The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, September 30, 1910, Page 11, Image 11

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The Commoner.
rwm Tffl
The National G. A. It. reunion was
held at Atlantic City,. N. J. The sen
timent generally expressed was in
favor of increasing pensions for vet
erans, the popular cry being "A dol
lar a day for life."
A bolt of lightning struck the new
statue of Henry Clay, near Lexing
ton, Ky., September 19. The old
statue, which was replaced by the
present one, was struck by lightning
July 9, 1903.
The grand jury of Lawrence,
Mass., has returned indictments
against eight of the largo meat pack
ers on the charge of giving false
mado the requests for tho establish
ment of postal savings banks in their
offices. Tho greatest number of ap
plications thus far have come from
Pennsylvania, where 147 banks and
486 postmasters have applied. Other
states leading in tho interest dis
played in tho new system include:
Iowa, 55 banks and 19 postmasters;
New York, 48 banks and 22 post
masters, and Nebraska, 44 banks and
23 postmasters."
lionairo who died in Now Yrok City
December 14, .1909, wub attacked
when Croker's stepchildren applied
to tho supremo court for an injunc
tion to prevent the oxocutors of the
millionaire's will from disposing of
tho property.
Seventy-five thousand locomotive
engineers, trainmen and conductors
on all tho railroad systems in tho
west, arc preparing to open negotia
tions with railroad manngers for a
wage increnso of approximately 15
per cent.
Jacob M. Dickinson, secretary of
war, is visiting in Pekin, China.
Mayor Gaynor Issued a statement,
stating that sensational papers like
the Hearst publications, were respon
sible for the attack mado upon him.
William R. Hearst cabled a reply
from New York charging tho mayor
with falsehood.
Dr. Hawley H. Crippen and Ethel
C. Leneve were held by a London
court on the charge of, murdering
Dr. Crippen's wife.
A conference of 150 representa
tives of continental and public or
ganizations in the middle western
states was held at Topeka, Kan., for
the purpose of opposing the proposed
increase in railway freight rates.
Governor Stubbs of Kansas ad
dressed the gathering and said'that
he was surprised at the greed of the
railroads because they now proposed
to advance, freight "rates "to a figure
never before dreamed of.
James Clark McGrew, said to bo
tho oldest living ex-congressman,
died at Kingwood, W. Va'., at tho ago
of ninety-eight. '
James T. Lennox, member of the
bankrupt leather firm of Patrick Len
nox & Co., of Lynn, Mass., was in
dicted on the charge of the larceny
of $314,204 on twenty-five counts.
It is charged that Lennox has hid
den assets, of tho company to this
As a result of tho lynching In West
Tampa, Fla., of Castenge Flcarrotta
and Angelo Albano, Italian Consul
General Pagino at New Orleans wired
Governor Gilchrist asking that the
state provide protection for Italian
You hayo iu.m to nUA on
Heaters and
Why not bur the bta i when yon
bar thorn at atich low, nnbrnrd-of
raciorymcr. uooiioruioTwurxj
lUnge arortollrerwl f or you to u
in your ownnomo bq uy tree
bcror you buy. Awrlttaiuar
v- anteo witu 04cn aiovo imckmi vj m
mmmi Million Dollars. OnrnowlOlllmproTO
neuu on tote atwoltiuiy nrpM anything orer
BttxlBCcd. ant potl totfay frr fr tt.
a?"llfflrTTfr ..rTrsfrT I
Tho West Pullman car works,
which is alleged to have profited to
tho extent of $300,000 in tho alleged
car repair conspiracy against tho Illi
nois Central railroad, vas placed in
the hands of a receiver in the United
States district court.
John P. Ryan, son of Thomas F.
Ryan, tho New York millionarie, has
suggested to the war and navy de
partment that they have a fleet of
ono thousand airships at their dis
posal. Mr. Ryan asks the moral sup
port of these two departments and,
receiving it, lie will undertake to pro
vide the fleet of aeroplanes.
Charles R. Heike, former secre
tary and treasurer of tho American
Sugar Refining company, was sen
tenced to serve eight months in the
New York penitentiary on Black
well's Island, and pay a" fino of $5,000
on conviction of conspiring to de
fraud the government.
PresJdontTaft cent to Senor Emill
aiiQjigueoa, tho acting president of
'Chile,, a congratulatory cablegram-on
tho occasion of the celebration of the
celebration """of the centenary of
Chilian independence.
Senator Julius C. Burrows, who
was recently defeated for re-nomination
in Michigan, is tho chairman
of the senatorial committee now in
session in Chicago for-the purpose
of probing the bribery charges in
connection with Senator Lorimer's
President Taft and Mr. Roosevelt
met at New Haven, Conn., and Mr.
Roosevelt later gave out the state
ment that the president wanted the
Roosevelt forces to win In New
Senator Lorimer's resignation as a
member of the Hamilton club has
been accepted as a result of Mr.
Roosevelt's refusal to dine with him.
Fifty-two persons wero killed in
an interurban trolley car wreck be
tween Bluffton and Fort Wayne, Ind.
A collision caused the wreck.
Tho attorney general of Wisconsin
handed down an opinion upholding
tho constitutionality of what is
known as tho 20 per cent portion of
tho primary election law which
makes it necessary for candidates of
a political party to poll 20 per cent
of the party vote cast at tho last pre
ceding election and 'to have their
names printed on tho official ballot
under a' party heading.
Sixteen persons lost their lives
and thirteen others wero injured in
a wreck by a Rock Island train at
Clayton, Kansas.
A strike is on among the working
men in Germany, involving 700,000
Six persons last their lives in a
trolley car wreck near Tipton, Ind.
William Garen, manager of the
Havlin theatre, St. Louis, has been
indicted and charged with embezzling
funds of the theatre.
The grain handlers of Portland,
Ore., went on strike.
The new waterworks system of
Mexico City was inaugurated by Vice
President Ramon Corral.
Governor Marshall of Indiana has
instituted suit asking that tho char
ter oftho Cheaspeake & Ohio Rail
road company of Indiana be revoked
on the ground that It was obtained
by misrepresentation.
Mr. Bryan spoke at the irrigation
congress held at Pueblo, Colo.
The Turkish parliament is adopt
ing some radical reform measures,
one of them being the liberty to crit
icise the government.
President Taft favors fortification
for the Panama canal and will recom
mend appropriations of $2,000,000
for that work.
The steamship Umatilla, which ar
rived at Seattle from Nome, brought
a cargo valued at $1,000,000.
. John L. Peak, former United
States minister to Switzerland, is
critically ill at his home in Kansas
Senator Robert L. Taylor of Ten
nesseo has issued an address urging
the democratic party factions in that
state to unite in the state convention
to bo held at Nashville October 6.
An Associated Press dispatch from
Washington says: "Up to date 1,250
banks in the various states of the
country have made application to the
postofflco department to be designat
ed depositories for postal savings
banks, and 648 postmasters have
The seizure of a bomb factory at
Lisbon followed the discovery of a
wide-spread anti-monarchial'plot with
secret ramifications throughout Por
tugal. Rev. James De Wolf Perry, jr.,
rector of St. Paul's church, New
Haven, Conn., was chosen bishop of
the Episcopal church of Rhode Island
to succeed the late Rt. Rev. William
N. McVickar.
The right of Columbia college to
property worth approximately $1,
000,000, bequeathed to it for a cancer-
research founded by . the late
George Croker, the California mil-
A gentleman formerly attached to
the American embassy at London
tells how an old country sexton in a
certain English town, in showing vis
itors around tho churchyard, used to
stop at one tombstone and say:
"This 'ere is the tomb of 'Enry
'Ooper an' 'is eleven wolves."
"Eleven!" exclaimed a tourist, on
one occasion. "Dear me! That's
rather a lot, isn't it?"
Whereupon the sexton, looking
gravely at his questioner, replied:
"Well, mum, yer see, It war an
'obby of 'is'n." Harper's.
"How is your garden getting
"Why do you ask that question?"
demanded the suburbanite suspi
ciously. "Merely out of politeness."
"I see. I thought maybe I had
promised you some vegetables."
Houston Chronicle.
m J
1 V r F1
Double Your Hay Profit!
Cut Down Cost of Billing!
rul 8 tnm arery hour with Ilia mljclithwt
tloublc-afflcluner tiny nrrwilH ttio workll
rmoui AUTO-yEDAN tlmnU, ty to ion only two
mtn na!d cut down labor coiton-tltlidl Threw
ttrok prM l(fed tt draft whlni out niUr
and smooth trbalta than any othtr prein In tin world!
Ask any mtn wboownaontl ftlilpixd on fro trial to
Mtponilbla jpartUi, ALTO.rjtBAX HAT I'llKSB CO.
Ucmt tk. "ttLltUi 1W1W ttlitUt.. Ua... ni.
VntfJbW Ntnll tf t HIiiaaH
tnht tut (Ji !&
Wrlto for frco llliHtintml booklet dcftcribJnic till
County, utul Atnto wltrtliuryoti want unimproved,
liuKl.uMimll or well Improved fhrin. Wolmvu tunny
HHVront bargains tooirnr, nud want tonliow thcra
to you. Koohler Land Comiiaujr
Moillonl, W1h.
Choice Virginia Farms
SlO.OOI'er Acrmtml Up. Alomc tho C. A. O.
ltnllroad, through Iho lieurt of Virginia. Ttlch soil,
Wild Wlntrn, (lood Market. .For lliuidxoine
Hooklot mid Low KXcunUm JtaUw, luldrtfM -'. "
WAI-L, Jtcal Kntata A Kent, c. it O. Hallway,
llox XD, jtlchmoiid. Virginia.
Now York Stnt'j calM for nrogrciwlvo fanners to
buy IW Improved Innnn, goouliotnen mid Mgliarna,
at bargain prlcoa. Thaw aro not worn-out londa;
they ralKO thu betcropn. butlhoy need moroartlvo
farmers to grow wheat, dig potatoes and cut alfalfa.
Bond now for our Irco llt or bct farms. In New
York and other Wales. McJturiiey, Htooldiifi;
& Co., '477 Dearborn HL, G'lilcuffo, Illinois.
Watsan "E, Oelemaw,
Patent Lwyer, Washington,
n A rivlra unit honks free.
Itatcs reasonable. Highest recrance. licet service.
Magnificent Album of beautiful Florida rconet
given free to every nnw subscrllMjr to the hand
somest Illustrated weekly In tho Houth. Covering
overy phase of Florida llfo Jt Js invaluablo to thowj
who aro Interested In Florida and tho Tropics. Full
of beautiful pictures, stories, hlntory, and current
topics peculiar to tho Land of Flowers. Fifty-two
weeks 11.00. Send for samplo copy.
12Itealty Illdff., Jacksonville, 1'ln.
"I read that Glasgow people were
badly scared by a recent spell of
darkness. Can It be that they are
so ignorant?"
"Ignorant, nothing! Glasgow peo
ple are wise in being afraid of each
other in the dark." Tit-Bits.
Ifor tho Political Campaign
"Mr. HrMgman liat the discerning: eye ol the prophet
. . . From the standpoint of tboie who took beneath the
(urbec and beyond the immediate present this will appear
the greatest an'J-tarifl work yet produced." Springfield,
Mass., Republican.
SI 2 net; SI. 30 postpaid
has depositors In every stato of the
union In the interests of sound
and safe banking- you should bo one
of them. In the interests of your
self and dependents your money
should be placed where it is secured.
We share our success with our
customers. Among our assets are
strength, conservatism and liber
ality, three important factors to
consider. '
Send for Booklet.