The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, October 21, 1910, Page 15, Image 15

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    "WWSRQTW "3 cr,wqisP''r" V"
A .,
OCTOBER 2i, 1910.
The Commoner.
ing poem, "The Origin of the Harp,"
was written by Mooro:
Tis believed- that this harp, -whicli
I wake now for thee,
Was a Syren of old, who sung under
the sea;
And who often at eve, thro' the
bright waters roved,
To meet, on the green shore, a youth
whom she loved.
But she loved him In vainfor he
left her to weop,
And in tears all the night, her gold
tresses to steep;
Till heaven looked. with. pity on true
love so warm,
And changed to this soft Harp the
sea maiden's form.
Still her bosom rose fair still her
cheeks smiled the same
While her sea beauties gracefully
formed the light frame;
And her hair, ,as, let loose, o'er her
white arm it fell,
Was changed to bright chords utter
ing melody's spell.
Hence it came, .that this soft harp so
long hath been known
To mingle love's language with sor
row's sad tone;
Till thou didst divide them, and
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Curing Catarrh has been my busi
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a X '
To speak love when I'm near thee,
and grief when away.
Tills instrument is also claimed by
the Welsh people, they one time hav
ing laws regarding the harp. A slave
was not allowed to touch the harp
for any reason. It -was also exempt
from seizure and debt. One of these
laws said three things were necessary
to a gentleman his harp, his cloak,
his chess board.
The harp was also a favorite in
strument with the Saxons and Danes.
History tells of the songs sung ac
companied by it, for the victory
gained by Athelstan in 938, and up
on the death of Edgar in 975. Al
fred, too, was a harpist. The harp
was a favorite instrument for ages
under the British, Saxon and Nor
man kings. In the account of the
coronation of Henry V. in 1413 the
only musical instruments described
are harps. In the thirteenth con
tury the harp of twenty-five strings
was In use in France. A mechanical
appliance for producing semitones
was' invented by a' man named Hoch
beucker in 1720, but not until 1810
were the double action harps in
vented. This stylo harp is known to
many as the pedal harp. Since that
time many improvements have been
made in the mechanism and general
construction of the harp, thus bring
ing it to a higher and broader artis
tic standard musically. The modern
harp, with its graceful lines and rich
ly carved base and head, is a delight
ful model of beauty.
The harp is not a difficult Instru
ment to learn. When one is prop
erly presented to the harp, familiar
ity does not breed contempt, nor does
the discovery of its simplicity make
it less beautiful.
The lack of familiarity with the
harp has permitted it to bo under
stood and enjoyed by the minority
rather than the majority. The harp
notbeing a commodity or commer
cial value to the energetic financier,
has naturally retained its time hon
ored position in the realm of art and
poetry. Some of the advantages
which make it easy to learn are that
all scales are alike in the system of
fingering, also most chords and their
inversions in the various keys. The
agreeable tone quality of the harp
makes it a desirable companion, and
its study a pleasant occupation. The
same amount of time devoted to the
harp that is placed on other instru
ments will accomplish more ad
vanced and pleasant results and less
annoyance to home and neighbors.
In 1789 James Bruce, the cele
brated traveler, said of the harp: "It
is the favorite of the fair sex, and
nothing should be spared to make
it beautiful, for it should be a prin
cipal object of mankind to attach
them by every means to music, as
it is the only amusement that may
be enjoyed to excess and the heart
remains virtuous and uncorrupted."
(Continued from Page 12)
paid, if elected, I shall .go into the
presidency unhampered by any
nledce. uromise or understanding of
any kind save my promise made open
ly tO'the American people, mat so far
as in my power .lies I shall see to it
that every man has a square deal, no
less and no more.
The country is to be congratulat
ed not only on the fact that the
forthcoming congress will not be
dominated by the Cannon and Aldrich
combination, but also that most of
the disciples of their school of poll
tics are likely to be kept at home.
To date forty-six members, of the
present house of representatives have
either prudently declined to seek nn
other nomination or have been de
feated in the primaries.
Also eight senators havo given up
the fight.
Everywhere tho tide of popular
feeling Isrunnlng strong against tho
machine men of both parties, and to
stand high in tho hierarchy of tho
"organization" has proved a burden
and a weakness to thoso who have
spught tho suffrage of their neigh
bors. Democrats as well as republicans,
tho Cannonitcs of Georgia as well as
thoso of Kansas, have found the face
of the people set against them.
In tho list of the "organization
men" who havo been disappointed in
their hopes of ronominatlon aro such
master machinists as these:
Tawney of Minnesota, chairman of
tho committee on appropriations;
Boutcll of Illinois, chairman of tho
committee on naval expenditures;
Scott of Kansas, chairman of tho
committeo on agriculture; Miller of
Kansas, chairman of elections com
mittee; Reedcr of Kansas, chairman
of committee on irrigation of arid
lands; Hull of Iowa, chairman of
committeo on military affairs, with
other members of important commit
tees, making In sum tho vltala of tho
Cannon organisation.
With a senate emptied of A Id rich,
Hale, Burrows and somo other stand
pattern 6f tho strict sect, tho new
congress Is, on tho whole, bound to
present to tho country a fresh and
exhilarating aspect.
That the Impending election prom
ises nothing less than a political revo
lution against the machine Is dra
matically emphasized by tho fact lhat
the personality of Mr. Cannon, who
had been counted on as tho prlnco
of campaigners, has become a gravo
embarrassment to tho republican
congressional campaign committee.
In their business of voto getting,
their chief problem at the present
moment 1 to effaco tho strident
speaker of tho house and wax tho
cars of tho voters, that they may not
hear his voice. Chicago American.
Teacher (to now pupil) "Why
did Hannibal cross the Alps, my little
My Little Man "For Ui same rea
son as tho 'en crossed th' road. Yer
don't catch mo "with no puzzles."
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