The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, September 02, 1910, Page 11, Image 11

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    ' '"''iWWlKW11'1"1 'JlWy- vw!r"'tji rr.""snm"
tirv,aTy-r-'V?i'Ja,"-g:wwy-fjtiiWfii iiilliW-inl winKt-',i -jh'ihi
The Commoner.
bo the effect on the Indians if the fee
provided for in the contracts were
granted?' 'It would take all the
property the Indians have. They
would be penniless if they had to
pay the fee.' Mr. Owen was elected
senator in 1907 and lives at Musko
gee. It waB said here that he is
now in Canada."
An Associated Press dispatch from
Franklin, Pa., says: "Joseph C.
Sibley, who withdrew as a candidate
for congress on the republican ticket
In the Twenty-eighth Pennsylvania
district was arrested late last night
on a warrant charging him with
'conspiracy to debauch voters.' Ho
was released on his own recognizance
to appear before Justice of the Peace
Perry at Warren, Pa., August 26.
His arrest came a few hours after
Sibley announced his withdrawal
from the congressional race. Ac
cording to his own figures filed in
obedience to law Sibley spent $17,000
in Warren county and $32,500 in the
entiro district to gain the nomination
which averaged $4 per vote. Charles
Crandall, D. M. Howard and George
M. Dunn, prominent politicians of the
Twenty-eighth district, are included
in tho warrant."
Census returns indicate that the
center of population of United States
continues to be in the vicinity of
Columbus, Indiana.
tarles public has been authorized by
the postofflco department In accor
dance with legislation enacted dur
ing tho past session of congress. AH
carriers of the rural mail sorvico are
now required by tho department to
execute vouchors for United States
pensioners residing on their routes,
for which they aro to receive 25
cents for each voucher executed. Tho
establishment of tho freo rural de
livery service resulted in tho discon
tinuance of 23,550 fourth-class post
offices, tho postmasters of which had
been authorized ta execute vouchers
for pensions."
Tho population of St Louis is
087,029, an increase of 19 4-10 per
cent in ten years.
Former United States Senator
Wilkinson Call died at a Washing
ton, D. C, hospital.
Vice President Sherman is on the
stump In Illinois, advocating the re
election to congress of Representa
tive McKinley. He will later go to
Missouri to help the republicans in
that .state.
General Estrada took tho town of
Managua and is now in complete
control of Nicaragua'. An Associated
Press dispatch says: "When the in
surgent army arrived, according to
these advices, Dr. Madriz had al
ready abdicated in favor of Jose Do
lores Estrada', who in turn Issued a
proclamation declaring his brother,
General Juan Estrada, president of
the United Republic of Nicaragua.
General Juan Estrada had been the
nominal head of the insurgents. Al
though the revolution has been a
success and Estrada is nominally
president of the supposedly re-united
republic, it is not believed in Ma
nagua that he will receive the sup
port of the conservative party. Juan
Estrada, as well as his brother, has
always been prominently identified
with - the liberals, the party of
Zelaya." The United States govern
ment is known to be greatly pleased
with the change in Nicaraguan affairs.
A Wilmington, Del., dispatch says:
"Brigadier General Jack Hayes, U.
S. A., retired, who was with Lawton
whon ho fell in the Philippines; who
was military escort to President
Arthur when he made his inspection
of Yellowstone Park, and who was
famous as an Indian fighter, was
stricken with paralysis. General
Hayes fell heavily while going to his
apartments at the Hotel Richardson,
where he spends part of tho summer.
Isaac Bell, a watchman, caught the
general and summoned help. Dr.
Anderson found that tho right sido
and tho organs of speech were In
volved. His condition is critical."
Forest fires have wrought great
damage and the destruction of many
lives in tho state of Washington.
Federal and state governments ren
dered aid and state militia and gov
ernment troops were ordered out to
fight tho fire.
The republican congressional com
mittee has made public a letter writ
ten by President Taft in which he
boosts the work of the republican
congress, saying that it did the bid
ding of the people. He summarizes
the work of congress in this way:
"Enacted a tariff law which reduced
the' cost of necessities and as a rev
enue producer changed a deficiency
to a surplus. Provided for a tariff
commission, looking to tho perfec
tion of the law. Clothed the inter
state commerce commission with
new and necessary power. Provided
for a'system of postal savings banks.
Created a bureau of mines and re
duced the dangers of men engaged in
the industries. Passed a bill look
ing to the conservation of natural
resources. Gave statehood to the
territories of New Mexico and
A Washington dispatch carried by
tho Associated Press says: "The
creation at an army of 40,000 no-
The select committee which was
appointed by the house of represent
atives to investigato Indian land af
fairs and the so-called McMurray
contracts and which also has been
investigating the Gore bribery
charges issued the following state
ment: "Tho committee has heard
and carefully considered all the testi
mony submitted and is unanimous
in the opinion that there is and was
no warrant for any person to use
the names of Vico President Sher
man and Senator Charles S. Curtis
in connection with any improper re
lations with any Indian ' contract
whatever." This is the opinion of
the committee after hearing scores
of witnesses who appeared following
the testimony of Senator T. P. Gore
that he had been approached by Jake
L. Hamon, who, acting in the inter
est of J. F. McMurray, offered him
(Senator Gore) $25,000 or $50,000
as a bribe to promote in congress
the contracts by which McMurray
was to receive a 10 per cent attor
ney's fee on the sale of $30,000,000
worth of Indian lands. The senator
testified that Hamon had mentioned
Senator Curtis and Vice President
Sherman as being "interested" in the
deal. In giving Its decision tho com
mittee announced it had received
from Senator Gore a statement rela
tive, to Vice President Sherman and
Senator Curtis and that tho commit
tee "commended" Senator Gore's
statement. The statement read In
paTt: "Neither the name of Vice
President Sherman nor of Senator
Curtis was mentioned by me on the
floor of the United States senate.
That tho name of either of these
persons was alluded to by Mr. Hamon
was steadfastly withheld from the
public until this investigation began.
Their names are disclosed finally ,not
with any view to inculpating them
or with any view of suggesting guilt,
but merely in order that tho truth,
and tho whole truth, might be relat
ed with reference to the details of
the conversation between Mr. Hamon
and myself. While the public has no
reason to suspect any such improper
connection, yet I would venture to
request that tho committeo at tho
earliest practicable moment make an
authoritative finding and statomont
to tho effect that no ovidonco has
been presented tending to establish
any improper conduct on the part of
either Vico President Sherman or
Senator Curtis respecting tho sub
ject of this investigation."
Tho Hawkeyo, (la.) Beacon, whoso
editor is chairman of tho republican
county central committeo, prints this
report of Mr. Bryan's address:
"Two good things camo to Fay
otto county Monday rain and Wil
liam Jennings Bryan. Both were
duly appreciated. Mr. Bryan came
as tho closing speaker at tho Fayetto
county Chautauqua and the magnifi
cent reception given him at West
Union from tho timo ho omerged
from his train and was showered
with bouquets by a delegation of
young ladies until ho was whirled
away to fill another Chautauqua date
was worthy of America's greatest
educator and most eminent citizen,
public or private. (Wo mako no
"This is the first time any number
of Fayetto county people had seen
Mr. Bryan and very much of the
prejudice against him was dispelled
by listening to tho oration, 'Tho
Prince of Peace.' Indeed, wo talked
with those who admitted that they
had been greatly in error as to their
previous estimate of Mr. Bryan. Tho
revision of esteem is upward, but ad
mittedly duty free. 'Tho Princo of
Peaco is a religious theme and one
might think it too delicato a subject
to discuss before an audience of 3,000
people comprising all shades of re
ligious faith, yet tho great funda
mental truths of Christianity were
handled in so jnasterful a way as
not to give offense to any sect or
creed. Space will not permit a re
viow of tho lecture, so abounding in
tho greatest of truth and logic, yet
presented In such a way tho match
less Bryan way that oven tho un
lettered and the children could un
derstands "At tho close of the afternoon lec
ture Mr. Bryan held an Impromptu
reception from tho platform, a host
of people passing by to greet tho
eminent Nebraskan.
"By reason of an open date Mr.
Bryan was able to remain over night
and in tho evening again .appeared on
tho lecture platform. Tho evening
theme was 'The Price of a Soul,' or
tho applying of tho laws of 'Tho
Prince of Peace' to tho lives of na
tions and individuals. It was the
general opinion that this lecturo sur
passed that of the afternoon, if com
parisons are permissible.
"Has Mr. Bryan grown in thought
the past ten years or are tho people
catching up to his prophesies? He
said holding tho Filipinos as imperial
subjects was wrong and tho people
now believe it;- ho came homo from
Europe a few years ago with the
message that government ownership
of railroads was the true solution of
tho railroad question and peoplo
laughed at him tho prophet has in
all ages been tho subject of sneers
or stones but after trying the ex
periment of regulation people are be
coming convinced that the govern
ment ownership Idea is the true solu
tion; direct election of United States
senators, publicity of campaign funds
and many other reforms now accom
plished facts were advocated by Mr.
Bryan years before the rank and file
were ready to accept them. This is
why he is growing in favor in the
sight of the people, I. e., not because
Bryan has change, but by reason
of our catching up with the advanced
thought of a truly great man."
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