'- OCTOBBIl 14, 1910 t r i kl'A t The Commoner. 15 knowledge; constitute any violation: at Ue -law, although, If tjiis acqulfll-. tlon .had heen preceded or should W folio wed oy other like acquisitions,- It might bo relevant evidence, combined with other facts, to show a Violation of the statute in ques tion." Having this assurance that the law would not be enforced against them, ihe allied interests, which Mjnd only & short time before been at jogger heads, had carte blanche for carrying out the most stupendous legal steal of: this century. The Tennessee Coal and Iron com .pany'had been hammered until it was in a bad way. Deserted now by Rockefeller and with the large orders of" Harriraan canceled, stocks wero down, to riothing. 'Practically the en tire holdings of 'the southern com pany were bought up for $632,65.5 .cash and $34,684,990 of bonds. It is said Rockefeller's profits on the transaction amounted to $45,000,- ooo,. or more than all that was paid for the property! The property embraced 450,000. acres of mineral lands, including forty-one developed mines, sixteen blast furnaces; control of several i land companies owning extensive land properties in various parts of the south; and. terminal facilities of great value. They were considered dirt cheap at the price paid, in view of the fact it looked to controlling iron and steel for all time to come. At the same time United States Steel bought the Tennessee company's lands, to still, further secure monop oly of steel, it leased the mineral properties of the Great Northern Railway company but Hill, being in good shape financially and in on the deal, made terms advantageous to himself. He .secured $1,65 per ton for iron ore, with additional under standing, that jit vas. to be shipped, over the Great Northern? tho- whole contract bringing to him some $850, 000,000 in installments. But the Tennessee .company properties were acquired for $80,000,000, including Rockefeller's "divvy." Morgan de clared after the deal was made, that they were worth at least a billion! The steal therefore amounted to the incomprehensive sum of over nine hundred million dollars. This steal, creating a monopoly of steel for all time to come, was, as has been stated, contrary to the in terstate commerce law. Only Jan nary 4, 1909, the senate asked the attorney general to state why he had taken-no proceedings against the steel trust because of the transac tion. The president (Roosevelt) re plied on January 6, 1909, that the attorney general would make no statement of his reasons. The senate judiciary committee thereupon began an investigation, and four of the committee wrote: "As the letter of the president was addressed to the attorney general, who is expressly and exclusively charged with the duty of enforcing - the act of July 2, 1890, on behalf of the public, Tcnown as the 'Sher ,man anti-trust law,' we think it was, in effect, a direction to the attorney general not to interfere, but to per mit the piyjposed purchase and ab sorption --to be consummated if the parties interested desire to do so. Moreover, the letter to the attorney general shows that tho legality of the merger was discussed and that the president gave the representa tives of the steel corporation who visited him to understand that the action proposed could be taken if de sired. It was not until this under standing was telephoned from Wash ington to New York City by one of the representatives of the Steel corporation to another representative there, that the purchase and absorp tion were made. In our opinion the president permitted and sanctioned the acquisition and merger. Among the larger benefits which tho Steel corporation derives from the merger are the control of the open hearth output of steel rails, tho ulti mate control of the iron ore supply of the country, the practical monop oly of tho iron and steel trade of the south, and the elimination of a strong and growing competitor. In our judgment, the president was equally authorized to direct the at torney general,' as wo believe ho did in effect, not to interfere and not to enforce tho law in this instance." Every senator on the judiciary committee agreed that the president (Roosovolt) was not authorized to permit tho absorption of tho Tennes see Coal and Iron company by the Steel trust. The committee reported in brief, that "tho dispensing-power of granting, immunity con ferred on a mere, bureau head without noticje or hearing and wholly ex parte" was "a course of proceduro that would not be tolerated In any court of our country." Yet nothing was done about It. The steal had been effected, and the man responsible for it is now ac knowledged to be the big boss of the republican party and the self constituted adviser of the world. It Is believed this is the biggest single steal in history. There have, of course, been other steals running through years that aggregated as much as this, but this was accom plished within a few days, and by design. The land held by the Ten nessee, Coal and Iron company had been obtained by grants and by pur chase at small prices, which involved a swindling of the people out of it; but this was done through many years instead of at one time. The men who were deprived of that which they held and which jeally belonged to the whole people are not especially commiserated. They reaped as they had sown. C. L.. Phifer in Appeal to Reason. GENEROSITY Tho Backer "Go it, Billy; yor ain't half licked yet." Tho FJghtor- "Woll, you come and 'ave tho other 'arf. 1 ain't greedy!" Tit-Bits. A TER1UBLE THREAT Immaturo Conductor (to clarinet player) "Sco hero, Herr Schlag, why don't you follow nly beat?" Veteran Clarinet (solemnly) "If you don't look owld, I will!" Puck. POST EUGO PROPTER "I sent a poem to that magazine, and now I hear it has failed." "Tab bad. But maybo they won't sue you for damages." Atlanta Constitution. tho Hmallost girl in thecla ftlpetl up, "Un'crwaro is what you takes oft before you puts on your nightie." Lippincott's. BEACON LAMP A WINGED TRIBE "My ancestors caiiio ovii'r in tho Mayflower.." "That's." nothing; my father de scended from an ' aeroplane." Life. ABRAHAM'S PREDICAMENT Tho Sunday school class had reached tho part in tho, lesson whore "Abraham entertained the angel un aware." "And what now Is the meaning of 'unaware?' " asked the teacher. There was a bashful silence; then OH ILBBbVu a JLiiiiiifll KY Kwl BURNER FREE lr4t. 100 Cm44 Vfr. knmr (txuiutm cent pit r MHr JlM !. (a. !rlriritr or lit tiditf Umjn tu4 ilbUtanttulUlhmHt,tVtriU)f9 UnwiutU.t tit fln wwlnf nr rtMttit costs oftiY omc coir rat six mm Wa mill una txruMi In Mli tunfilv Zvlnmx Hrsn rfr nw ttituourrt, Tl J-;1f(U( of orptltcfrar to rtir iuO K. C. life Ms, MM Cltf, M Don't Wear a Truss ITimiMAtlIMIIrf.i r M 90 5bP AAfcN -irUhfrtwiwwwiTfiwMHn I Li" m ' T ru'tu I wHfcot , 'T..MM 9 T " I tmaklM or BtlBB-ftKMt JK. Im aaaaat rtufa c fmwt VJTRj' m liiiHtiNMiirt4 In rt 'DlTB iaeafally trta4 ibmlr !! 1:, I yplj-lmnytrfUt. FlKfMof fnr If nrtrl. IB I rue mi IDIA rk;wiiitliiiii1itillMiiw nlAL Or rLArAU hiufir unit, wriu (. Miptio nl wail T8RAT. AddrrM LAPAO LABORATORIES, Ulock 54, SI. Loult, Me. "am .,,, lid rets.,. ,, ...,, ......,.,, Rrwra mall wilt brine fr trial IMar... ...... ..,.., ' . ' i 1 1 1 . i a 1 Missouri's gain in population dur ing the last ten years is G per cent. Candekiro's Curio Store Earnest in United Sidles. Indian XtlanJsetH and Curios, "Wholesale and Retail Dealer, , : : : Send for Xriecs : : ; . . Jf 301-3 San Francisco St., Santa Fe, N. M. DONT PAY TWO PRICES FOR STOVES RANGES HY N00SIER STGfES MB MXIES AT FACTOXY riKEJI g Ym Savi $11.11 to $22.11 in a Rant or Bast law. 4tOl SAVE ENOUGH ON A BINQLE STOVE TO BUY YOUR WINTER. FUEL." Read About Our Remarkable Stove Improvementg. nuance rclldff Why not buy tba 1 rAoor. OOCP TonrowahatneSOday -- - t. ..---. r..-.-- " :'.--.- . ... . BioreuAcxeaMynMiiiioBiraiiars. uurnew ivu immrrrcmtniuontivTmi m & Aso jaa - '-- aBkVaW jPkaW HBBahMHaBhNBBBBBVKBaT IB. C ends BiBBMBBBBEaBBBM in 1 ptcccLHHPHHHHvBBmf MVi-aawjsfip-jU-" W m. .. IhbHHIh :. Wit&ZWMfZmiMKZ V.w' Mi KBnBBaMHBBMnaBBMaWaBUlDlBVrMBaMn V BtW. a9. BaHaSBBBBBBlDaBBfaSIBBHnBValVBK(BBBBUB BBaaSHafn Hrt - aK -akBBBBBBBBB'LBaaaBBaBaaBBBlaBaBBRm.BBaBBV bHHbHH mmBmmmm . -vvjr, j,maumimBSBmmaimsmmmmtmmiagBBaima fppca 'tsBBMBWKWHIraSiSiHHBnBBR!fl nBHP tmmmmmmsvms. .fi.-i KmmmmwM&mMBBB sz.t && SVwKwHHHHBRHi:e . ffirwiBB! wnrr praniTPHnwTiWiwi m rrri iviiiwi lz niRHHHBflB9BI BBmmSBBSSui jr. if BHlsflWMAnBZ!1 4r Wu iL M.rJ BaQBBBBBW w wwar ww.xr- 3 rro mrm -rr &r -vrB jf j Wbrsot bay the beat whea ran nn bur them at BtJch loir, asltaar&eff factory I'rlcew. Ifooeler Ktorea and Kancc aro dollrcred for ion to um taa jronrowBliemeWdaya Tree before you buy. Awrlttau euarmQteewlta store backed by a Mlllloa Uollara. Our new lfill ImDroretnenU ontlortt folutQiyNiiwMaay UiIdk eyer produced. ! aesui today far frae aala4aa Mirt Thin Ten lhcuni Ltiit x Likt Uilm totom SATES $20.00 70 $30.00 JUhTllIe. K.Y. Gwitlawea With to aay that X aa iiSHiea wits my iieeaierjutnea. J a rood beater, a fine iMker. ana take tbe least fuel of any atova I bare arer ased. Iflnd 1 1 exactly trbat yoarepreeea ted a ad aa rood a etove aa ray neighbors ba t bat cont e . and .o9 more. Wll I ppealc m food word f or y oa at erery eaportaoi ty. Tfoura truly, SUM K. A. Card. SATED EMTUE WINTER'S FUEL Mt.Morrbj.IIL HoMler6toyoCo.,Mar' lron.Iad.( (lenUamt Tka llooalerliteal and Uooeler 1'oeta Kaaa BUraer wblch 1 ordered from yotLbut Valt are aatlefac tory la ercry way. Uave taken plenty of time to elve ttlea a tbordugh teat and find they are all you claim for tbem. Kayed more than eaoucb to buy my fu el for tbe winter by ordering toy stores frota tbe Uooaler Store JTactory. Am ever ready and willing to say a good weirA tnr vmir Co.. tn will aavlaa my rnenaa to dot a jioctier nioye or nance iruss jeuy WltUHl year eoatiaaea aucoeta, i turn. CVbBBBbiiiiVbiu mIbbIWi r- . f AetnrV. fWW UmZj.1 VmbIt II fitnalliaVur. tt. U. Un.!L mmyMt ffPyBVFIHII m WUmr . W---w.w -a fXaJXet as kbjo ut. Bases ec &eosiar 1. Uaant la 7oar eosaanslty. ',ytvj 'iwiiv fl!r Au!3 No matter -wherr yo Xve "Tb! we deliver Hoosl era to you I? to t&e 86 dayg tret i own home estate : i your ""'SUS Tfce New 1011 Improvements on Hooaler stoves and raiHfes abaotately surpaM nyiiig evtf 9o daced. CtorKeCtsuouewiserwooeriaiiHipfoveiMBjrwi ,,. wrm,. HOOSIER STOVE FACTORY 101 STATE STREET, MARION, iHDIAIf h &' S-S .i" w &&& M&y : la your JXFjpy youtnay. i SJrj?jL-ri9r -WW s a. ytmrfjfmrr svr Sjrjrm.'j9 er.c slv s MfJ mwA-si . MAIL THIS COUPON i TODAY -! II ',W T; " 1,w