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Papa was writing on a subject that occupied his mind to tho exclusion of matters aside, so ho said, rather sharply, "Well, lot it rain." "Yes, papa; I was going to," was her quick response. Harper's. GASH OR CREDIT Cata logue FREE, Bar-riEBM ONLY $10.00 Gash, balance $5.00 a month, buys this 3-year guaranteed Buggy $33.60 on time pay ments or $29.60 cash. We trust honest people located in all parts of tho World. Wrl to for froo catalogue of Burgles, Surroys, Phaetons, Spring and Farm Wagons. CENTURY MANUFACTURING CO. Dept 413, EAST ST. LOUIS, ILL. Your Opportunity to Secure a Library of Political Information - 1 -"a. Governor Haskell Wins The following statement is self explanatory: MciUester, Okla., September 29. Tho statement that Governor Haskell escaped in tho to.wn lot indictments man, and, not the assumptions, haughty prosecutor, with a smile of self-satisfaction, that distinguished him in early stages of past hearings. "As he spoke tho faces of the de fondants and. their attorneys were at times wreathed in smiles. Governor bv claim nnrlftr rh statutes of lim I Tjri,ii y,t.,i 1 . itations is false, tho facts being that I JJJ" -XE n7 lu "e Clg.ar' . , L ....... Hooking straight at the prosecutor uio buuuto oi limitations was never and judge. At tim;eg the semblanco of a smile was td be seen. Mrs. Has- presented or' Invoked in the Haskell Eaton case. The court held that no overt acts charged against Haskell or Eaton wefe offenses against the law, no matter when they were claimed by the government to havd been commtted.. The specal attor ney general then admitted that he had no eyidonce to connect them in any way with any ovort act that did violate the law, and therefore the government would not care to prose-1 states marshal. Indispensable to Public Speakers and Students of Politics and ovoryono who wishes to lo coma bettor posted oh Amorlcan pollUca and tho pressing prob lems confronting this nnttou. Commotio C'ond enned Is tho boolc that will givo yon n broad grasp nnd raostory or nil public questions presented In a ivay tn fdvo you a clear concep tion of tho fundamental nnd in liorent rights of tho people. As tho namo Implies, TIIE COMMONER CONDENSED Is n comlcnsod copy or The Com nioNicu ftir ono year, cadi vol nmo number representing tho volumo number nnd year of Tub CoMMONEn's publication. Tho editorials nnd nrUclcs dis cuss questions of a portnanont nature Each Volumo Is com pldto In Ittelf a veritable com pendium of political Informa tion from original and. nuthorl tatlvo sources. Books of Value In theso volumes you will flud tho facts, flKuree, nrgu monts and reasoning on lending issues. Theso books contain In valuable Information for thoeo engaged In tho preparation of political articles, speoches and " debates. You not only got tho heat writings of Mr, Bryan, but tho best things from America's public men presented, analyzed and discus cd In a fair. Impartial manner, with a view oi ascer taining the truth regarding moil, mattors nnd ovonts. Thero Is not a dull pago in theso books. Articles nro brlof, conclso, complolo nnd right to tho point Contains comploto reforouco Index, which makes It n vnluablo handbook. Theso books cover tho wltlo est raiigo or subjects, arranged tn convenient, handy form. Ohr Special OITor will glvo you an opportunity to own them. Each book has 421 to , 470 pages &&$&. mm ' 1 lii 1 ' mPWiT'i jtjtmrvr" ., tA &tk wYcNOTiB&.iv;rocos ic. . ,. x - . s .&: s. : ta ac &. MHg" ?'wjm mz-tj Wi WzsPF'S'Wt few ffl H9G&KafBU3t k &mwmaBBMmMmiW-msm mimwmmms Msrann mMMtmmmmmrMxm vm ilHIHHHi kell beamed with satisfaction. "When Judge Marshall had com pleted his decision,, which was given witnout aeiay at tno conclusion of the final arguments on the part of the government, a movement ' for ward on the part of spectators and the exchange of congratulations Within the enclosure, was sup pressed for a moment by the United FOR SPECIAL OFFER 1 TIIE COMMONER, Lincoln, Nebraska. Gcntlomon: T oncloso monoy ordor in payment for Commoner Condensed, to bo sent prepaid to my address bolow. I hnvo nleo marked tho volumo or volumes I wish and enclosed correct amount. SEND VOL. 2 SEND VOL. G SEND VOL. 3 SEND VOL. G SEND VOL. 4 SEND VOL. 7,.,... Encloso 50c for each book $3 for sot Of G srft$ Commoner CoiiffcttNcrl u bound In hand somo and substantial red cloth, nnd printed on special book papor, In large, clear typo. Each book contains ftotn 421 to 470 pages. SIzo of each book is 0x8 1-4 in. by 1 1-4 to 1 J-2 in. thick. Formerly sold for $1.D0 per vol. SPECIAL PRICE, SO CENTS PEjR VOLUME, POSTPAID JVttme. JP.O. Stute,; Amount Sent. Wo hnvo on hand a llmlf crt supply of THE COM MONEP. CONDENSED. TVhllo thoy last "wo will fill all ordors at tho uniform SPECIAL PKICE of ONLY FIFTY CENTS PER VOLUME, or the ontiro fint of el books, from volumo 2 to 7 Inclusive, for only $3,00 prepaid to your address. Volume 1 Js out of print and can not bo furnished. This in no ivrty niTccta the other volumes, as each book is completo In ltsolf. Order ono book or us many ns you wish at CO coots por volume, prepaid. You can got a complete set If you ordor NOW. Send order direct and mako remittances payablo to The Commoner, Lincoln, Neb cute further the cases. Signed: C. B. STUART, A. C. crugb; Attorneys for defendant. Tho Oklahoma Daily Oklahoman, referring to this noted case, said: "The specific chaTges against Has kell and his associates wera that when the government by treaty with tho Creek Indians agreed to dispose of the lots at Muskogee, Haskell falsely registered the names of his friends as being entitled to; purchase the land at one-half the appraised value. When the deeds were issued it was charged Haskell and others paid' Stnall fees and procured the property In their own Tight, al though, the law required that not more than two Jots should be sold to any one person. "Had Governor Haskell eyer had a doubt in his mind as to the strong friendship the people of McAlester "and Pittsburg county bore him, it muBt have .been dispelled today when the decision of tfie United States court Was rendered, declaring that he was in no manner connected with. tho town lot frauds in Muskogee. If any there were, and the people en masse rushed to shake hands with him and congratulate him on his de liverance, honorably, from under one df the most gigantic political prose cutions ever undertaken within the liistory of tno United States. "It was as clear and complete a vindication as had it been given by the verdict of a jury; in fact, more so, for the government was on the evening hefore the morning -when the recess was taken given a'n opportu nity to find witnesses to show 'con scious participation' on the part of the governor, and after waiting twenty-four hours and wiring all over the country they were not able to procure one witriess to testify along this line. . "Ten 'minutes before 10 o'clock this morning United States Marshal Grant Victor filed the jury out of the hotel tnd marched them toward the federal court room, followed closely by' Governor Haskell, his attorneys and half a hundred friends and wit nesses. Mrs. Haskell, who has been constantly beside her husband throughout his various court hear ings, was accompanied by Mrs. E. W. Dick, wife of the Warden of the Oklahoma- stato prison. "Plainly the government's attor neys displayed uneasiness when they entered the court room, for it was evident that thoy had abandoned all hope of producing evidence of a character that was necessary to bol ster up their tottering case. "Following the hour's argument by Judge Hainer, .for the prosecu-v tion, came tho final admission of Special Attorney General Rusli that he would bo unable to produce eyi dence sufficient to'' show an overt act that would cbino "within the previous ruling of the' court; Rush spoke in In-low toner' -Ho-was a crest-f allien "A moment later District Attor ney Gregg had .promised to dismiss tho two' -other individual cases against G.overnor Haskell, "when court convenes at Ardmore. Then a speedy adjournment came as a relief to the suppressed excitement. A large part of tho audience surged forward to congratulate the governor and his wife. The other defendants not being so widely known, were al most lost in tho shower of greetings. Republicans and democrats alike wero to be seen wringing the hand of Governor Haskell, expressing their satisfaction at the termini of tho lohg-fouglit battle. "Jurors, too, congratulated tho governor, and although they had no part in the solution of the case not having heard the testimony of" a single witness,' yet the interest arousqd 'by the opening statements of attorneys and the arguments in bnen court seemed 'to impress "them With ihe magnitude of the' reBponsi- -bility they had escSpeftas well as' the true character of the case. "Surrounded by two score of friends and admirers from various sections of the state, Governor Has kell returned to the Busby hotel, where an Impromptu reception was given him by another throng of well wishers. Within ten minutes tele phone bells were ringing and messen ger boys were running about carry ing the news to be wired to the four corners of the nation.- "As soon, as he could break away from his friends Governor Haskell personally wrote' telegrams ' to his children, Mrs. L. G. Niblack of Guth rie, Miss Lucy Haskell of Bdmond, Miss Jane Haskell, who is attending school at Cincinnati, and Joseph Has kell, who is a student at Culver, Ind. "Within two hours th0 governor had received several 1umdre(l 'tele grams of congratulations from over the country. So busy was he with his friends that he was forced to miss his dinner." ROUND THE-CmCIiB Chronic Old Growler (whose, sub ject, as usual, is the country, and how quickly it is going to the dogs) "Andf after all, it's you , farmer chaps as is at the roqt of all the. evil. You raise tho corn, the corn raises the whisky; whisky, raises p6liticians, and politicians raise all the trouble we have in the country." M. A. 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