AUGUST 6. 1910 13 who suspended publication becauso of lack of funds, and who started tho paper up again six months later for the same reason. Thoro are a lot of country news paper men who will see the joke. THE EVIDENCE LOCATED "Did you sweep your room, Bridget?" "Faith an' I did, mum. If ycx don't bcliovo me, look under tho bed' Life. The Commoner. Concerning Undo Joe "You have got t6 take the tariff," says our jolly Undo Joe; "Gulp it down, hook, bob and sinker, for the trusts must have the dough. And the trusts will always cough up for tho trusty G. O. P. "When the bosses need the money that's the secret, don't you see?" And the trusts in drugs and rope, wool and cotton, oil and rope, Say that Uncle Joe's a dandy with the proper kind of dope. "I insist," says Uncle Joseph, "that, tho Aldrich tariff law Is the top-notch legislation, quite tho best you ever saw. And the men who dare deny it are but traitors deep at heart Who should have in legislation not the smallest kind of part." And the trusts in tin and shoes, rub ber, meat, and rotten booze, Say that Uncle Joe's a dandy with tho sanest kind of views. "All these men," says Uncle Joseph, as he chews his rank cigar, "I" denounce as demagogic, and we all know who they are. They are enemies of progress, wild fanatics, brainless chumps, And we purpose seeing to it that they get their proper bumps." And the trusts in sugar, brass, lum ber, copper, tar and glass, Say that Uncle Joe's a dandy with a talk that's real high class. "Those insurgents are muckrakers," says our jolly Uncle Joe, "And are democrats at bottom, as each patriot should know. They would ruin our institutions, wreck the good old ship of state, By destroying our old party for which trusts still pay the freight." And the trusts in grain and bread, wire, coke, and coal and lead, . Say that Uncle Joe's a dandy with a mighty level head. not until we had accosted several excited citizens that wo learned the facts. "Why," gasped one hurrying man as he paused and caught his breath while satisfying our curiosity, "we've just got a dispatch from Washington giving the returns of the census of this here town, and now we are go ing to lynch the traitor that took the census." Advlco Go to tho ant, thou sluggard; Consider hor ways and bo wise. If you don't you'll visit your uncle Whom threo golden balls advertise. PATENTS Life A littlo grief, and much of joy Marks every day. A wealth of love without alloy, Along life's way. A little toil, a little pain, The, glint of sun, the welcome rain, And then comes night. A peaceful rest at set of sun, A welcome home when work is done, And life's all right. A time to meet, a time to part; Friends come and go. Hand clasping hand, heart heats to heart, Comes joy, comes woe. The radiant light of clear blue skies, The welcome gleam in children's eyes, Make hearts grow light. A Jmttle won for those loved best, And troubles faced with merry jest, And lifo's all' right. One of tho Fishermen A contributor who declines to al low the use of his name, but who admits a weakness for rod and reel, sends this one in and says that it struck him as being about the fun niest one he ever heard: A fisherman whipping a stream finally came to a point where a high wall came down close to the banks, throwing a grateful shade over a likely looking spot for angling. Sud denly he was startled by hearing a voice from the rear: "Hullo, down there." Looking over his shoulder the angler saw a man peering over tho wall and grinning a friendly if somewhat vacant grin. "Hello," replied the angler. "What yer doin' down there?" queried the man on the wall. "Fishing." "Gettin' any bites?" "No, I haven't had a single nib ble, my friend." "How long you been flshin'?" "O, four or five hours." "You'd better come on in then, 'cause this is the insane asylum," shouted the man on tho wall. Accomodated "My name is Smithers,"' airly an nounced the gentleman who had been ushered into the office of the general passenger agent of the. P., D. & Q, railroad. "Glad to meet you, sir," said the G. P. A. "What can I do for you?" "I'm thinking of taking a little trip, and as I am a man of great influence in my community I thought I'd just drop In and get a pass over your road." "Just take the Tenth street via duct, sir," said the G. P. A. "That's the only thing that goes over this road without paying since the anti pass law waB enacted." WntMn V., Ctalrmn, 1'iitrnt l-UTvycr,Wfuiilinjion, J).('. Ailvlcvanribookairc. Ilatcn reasonable. Highest rvferoucrs. Ucst service, MY OLD OHIO HOME In tho dear Miami Valley, there's a little cottago home; I can see those hills and valleys where in childhood I did roam, With ray brothers, sisters, gay, romp ing, laughing all the day, In my childhood's happy home so far away On a hill-side stands tho cottage, and the river ripples by, Whore tho golden hearted daisies turn their faces to tho sky; There the' robins sweetly sing as they build their nests in spring, In the dear Miami Valley far away. Round the old piano gathered; oh, tho picture ne'er grows dim, I can see those happy faces, hear them sing their evening hymn, In tho old accustomed place, I can see my mother's face, As she kissed us all good-night when pray'rs were naid-r-Far from the old home I've wandered and the days have glided by, But the sacred mem'ry lingers and I often long and sigh, Just to live thosa old days o'er, be a boy at homo once more, In the dear Miami Valley far away. My heart is in Ohio, my childhood's happy home; My heart Ib in Ohio, wherever I may roam; And my eyes aro blind with tears when I think of bygone years In the dear Miami Valley far, far away. Official Bulletin Ohio Depart ment of Agriculture. ACTUUM Cl.TtK wilt by cxprciw to yon on HJ I ItfflM rrcn Trial. not. don't. If It cure aonc! II; If dive oxprnw nfllft National Chcinlcnl Co.. 713 Ohio Ave.. 8ldno,0. A W F7 V rW ST hkci;icki on fk'k Free rrport a to J'jiteiitnlilllty. Jlluitrntrxl (luld Hook, and I .tot nf Invention" Wnntcd. sent tree. VIOTOlt J. KVAN.S A CO., Wasliliiirtnri. D.O HlIOItTJIANDln rnvnn Icwwni. First lrwwm free. Txt book Mc. Mnll ronmo $.1. Shortcut and beat nyirtem. VMU UAI'll CO., OumliK, Net), CORN ilmtttttt with Hinder Attachment cult and Ibiow In piles on rurretter or wlntOMf. Maa and hart cum and inrvrkt equal "till a torn liinutr. Sold In every tte. I'rke l20lih Illmler Attachment. S.C. MONTGOMURY, olTeiallne, Tea., wrilest The barretter hat proven all j-qu claim for It. With the anlttince of one man cut anil bound over 100 acre of Corn. Kaffir Corn and Maize latt year." Tcttlmnntatt and ratalo? tree, hulnr picture of harvrttet. HKW I'KOCKM liru.lOMHaHaa, Kan. It 1h tlic bent policy holder's com pany in tho United States. ASSETS, $3,700,000 Twcnty-thrco yearn old. Write The Old Line Bankers Life LIhcoIr, Nebraska ASTH IV1 A yield toflclontlflc treatment; no nnwdarn, no Ktnokn, no douche. Thin Is "different." Bend j for booklet "Froo Air" to Dept. N, HENRI MILLAR REMEDY COMPANY, 214 SI, Helens Avenue, Tacoma, Vaihlngten Epistolary A Lincoln man who is just now keeping bachelor's hall while the wife and children are in the coun try, is carrying around the following letter received from one of the kiddies: "Dear Pappa, we Are having a good time up Here we miss the dog. when are You coming up? So no more at present your loving dauter." Just Talk He said he'd love to gaily reap The waving fields of grain; To mow the hay and stow away In. safety from tho rain. He talked about the harvest song From early dark to dawn But I took note it was hla wife "Who mowed and raked the lawn. TRY AGAIN Two young ladies boarded a crowded tramcar and were obliged to stand. One of them, to steady herself, took hold of what she sup posed was her friend's hand. They had stood thus for some time, when, on looking down, sho discovered that she was holding a man's hand. Great ly embarrassed, sho exclaimed: "Oh, I've got the wrong hand!" Whereupon the man, with a smile, stretched forth his other hand, Bay ing: "Here is tho other one, miss." Tit-Bits. Revenge! I No sooner had we arrived in the town than we noticed a crowd surg ing down tho main street, running, milling, yelling and shouting. Nat urally we were curious to know the cause of the excitement, but it was Corrected "Did I understand you to have said that Bjones was going to take a trip in an airship?" "Not quite. I said that he was so empty headed that if he took off his shoes he'd fifiat away." A Keen One While attending the national con vention at Omaha of the Associated Ad Clubs of America, Governor Eberhard of Minnesota said he pnee knew a country newspaper editor APPMED HISTORY First Professor "My dear col league, I'm a little puzzled. When did the first Peloponneslan war be gin?" Second Professor "431 B. C." First Professor "Quito right, quite right. That Is the number of my doctor's telephone. I was to call him up and tell him my wife is sick." Fllegende Blaetter. THE EVENING HUSH "That deaf mute says he is certain his love is not reciprocated." "Why? Because of his affliction?" "No, the girl is a deaf mute, too. But she always turns out the light when he calls in tho evening." Brooklyn Life. ARTISTIC Mr. Blinks (in art museum) "I didn't know you were such an ad mirer of curios, Mrs. Blunderby." Mrs. Blunderby "Oh, yes, In deed; I just delight in iniquities." Boston Transcript. Ik Mr Must Bettfl in all diseases of the Kldneys.Blad dcr. 1,1 ver and Digestive organs, including Rheumatism, or the treatment will be an experiment, I test urine Free. Mailing Case for urine sent on request. Cos saltation and opinion free. DR. J. V. SHAVER, Opedallst. 214 1'cnn Avenue, Pittsburg, Fa. THE GUARANTY STATE BANK has depositors in every state of the union In the Interests of sound and safe banking1 you should be one of them. In the interests of your self and dependents your money should be placed where It Is secured. TYc share our success with our customers. Among our assets aro strength, conservatism and liber ality, threo Important factors to consider. Send tor Booklet. M. a HASKELL, V. P. 9IUSKOCI2B, OKLA. Don't Wear a Truss mpp STIAHTSPLA5 TKTAM " El J IV 1 sfZL ',, froaa U painful trai. toting mada H m SS 4i?W wlf a4krria purpoeir to LoM tb I 9UZT n raptor la pe wllieirt ttraM, fL " Si " I ' J-Tft pna ati2 Bctarn null will brine Tr trial Plapao., ruptart la puc without (trap. buckle or pnng jmoi ;ip, m eanaot chafe cr eompreae against tb pelrio tone. Tba uotl obttintf twel ear4 lo lbs prl vaeroftbt borne. 1hutxai bare noeful! treated ihtmttUt vllbtut blBrauM from work. Soft a tlft tuj appljr lxpaiW. Ptoeeta of eura la natural, tin fnrthrr nia for truttcl. We nrcr wtiM wo 111 "ftJP AM BlrbftnllBirTou trial bfflipaa IAL Of rLArTH abMlutrlr FUI&. Write nainoea coapoa an4 Ball TOBaT. Adder aa PLAPAO LABORATORIES, Block 54, St. Leulf, Mo. wffla ..... ..I....... .......... ...... ............... ...... Aflflroa.. ..... m. ....................... ...... ...... ....... . ...... t-ooics liko a dlumoua Troa.a lljcs diamond brilllancT pnarnnteed foroTor atnnda flllnt' and lira liko diamond baa no paste, foil or art!. ficUlbAckinc 1-aJthtbecoBtofdla. mrnidn. Retnnlrln solid eold mount lnzs. A marrelonsly reconstructed Bern. Not an imitation. Guaranteed to contain no class. Sent on kd proTAl. Write or Catalog. It isfreo. l&eraob. Jewelry Co,, &io V Bdwrny St xVomU S Jv "U I j, Si tl tU'Ji'ikrtgLlrt-!&yc ixitfMs.' y&J'ffe .''... -iJV . iW. Kt tfVVl&UK. &-