d The Commoner. WILLIAM J. BRYAN, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR t 1 VOL. 10, NO. 40 Lincoln, Nebraska, October 14, 1910 Whole Number 508 The New Nationalism Somo surprise has been expressed that Mr. Roosevelt should have selected tho name, "new nationalism," for tho creed promulgated at Osa watomlo. Tho parts that attracted moBt atten tion wore those in which ho endorsed doctrines for which the democratic party has been fight ing for years. The Outlook, however, makes the matter clear. 'It says that the essence of tho new nationalism is to be found in a few sentences, among which the following starid out most prominently: "Tho new nationalism Is impatient of tho utter confusion that results from local legislatures attempting to treat national issues as local Issues." ''It is still more impatient of tho impotence which springs from tho over-division of govern ment powers." "This new nationalism regards tho executive power as tho steward of the public welfare." It seems that the ex-president regards as minor matters the Income tax, publicity as to campaign contributions, the domination of poli tics by corporations, etc., while he lays great stress on the centralizing propositions which he sets forth. He raises an issue which must in time separate him from most of the insurgents "and alienate' such sympathy as won 'from demo crats by his endorsement of a part of the demo cratic program. The country will not take kind ly to his attempt to revive" discarded Hamilton Ian, doctrines He can not popularize them. Tffft.trPdMW toward democracy and away from 'the aristocratic ideas of Alexander Hamilton. - Mr. Roosevelt is mistaken when ho thinks ,that .there is "utter confusion" bqcaUso tho states insist upon dealing with questions that concern them. It remains to be seen what he .had in mind when he made this indictment against state legislatures. If he had reference to conservation, he ought to read the New York .platform. Ho will find that oven in New York the convention over which he presided was care ful to safeguard the interests of the states. But .it is probable that he had in mind tho national .incorporation of railroads which he has urged and the national incorporation of industrial en- terprises which both he and President Taft favor. .The purpose of national Incorporation is not to increase national supervision but to leave Incor poration to state supervision. It is not In tho .interest of the people but in the interest of am bltious corporations which are anxious to re .move tho center of control as far away from the people as possible. When Mr. Roosevelt .descends from generalities to the outlining of specific measures, he will find that Jeffersonian ism is in the ascendency in this country by an overwhelming majority and that that Jefferson ianlsm will thwart any attempt that he may make to obliterate state lines and concentrate CONTENTS j-0 ' THE NEW NATIONALISM ' ? PROSPECTS FOR 1912 'WHAT ARE THE WILD WAVES SAYING? WHERE THE BATTLE IS RAGING A NEW GUESSING GAME "ASK YOUR CONGRESSMAN" CURRENT TOPICS HOME DEPARTMENT NEWS OP THE WEEK WHETHER COMMON OR NOT THE TENNESSEE COAL AND IRON DEAL GOVERNOR HASKELL WINS . all power in -Washington . whore arsenate con trolled by a predatory interest can obstruct remedial legislation. His second plank recalls tho restivoncss which ho has ever shown when confronted by consti tutional limitations. Here again ho discloses the Hamiltonian bent of his mind. Hamilton was a believer in .centralization. Ho views society from an aristocratic standpoint while those who framed our constitution justly recog nized' the impossibility of securing justico ex cept by a proper distribution of power. Mr. Roosevelt will have hard work convincing the public that It would bo wise to go backward and consolidate tho departments of our government. The third plank is really a corollary of tho second. It is a sort of an apology as well as an explanation. If tho executive Is to bo every thing under new nationalism, Mr. Roosevelt wants It understood that he Is to recognize him self as a steward of tho public welfare. Why single out tho executive? Are not all public officials stewards of the public welfare in tho same sense? If tho word steward is Intended to mean tho same as the word representative, then the legislative and judicial departments should feel the same responsibility as tho execu tive department. If, however, Mr. Roosevelt Uses tho word steward in a different sense and ineans that while other departments of govern ment are to be representative, the executive department is to exorcise a fatherly Interest and act Independently o tho wishes of tho people but for- their good, of course ho is advancing a doctrine that is as dangerous as it is strringo to our people. That is the doctrine bf monarchies, not the doctrine of republics. But we shall see as time goes on Just how far Mr. Roosevelt's creed Is to bo nationalistic and how far it is to be really new. If It means cen tralization, it ought not to be called new because centralization is the. old system from which ho has departed, not a new system toward which we are advancing. . PROSPECTS FOR 1012 R, i".nMi..MirM mirrMirtwninnwin; -inn.. . f j In an Interview given to tho Harrison (Ark.) correspondent for tho St. Louis Republican, Mr. Bryan said: "The prospects for a democratic victory in 1912 look good, and seem to be growing better. The first element of strength is tho spread of ideas that are distinctively democratic. Demo cratic policies are being taken up by progres sive republicans, and many republicans feel that if democratic policies are to bo put into opera tion they should bo intrusted to democratic officials. "Tho second source of democratic strength at this time is found In tho radical division in tho republican party. The epithets which In surgents arid standpatters apply to each other aro more severe than the average criticism a democrat would mako against tho average re publican. This division runs from the head of the party down to the precinct. "With former President Roosevelt and Vice President Sherman rival candidates for the tem porary chairmanship of the state convention of the largest 'state in the union, with insur gents and standpatters opposing each other as candidates for senate and congress, tho demo crats can not but gain largely, and it now seems probable that we shall havo a majority in tho house. "We shall gain several members of the sen ate, and tho progressives will gain several more. It is entirely possible that the democrats and progressive republicans may control the senate. When we look back at the unexpected things that have happened within tho last two years -wo get somo Idea of what Is possible within the next two years, with a democratic house and an antl-stand-pat senate." "Who do you regard as the leader among the insurgent?", "Former President Roosevelt Is, of course, , .llilllliiriffiii'ifc tho most prominent, but the real loader of tha insurgent movement is Sonator LaFollotto. He has boon at it longer, has worked harder and has insurged In more different directions than any of tho rest of thom. Ho was turned out of tho convention that nominated Roosovelt In 1904, but was olected governor by his people, and afterwards sent to tho sonato. "Tho republicans of tho senate attempted to Ignoro him, and to mako thoir opposition to him moro marked they ostontntlously walkod out of tho sonato whon ho began to speak. Ho notlcod it and warned -them that tho chairs which they voluntarily deserted that day they would later leave under compulsion from thoir constituents. His prophecy has been strikingly realized. Ono after another of tho conspicuous standpatters has been forced into retirement. "Aldrich did not wait for a summons. Halo Baw that an opponent would dofoat him and retired from tho contest. Burrows had less dis cretion, and waited until ho was pushed. Curtis of Kansas has received a two years' notice and several other standpatters aro trying to gdt both ears to tho ground. Groat changes Boom to bo Impending. Democratic spirit is making itself felt." "What do you think of Roosevelt's action in rof using to sit at a banquet tablo with Lorlmor?" "Ho was entirely right. Tho Lorimor elec tion was probably tho most corrupt senatorial election ever held in the country. At least, it vas tho boldest in Its corruption, and If Lorl moj; was not. totally unfit for tho place, and in capable of shame ho would rcfdse to hold-th's office". Mr, Roosdvolt's action in oponly rebuk ing him will receive tho commendation of people of all parties. It is not always easy to establish guilt under tho rules of evidence, oven whon there is moral certainty of guilt, and It would help in tho purification of politics If tho rule applied by Roosevelt were applied universally." "Who do you think will bo tho republican nominee?" "It seems probable that Mr. Taft will bo re nominated, a second nomination being custom ary, but -it is too early to mako predictions and tho situation is so chaotic that tho ordinary rules do not apply. If, for Instance, tho fight between the insurgents and tho standpatters reaches tho national convention and Roosevelt leads tho fight, it Is hard to say at this time which sido would win. "Wo are not informed yet as to whether Roosevelt will bo a candidate. My own opinion is ho would bo stronger advocating some other progressive than ho would be as a candidate himself. If ho becomes a candidate the third term issue will bo raised against him and ho would find it difficult to overcome the precedent of a century. "If, however, ho espouses the cause of some progressive he might be able to secure his nom ination. You see how much there is to specu late on In the political situation and what inter esting times we have before us." "What do you think the democrats will .do?" "That depends a great deal upon tho action of the next congress. If it is democratic the next campaign will have to bo fought on tho record made by congress and our chances will be good or bad in proportion as that record is sat isfactory or unsatisfactory. Wall Street will make the usual attempt to writo tho platform and nominate the ticket, but X think It will find it impossible to do so. "The growth of radicalism In the republican party makes it expedient as well as right that tho democrats shall stand for progressive meas ures. No matter whether the republicans nom inate a standpatter or progressive It will bo necessary for the democrats to nominate a radi cal. If the republicans nominate a standpatter a radical democrat would draw to his standard a great many progressive republicans. "If, on the other hand, the republicans nomi nate an insurgent it will be necessary to nomi nate a radical democrat in order to hold th democratic vote." , AMvpttir t ttf'tt iiMnMtmmii, i w ' (L