m 4 The Commoner. VOLUME i'6, "NUMBER- 4 M The Commoner. ISSUED WEEKLY Bntored at tho PoHtofllco at Lincoln, Nebraska, an sccond-clann matter. WI1.I.1AM J. UllYAN Editor nml Proprietor RiOJiAiii)' L. MijrcAi-Kn Aftforlnto Ktlltor CJIAIII.H3 W. UllYAN Publisher Kdltorlul Rooms nnd BiibIiicss Onico 324-330 8outh 12th Street One Ycr. . ... .fj.00 Three Month., 25 81x MoiiIIim CO ' Single Copy 05 In ClubH of Five or Samplo Copies Froe. more, per year... ,7C Foreign Post. Go Extra. SimsoiUFTIONS can bo sent direct to Tho Com moner. Thoy can also bo sent through nowspapora which havo advertlaod a clubbing rate, or through, local agonto, whero sub-agents have been appoint ed. All rcmittancos should bo sent by postofllco monoy order, express ordor, or by bank draft on Now York or Chicago. Do not sond Individual checks, stamps or monoy. DISCONTINUANCES It Is found that a largo majority of our subscribers profor not to havo their subscriptions Interrupted and their files broken in caso thoy fall to romlt before expiration. It Is therefore assumed that continuance Is desired un less subscribers order discontinuance, cither when subscribing or at any tlmo during tho year. IMIHSIQNTATION COPIES Many persons sub scribe for friends, intending that tho paper shall stop at tho end of tho year. If Instructions aro Klven to that effect thoy will receive attontlon at tho proper time. RENEWALS Tho dato on your wrapper shows tho tlmo to which your subscription Is paid. Thus January 21, '10, means that payment has been re ceived to and including tho laBt Issuo of January, 1910. Two wooks aro required after monoy lias been received beforo tho dato on wrapper can bo changed. CHANGE OF ADDRESS Subscribers requesting a chango of address must glvo old as well as now address. ADVERTISING Rates will be furnished upon application. Address all communications to THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Nob. still woro unwilling to accept it hastily, and a light over the Insertion of an initiative and referendum plank, attended .with a score of speeches, almost culminated In a fist fight on the floor. Action on the plank finally was deferred until the next convention, and the delegates scrambled for trains. "The platform as adopted denounces the Payne tariff bill and arraigns the republican congressmen of Michigan for their acceptance of it. It demands bi-partisan state boards and committees as a protection against scandals such as were recently exposed in the state. The placing of all state employees under civil service was recommended and the candidacy of Lawton Hemans for governor and John T. Winship for United States senator were lauded. "Although the delegations from several coun ties failed to answer roll calls, the gathering was said to bo the. largest democratic convention in point of attendance that 'has been held in recent years." The candidates nominated" wore: ' s Justice of supreme court Mark Norris, . Grand Rapids. Attorney general T. J. Bresnahan, Casso t polls. Secretary of state Adolph Peterson, Iron wood. Treasurer R. V. McArthur, Grand Rapids. Land commissioner 0. F. Barnes, Roscom mon. Auditor general Thomas Gordon, Howell. Edward C. Shield was named as chairman of the state central committee. MINIE BALLS Bankers and business men gave out interviews commending President Taft's "prosperity speech" delivered in New York City for its opti mistic tone. Senator Tillman announces that he expects to be a candidate for United States senate in 1912. W. R. Hearst of New York announces that he will support Stimson on the republican ticket instead of the democratic candidate. i Governor Haskell has declined an invitation to bo at Little Rock and serve in the reception to ' Theodore Roosevelt. He takes occasion to ad- 4 minister severe criticism on Mr. Roosevelt. A Chicago dispatch, thought tQbe of sufficient importance to be caTried by the Associated Press, Is as follows: "Vice President Sherman and United States Senator William Lorimer will Bit at the same banquet board here October 12, when local Knights of Columbus will celebrate Columbus day. Tho feast will bo spread in the gold room of the Congress hotel, where the Hamilton club dinner took place some weeks ago and Theodore Roosevelt declined to attend unless the club's invitation to Senator Lorimer was withdrawn." Theodore Roosevelt was greeted by large crowds pnjiis southern trip. Democrats of tho Fourteenth Massachusetts district met and nominated. Thomas C. Thacher of Yarmouth to succeed Congressman Eugene N. Foss. An organization of negroes met at Washing ton and decided to help the democratic ticket of New York and to fight all the Roosevelt candidates and also to help the democratic ticket in Ohio and republican candidates for the legislature who are known to be favorable to Foraker; also to help the democratic ticket in Massachusetts and to fight Senator Lodge. Theodore Roosevelt and Senator Cummins of Iowa held a two hour's conference in New York City. " A WORLD-OLD PRAYER -Dear Lord, this boy whose face Is like a morning flower . Before the shower . Has dashed its loveliness awefyj " A O keep him fair, I pray. .s ' ' This baby boy whose smiles, Xiike sunbeams bright with cheer From heaven's clear, Turn out gray gloom to golden day, O keep him sweet, I pray. This little boy whose heart jKiiowb only right an"d: truth, ' ' ., In heedless youth " ' . When far from guarding love astray,-" O keep him pure, I pray. Dear Lord, this boy of mine' Whosejoul no sin has stained, No shame profaned, When I no longer watch and pray, O keep him Thine always. Amen. L. H. Robbins, in Newark News. .The American Homestead, a monthly farm 'journal of national scope, will be sent to all Commoner subscribers, without additional cost, who renew their subscriptions during the month October, when accompanied by this notice. A LATER METHOD - For ages past war, pestilence and famine havo depopulated the earth. But now we have the Vanderbllt cup races and the automobile joy rider. The Commoner s Million Army John R. Boddie, St. Louis, Mo. If all sub scribers to The Commoner will secure five new subscribers each, especially among lukewarm members of our party and republicans, we would win the next presidential election in a' walk. The verdict on February 1 in the Sixth congres sional district of this state at the polls for the election of DeArmond's successor is only a slight Indication of how the masses appreciate the way the party of trusts, special privilege, as run by Cannon and Aldrich is fulfilling its promises. The agents of special privilege havo been sow ing the wind for many years and from my point of view the whirlwind is near at hand that will destroy their temple of unrighteousness, filled with ungodly gain, and restore to its ancient moorings our old Bhip of state. J. W, Hamilton, Rogersville, Tenn. I wish to assure you that it will give me pleasure to lend whatever influence I may have to The Com moner's million army move. It is a citizen's as well as a democrat's duty, so I regard it,' and immediately upon my return to Texas I shall assume that duty and forward to you the names of those whom I regard worthy members of the army. Harry Herbert Hughes, Springfield, Mo. I enclose herewith a pledge for assistance in en listing the million Commoner soldiers, having already renewed my subscription. I am more firmly for Mr. Bryan than ever. I not only ad mire him vpoliticallyand personally, but the more I learn, the more I am convinced that his policies are for the interest of the great mass of common people, so-called. All the democrats -who were with us in 1896, with, whom I have talked, are stronger than ever for the principles set forth then, and no man who helped defeat that ticket will have much chance of being elect ed to any important office. As to why the peo plo do not get what they want, I believe the main reasons are two: First, a great many people do not know, exactly what they want; and, second, those who do, do not agree as to the ways and means of getting it. The people of India overwhelmingly outnumber the British, yet the latter rule because the Indians are so hopelessly divided that a sufficient number do not unite on any one policy of government to adopt it. Were they all to unite in a common cause they could brush tho British into the sea like flies, but they do not. One of the Eng lishman's important jobs is to keep them di vided. So it is here. We could wipe out privi lege, corruption and oppression, here, -but we do not do it we do not combine the combiners of wealth and greed keep us separated, follow ing the old maxjm, divide and conquer. In the campaign of 1908 The Commoner's Million Army rendered distinguished service to the cause of democracy and it may well be be lieved that a similar organization will oven bo able to do better work in tho year of 1910 now, that men who were heretofore indifferent aro .aroused to the importance of action. If half of the readers of The Commoner would take active interest in the organization of this Million Army plan, the results would be imme diately noticeable and the contribution to tho wolfare of popular government would bo enormous. Many individuals are willing to help in a patriotic movement but find it difficult to know just what to do to make their efforts count. In a struggle such as the one we are now engaging in, the efforts of every man, woman and child on theside of popular government will count and in 'The Commoner's Million Army a practi caLplan is presented wherehy the efforts of many, individuals' may be aggregated and used with telling effect. to tt(H j W : : - sS : $ fl : : lb : -2 S : : a 8 . : : a ?gg : : 4 3a : c; a : 1 aa j I Q 5S 1 3 APPLICATION BLANK The Commoner's Million Army W herchy enlist in The Commoner's Million Army, ana uledtie mv assistance to AaUathmtTilmliiVlly """ Uieerrtgttlolc 7 mlVasdmXatlTcn. iiJttir l? Lfi i iL rLtocra" i?Wmw? "nd nominating conventions, ana assist tn promoting the great democratic campaign of education ,ou muottnm area senahle share of my tfmo to the distribution of UtVMw.xHsVJ worthy persons for membership in The Commoner Jmmon Atfiy. mh n nv irnv X can assist to increase the usefulness of this organisation. fVl 1 Signed. Address.. v ''' ftWWWIUMWWIWWI ,lth lhr8 L?StanainK tit Mn Bo'ftB agrees to accept wmnal aubacrJpUons to The Commoner from momboraorthlsArmyatanetrftto of 86 cents each, and that each subscription to The Commoner shall In clude a subscription to Tha American Homestead (a Etronjj homo and farm rjanor)thu8 leaving Tho Oommonwtreo to devote Its undivided offorta to poimcal matters and current avehl enclow horlwitb "" VD iw uuu m4iuu toubwijiuuu hi lua nuuuuuuur uuciuainir Tno American HomMteadi. If you are alroady a eubacrlber to Tho Commoner and do not care to extend yoarwcplri w uuui tu !! tiwaamiiu suuvo tuny ub uiuumuim. your aspiration dato at ;WtM4HimVt&ku