The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, October 21, 1910, Page 7, Image 7

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OCTOBER 21, 1910
The Commoner.
senator from Iowa died October 10 at his
home in Fort Dodge, Towa. Spnator. Poll Ivor
had been ill for some time with, an affection of
the heart, although in the midst of it all he
carried on his part of the tremendous fight in
which he was engagdd. Ho was a famous ora
tor, a leading insurgent and was spoken of as a
presidential possibility in 1912. Funeral ser
vices were held at Fort Dodge, Thursday, Octo
ber 20. .
IN THE HOUSE of deputies in the Episcopal
church convention at Cincinnati the - pro
posal to Include in the ritual of the church a
form of prayer for the sick as a means of heal
ing, was defeated largely by the lay delegates.
An Associated Press dispatch, reporting the
meeting, said: "No subject that haB arisen
since tho convention began has aroused
so much interest among churchmen. The opin
ions expressed range from absolute faith in act
ual miracles through the power of God to un
belief in the power of anything but medical
treatment to euro the sick. The fact that tho
so-called 'Emanuel movement' had its origin in
tho Protestant Episcopal church in Emanuel
parish, Boston, has had a deep influence.
Churchmen take tho ground that expert medical
advice is the prime essential in all cases of ill
ness, but that ifs faith in ultimate euro can be
inspired in the patient, either through reHglous
ministration or otherwise, the physician's work
will be generally aided."
JPIERPONT MORGAN jvas one of the lay
delegates at Cincinnati. A dispatch car
ried by the Uriited Press says: "J. P. Morgan,
, although, Jie has .had, no difficulty iii making
two millions' where one existed before, is em
phatically riot a believer in miracles. Wlien the
discussion on the divine healing of the sick by
prayer and the application of holy oil was at
its height, in the Episcopal convention house
of deputies, the Wall Street wizard made haste
for the door. 'What do you think of it, Mr.
Morgan?' ja. delegate asked him as he paused a
moment in the lobby. 'It is the most disgusting
affair I have ever listened to. I have heard
more absurd statements from that platform on
this subject than I ever heard before,' was tho
reply of the money king. Believers in present
day miracles and divine healing predominate
among the clerical delegates. One of them, the
Rev. H. H. HaTrlson of Elizabeth, N. J., Is. au
thority ior the statement that he himself had
been healed by unction and that he, in turn,
had so cured in six weeks a man afflicted with
a so-called incurable disease "and given up to
die by physicians."
THEODORE ROOSEVELT went up in the air
at St. Louis October 11. He made an aero
plane flight and declared that it Was the finest
experience that he ever liad. An Associated
Press dispatch from St. Louis saysi "Mr. Roose
velt traveled two time's around the aviation field
at Kinloch, eighteen miles West of St. Louis,
in three minutes and twenty seconds. He waved
his hand at the crowd of thousands on the field
below, most of whom were too dumfounded and
frightened to move. Whenthe machine alighted
easily a few feet from the startirig point a
mighty shout of applause and relief went up.
Arch Hoxsey, a Wright aviator With whom
Colonel Roosevelt made his flight, said that his
passenger made a gdod fellow-voyager for such
a trip, except that, instead of being afraid, he
was having such a good time that Hoxey.was
afraid he would fall out or interfere with the
engine, "which was roaring at his side. The
colonel waved his hands at the crowd below, so
vigorously that Hoxsey called out to him: 'Keep
your hands on the rail, colonel.' Colonel Roose
velt,' who had forgotten to hold himself in,
-waved his hands once more, and then obeyed
orders. The colonel's flight was a complete
surprise to everybody. Although he had been
invited to go, no one had the least idea that
he would do ho, and he himself did not decide
to. go until the moment before ho steppod into
the machine. Tho trip to the aviation field to
watch tho flights there wns on tho afternoon's
program for the colonel's day in St. LouIb. He
went to Kinloch in an automobile at tho hoad
of a procession of motor cars which was half
a mile long. Tho cars were flllod with members
of the republican state and city cominittcoH
and business men. Tho spectators woro massed
in throngs on every hand and a company of
militia-men kept them back, Hoxsoy's machine,
a great biplane, was standing directly In front
of tho grand stand. Colonel Roosevolt stepped
from his automobile, with Governor Hadloy at
his side, and walked over to it. Ho inspected
the brown planes and the huge shiny engino
and shook hands with the aviator. 'I'd like to
have j'ou for a passenger,' said Hoxsey. Tho
colonel looked at him without a word. Then he
began to take off his coat. It was the first inti
mation that anyone had had that he would make
the trip."
AT PEORIA, 111., Mr. Roosevelt made a speech
in which he said: "Last winter I visited
various Catholic missions in Africa, and just
about Christmas I was at ono of them, Bishop
Hanlon's on the shores of the great Victoria
Nyanza lake, just under the equator. There
I met "ono of our fellow Americans, Mother Mary
Paul, who was at the head of the religious sis
ters of tho establishment. She had already
been in correspondence with me, saying that
I must not go through Africa without stopping
and seeing their mission, because sho was the
only American missionary there in Uganda, right
in the heart of the dark continent. So of course
I stopped, and it was really like being suddenly
brought home, for Mother Paul promptly gavo
me a messago contained in a letter she had just
received from tw6 New York policemen whom
I had appointed on tho forco when I was police
commissioner. Now tho mission to "which
Mother Paul belongs is doing a really striking
and admirable work there in Africa, and I prom
ised her that I would publicly tell about this
before some Catholic body, and ask that the
Catholics of tho United States take an actlvo
interest in this Catholic mission in mid-Africa,
where such good work is being done by an
American nun. Uganda is one of tho placos
where missionary effort has been signally suc
cessful. From personal knowledge I say this,
and from personal knowledge I wish to bear
hearty testimony to tho good work being1 done
there by the Catholic missions, and I hope tho
charitable Catholics in the United States will
gladden the heart of Mother Paul by backing
in substantial fashion tho missionary work to
which she has given her JJfe. There is no other
country in the world where there is such really
brtfad religious toleration, such kindly good
will, among good people of different rellgljous
creeds. There is no other country whore Cath
olic and Protestant get on as we do hero, each
treating the other on the basis of our common
citizenship, and judging him not as to how ho
worships his Creator, but on his conduct to
ward his fellow men, on his own worth as a
man. We must never permit anything to make
us deviate from this standpoint. Perhaps I can
give you my own theory in short form by telling
you of a correspondence I onco had. Of course
in every church there are some good men who
are narrow, as well as some men who are nar
row without being good and one of these good
narrow men, a Protestant, clergyman, wrote mo
a letter of protest about my receiving CaTdinal
Satolli at the White House. I wrote him back
saying that I had received the cardinal just
as, for instance, I had received bodies of Ger
man Lutherans and Welch Methodists, and as
I am expected to receive tho Archbishop of
Canterbury, - and that I would hold myself to
be a poor representative of the American peo
ple, an unworthy president of the United States,
if I failed to treat with good will and friendli
ness all good men, no matter what their re
ligious faith might be, and I then added that
I could best explain my position by saying that
I believed our country would last a very long
tlmo, and that If Jt did, there would bo man
presidents, and some of those would be Catho
lics and some Protestants, and that I, a Protcs
tnnt, wished to act toward imy Catholic follow
cltlzonH exactly as I hoped that a Catholic presi
dent woiftd act toward his Protestant fellow
citizens. I think that expressed my views about
as clearly as I can put them."
A "LITTLE RED book" figured In tho Illlnoln
Central graft investigation. This book watt
tho personal expenuo record of Henry C. Oator
mann, former presldont of tho OHtonnnnn Man
ufacturing company. The Associated PresK
report of tho proceedings at Chicago says: "Tho
book, tendered by tho prosecution a its trump
card, was presented by Honry C. Dolph, ono tlmo
head of tho Ostermann concern who spout scver
al hours on tho witness stand. Dolph was permit
ted to refresh his momory by referring to tho
book. In this mannor a number of pages lit
tho book were admitted as ovldeuce against
Frank B. Harriman, John M. Taylor and Charles
L. Ewing, tho defendants. Tho defense, how
ever, fought tho admission of each page. Tho
name of Ira G. Rawn, late president of tho
Monon. road and former vice president of tho
Illinois Central, appears frequently In tho book.
So do the names of Harriman, former general
manager of tho Illinois Central, and Taylor,
former general storekeeper. Dolph testlfiod
that Harriman was paid a monthly sum of
$2,500 and that Rawn was glvena flat payraont .
of from $10 to $20 a car for each ono repaired.
In addition, said Dolph, Rawn, Harriman, Tay
lor, Joseph G. Buker and Ostermann received ft
special two per cent per month dividend from
the Ostermann company. An account, alleged
to bo a brief summary of tho special account
occupying ono pago of the book, follows: F. B.
Harriman et al monthly, $2,500; I. G. Rawn,
2Q per car; H. Barrisforc, former superinten
dent of terminals, monthly, $150; W. J. Lahy,
superintendent of terminals; J. M. Barrowdale,
superintendent at Burnslde; II. M. Dunlap, J.
M. Taylor's chief clerk, and C. II. Policy, Ostor
mann's chief clerk, $100 each, monthly; It. G.
.Ransom, agent at West Pullman, $10; John
Waters, conductor, $25; J. H. Bowers, engineer,
$25; Mathew Morgan, $25; E. -A. Jones, inspec
tor, $100."
AN ITEM found in the book was tho alleged
contribution of $3 00 on March 24, 1908, for
Earnest Blhl's campaign fund for alderman of
Chicago. Three subsequent Items of $100 each
for the same purpose were found. Dolph said
tho money had been given as the result of small
favors done the manufacturing company. None
of these items were permitted in the court rcc-,
ord. "How frequently 4id Ostermann call for
that $2,500 for Harriman?" asked counsel for
the prosecution. "Every rionth," Dolph re
plied. Dolph testified that Ostermann told him
In 1909 John M. Taylor asked him whether he
had heard tho business methods of Ostcrmann's
company were going to be investigated. The
witnoss aid Taylor asked Ostermann if he
thought the records of the company would
stand investigation, and that Ostermann replied
he would not welcome an inquiry. "Later it
was learned a storekeeper named Stokes was
sent dut to the plant to make inquiries," con-'
tlnued the witness. "He bore a letter from
Taylor. He went through the plant and wo
never heard from Stokes again."
Yes, Mr. Roosevelt made a speech at the
JNow York convention, but the standpatters made
the platform. Query: Which is tho "more im
portant to make, a speech or secure the plat
form? A speech is good insofar as it is accept
ed but it is not binding on any one except the
one who delivers it; whjlo a platform is bind
ing, on all who run upon it. Tho more ono
thinks about that New York convention the
stronger grows the suspicion that in the strug
gle over the ear of corn the standpatters sot
the grains and Mr.- Roosevelt the cob.
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