Wr'!f,:-rjrf- -jhW '. 12 The Commoner. VOLUME 10, NUMBER 3 t r .-"& "'79W3Pf51 HI He- ,c.ta m Get These Two Magazines One Whole Year for Only 25 Cents THE AMERICAN HOMESTEDVI AOK'-Sttz wS' KrIS" .'Tlii:-':vJ'' .-;?. IIIIHIUM'WH umlwaW ,.l " ' WIIMilW I ilH WlU 4 :,iw,ff:o-fry.w.;-?'WAv'v. u iniiaja n ' fi'iiwiiiw ut. iiivfiTili W..v SE '! ft t:i'&k4' J .1 J w J .ypy 'xAyCw&w x .va. tj-; .. v. UM t'.ij. ViTAV lUk a...... k.w.arfl.u. ...fa. ... 3&?&&6 : i . : : vnzrz j'v .. .V. rtAvv,.j . ttiV m yw w,.; iswi- - 0ii iftp tofe Successful Jumner$ '&&&Jr$$PS:.Kt wrsrw,K.we.w 2W?5KSSr yX' ''" WMfc rt.l.WM.WSIv 1TJLTs( fTi?w'' -.w X ... ty'X :w ; .' . K .iv $V ,i.v)sMy ;M ' tv kSiiTi' j.,,saswsiK Hft!S- fo.U( ,- ?M' HiAW ::a":t7..,77:.i::tyi :. Axr.yjaHirrriiJ,i'i f MWW WM M yViiM0qi)Wwm6Jy y vv J mmmmmmmmmmmm W WwilUA Ul'lt MA4UUJ1 ,llVrfi tVtfcU lUb A 'UU kULl.'uJ U HM k 3 . bA frTtaUn-.i!' .,,.,,, T frtL.?sr'.,i. rrs sswts-. -?. i .' ::v-: r'77'vrT'vT?T7A"'': ,AvU WAV v vv4- X vvv ywv- mi fri .sw A.'X i vj aa a c i -fcvl uh tf A. AAA - - Wv Kh$iJ ?4 .6w- vu y -.X aa4 ; mvk ). M Jt v4mm Wx ), X" jt4 MA AW X4-k (Xw y rf-h & U b Ah ..... Jll. - J W. U .AA..tt .-I...- " . -O JV. M : lV bJukA&i &u 1iL iu.l k. WA afc vl uk . . . " i !T T. ' ... .: .sTi tjrr.4. iMyWww ;vr4r3ftv.u wjvc; xuxs JTi2 f 1 5 ? ' ''i vVvlSij;'vcv Avv v.'-vw v X( V4Mv. ?T. .'"" jL w" '" J vv . M " TV J .VA At Ctf 'A MA' y VV' . .v ,VWVM C ' 'W, irw" v K K viAA tw vy-.- . v VVA XM C V. Av vVM wsAAOj Auk AV V V Wti f 'A. VV . -MV AVT-AA K jLAk WMIA vvm: vi k k . a. .. ti ' AMUaM.A .VA' ii.wji .AuJuitt ka wA.W.a. y ViAaVS" j0' .V W .AA rv VAA- ' vva r . TV -k T 'T ' K'- Um vvsv A .V t fay ASN AA- WMV' -, ,f t j ff- W. 'W, FVW M A ml, . Kvt kVAl - .?' V t AA--VM i V Af V.W W. A- .J. WaU I- A .JA MX V vv av AVA A M -x ?am 4u. tf H.V k.bK kk ' V l...j it j -w I ,- Wui . " izzL.i.viiZ'Z.ii iTi-.:.rr,; ?". r 'ixtjk ..-. -w ..j o rrs.7?2?r,T2rri"r" J"T r' . mrw rr. vaka:.--.- --;Lf"iVEr..r-,2cr,Tr 22 sr.ir-r. :r. r'"'" aaa a va . ma- m.aA' .i,T.ii5T,vT.r-"iLrrr. r.rjsir RrrAs?u frvrv.r'r y V o ;v. aav n KVV4ArK VAAJ.'AAV4,' Vfc ' V".-. XV ...XJX W. A. .VXA rw I A-. W .N V Al AAAV, J VW M MjAAAvC V Myf . AV , A. S KA A-.- -Vv" '.; VAVwVAVvKr " T, A V .A)AAWvKfMMA'. AWrtW.ywiyn"' nrvrMi.ii J'v lyss&pw .. . , w n; m 55 . w.y.viiV , ,.;..., I, .. . ;.UU,-.w;vit 5t TwCJ ySjWj.jJfc.:.v ' . : . ., ; . . . .. f . ,;. -.;, "':"V3;.W; $v ' .' v ' " " ''""' ' " ' J' ' ' ' '' . WIWWMWIWM'W IWWW.gWHWWM MWiiiiCTWlm Iltmi IH.i IHIWIWHUt illltl.l III' The American Homestead A Nation al Magazine for Farm and Family Established 1883. Published monthly at Lincoln, Nob. Undor tho direction of Charles W. Bryan, The American Homestead has assumed a position among: tho leading agricultural publications in tho United States. During tho past year Tho American Homestead has mado rapid -trldoa in circulation and Influence. Tho remarkable success of Tho American Homo stead is duo to tho fact that it makes farming an Intensely interesting subjoot. Its contents arcs allko interesting and instructive to tho dweller In tho city, town or country. Tho American Homestead is filled every month With tho most useful, practical, timely information suited to tho season just tho matter you want and need to holp you mako a success of your farming, fruit-growing, gardening, bee-keeping, stock and poultry-raising, etc., etc. Tho American Homestead presents tho latest phases and methods of practical and scientific farming in a plain not theoretical or technical brief, conclso manner, in a way to help you best in your work. Tho American Homestead contains departments to entertain and Instruct every member of tho family, and has a flno h6usehpld department. You can got The American Homeatend now under our special trial bargain NubHcrlptloa offer, for ONTjY 25 cents together with tho Womaa'n World, both for one- full year. GET THIS BARGAIN. by taking ad vantage of Our Special Intro- ductory Offer! If you accept our special introduc lory offer, you not only get the great est bargain you ever received, but the most liberal offer ever made. If you act promptly and send us 2,5 cents (stamps or coin), wo will send to your address for one whole year, both Tho American Home stead and the Woman's World. The regular yearly price is 25 cents each. We mrke this special combination rato to induce you to subscribe for Tho American Homestead, believing you will become a regular reader of our paper thereafter. This special rate enables us to place our paper oefora you for exam ination, and gives you TWO BIG MAGAZINES a , year' splendid reading at a trifling cost. THE AMERICAN HOMESTEAD, Lincoln, Neb The WOMAN'S WORLD A National Magazine for Woman and Home Published at Chicago. Illinois, by tho Currier Publishing Co., has tho largest circulation of any publication in tho world (two million copies monthly). It has also tho greatest reading valuo in tho world, otherwise it could not grow to this enormous circulation. It has won its pluco as a MAGAZINE OP MERIT The Woman's World was started but a very few years ago by George H. Currier, whose ideal was to furnish tho people with .tho highest grade magazine at a low cost. He secured tho aid of the best literary talent in the world, and published tho best articles, stories and features of the greatest living authors and writers. See partial list of contributors in adloining column Tho success of tho Woman's World is the most remarkable in the history of tho world's newspaper and magazine making. It has grown and improved until tho character of Its conte ts places it in tho front rank of American magazines Is it anv wonder that tho Woman's World has built up such an enormous circulation on a 25-cent ba,sls? Tho public is qulftogSpJ ffItt$ sain. t This low price places a high-grade magazino within tho reach of everyone. & ""it,u"KI fSniJllt W,omnAn' yovia undor special combination offer togother with The American Hoincntcnd. both no wimii. year for 25 cents by sending"thc attached coupoA to The American Homestead, Lincoln, Noh, together with remittance Amerlcan Special Introductory Offer The American Homestead and the Woman's World, Both 1 Year for 25 Cents THE AMERICAN HOMESTEAD, Lincoln, Nobraska. '- Gentlemen: I deslro to take advantage of your npcclal bargain trial nubncrlptton offer. I oncloBo. 25 cents to pay for Tho American Homestead and tho Woman's World, both for ono full year from dato. ' " .-..'..' Xaiuo , .v, ......... , .', . , '. , ' , P. O ..;....... " . - r :-' St. AdilrcMM .,........,'.'., i ..;,. , ) ' State, .......-, . , , , , . ,R. P, D. No.. 'r' two Doners will bo mniletl to two dllTcront niUlrcssos If doaircd. Act Now and Get This Offer As this offer is limited, send coupon promptly, with stamps or coin securely wrapped. No lott-ar is necessary. Regular Features of The Woman's World A new short serial by Hamlin Garland starts in tho October issue. "The Story of tho Play," by Graco Williamson Willott. brings, tho leading play of tho moment in story form to tho fireside. Also departments by Maudo Radford Warren. Edith B. Lowry, Eldora Lockwood Dow, Julia Bottomley, Byron Wil liams, Mmo. Qui Vivo, and not less than three pages of the latest Pictorial Review Patterns. Woman's World covers and illustrations by such famous, artists as Henry Hutt, Howard Chanlor Christy, Charlotte Weber-Dotzler, Blancho PlsherT Dearborn Molvill, Horace Taylor, Otto Schneider, etc. Edited by Byron Williams, printed on best grado of paper, 40 to 100 lartro pages every issue, all advertisements carried guaranteed by tho publlshor. Everything original and written for the pub lication. Woman's World is the greatest valuo and most untauo publication In tho world. 4 FOUR SONG HITS Complete words and music of tho four following songs appear In the Woman's World. Wo Two In an Acr.l1,m$ by Van ,Alstyno and Williams.. Anna Hold's song hit in "Miss Innoconce." Brlnkley Bathing Glrln, by Maurice Levy tho hit of "ThoFollieseof 1900." Ily the Light of tho Silvery Moon, by Gus Edwards, tho greatest song hit over written Over 2,000,000 copies of this song already sold never nub llshod in a magazino, before. Put On Yor Old Gray Bonnet by Wonrich & Murphy, Don't Forget Me, now song hit hv Roglnald Do Kovon, from tho Golden T Butterfly. b mt by The Greatest Combination Offer Ever Made! A Few Contributor; REX BEACH SAMUEL HOPKINS ADAMS EMILY CALVIN BLAKE CRITTENDEN MARRIOTT El LIS PARKER BUTLER GEO. BARR McCUTCHEON JACQUES FUTRELLE CYRUS TOWNSEND BRADY CARDINAL GIBBONS MAUD BALLINGTON BOOTH GEORGE ADE WILL PAYNE CY, WARMAN JOSEPH MEDILL PATTERSON' HERBERT KAUFFMAN ROSWELL FIELD MARIE CORELLI ELLA WHEELER WILCOX ROY NORTON OPIE READ MAUDE RADFORD WARREN MME. QUI VIVE HAMLIN GARLAND FLORENCE E. MAYBRICK ANNE WARNER EDWIN BALMER FORREST CRISSEY STANLEY WATERLOO HfiNRY M. HYDE BURTON HOLMES HARRIET PRESCOTT SPOFFORD S. E. KISER JOHN KENDRICK BANGS CHAS. BATTELL LOOMIS GEO. M, COHAN GEN. CHARLES KING ELIA W. PEATTIE ELLIOTT FLOWER WILBUR D. NESBITT OWEN KILDARE BERTON BRALEY HUGH PENDEXTER CARROLL WATSON RANKIN . BYRQN WILLIAMS WALTER A. FROST SEUMAS MacMANUS - HARRY A, PARKIN ROBERT G. COUSINS STRICKLAND W. GILLILAN LUCY HUFFAKER CHARLES CONRAD ABBOTT MAGDA FRANCES WEST REGINALD DeKOVEN . MAURICE LEVY GUS EDWARDS And ssaay etherwell-kaown witr of the first claw mmi mm BBLm ':r'fl,''mWmWmmWmmmmmmmmmmmmmWfrWmmM m. tr ' Ali'- -' ' - ..-u.k....- .. . .. - -. t. j. -.. , M lw . .. ' ill C- tW J '' ftdU, .U..isaMMB