' ' ' -,,wMirT.niMJ,il1tH'..1 W '" Cff y 14 The Commoner VOLUME 10, NUMBER 40 tzi '"rl i"-rFT rrT TO"T'sfi, " '7i -i- 71 w . h - Mt v r NEW RUPTURE CURE Don't Wear A Truss. W'oo1ch' Appliance. Tfow dis covery. Wonderful. Noobnox Ioiih springs or pads. Automatic Air Cushion IXIndH ami di'uwri tho broken jmrts tocutlior iih you would u bio l(4:n limb. Nosnlvcn. No lyinphol. No 1IA. Durable, chnno. Hontou trial, l'at, Sopt. 10, 1001. OATAI.OGUIC I'lCEK. C. F. BROOKS, 3380 Broota Building. Marshall. Mich. ASTHMA OUHTC pout by ox press to you on l-'roo Trlnl. 1 f It cures Fend SI; If tint f1ntit fllin nviirnta nf1lfn. NaUoual Chemical Co., 710 Ohio Ave, Sidney, O. ALL INVISIBLE Curato (to lady who has taken refugo in ditch) "Didn't I assure you that a cow is only dangerous when it has lost its calf?" She "That's why I was fright ened. I couldn't see a calf any where." Punch. j WHY WILLIE QUIT Joiner (to his apprentice)-1 "Well, Willie, have you sharpenod all tho tools?" Willie "Yes al but tho 'and saw, and I haven't quite got all tho gaps out of it." Sketch. ' Irrigated Lands in the Fertile Lower Rio Grande Valley pf Texas Alfalfa, Sugar Cane, Cabbage, Onions, Cotton, Corn lands near Mercedes, Texas, ylold tho largest and earliest cropa In tho United Statct Largest Irrigation canal in Uio state. Soil la Tortile; climato ideal, both summer and winter; wator plontlful. No drought American Rio Grande Land & Irrigation Co., ltox I, Mercedes, Hidalgo County, Texas h nn-n-lfcfiTfa'fl y,'MiTMfl WARRANTED FOR TWENTY-FIVE YEARS. To any station East of the Rocky Mountains. One Ply weighs 35 lbs., 108 sqa&re feet, $1.10 per roll. Two Ply weighs 45 lbs., 108 square feet, $1.30 per roll. Three Ply weighs 55 lbs., 108 square feet, $1.50 per roll. OTOxauMUS CASH. We save you the wholsalers' and retailers' profit. These special prices only hold good for immediate shipment. INDESTRUCTIBLE BY HEAT, COLD, SUN OR RAIN. ANYBODY CAN LAY IT. Write for FREE SAMPLES or order direct from this advertisement. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. We refer you to the Southern Illinois National Bank. Century Manufacturing Co. East St. Louis, 111. "Wifitetfpre&s This is the Machine that will earn you more Money than yoiir Highest Paid Employe IBwHm'iSrirTi?''iiiiiiiii " jj i " Always ready and can be operated by a boy or girl. It will turn out from 8,000 to 10,000 actual typewritten form letters a day. Form letters sent, out regularly are the cheapest and moat effective means of promoting your sale's. If you ao not realize their possibilities, let us ex plain. Tho Wrlterprens prints a complete letter, In ' eluding: a separate name and address at each operation. Tho Writcrjtrcss also prints from printer's or JpJ type, olqctijos, half tones and cuts. With. It you'ren do, most of your ofllce printing at about one-ihalf cost. You And now uses foy the wrlterprcsa ," every day aftbr It ft estatl-' lished in yoiir o'fflco. Writo for bopk and act-' ual samples of Its work. Dealers Everywhere THE WRItERPRESS COMPANY 260 Wrltarpress Bide.. BUFFALO, N. Y U. 8. A. ; Hew York Office, 302 Broadway Chicago Office, 215 DearWra St 1TIS MOTHER'S SONG (Who 1b tho Author?) Beneath the hot mid-summer's sun Tho mbn had marched all day; And now, besldo a rippling stream Upon tho grass they lay. Tiring of song and idle jest, As swept tho hours along, " They called to one who mused apart, "Come, friend, give us a song." "I fear I can not please," he said; "The only songsl know Are those my mother used to sing For me long years ago." "Sing ono of those," a rough voice cried, ''There's none but true men here; To every mother's son of us A mother's songs are dear." Then sweetly rose the singer's voice, Amid unwonted calm, "Am I a soldier of tho cross, A follower of tho Lamb? "And, shall I feaT to own His cause;" Tho very stream was still, And hearts that' never throbbed-with" fear, With tender thoughts were "filled. Ended tho song; Tho singer said: As to his feet ho rose, "Thanks to you all, my friends, good night, God grant us sweet repose." Sing us one more the captain begged; The soldier bent his head, Then glancing round wih smiling lips, "You'll join with me," ho said. We'll sing this old familiar air, Sweet as the bugle call, "All hall tho power of Jesus' name! Let angels prostrate fall." - Ah! wondrous was the old. tune's spell, As on tho singer sang, Man after man, fell into lino And loud their voices-Tang. Tho songs are done, tho camp is still, Naught but the stream is heard; But- ah!' tho. depths of every- soul, By those old hymns are stirred. t f And up from many a bearded lip In whispers soft and low, . Rises tho prayer the mother taught, Her boy long years ago. FLORIDA VIEWS Magnificent Album of beautiful Florida econm. givon free to every now subscriber to tho hand! somcatillustratod weekly in tho South. CoverhS every phnso of Florida Ufo it is invnluablo to tE who aro lntorostod in Florida and tho Troolcs. Fnii of beautiful pictures, stories, history, and curnnt topics peculiar to tho Land of Flowers. Fiay.twn wooks $1.00. Send for Bninplo copy. THE FLORIDA RECORD 12 .Realty JBldg., Jacksonville, Fla. Pure Blood lathe first essential to health. Do von know that common red cIotot blos3wi pJT?Aly PPard, posucsa marl .iSBSM5EaBBHffiBSE la a hoalthy condition removes impurities. Necclliam's Extract Red Clover contains no alcohol and is not a patent medicine, Itl simply a pure extract of cheJea clover bloeBomn muff ered at Just theHght tlnoVndpnparad "SEEMfe manner. If you suffer from constipation, headacUes JaclalcraptloM, eczema, talt rheumVcancer, rheum this wonderful remedy. Ask your drutrtrlst for Mood! barn's Extract. Send coupon for frpo booklet. D. Need ham's Seas. W Lakeside IHj CbJcaae': ; Please send me free booklet. I . hftmOltl..llllllM,IMi.ltH,t,MMMwMHH Address.. ..........M..MM.. S .... .....,..,.,,; THE TENNESSEE COAL AND IRON DEAL (Continued from Page i2) swered that while of course I could not advise' them to take the action proposed, I felt it no public duty of mine to interpose any objection. . ' '. "Sincerely yours, "THEODORE ROOSEVELT." , Attqrney General Bonaparte wrote an, opinion,-in which he used the fol lowing language:. "It so happened, however that the day after tho vlslfof Judere Okrv n-nrf Mr. '.Frick. was a cabinet day, and I came totho cabinet meeting from tho train, and therefore, without, ro. reiving the president's letter, which naa oeen sent to the department of justice. ' Ho natrated tho circum stances to me as above given and askod my opinion, informally as to Whether his r.eply had been appro priate. - I told him that P considered it entirely appropriate ; that, in my judgment, it would. hayo been inap propriate for him to." have either con sented or objected to the proposed arrangement, since it. was a matter with which he had, in my view, offi cially no concern. I added that, in my opinion, tho facts stated did not show any purpose on the part of those concerned to violate the Sher man anti-trust law; that the acquisi tion of tho interest -which they con templated buying would not, under any circumstances brought to my I.IOKPpecfiici 1 vidgv "M MlUTtlta cs rree OPCUARtf Sfflfo0neCc When you answer this announcement, ss I am going to distribute at least cne-hundred-tnousand sots of tbo Dr. Haux wonderful Perfect Vision" Spec tacles to rcnuine, bona-fldo epcctacle ivcarers in tbo next few wcoks-on ono easy, simple condition. I want you to thoroughly try them on four own eyes, no matter how weak, hey may bo; read tho finest print, thread the smallest eyed noedlo and put them to any test you like in your own .homo in any way you please. Then after yon havo become absolutely nd positively convinced that they aro really and truly tho softest, clearest and beet-fitting glasses you havo over had on your eyes, you can keep tho Rj"ftHt pairforeverwithoutono cent of coot, and sluai fie fctg A &oji Dim by showing them around to your neigh bors and friends, and speak, a good word lor them everywhere at every opportu nity. If you want to do mo this favor -vrrito mo at once for my free Hom Byo Tester and tOUU) Spectacle otter. Address: DR. HAUX, Uaux Building, St Louis, Mo. MOXI5: Thla House is rcrtecUy tteUablt, MllrilslBeTesef InalldiseascsoftheKidneys, Blad der. I,lver and Digestive organs, including Rheumatism, or the treatment will be an experiment. I test urine Free. Mailibg Case for urine sent on request. Con sultation and opinion free. DR. J. F. SHAPER, Specialist. 214 Penn Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. This department Is for the benefit of Commoner subscribers, and a special rate of six cents a word per Insertion tho lowest rate has been made for them. Address all communications to Tho Commoner, Lincoln. Nebraska. HTEXAS LANDS. COMPLETE LIST. Send two cent stamp for copy. National Loan 8a Realty Company, Austin, Texas. MCJST BE SOLD FIRST CLASS DEM ocratlc weekly and modern prlntory in county seat town of S. W. Missouri, must be sold for strictly private reason of the owner before tho 15th of Novem ber, and will be offered at a genuine bargain. For full Information address Jfcm Michaelsen, Salem, Missouri. I70R SALE: IMPROVED 160 ACRES adjoining good R. R. town in King fisher county, Oklahoma; 05 acres in cultivation, balance in pasture; wheat made 20 bushels, oats 40. Price $4,500. Address I. J. Holland, Lincoln, Neb. ftO ACRES OF GOOD IAND FOR uu sale; ono mile Stidham, Okla. Price reasonable for cash. H. N. Flack, Linton, Indiana. MORTI FLORIDA LANDS FOR SALE. 1N Tracts, containing from 10 to 1700 acres listed. Improved and unim proved. Wrlto for particulars. May & Carroll, Monticelio, Fla. rJss hrj-