Vr" 2 The Commoner. VOLUME 10, NUMBER 2 fr"ht&(9 "U I i I bo credited with hearty co-operation. Tho Porto Itlcan assembly has responded promptly and lib erally to every demand for funds for education. So much for what has been accomplished. "What of tho future? Governor Colton Is urging tho establishment of a Pan-American college on tho islands, with tho idea of making it a training school for those who arc to carry our trade to South America and a university for those who come from the South American republics to study Amorican institutions. It is an excellent idea and has tho hearty support of tho Porto Ricans. Mr. Dcgetan, formerly tho Porto Rican repre sentative in congress made a similar recommend ation some eight years ago. To work success fully among tho people in South America one must know tho Spanish character as well as tho Spanish language, and a year's study in Porto Rico will bo more valuable than several years devoted to the study of Spanish in the United States. Then, too, Porto Ricans, commercially Inclined, after finishing the course in this col lege can visit the United States, learn the details of some exporting business and go to tho south as commercial travelers. The college would doubtless attract young men from South America, not only because of its proximity (only two days from Venezuela and on the line from Brazil and Argentina to New York) but because ono could study Ameri can Institutions while studying the English lan guage. Instead of decreasing, however, the number of students coming to the United States it is likely to result in an increase, because a course at tho Pan-American College would, in many cases, lead to a post graduate course at some university in tho United States. Prom whatever standpoint it is viewed, tho Pan-American Collego looms up as an institu tion of great importance. Our nation is just beginning to understand the opportunity pre sented by the republics of. Central and South America. It has been demonstrated that white people can live within the tropics; that the diseases formerly dreaded can be prevented, and this demonstration, together with the pressure of European population will add greatly to the population of South America during the present century. Every student who comes from the southern republics goes back a friend and cham pion of tho United States. Pie carries our ideas nnd our Jdoaia and booompq a cusfnmor for Amer ican goods. Wo can afford to invite him; we could even afford to furnish him board and tui tion free, hence tho Pan-American College will provo a valuable asset from the day of its opening. But we need something else in Porto Rico, and wo need it oven more immediately and more urgently than .we do the Pan-American College or University, namely, tho application of the American ideal in government. Just in" pro portion as Porto Rico is near to South America and especially since Its people speak Spanish Is it important that we shall make it a working model of our governmental ideas. We have been inexcusably slow in offering them the priv ileges and guarantees of citizenship. I am writing this on the ocean and do not know just what has been dono in regard to collective citizenship. The bill, as reported to the house, provided for individual naturali zation, but there were indications that it would bo so modified as to permit collective citizenship. This will be a much appreciated concession in fact its denial has been one of the causes of friction between the Porto Ricans and the officials sent from the United States. The people, with few exceptions, want to become citizens, and Govornor Colton's path will be made much more smooth by the conferring of citizen ship upon the whole population, leaving those to reject it who desire to do so. Tho other point of friction is. the senate. At present the senate is appointive five out of the eleven being Porto Ricans. The bill, as reported, increases the number to thirteen and provides for the election of five. Tho Porto Ricans ask for a senate entirely elective, and it is difficult to comprehend how an objection can be inter posed from tho standpoint either of principle or expediency. An appointive senate is inconsistent with our institutions in fnot, we have to go to Europe for a' precedent. And as little can be said in favor of its expediency. With an absolute veto power, which tho Porto Ricans cladly concede, the governor has all that a sen. .to would give him. He does not need a senate to represent him; and tho very existence of a non-elective senate is a challenge to the representative body. Ono representative body is more apt to ob struct than two, because at present the one bears alono tho responsibility of representing the peo ple, while with two elective bodies the responsi bility would be divided. It is of the utmost im portance that there shall be harmonious co-operation between the people of the United States and the people of Porto Rico, and it ought to bo easy to secure this when compliance with Amer ican principles Is all that is asked by the Porto Ricans. Just one more point. There are franchises to be granted In Porto Rico, and the franchise seeker is not always scrupulous as to his meth ods. We have seen him take advantage of cities and states in this country and he has even reached out after the national franchises. It has required diligent effort to protect the public here, how much moro care is necessary in Porto Rico. No franchises should be granted without the approval of some representative Porto Rican body city council or legislature, and wherever possible the people should be given a referen dum vote on a proposed franchise. It is better to risk a little delay in granting a franchise rather than allow a suspicion to rest upon our government or its representatives. In other words our government should make, Porto Rico an example and through it speak to South and Central America. In no other way can we serve Spanish America so well, and that service, like all good service, will return to us in manifold blessings. W. J. Bryan in New York Independent. A COMPLIMENT TO IMPERIALISM Sir Edward Grey, representing the British ministry, says that Mr. Roosevelt's speech on Egypt was "taken as a whole, the greatest com pliment to the work of any one country in the world that has ever been paid by a citizen of another." Yes, and the objection is as to the particular kind of work complimented. There are many things that Mr. Roosevelt might have commended with unanimous approval at home; but when he selected imperialism, gave an un qualified endorsement of the colonial system, repudiated the doctrine of the Declaration of Independence and urged greater harshness in dealing with subject races, he not only misrepre sented American sentiment but offended the sense of justice of a great many Englishmen. Ho endeavored to excuse the utterance by saying that he acted on that theory in" the Philippines, but ne aid not do his country the justice to state that we give the Filipinos a legislative body within ten years after, the advent of American authority and that we at once set about educat ing the people so that they could more intelli gently and more forcibly protect against any in justice which we might attempt. WHO'S TO BLAME? Speaker Cannon is out threatening the insur gents with a democratic victory if they continue their opposition to the program of the stand patters. Well, the insurgents can stand a dem ocratic victory better than the standpatters din, but who is to blame if the democrats win? The standpatters and they alone. They have caused the revolt in their own party and have given new hope to the democrats. If the democrats put party success above their Interest in the country .they might hope to see the insurgents routed by the standpatters, for a victory for the standpatters would encourage the predatory in terests to more arrogant demands. But the dem ocrats want reforms more than they want a partisan advantage, therefore they hope to see the reform element In the republican party suc cessful in the primaries. With the reform ele ment in both parties in charge of the party or ganizations the people will be sure of some re form even if the republicans win and more if the democrats aro victorious. A SERIOUS CHARGE Former United States Senator William E Mason says: "I believe that fifty per cent of the seats in the United States senate have been prac tically purchased." If this were true then it would mean that forty-six United States senators had purchased their offices. Unquestionably Mr Mason could not support that charge. It is prob ably true that some of the senatorships were pur chased by the men holding them, but a larger number were bestowed, not because of the pe culiar fitness of tho candidates, but rather that he could be relied upon to serve the special in terests that controlled the legislature. Regard less of Mr. Mason's exaggeration, however, it is true that there are a sufficiently large number of senators who have won their places through questionable methods that the plan to choose senators by popular vote ought to command the serious attentions of the people. ... - Practical Tariff Talks One of the defenses of the Payne-Aldrich tariff law, as indicated in speeches made in congress for distribution during the campaign, will be that a large portion of the Increased prices paid by consumers is due to the rapacity of the retailer. Probably some testimony may be, marshaled to prove that this is true, but such evidence will bear careful analysis. One reason for doubting its accuracy is that there is no trust among re tailers, but competition of a very lively character. Trusts possess the power to raise prices and to maintain them, common sense, if not experience, demonstrating that a man naturally raises prices to the extent that he is guarded against com petition. But who has ever heard or known of competition raising prices? Insofar as the tariff furnishes a defense against competition from foreign countries where the cost of production is less than here prices will be" raised by the 'manufacturer that is the object of a tariff in the first place. When these manufacturers act in concert either through general ownership or agreement the level of prices will be measured by the extent of tho protection afforded against that competition. This is the primer of tariff logic, and can not be successfully disputed. Every consumer is familiar with the fact that in many lines manufacturers actually dictate prices to retailers. This is possible where tho articles offered for sale are of a standard char acter or have been so well advertised as to in duce a general demand for them. Every bargain sale advertised by merchants contains reserva tions of certain articles, not patented which, un der a contract, can not be disposed of for less than a fixed price. The sales departments of many of these big combinations is the highest developed portion of th,eir business. The Iron Age is the leading periodical dealing with the business affairs of the dealers in hardware and kindred lines. During the consideration of that schedule by congress, it editorially charged, in express terms that the retailers, the wholesalers and the jobbers were at the mercy of the man ufacturers, who had effected trusts and selling, combinations to protect themselves, from -each," other, and fixed the price at which goods should be sold. The retailer who violated the instruc tion could get no more goods from the jobber, under direction of the manufacturer. At tho same time, said the Iron Age, many manufactur ers sold to catalogue houses at prices that en abled them to demoralize retail trade. The same condition of affairs, it was. charged in congress by Senator Owen and not seriously disputed, exists in the cotton goods manufac-. tures of New England. The American Print com pany handles most of the product, and it im posed a rule upon the wholesaler and the jobber handling its products and upon the retailer that if the goods were sold for less than the price at which the retailer should sell them he would be cut off from the handling of those goods. This amounts to a blacklist. This statement of Senator Owen was denied by Senator Gallinger and by Senator Smoot, but neither furnished any proof in contradiction. Later when Senator Flint and Senator Scott had sought to place the burden of increased prices upon the retailer, the demo cratic members introduced a resolution provid ing for a searching inquiry as to the facts, over which there seemed to be an irreconcilable dis pute, but the republican regulars to a man and several insurgents voted in favor of Senator Aid rich's motion to refer the resolution to the finance committed, where it slumbered thenceforth. A test might be made by comparing the num ber of failures among retailers with tho failures among jobbers and manufacturers in the pro tected industry. Another test might be made by comparing the number of millionaire "retailers, with the number of millionaire manufacturers. It Js true that there are many department stores, but they form but a small numerical portion of the retail traders of the country. One of these, Edward A. Filene of Boston, interviewed at the time of the debate in congress, said: "Retail competition is so untrammeled that it is im possible for a man familiar with the actual con ditions to conceive of such large profits being made as was referred to by ?ome of the senators in debate. The average net profits of retail stores are not more than 5 per cent. I know no store that averages 10 per cent net on its sales." C. Q. D. S n