'r'jjlpjljllh'i ty'WSSFJW vv W -wmtfvt. ?? yipn jm The Commoner. S1 i r WILLIAM J. BRYAN, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR VOL. 10, NO. 34 Lincoln, Nebraska, September 2, 1910 Whole Number 502 Nebraska in Congress Nebraska should bo well represented at .Washington after March 4. Congressman Hitchcock, the democratic nomi nee for the United States senate, ought to suc ceed Senator Burkett. Mr. Hitchcock has mado a splendid record in congress, whilo Burkett has grossly misrepresented the interests of Ne braska. The large insurgent element in the republican party is opposed to Burkett and that is sufficient to insure his defeat. In the First district Congressman Maguire, the democratic candidate for re-election, is op posed by William Hayward, secretary of the republican national committee. Hayward is an extreme standpatter, while Maguiro has made an ideal representative and deserves re-election. In the Second district C. O. Lobeck is the democratic candidate against Judge Sutton. Mr. Lobeck is a worthy representative of tho Swedish element of Nebraska's population an element which has contributed much to the state's progress and he is a man who can bo trusted anywhere. There is little doubt as to his election. In the Third district Congressman Latta is Che democratic candidate against Mr. Boyd. He has served one term and had no opposition for re-nomination. His re-election is assured. In the Fourth district Judge Good carries tho democratic standard against C. H. Sloan. Mr. Good is one of the best democrats in the state . and would make an excellent congressman. He Is the type of man we need at Washington. In the Fifth district the republicans have re-.-nominated Congressman Norris, and it would be difficult if not impossible to defeat him but for the fact that Ex-Congressman Sutherland, his democratic opponent, has a record which commends him to tho voters. Sutherland stands for all the good things that Norris represents, and for many good things that Norris opposes. And Sutherland would, in addition, have the advantages of having his party with him, while Norris would have his party against him. In the Sixth district W. J. Taylor received tho populist nomination while J. It. Dean re ceived the democratic nomination. They are both good men and it Is to be hoped that some plan will be devised whereby one of them will withdraw in order that the voters who do not like Congressman Kinkaid's record may mass their votes in behalf of popular government. If Nebraska can elect a democratic senator and six democratic congressmen in 1910 she will contribute her quota toward the great vic tory that seems probable this year. Let every democrat in the state do his duty. A CENTRAL BANK It can not be denied that the tendency among our great financiers is toward the establishment of a central bank. Such a bank would be able to control not only tho purse strings of tho nation but the purse strings of the people. Be cause of this enormous power, such a bank would bo able to control elections, dictate gov- f ? CONTENTS NEBRASKA IN CONGRESS FALSE ARGUMENT GOOD FOR HOKE SMITH WHAT ABOUT LAFOLLETTE? DIRECT LEGISLATION IN ARKANSAS "TELL IT TO GAYNOR" MR. ROOSEVELT'S TOUR COUNTY OPTION WHAT IS IT? NEBRASKA STATE SENATE CURRENT TOPICS HOME DEPARTMENT "IF THE PEOPLE RULE WHY DON'T THEY GET WHAT THEY WANT?" WHETHER COMMON OR NOT NEWS OF THE WEEK ornmont policies, crush great principles, and shape tho business of tho country according to tho ends and advantages of thoso in authority in this central bank. , Such a bank, if theso men had their way, would bo endowed with money-issuing powers "without tho pre-requlslto of bond deposits." There are many tilings nowadays which threaten tho welfare of tho people, but of all of the propositions so far mado none promiso greater detriment than tho suggestion that thero bo established in this country a Nick Biddlo institution. And yet it may bo that out of tho threatened disastor great good will como. Tho creation ' another Nick Biddlo may thus provide a call for another Andrew Jackson; and atno time In its history has this country been so sadly in need of a man of Jackson's mould as it is today. GOOD FOR HOKE SMITH Hoko Smith was nominated for governor of Georgia over the present governor, Joseph M. Brown by an enormous majority. Tho contest was an exciting one as indicated by tho follow ing dispatch sent during the campaign: "The past struggles of theso two are a chap ter in the south's most picturesque political his tory, Brown being tho state railroad commission chairman, whom Smith, whilo governor threo years ago, deposed, only to have this former chairman turn the tables by beating him for governor when Smith desired a ronomination. So intense is the interest now that polls have been taken of passengers on railroad trains, corner groceries have had staw votes, and it ' is not uncommon to poll office building elevators in their flights between floors to learn whether' their occupants preponderate for Brown or Smith." Hoke Smith is a sturdy American. Ho appre ciates tho importance of keeping tho special in terests out of political authority. In tho face of great discouragements he has stood faithfully for his convictions. Defeated two years ago by tho corporation and liquor interests, he Is now victorious by a pronounced majority, and Georgia Is to be congratulated that this able, faithful man will again hold the gubernatorial office WHAT ABOUT LAFOLLETTE? Senator LaFollette is fighting for his sena torial life In Wisconsin. Mr. Roosevelt has hero an opportunity to put his insurgency into practical use. It is said he does not like LaFollette personally. That, how ever, is of small moment at this time when tho special Interests in the republican party are trying to defeat the Wisconsin sen ator. LaFollette has been true to tho public interests. Ho has not done everything democrats would have him do, but he has mado a determined, faithful fight according to his convictions, and he is entitled to the cordial support of men who, liko Mr. Roosevelt, prefer to be counted upon the side of the masses rather than upon the side of tho special In terests. If Mr. Roosevelt would deliver ono speech for Senator LaFollette it would advance the cause of Insurgency in all sections of the country. ONE BY ONE One by one the Cannon democrats are falling. The men who joined with Cannon to defeat tho democrats and insurgents are now hearing from their constituents. Leonldas F. Livingston and W. F. Howard, in point of service the oldest members of the Georgia delegation in the house of representa tives, were defeated for renomination in tho Georgia primaries recently held. The Associated Press says: "The fight against Livingston and Howard was in each case based upon the rep resentatives' alleged desertion of the democratic party when it was sought last December to change the so-called Cannon rules of the house." False Argument Did you over hear an opponont of county option argue that county option is not fair be causo a victory for tho drys closes all saloons while a victory for tho wots still loaves dry spots? Now soo how oasily this argument -advanced in all seriousness, too Is answered. Nebraska wont wot in 1890 whon tho prohibi tion amendment was'dofeatcd; if the stato had gono dry at that timo ALL saloons would have been closed, but will any ono say that, tho state having gono wot, FAIRNESS requires that we Bhall have saloons overywhoro? Will any brewer or distiller endorse over his own signa ture tho argument that, because tho prohibition amendment was defeated, no community should bo permitted to refuso license for the public sale of liquor? Will any liquor dealer or saloon keeper ad vance such an argument? Is any opponont of stato prohibition willing to mako a fight against it with the understanding that stato prohibition shall mean no saloons anywhere and that a defeat of tho amendment shall mean no refusal of license anywhero? Of course not. Nothing would do more to compel stato prohibition than a sorious attempt on tho part of tho liquor' in terests to construo tho defeat of stato prohibi tion to mean tho opening of saloons every where. It is just as absurd to say that tho defeat of county option ought to mean tho opening of saloons everywhere in tho county, regardless of local sentiment. Tho fallacy is in using the words "fairness" and "justice," In making an ' argument in favor of saloons. Those words are not to bo found in tho liquor dealer's loxfcon. Tho man who runs a saloon is not engaged in business he keeps a "place." Ho is, as a rule, engaged In a conspiracy against society; ho is, with few exceptions, encouraging vice. It betrays dullness of comprehension or moral sensibility for one to argue that a victory for the wets in a county fight should givo tho liquor interests the right to force a saloon into every community. Where tho people have county option tLo advocates of saloons are willing enough to admit tho right of towns to rofuso license It Is the very basis of their conten tion and yet many good people have been de luded by the argument that t is anfair to allow county option to cIobo all saloons unless the de- feat of county option opens all saloons. Thero aro other arguments equally absurd that are ac cepted by many good people but they will not be accepted when tho subject is understood. READ THE RECORD Tho republican opponents of Senator Bur rows in Michigan aro going to great trouble to prove that on one occasion Mr. Burrows paid a high compliment to Senator Aldrich. But why go to all this trouble? Why not look at tho record and learn that Burrows, like most other republican senators, stood shoulder to shoulder with Aldrich, voting with him upon practically all of his raids upon the public interests. IN NEW .JERSEY tJames E. Martine, who is a candidate for tho democratic nomination for United States sen ator before tho New Jersey primaries September 13; declares In favor of a tariff for revenue only, denounces the trust system, favors physical val uation for railroad property, parcels post, postal savings and election of senators by the people. BEHIND THE TIMES Now that Mr. Bryan has declared in favor of local option, it is remarkable that no irreverent paragrapher has ventured to dub him tho Beer less Leader. Providence Journal. The Providence Journal is away behind the times. The "Beerless Leader" was sprung so long ago that it is now almost ready for the grave clothes. 4jJUJfgttfe -i l'MrSi