t"9ff'rw'S'- . , ' JULY 20, 191 The Commoner. -" 15 PS & Protest Against Hughes Following is tho protest filed by the American anti-trust league with the United States senate against the confirmation of the nomination of Governor Hughes to bo justice of the supremo court: Washington, D. C, May 1, 1910. To the Honorable, the Senate of the United States and the Committee on the Judiciary: The undersigned respectfully peti tion the members of "the judiciary committee and tho senate of the United States to proceed with espe cial deliberation and caution in the matter of confirming the appointment of Charles E. Hughes of New York as a justice of the supreme court of the United States. Our reason for so doing is that we desire to protest most emphatically against the confirmation of said Charles E. Hughes, on the ground that in several respects his appoint ment to the supreme court is highly improper and unsafe for the best in terests and welfare of the people of the United States. Wo make our protest to your hon orable committee with no personal bias or malice whatever toward Mr. Hughes and solely with the view of performing a public duty in the pub lic interest. It is now universally recognized by citizens of every state and of every calling that a grave crisis exists in tho conflict of interests between the great lawless combination known as trusts on tho one side and the people of these United States on the other. We protest against the confirma tion of Charles E. Hughes as a justice of the supreme court for the reason that no one familiar with Mr. Hughes' public record can believe that his mental leanings are other than friendly to the purposes and plans of the men at the head of these great trust conspiracies against the people, which are now so menacing to this country. Wo 'protest against his confirma tion for the reason that it is a matter pf public record that many of the men of the greatest power at the heads of these trusts and who con trol the unlawful monopolies in the "ocessaries of life as well as those ersons who control the transporta tion trusts and tho money trusts were his active supporters and large contributors to the campaign funds used to elect Mr. Hughes as governor of New York. Among those trust officials who contributed most heavily to elect their friend, Mr. Hughes, to the gov ernorship of New York and who un doubtedly are now favoring his ap pointment to the supreme court bench, were men prominent in the control of the tobacco trust, the standard Oil trust, 'he coal trust and the railroad trust, who are now on trial for their offenses against the laws of the United States, and their cases will be among the very nrst which Governor Hughes will be caned to decide if he were con "rmed by and with the advice and consent of the senate to sit as a justice of the supreme court of tho United States. The specious claim of the friends or Governor Hughes, who are mak ing such an active campaign for his J a.mPagn, that he would only decide wnat he thought was henestly right, no sufficient warrant for his con ciliation .when we realize that the records of human history are full nnoiH names of men who, when in iosmc.ns of great power, performed acts which they thought were hon- m,H;.igllt and yet th0SQ acts re suited in terrible and Irreparable in jury and suffering to their fellow men. One of the most dangerous of all men to intrust with great power is tho strong-headed, able and deter mined man who thinks he is right when he is wrong. And in no public office in these United States are there greater possibilities of public injury than in having men so constltntori sitting for life on the supreme court bench. We protest against the confirma tion of Charles E. Hughes because we are convinced that a thorough in vestigation by the judiciary commit tee and tho senate will disclose tho fact that he is a man of the typo above described, and that his precon ceived views, to which he holds most tenaciously on public questions such as the income tax, the two-cent faro law, the propriety of accepting large amounts of money for campaign pur poses from trust officials whoso cases are now pending, in sums which may practically decide an election, show that much beside his legal learning and amiable personality should be taken into consideration in deciding on his confirmation. We especially protest against his immediate confirmation to this life position of great power which in the ordinary course of events he will fill for a quarter of a century with un limited opportunity to affect the weal or woe of the American people, for the reason that he has announced that he will not undertake the duties of the office until after the first of October, so that no public injury can possibly arise from the senate taking time to make a mos,t thorough in quiry into Mr. Hughes' qualifications and fitness for the supreme court. We protest against the appoint ment of Governor Hughes to the su premo court for the reason that, should ho prove as we fear he will, a judge friendly to the pretensions of the great lawless trusts, then all the ground that the people have won against the trusts in the last twenty years of struggle will be practically lost. We respectfully 'ask a reason able time to present to your honor ably body the evidence which will verify the statements contained in this protest. Vice Chairman Executive Commit tee, American Anti-Trust League, H. J. Schultis. National Secretary, H. B. Martin. you have nothing more Interesting or "The suttee in question took place at a spot by tho river side, about a quarter of a mile below Barnngore, at eleven in the morning. Wo ar rived about half an hour beforo that time, and found the widow, bathing in the river, surrounded by a troop of friends, chiefly men. It was thon low water, and the deep mud left by the tide prevented our approaching sufficiently near to observe with ac curacy tho ceremonies that woro per forming. Our attention was attract ed to the pile, which was placed about high water mnrk. It was not altogether more than four and one half or five feet long, to tho host of our observation, and consisted mere ly of some long billots of chopped soon-dry wood, fresh and green from tho bazar, retained in their placos.by four stakes driven into tho ground at the angles. The whole was ex ceeding little, if at fill, longer, or HarrowS?rWhileYoiiPlow With Ato years of experimental vrorlc behind tin, with tho kindly help and assistance of mouMitua or rannerB.Hiaioiinu uniica niaura iieparunaiiia or Agri culture wo are la a position to oiidf to progressive farnnni The Only Successful Rotary Harrow for plow Attachment. Oar 1910 Swastika and Hercules Models eon stltuto tho most thoroughly reliable- ami practical lino of Tlow Harrows on tho market, and at prices wltlilu tho easy reach or every fanner using riding or wheel walking Plows. 7 models to select from. Our proposition ha appealed to over 100,000 former, and will appeal to you. Wrlto today for our Illustrated cntaloit. free It brings full particulars. Klvo 2c stamps brings our beautiful watcb fob. Send now for catalog 79. THE KRAMER COMPANY, PAXTON, ILLINOIS Ik. JHEjfe Highland School All Year Enter Any Time 2,000 Students AmmaUy SUTTEE AS IT USED TO BE Monday, June 11. East Indies. Interesting account of a suttee: Being informed that a suttee was about to take place in the vicinity of my house (in the neighborhood of Calcutta) I repaired to the spot, in company with a friend instigated by a strong and natural curiosity, to ob serve narrowly the deportment of a human being about to take a volun tary and public leave of .existence, and believing from what we had read of similar cases, that our feelings would not be shocked by any open exhibition of the actual pains of dis solution. I do not recollect to have seen any account of a suttee, which did not, upon the whole, tell rather favorably for the humanity of those whom an imperious ordinance of re ligion calls upon to preside or offi ciate at such ceremonials. I think It therefore a duty which I owe to the cause of truth, to record at least one instance on the other side of the nuestion. With this view I beg leavo ?o address myself to you in the hope vou will give the narration a place fn your Valuable newspaper, when Park College Des Moines, Iowa "IiAltiiH'V ,1B1S3SM. BHSBk. BBHr-BBBBBW- Wl-l"W,'l B .1 BBHHPMaBnaBM?MdBV '9mwBIKTOvaBXA' tn iifBBISBm&'fy&MKmBm7r2Z!r KBBMtekwfflBE.yidU iBBlr.HBBBLJL JKIHiBiKtl t.BJSBBr BBnnHbwB&HkJCaBlBUftdiMSBBBBBfr VWMaflrWK'if VlMTilBr MLZr1!K9IHHCii4 BisteasS-Sr TsP mmmXatir'j tmMr CllBBHHMBKXBar'-r,SlBBBBB7Y 9BPUssBSss9HBte Highland Park CollcffQ comes nearer meet. ma the demands of modern education than any other Collese in the country. 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THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES AND All the National Platforms of all the Parties A handy compendium of political information that should be in tho hands of every American voter of whatever party affiliation. It clearly shows tho trend of political principles from the earliest foundation of our government to tho present time. This book is printed in clear type, bound in substantial paper covers, and contains 207 pages. Tho supply is limited, but orders will be filled as long as they last at 25 cento per copy postpaid to any address. Send your order today. Address all Orders to The Commoner, Lincoln, Nebr. I V 14j w'l 1 4 Wii 0 I ;r' rl 4 'kl i l r. fit1!-. n&JUJUliM-. . liiiii.Wiiil.ii. I. niiiijliii.ii ii .Ik,.'4 . - -( (4.ti . ? etl