakaany eroOt, I
don't want tha irt. I want yotir milmcrlptlon to
Tha Hama Inatrwatar. Yoa will rare many tlmsa
Ua coat of tnr oftrrtn tha two yaara. Vrlto today.
erldge. candidate for senator, and
Mr. Cox, candidate for congress,
would vote on the question.
Nor do we hear of other republi
can candidates shouting from the
housetops that they are heart and
soul for ship subsidy and eager for a
chance to vote such a burden on
their constituents. On tho contrary,
it would appear to be pretty clear
that none o? them is going to say a
word about it If he can avoid it.
Thus, it is likely that the Commercial
must continue to be disappointed at
the lack of discussion. Ship subsidy
may still be a live wire, but it is one
carrying too high a voltage to be safe
to handle during a campaign.
Indianapolis Nows.
M1W, ill a., Iu CHr.
Under ordinary atmospheric pres
sure a cubic foot of water may be
converted into a cubic foot of steam.
Not Sisters
1Jnr and orfflin VOU see twO WOmM DAM
ing down the street who- look like waters.
You are astonished to learn that they are
mother and daughter, and you realize that
a woman at forty or forty-five ought to be
at her finest and fairest. Why isn't it so P
The general health ol woman b so in
timately associated with the local health
. of the essentially feminine organs that
there can be no red checks and round
' form where there i female weakness.
Women who bare uffewed Xroflp
tkk trouble bare foamd prowpt
i! A m afui oaa of Of.
Keroe'a Fsrrorke ftcrijition. It rea vor m rkaficy t &
oran f ynmx&o4L. ft eler Che oom&mriom, ha&tmm Ae
yea and reddens the &&.
No alcohol, or habit-fonaiagarnga '1
Any ck woaa say coaeoit TH. Keree by letter, JTiln
Ibeld as aaoredly confideatial, and anawwed m a pJata wdopt. Addrset
Wori?.1otrialical Aeseeietiea, Dr, R-V. Keree.Pre Baaalo, N.Ya
authority on international politics
and go to the Mansion houso and lec
ture the British people on their re
lations in Egypt, or to wield tho big
stick on tho backs of the people of
tho Nile? Will that entitle him to
say that the murder of a high official
in Cairo proves that tho people of
Egypt are unfit for self-government
and ought to bo dominated by the
British? Because of tho attempt to
murder Mayor Gaynor should tho
people of New York be declared unfit
for self government and a British
fleet sent up tho Hudson?
"These things are absurd! A man
of science is not qualified to discuss
such problems. His mind is taken
up with other things.
"Mr. Edison In his Interview gives
many Illustrations of bias. Mr. Edi
son is obsessed by the words 'super
natural' and 'supernormal.' He tells
us that nothing is supernaturnal or
supernormal, and although he uses
the words, he makes no attempt to
distinguish between them nor tell
what he means by the words as ho
uses them."
Dr. Aked was of the opinion that
Mr. Edison's interview waa doing
harm. He quoted philosophers who
held contrary views to those of the
inventor. He grew somewhat sarcas
tic when he alluded to the interview
er's question to Edison, "Are we ever
to know the what and the why?"
and Mr. Edison's reply, "I'm darned
if I know."
In contra-distinctlon to Mr. Edi
son's "I'm darned if I know," Dr.
Aked quoted Tennyson, who ho de
clared was Mr. Edison's intellectual
equal. Dr. Aked said Tennyson be
lieved in a hereafter, as he wrote:
"I hope to meet my Pilot face to faco
when I have crossed the bar."
ouble YsurHay Prefita!
Cut Down Coat of Ballnc!
IUU S lon rry hmr with tha Mllrhtlaat
doublc-orflclrmey hay prcaaltt the itmilAl
Tunoot AUTO fCDAJf tlwpU. mi to ran nl twa
nn aotdtd cU dawn labor eoat nt.tklrttl Tkrui
droka prm-itU-UA-tmij draft wain at aaaUr
andamoottirlaUalaa any athar prtM In ta wrM
Aik any man wbaawaaonal Bulpptd on fr trial t
raapoutlM partJaa. atlTB.muJI MAT HUMS Ca.
mmm .. '-Mrnmj MV
(rtk)" Hrrt( tt
0rfn f.f tfx uklaf.
Am hi muutcj .
.TblaJlaaotlful Malraawy.
Whlta.auaianiMiO (A QM
Wa make 1W vtylra, tho flaaaf
.ndbeitiMxiiin tuovona. wa
ill thematlowFactorylTloat.
you iuy.g"wrJUjrorytorT
1'rlcoa anil Hd CaUloe VllKK.
Marion IroaABraae Bad Co.. QQHAinai..iUrioa,la4.
P a2afVv ?LbbbHa 9L4QalKeaiBH'vjiBl
AOKNTH KAltN $7Ii to ZU) a month aellJiw
Novrlty Knives. IJlnrtwi, r7orrtr;ol. Hx month
guarantee Handle drcoratrd with rtamn, addreaa.
lodco cinhh-nin. trade denlirtin. iwrfonal
j Jcturea of IIhyaW and other cflebrctlea. Orea
irJlcnr. nitfrnnimbJilon. Write rjulck for terrltwr.
Kevelty Cutlary Co., 66 Bar St., Cantan,
CU11K "nt hy tsxxnr.rj. to you on
Krco Trial. J f it curca send tl; If
Dot, don't, fJlvo tixxn-tiPt office.
National Chemical Co., 719 Ohio Ave, Sidney, O.
Bin ''They tell me that yr old
friend Jimmy got'r Job yesterday."
Dan "Ain't it terrible, Bill, wot
some people will do f'r money?"
Sydney Bulletin.
Waffles K. Ce1emnn,
ratent lAtTyer.WaabhigUia,
S.C. Advlc and hooka free
Baiea reasonable, HSebcat reCcnuiOMt, ilowtaarvlcea.
HAN RK 3ITUK. Mr BJlM. aootblnc. nurantaad ear
I It nd TV.I AMPLE PTrre It.
tnd euraa to Uy. "WHITE flOW-TODAT.
XKVht prrre It. fiTOrfl TBE 1TCK2M
Dan't Wear A Truss.
Brnoltt Appliance New dl-covcry-.
Wonderful. No obnox
ious Bprioxx orpadK. Automatlrs
Mr Cnalilorui. Jtluda unA
draw the broken parte
together ub yea WOHlel
broken Limb. NojEalvca. Ho
Jyrnphol. No Ilea. Durable,
cheap. SentonlriaL PaC8pt.
10, 1901.
a E. BROOKS, 3380 Brooks
Building, MarthalL Mictu
In beautiful colore and defdena, all new andentxw'
aed. and I will tell you about ray bljr aarprlae eJfer
which will rarely Interest yoo. (Jet the cards any
iray.Theyre yours. Address T. M. Jfarrlr, Com
moner Illdc, Lincoln, Neb.
t i
,- ..