'!WV''W'''fv "mryifmi f-'m. !, -, v.f-yj G The Commoner. .SEPTEMBER 9, 1910 7 w father of the present kaiser, was called to pre side, has a constitution which confers manhood suffrage in the election of the lower and greater branch of its parliament, and at his accession, William took an oath to observo its limitations. Nobody will wonder at the surprise with which the leading German newspapers received the kaiser's outburst. It is an echo in 1910 ofi a voice of 1710 or 1G10. 'Why,' asks tho Tagelich Itundschau, 'should the emperor choose this moment to emphasize his ruling by God's grace, and his own right, when it will nourish nnti monarchial agitation, and good monarchists bo thrown Into tragic disruption?' On thjs side of the Atlantic, whero .the kaiser has many ad mirers, his words will hardly carry the porten tous import which Europe will be Inclined to give them. The German press undoubtedly takes them -seriously. If they carry, the menace which these near at hand believe that they bear, they are a challenge to democracy which will bo promptly accepted in his country. What answer will the socialists, the radicals, and the national liberals make to this challenge when, early In November, the reichstag assembles?" IN A NEWSPAPER interview Gifford Pinchot says: "When 'Mr. Roosevelt's administra tion came to an end the progressive campaign was in full swing. But no sooner had tho African jungles closed upon the ex-president than n wholesalo desertion of republican leaders from the progressive ranks took place. The forces of feudalism rejoiced openly, returned to the attack and carried tho war triumphantly into the people's country. Mr. Roosevelt has returned from the jungle. He finds that during his absence, in spite of tho regulars of tho republican party, tho doctrines that he preached a year ago have germinated with astonishing rapidity and power. Mr. Roosevelt finds that, following his Initiative, the people havo thrown down the gauntlet to the'special interests. Ho finds, in short, that a large part of the country is involved in a state of political and moral war fare, with the people and the insurgents lined up on one side and the special interests and their regular supporters on the other. Politi cally the situation is clean-cut and obvious. The Very life of" the republican party depends up"on the outcome of 'the conflict. If tire insurgents do not become the recognized dominant element of the republican party; If the word 'republican' is not disassociated in the public mind from machine politics and corporate control of gov ernment; if the party is not freed from its false regular leadership and, above all, from its false reactionary doctrines, its fate at the hands of the young men of America will be the fate of Ananias when he refused to abandon his He, 'and the young men arose, wound him up and carried him and burled him.'." SENATOR LAFOLLETTE, writing in his magazine, says: "A Beverly dispatch says that President Taft is working on his letter for the republican campaign handbook. It is stated that the President's letter will not be contro versal and 'that there is no desire on his paTt or on the part of anyone closely identified with the administration to read any person out of the party.' This dispatch furnishes the further information that 'as to state figures, thero is every reason to believe Mr. Taft will re-state what he has said here many times of late that he does not believe it to be the province of the chief executive to interfere in state fights.' What has happened since the President left .Washington for Beverly? At that time senators and representatives were denounced as 'pirates' at the. White House because they had voted against the tariff revision upward and refused to swallow a bad railway bill on the recom mendation of the president that it was good. It is scarcely four months since Mr. Taft dis patched Wickersham to Chicago to deliver a speech f eading the progressives out of the party. That speech was submitted to and approved by Mr. Taft. Not later than June, James School craft Sherman, vice president by grace of Can non, who jammed his nomination thrpugh the Chicago convention, left his place as presiding officer of the senate and journeyed to Milwaukee to address a tory assemblage convened for the sole purpose of perfecting an organization to defeat the progressive Wisconsin senator and representatives. Those in attendance upon this meeting appointed a committee which is now engaged in placing the funds with which it is abundantly supplied to defeat all progressive republicans in the state. Vice President' Sher man well understood the purpose of the meet ing which he addressed and the object of the organization thereafter perfected. lie stilted that ho was thero 'at President Taft's request.' Mr. Taft's interest was still further shown by his sending a telegram of congratulation which was read at tho meeting by its presiding ofilcer. Wo have not complained that tho president and tho vice president are taking part in the oam--palgn in Wisconsin against progressive republi cans. Wo havo made no protest against tho hothouso politics played by tho administration with the federal patronago since the vote on tho tariff bill. LaFollotte's magazino does protest against the dishonesty nnd cowardice back of such dispatches as tho one abovo quoted from Beverly. Let the truth be plainly stated. Lot tho president stand out In tho open. The ad ministration has presumed to read republicans out of tho party for voting their honest convic tions on legislation. The president is directly taking part In state fights involving the election of republican senators and congressmen. Theao are facts." SOMETHING IS going on in tho United States treasury department. An Associated Press dispatch under date of Washington, Septombor 2, says: "Coinage of gold in the Unltod States will bo suspended for an indefinite period, If plans now forming in tho treasury department are adopted. Tho idea is to issuo gold Certifi cates for all gold bullion and foreign gold turned into tho mints, instead of coining them into eagles and double eagles. It Is understood that Treasurer McClung, in his annual report, will endorse the plan, which was originated by A. Piatt Andrew, now assistant secretary of tho treasury, when he was director of the mint. Two reasons for such a step are pointed out. The first is to save from $300,000 to $500,000 a year in mint expenses. The second is to stop coining gold at the expense of tho United States for convenience of foreign markets which uso it for the settlement of commercial balances. The rate at which American colnod gold Is ox- ported is well illustrated by the situation which now confronts the treasury. In spite of tho fact that more than $11,000,000 In gold was coined during August, the mint at Denver will be started up next week to turn out gold coins at the rate of $400,000) a daw the Philadelphia mint will start coining "gold in-October and' the Sart Francisco mint Is now making eagles at the rate of $500,000 a day." NEW YORKERS aro making it as unpleasant as. possible for Mr. Roosevelt. While tho former president was in Omaha the.. Associated Press carried the following dispatch: "William Barnes, Jr., republican state committeeman and leader of Albany, issued a statement in which ho doclarea that hystoria has run riot through out the country, and tho question to bo decided at the coming republican tato convention la 'whotlicr tho republican party will fight tho; dls enso or succumb to tho interests of politicians seoklng ofllco or temporary acclaim.' Tho detr actor of tho recent addresses of Thoodoro ltodao velt In tho west, Mr, Barnes says, 'has startlod all thoughtful 'men arid impressed thorn with tho frightful danger which Mob in his political ascendancy," When ho talked with Colonel Roosovolt after tho meeting that solobt ed Yico President Shorraan as temporary chair man of tho convention, and learnodjiis attltudo toward 'public matters' Mr. Barnes says he told tho former president that ho nover could hay) voted for him. Mr. Barnes' statement in part says: 'Hysteria has run riot throughout this country, expressing itsolf in ono form or an other, such as direct nominations, tho lnitintivo and referendum, tho Initiative and recall it matters littlo what particular form tho hysteria takes tho question to bo docidod at Saratoga Is, whothor tho republican party will fight tho disease or succumb in tho intcrosts of politi cians seeking office or temporary acclaim. Tho recent attack upon tho suprorao court of tho Unltod States by a kcon-wlttod and aspiring citizen could not havo been mado without a purpose woll thought out. It was an appeal to passion. If this appeal against the judiciary is popular and Is not rebuked thore Is no reason whatsoever, if a direct primary law should bo enacted in this state, that candidates for judicial offices, compelled to run tho gauntlet of a dis trict or statowido primary, would not, in order to appeal to tho temporary sentiments of tho moment, declare in advance tholr nttitudo upon mattora which would como before them for judicial review.' " Lot's see, is thin Shorman who Is not tho proper person to preside over a Now York re publican convention tho samo Sherman who w&8 recommended by the ex-presldent as tho proper man to preside over tho United States senate? Wht has ho done since 1908 out of harmony with his previous record? NO BREWERS THERE Democrats, republicans and prohibitionists all have endorsed tho Initiative and referendum in Kansas and they havo no bunch of brOwora in that state to bpposo it either. Tho American, Homestead, a monthly farm journal of nationnl scope, ' 'ill bo sent to all Commoner subscribers, without additional cost, who renew their subscriptions during tho month of September. Take advantage of this oiler at once, and send in your renewal. The Commoners Million Army In the campaign of 1908 The Commoner's Million Army rendered distinguished service to tho cause of democracy and it may well be be lieved that a similar organization will even be able to do better work in tho year of 1910 now that men who were heretofore indifferent aro aroused to tho importance of action. If half of the readers of The Commoner would take active interest in the organization of this Million Army plan, tho results would be imme diately noticeable, and the contribution to the welfare of popular government would bo enormous. Many individuals are willing to help in a patriotic movement but find it difficult to know just what to do to make their efforts count. In a struggle such as tho ono wo aro now engaging in, the efforts of every man, woman and child on the side of popular government will count and in The Commoner's Million Army a practi cal plan is presented whereby the efforts of many Individuals may be aggregated and used with telling effect. APPLICATION BLANK ia S 1 7 2 ft 3 The Commoner's Million Army r hereby enlist in The Commoner Million Army, and pledge my assistance to secure the nomination of only tvorthy and incorruptible men as democratic can didate; that X will attend democratic primaries and nominating conventions, and assist in promoting the great democratic campaign of education by devoting a rea sonable share of my lime to the distribution of literature. X will recommend tvorthy persons for membership in The Commoner Million Army, and in anyway X can assist to increase the usefulness of this organization. Signed ., ; A ddre88 With tho understanding that Mr. Bryan agree to accept annual subscriptions to Tho Commoner from members of this Army at a Act rata of 65 cents each, and that each subscription to Tho Commoner shall in cludo a subscription to Tho American Homestead (a strong homo and farm paper) thus leaving The Commoner frco to devoto Its undivided effort to political matters and current evrnts 1 enclose herewith 65 cents for ono annual subscription to Tho Commoner (including Tho American Homestead). If you are already a subscriber to The Commoner and do not caro to extend your expiration date at this time, tho last paragraph, abovo may bo disregarded. i w tl il I f i ' fcl ! in ic! m . r-L