f5KNl frVT" n Wmcmiyf$rmF1"r "W-X wprr y" ". "-p-Tyt 5? TWW i'T?? The Commoner. JULT 15, 111 5 BlCQyiNT y REPRESENTATIVE Miles Poindexter of Washington is a candidate for tho senate to succeed Senator Piles, Recently Mr. Poin dexter visited Theodore Roosevelt and It was reported that Mr. Roosevelt had endorsed Mr. Poindexter aB a senatorial candidate. Return ing from Beverly, Mass., where ho went to visit the president and to arrange for the dischargo from the reclamation service of Director Newell, Secretary Ballinger gave out this public statement: "If the report published ia true, Mr. Roosevelt has been led astray by the de ception of those who claim to bo his friends." He added that he had taken no active part in the politics of Washington for a long while and denied that he headed the party in that state or any wing of it. "I do not consider Mr. Poin dexter a republican, but a rank socialist, or rather, if he is not one, he will be one soon." LEAVING OYSTER Bay after a visit with Mr. Roosevelt, Representative Poindexter said: "I found Colonel Roosevelt unchanged. He is just the same as ever. He and I have worked together always, and he assured me that we always would work together. I am delighted with the result of tho visit." The Associated Press report adds: "Colonel Roose velt looked happy when ho received the inter viewers a little later. He was dressed in tho crash riding suit which he wears most of the time while he is at home. Seated in his library, ho spoke of his talk with Mr. Poindexter in a manner that showed plainly the pleasure .which the meeting had given him. This is what he said: 'Representative Poindexter and I went over the political situation in the northwest. He assured me that he was in hearty sympathy .with. t my. .'conservation policy. Mr. Poindexter is- a candidate for the United States senate and is politically opposed to that wing of tho party headed by Mr. Ballinger, secretary of the in terior. " MR. BRYAN, on his return home, learns that Mr. Hatfield of Lincoln and friends in other parts of the state have been circulating petitions asking him to allow his name to, be used as a candidate for the United States senate. Mr. Bryan sent for Mr. Hatfield and, after expressing his appreciation of the kindly sentiment em bodied in the proposition, ho asked him to abandon the project. In explaining his position Mr. Bryati said: "I stated some months ago that I was not a candidate for the senate and did not expect to be. I told Inquiring friends that while I would not promise anyone not to become a candidate, I regarded the possibility of my becoming a candidate as too remote to be considered by anyone desiring to be a candidate, and I was glad when others announced their candidacy. There were a number of reasons which combined to convince me that it was not advisable for me to enter the race. One reason was that I saw this fight on the liquor question coming up and thought it probable that I could do my duty better without being hampered by a candidacy for any office. Later developments have justified mo in the decision not to be a candidate. I am needed in this state fight, and shall have plenty to do. The people of the state have done a great deal for me, and I have not had a chance to do much for them in re turn. I have an opportunity now, and I shall show my gratitude for past favors by rendering such service as a private citizen can render by helping to keep our party from becoming the tool of the liquor and other special interests." THE PEOPLE of London have discovered an aged gardener bearing the name of William Shakespeare who is kin to the great poet. A London cablegram to the Philadelphia North American, referring to this gardener, says: "His photograph shows him to bo almost a perfect image of his greatest collateral ancestor of im mortal memory, so far as prints of the poet dramatis bear witness. But this aged and con tented man never heard anything about the re cent beat-up of poets' descendants, nor can he even provo his pedigree. As to family history, he is so honestly frank in disclaiming any knowledge, save that his forefathers woro 'all from these parts,' that tho fact of his connec tion with tho original Shakospeares of Snlttor fleld is bettor proved than by a host of parch ments; for tho unwritten records of village dynasties are in their way tho truest of any. It may bo added that ho confirmed one particu larly interesting fact, namely, that his father and grandfather and all the family sinco ho can remember have pronounced their name 'Shax per' as, indeed, it was sometimes spelled in tho poet's own time. Ho has, too, a 'young' brother, Thomas, of whom ho is rightly proud and who has achieved tho honorablo position of head porter at tho Warwick railway station. This William Shakespeare, too, is tho rightful transmitter of a' tradition that tho poet onco went to sleep for twenty-four hours under a crab tree, and then awoke, exclaiming, 'Why, bless me, today's tomorrow.' Ho says that ho can rely on the truth of the story because tho crab tree is still there. Tho logic is as unan swerable as that of Smith tho Weaver in Henry VI., who deposed that Mortimer's son, changed at birth, became a bricklayer. 'Sir, ho mado a chimney in my father's house, and the bricks are alive at this day to testify it; therefore, deny it not.' " NOT LONG AGO, Senator Lodge of Massa chusetts caused it to be announced that Theodore Roosevelt would help Mr. Lodge in his efforts to be re-elected to the senate. Mr. Lodge is a standpatter. Now Senator Beverldge of Indiana, says that Mr. Roosevelt has prom ised to go to Indiana and make a speech in Mr. Beveridge's behalf. Mr. Beveridge's opponent is John W. Kern, the democratic nominee for vice president in 1908. FOLLOWING THE victory of Johnson, tho negro prize fighter, at Reno, Nevada, there were many race riots throughout tho country. Some of these taken from the United Press re ports are as follows: "Little Rock, Ark, two negroes killed by whites. Houston, Texas White man cuts negro to death. Roanoke, Va. Six negroes critically beaten. Many whites arrested. Saloons closed. One white shot. Pittsburg, Pa. Scores of race riots In 'black belt.' Thousands involved. Two policemen seriously hurt. One hundred arrests made. Louisville, Ky. Negroes attack newsboys selling fight extras. Draw revolvers. Several arrests. More trouble feared. Philadelphia' Whites pur sue negroes along street, throwing bricks. Sev eral injured. Negro paraders in Germantown dispersed by whites. Wilmington, Del. Ne groes attack white man. Whites attempt lynch ing bee. Thousands engaged. Police answer riot call and use clubs freely. New Orleans Riots in front of newspaper buildings. Knives and revolvers used; police called. St. Louis Riots in negro quarter. Police forco club many negroes. Atlanta, Ga. Negro runs amuck with a knife. Mob tried to kill him. 'Rescued by police reserves. Sev eral arrests made. Cincinnati Negroes chased off streets for Insulting remarks. Baltimore Eighty arrests made in 'black belt.' Several negroes badly cut up. Washington, D. C. Two whites fatally stabbed by negroes, two hospitals crowded with injured and 236 arrests made. Riots continued all night. Mounted police charged mobs frequently. Kansas City Ne groes driven off street cars. Entire police force on duty. Omaha, Neb. One negro was killed and several Injured here as the result of John son's victory. Dozens of arrests In race riots 'were made. New York One negro beaten to death and scores injured in half hundred race riots in 'black belt.' Several thousand extra policemen needed to quell disorders. Chicago Negro dying, stabbed by white. Scores Injured in fights throughout 'black belt' last night be tween whites and negroes. Pueblo, Colo. Thirty hurt in race riot at negro picnic. Two whites seriously stabbed, twenty-eight persons beaten up. Shreveport, La. Three negroes killed. Iron Mountain railroad conductor fatal ly wounded, many others Injured. Riots in northern Louisiana. Uvalda, Ga. Negroes In sult whites. Pitched battle follows. Three ne groes killed nnd many wounded. Mounds, 111. Negroes shoot up town, killing nogro policeman. Tallulah, La. Negro kills conductor who de manded railroad faro. Indianapolis Whlto man severely beaten and kicked by four nogrocs early today when ho resented taunts over John son's victory. Police subduo nogro revelers after all night carousal." Genoral protest is being mado throughout tho country against tho display of moving plcturos representative of tho Johnson-Jeffries prize fight. THE DEMOCRATS of Lancaster county, Ne braska, hold primaries on tho evening of Friday, July 8 for tho purposo of choosing dole gates to a county convention. Tho Issue before tho primaries was whether a delegation favor able to tho Insertion In tho stato platform of a plank declaring for county option should bo elected to tho stato convention which meets at Grand Island July 26. Mr. Bryan favored this plank. Tho county optlbnlsts won by a decided majority. When the convention met Saturday, July 9, a fight against this plan was led by Mr. J. H. Harley. Mr. Harley made a speech which stamped him as an orator of real ability and captivated his many friends on both sides of the question. Several speeches were mado for and against the proposition and Mr. Bryan closed the debate. The delegates then proceed ed to register the will of tho voters expressed at tho primaries and the county option plank was adopted by a vote of 134 to 30. WHO DISCOVERED grape-fruit? A writer in Leslie's Weekly says: "Few of tho thousands who dally enjoy tho wonderful tonic found In those big, buttercup-yellow globules that have become a breakfast nocosslty to Undo Sam's discriminating children know that they are indebted to a women for discovering tho value of the onco despised fruit as a table deli cacy. Not more than fifteen years or so ago tho grapefruit was a thing without value a product interesting because of its decorative appearance. Now the number consumed annually In tho United States exceeds 4,000,000 boxes, which means approximately a half a billion grapefruit. About ono million of these aro grown in Florida, from which comes the story of tho grapefruit's bow to tho epicurean world. Tho woman to whom grapefruit growers should take off their hats Is Mrs. Frank Leslie. She was on a visit to Henry Plant, the builder of the East Coast railway in Florida. James E. Ingraham wan then, ns now, the vice president of the road, and It was in his car that Mrs. Leslie and her party traveled. On reaching the homo of Mr. Plant, tho travelers were first introduced to the de lights of tho refreshing citric fruit, which hung In clusters on the trees, bending the branches down almost to the ground. Thousands of bushels lay on the ground under the trees, from which they had fallen. There was no market for them. Only a few of tho native Floridans liked them, so the fruit that could not be eaten by Mr. Plant's Immediate friends was left whero it fell. Nearly every plantation In lower Florida had numbers of the grapefruit trees, and under each one was the same display of golden-yellow balls which had fallen from the branches. Pas sing one of these plantations, Mrs. Leslie asked the planter what he would take for his crop. 'Why, madam, there is no market for it. No body wants grapefruit. Help yourself.' The party helped Itself, and grapefruit was thence forth a regular part of tho daily menu. So much did Mrs. Leslie appreciate the fruit that she decided to introduce it to her friends up north. She carried home several boxes, and later Mr. Ingraham sent her forty barrels, which she distributed among her friends, with instruc tions how to prepare them for the table. En couraged by the unanimous praise which issued from each recipient of the fruit, Mr. Ingraham had a, famous New York physician make an an alysis of it and to certify to its remarkable qual ities as a tonic, especially in tho spring. As a result of this combined effort of Mr. Ingraham and Mrs. Leslie, a demand for grapefruit grew rapidly." f m w hi il M