-fv . wv " wf ifvf"" """xqHWi'Sw r ,. The Commoner. ,VOLUMB 10, NUMBER 3 ' I flllitiMI V b5wwessri a Edison m KN A, v A. mmf Fireside Model Phonograph mm mm &g ::::::?;; KSS ta Read This Great New TflAOK MAR.K B W VM IN STRUM CUT K?V: ':.::.: S3 S-! tfS&S-Cw s'SWRSTfc HL IHH 1 B3SjBi Hllfl ll 1 BH The Great New 1910 Offer on the Genuine Edison. The most marvelous offer the offer which eclipses all others. This offer is for everyone who has not yet heard our Edison in their own home. This offer is for Yoilo For you to hear concerts and entertainments by, world famous musicians just such entertainments as the metropolitan theatres are producing. MM MM MM mWh mW Wsmmmm wpmm. w sen vou li3 Genuine Edison Fireside Outfit (the newest mo'del) MUM Hf MM 'Msi Mm M MW & complete with one dozen Edison Gold Moulded and .Amberol Records, MwwM M MiM mT Jf MmmM M M or n absolutely free loan. I don;t ask any money down or in advance. i "mW mW mW There are no C; 0. D: shipments; no leases or mortgages on the outfit; no papers of any sort to sign. Absolutely nothing but a plain oufand-out offer to ship you this phonograph together with a dozen records of your own selection on a freo trial so that you can hear it and play It In your own home. I can't make this offer any plainer, any clearer, any better than it Is. There Is no catch about it anywhere. If you will just stop and think a moment, you will realizo that tho high standing of this concern would absolutely prohibit anything except a straightforward offer. Why I Want to Lend You this Phonograph Genuine Edison Phonograph. Nearly everyone is familiar with tho screechy, un- r - V5, T itnow that there are thousands and thousands of neoplo who havo never heard tho - . Ht r ItT 111. nnhii-nl .nnnilii nindiiciulTiv tlin (mltMInn mnnhlnnn finmn of .which thouch lnforlor nro VOry UMV. ... MV ,' ww - w . v...w-. vv ... -- - GXDOnalvo). Aitor noarinpr tuo oiu styio ami imuution rnaaunoB pcopio uecoiuu iirujuuicuu nrrnlnafcnlt IrtnrlH nf MTnllrlnrr Mnnhlnna" Nrtw. thorn's anlv ODO WQ7 to COnVUlCO tb.080 tfc . ---- n - - ... i II .. 11 peopio that tuo liaison is suporior, anu mat is to 10c tno-poopio nciunuy buo nuu uuuruus romarknblo ln8trnmont for tuemsolvoa. That is why I nux mnkine Uiis oflor. I can't toll you Qtio-twontlotU ot tuo wonaors or tuo liaison, jnoiuuib iciuiBay or wrlfn will .nnlfu vnn nntnnllv hnnr tlin trninfl. full hnnutv OI Its tonCS. NO WOrOH " " " "'""y ' V" "x".""" ... .,. ... , - -- -v.. r--i . ii. " ...I can Dogm tocioscrlbo tlio tonuor, uoucato swcotnoBa whujvuicu uio buuuuu Flresldo Edison roproducoa tho 80ft, pleaumi? notea: or tuo imio, or tuo tUundorona, craaUlnpr harmony or a lull brass uanu aoioctipn. xuo wonuors of Mm ITIrnQlrtn TTitlann intv Mm nnwnr of nilV 11011 to UOSCrlUO. NOltUOl' ... ..'V . - w. . Ji . i , ii.i. it.. i.1i... win i try to toll you now, wucn you're r,irou, nervous anu muo, iuu uuinuu will Hootho you, comfort nod refit, yoik, and (jlvo you new BtronRtli to tnuo up tto burdons or me nirosn. rne oniy way w viaxe you aoMialiv realize these things for you'aetr " to loan vou a uenwne IXlttvi Phonograph tree and let io;i tril it' .k. Bk X :v .". VX'XSSL-.N r w 'A 13. . N V .. So. .K yv.. v mm xvv d.. - rv All You Need Do: f . A Oj". 0U7O5; . w . Q. Vv ,A ' .'? '' Get ttie LATEST EOISDN GATALOGS rg 'Ck A'O "" v '' M.V "? . . :. "5 't Just sign your name and address on this coupon now, and mall it to us. I -will sond you our superbly Illustrated Edi son Phonograph Catuloir, tho very latest list of Edison Gold Moulded and Amberol Records (over liOUO'Ot tnom) ana our-urco -xTiai Cor ttucuto ontltllne yuu to thiaprand offer. Slern this coupon or sond poBtai or loiter now, ' No dbllffatlons, JtiBt got tho catalosa. wrlto uow today sure. All I ask you to do Is to invito as many as possible of your friends to hear this won- derful Fireside Edison, You will want to do that anyway, becauso you will bo giving? thom genuine pleasure. I feel absolutely certain that out of tho number of your friends who will hear your macbino there will bo at least ono and probably moro who will want an Edison of their own. If they don't, if not a single ono of them orders r Phonograph (and this sometimes happens) I won't bla'mo you in tho slightest. I shall feel that you havo dono your part when you have given theso freo concerts. You won't bo asked to act as our agent or oven assist in tho salo of a single instrument. In fact wo appoint 'tno such, agents and at. tho rock-bottom prico on this wonderful new outfit wo could not allow any commission, to anyone. If Yoll it Eiwt tfh ftfn tIie Phonograph that is if you wish to moke f y wwflJlll.lW i.Wl th0 Phonograph your own, you may do so, but it is not compulsory. This is a freo trial. You may sond it baok at our expense if you wish. I won't bo surprised, however, if you wish to Iteop tho machine after having it In your own homo. If you do wish to keep It, either remit us1 tho price in full, or If you prefer, we will allow you to pay for it on tho easiest kind of payments. Our Easy Payment PHan SiSii easy payment plan that ttlvca you absolute uso oC tho phonograph whllo paying for It. W.00 a xfiontti pays for au outtlt. Thcro Is absolutoly no lease or mortgago ot any kind, uo guarantee from a third party, no going beforo a notary publlo, m fact, no publicity of any klud, and tho payments aro so yery email, and our terms eo liberal that you never uotlco tho payments. owners of Kdlsons, New rirosldo Model Now Ready! All those who alreadu own an Edison phondaraph can wondetfullV improve their old machines, making them almost like the new Fireside, and con also get the BUPEltli new WO Edison AmberoB records, the loudest, clearest, most beauHful records ever made, playing TWICE AS LQNQ as any of the records heretofore made. Owner of KdlsoitB-writefor FllEE circular AAt describing all thte.F, K, BABSOff, Manag$rf )a 'o W ek F. E. BABSON, Edison Phonograph Distributers, EdSson Block, DepMl76 9 Chicago CANADIAN OFFICE, 355 PORTAGE AVE,, WINNIPEG, CANADA s --. , A i y U,k,M1iMtlMUi WUkr-J