py j-'JT t vsw 71 "( 545"- T-lW' ? - f 16 The Commoner. volume 10, number; 49 .? BUT A FEW SETS REMAIN 0 T IIS It' ft: By I' r rMn Partial List of Contents; First 35 of the 200 Authors AI3SOP Tho Ass in tho Lion's Skin. Tho Wolf in Snoop's Clothing. AN DISKS ON, HANS CHRISTIAN Tho Gardonor of tho Manor. Tho Llttlo Match Girl. ARABIAN NIGHTS, THE Tho Forty Thiovcs. Tho First Voyago of Sinbad tho Sailor. ARISTOPHANES Grand Chorus of Birds, . Tho Call of tho NlcrhMnrrjiln ARISTOTLE " Prosecution and Dofonso. Tho Highest Good of Man. AUUEIilUS, MA ROUS Tho Beauty of tho World. To tho Pure All Things aro Puro. HA CON, LORD Translation of tho 137th Psalm. Of Marrliiirn anil Slnu-ln T.lfn. n . ,. . .Vi.-.T."" - "P"" "w Tho Greatness and tho boclino of Caosar Blrottcau. Eugonio. Grandct. UAIIKIE, JAMES MATTHEW Election Day Festivities. Wet Days in Thrums. HltONTE, CHARLOTTE A Protect Against Pharisaism. ' Tho Ornhan flhlhl r.tfn. BROWNING, ELIZA IJETH .BARRETT j ivj..uMicui instrument. , . Tho Slnnn. MV T-Tnnrf nml T BROWNING, ROHERT vuio riea Piper of Hamelln:- How Thoy Brought tho Good News from Ghent to Alv IUJNYAN, JOHN Tho Author's Apology for His "Pil Krim's ProirrnHH." BURNS, ROBERT tiio Panics o' Doon. Highland Mary. Auld Lang Sync nSSifissa Saturday is,,t " Sho Walks In Beauty. Tho Prisoner of Chlllon. Tho Battle of Waterloo. OARLYLE, THOMAS Work. Await tho Issue. TllO TTnnn flir. Tna-lnA CERVANTES, MIGUEL DE ' I jj-upiuro ot JYiamurino's Helmet. OailfllO I'ailZH in HlH Tnlnn.l DICKENS, CHARLES ' . jL-no aacrinco or Sidney Carton. j-um ui. jjiucio x-aui, A Child's nronm nf n Hfor. DOYLE, A. CONAN '. .tiow tno Yellow Cog Fought tho Two Rovor Galloys. Tho Bowmnn'H Khnev DUMAS, ALEXANDER, SR. Tho Dofonso of tho Bastion. EMERSON, RALPH WALDO rmturc. ' Tho Compensations of Calamity. Good-hvo. "Prmirl Wnrlrll FITZGERALD, EDWARD Tho 'R.'llhn.lvnf- nf rfinn Tdinwnm FRANKLIN, .BENJAMIN mo way to weaitn. Rules of Health. GOETHE, JOIIANN W. Pnuatus. Tho Poot'fl Tnr. GAUTIER, THEOPHILE spanisn juiro in Granada. ASOent nf tllA SlArrn Vavniln GRAY, THOMAS uicgy written In a Country Church Yard. Mllfnn. nrvflon HAWTHORNE, NATHANIEL . xno scarlet Juottor Revealed. The. Founding of tho City; HERODOTUS Tho Inundation of tho Nllo. About tho Crocodile. HOOD, THOMAS Tho Bridgo of Sighs. Tho Song of tho Shirt. HOLMES, OLIVER WENDELL Tho Last Leaf. Tho Autocrat of tho Brettlcfttst Table. HUGO, VICTOR Tho Court of Miracles. Jean Valjean and tho Bishop. IBSEN, IIENRIK Nora Awakened. JEROME, JEROME K. avians ror tno Trip. Tho Emhn.r1cat.Ion. JOSEPHUS, FLAVIUS inscription or Jorusaiom. . Moses, tho Law Glvor. KEATS. JOHN Odo to a Nightingale. Tho Evo of St. Agnos. 1 I Classics, History, Humor, Art, Travel, Poetry, Language, (Science, Biography, Prose Only a Short Time Left in, Which to Secure a Com- plete Set of the Famous Masterpi World's Under Our Remarkable Special Ten Day Offer Read Below and Act Promptly as Supply is Limited " These Books Should Be in Every Home WllfM WfwitflAVtf ! 1Vav V.IKwu rtATtfnfnd f.4-. 1.... .- tlfully printed 'on superior book ZWpiibSS&ukS million woriW of tho, best literature of all nations and otaifaS ivn?v volumo Is complete In itself and contains an exquisite illuminated title BSffilo?Abt?gJf aSrt0lstfch mSt mdern 8tyl0 fUU SOld & &?& of ircomprcn?" 0"-" "teW CrI"C' ls tiw-ln-cWef aY0V4$Y0 hundVod of tho world's greatest authors aro fully renresent Edmin th,Is sVPrb. compilation, and tho cream of their master effw will bo found enshrined within its pages. master effort This unusually useful presentation of tho gems of all lltomtn i handy form, has mot with universal endorsement by tK press and 'tho reading public generally. press ana tho ..U cInssIc to dramatic, tho humorous, and tho lyric writers nr fully represented. Copious selections from Aristophanes to ilniiniP from Aesop to Roosevelt, aro hero formed Into a librae hundred of tho best compositions on fame's eternal bead roll X&XWZTy SSL" HVlaty tabl0' "owor-rir0 Remember that this work Is entirely new. The nlatnq t ! Syi&n w?tri!nJufi ASi& umo is complete in Itself?' strong anf a?t?stl? flnish Is fufi011!! J2jf" wrapped separately in tissue, and tho full sot of eight volumiS riiiwi In a strong box, ready for, shipping. "fani volumes packed OUR LIMITED SPECIAL TEN DAY OFFERS ono set oftho 'WutnS 0 Wori. S ?.5Wian2 we .wlU sena didyffrandari?onyataoSo of this splon- years, which Jver Sffei you accrot ThWPnmbmdvanis.0,? ono or two SoTorrAtMolfcMi!Sa & 2? Vi Address all communications and ! make remittance m THE COMMONER, Uncoln, Nebr. What Commoner Readers Say of These Books "Books Are Rare Gems' Wants Set for Children t iSSJi?nSt?n! VaT:The Commoner, Lincoln, Nob.: I am in receipt of the SS' , JJ00k8 "Mnsterplcces ot the world's Best Literature," and doslro to say that thoy aro raro gems Indeed. I am so pleased with them that I have decided to enjtst again In tho club of four, I will, In tho next ten days, send you a club list tl four subscrib ers to Tho Commoner, as I want theso for my married daughter. I wish very much that I could got a set ofMns tcrnlcccs ot the World's Best Litem ture'' for each of my flvo children. I don't want you to think for ono mlnuto that I consider tho sot of books' all there is to tho subscription, for I as sure you that I regard The Commoner tho best journal published today. I get moro real crood out of it thnn nnv paper I read. I am a genuine Bryan man; have voted for him three times and, am ready to voto that many times OVer. Hurrah for Bryan and Tho Com moner !Yours jtrulyC. S. McKonzio. 'Excellent In Arrangement and In structive In Contents" Malvern, Towa, Sept. 9, 1910. I re ceived some days ago through The Commoner. Tlnonln Wnh Vi,n "Masterpieces" of the World's Best 'Lit- ermurc," wiin oooic Holder. I desire !tO COnVeV tn Vrtll mv nlnncnrn In ll.nd. perusal. . Tho bboka ar6 not oniv- ft pleasing work of tho printer' art but aro excellent' in arrangement and ih- onuvuvu m meir contents. Tno holder is unique In its construction and neat In annOn.rn.nnn. T nm vrv munii,.i tZIUA t,ie bookSk Respectfully yours, J. AV. VTJ.U.11U1II. Can Not Too niehly Ilccommcnd Them Hammond, Indiana, July 15, 1910. Books received O. K., and after a thor ough examination of tho same, must say I can not too highly recommend them to any Btudent of literature. Respectfully yours, Dick Broeftgos. Moro Thnn Pleased With the Books Seattle, Wash., July 20, 1910. Tho books, "Masterpieces of the World's Best Literature," came all right; and I mHst say tlmt I am moro than pleased with them. Thank you very much. Yours respectfully, C. H. Wlttoman. Pleased With the "Masterpieces" Bower Mills, Pa., August 20, 1910. Tho Commoner, Lincoln, Neb. Gentle men: I received my books, "Master pieces of the World's Best Literature," and am well pleased with them. Yours Truly, T R. Colley. Thinks It a Pine Set of Boqks -.Now Philadelphia, Oh?o, October 4, 1910. I have received tho books', "The Masterpieces of the World's Best Lit erature." It is line, and I thank you very much indeed. Vey truly, Louise Prom the Famous Democratic' Bx-VIce President of the United 'States X AdI B. Stevenson, IDx-Vico Presi dent o the United States writes: "'The Masterpieces, of the World's Best Literature' well deserves the name given it. Great caro has been taken in Its preparation, and by ono well fitted for tiJ JBl. It Is not too much to say that these books should have a place in every home." Cut Out and Mail Coupon For Special Ten Day Offer Tho Commoner, LlncoIns Neb. Enclosed please. 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