4m"'' I1 WWP'fBJJfl UWAU'V " V " W M$M IW 1 a r 16 The Commoner. VOLUME 10, NUMBER If r CHOOSING A SENATOR Tho Kearney Hub says: "Refer ring to tho Orogon law tho Omaha World-IIorald inquires, 'What does tho Kearney Hub bollovo?' To bo frank, it bollovos that tho Bo-callod Orogon law is a fraud and a fako and lntondod merely to givo tho domocratB a lovorago in a republi can stato. It is unnatural and un sound to tho coro. Moreover, tho law in this stato 1b simply a piece of democratic partisan legislation." Tho World-Horald commends its Kearney contemporary for its frank ness and compliments it on its cour age for it must take considerable courage, in an intelligent and pro gressive stato liko Nobraska, to op poso giving tho people a direct voice In tho election of United States sen ators. Tho subject is both interest ing and important, and wo are prone t6 pursuo the inquiry further. Will tho Kearney Hub toll us why it rogards tho Oregon law as "a fako and a fraud?" Will it toll us why It regardB tho law as "unnatural and unsound?" Tho law simply authorizes legis lative candidates to declaro that, If olected, they will abide by the will of tho people, as expressed at tho polls, whon they como to elect a senator. It does not require them to make any such declaration. It does not require thorn to make any declaration at all. But it permits thoso to do so who wish to do it. What Is there wrong about that? What Is there "unnatural and un sound" about it? Nebraska has declared for a con stitutional amendment providing for tho election of senators by popular vote. Suppose such an amendment were nbw in effect. The people would then elect whomever they chose for senator and whatever legis lators they choso. and their votes on sonator and legislators would In no manner conflict. They might elect a republican senator on national is sues, and a democratic legislature on state issues, or vico versa. No one would be compelled to vote for a candidate for the legislature to whom he waB opposed in order to vote for a candidate for senator whom he favored. The Orogon plan, if generally adopted by legislative candidates, would work in precisely the same way. And if only partially adopted, it would be at least a' step In tho direction of tho popular election of senators. Does tho Kearney Hub think it un wise to let the people elect the sen ator? DoeB it think it unfair? Does it think the people are not to be trusted in this important work? Or is it afraid of the verdict of the people? Is it anxious, perhaps, that Nebraska should be represented in the senate by someone who does not represent the people, and to whom a' majority of the people are opposed? We will lay down two propositions for the consideration of the Koarnoy Hub, and of all other enemies of the Oregon plan: 1 The Oregon plan would tend to insure the election of the demo cratic candidate for senator if tho democratic candidate got the most votes at the polls, and of the repub lican candidate If the republican can didate got tho most votes. 2 The candidate who gets tho most votes ought to be elected. To those propositions wo invite tho attention of tho Kearney Hub, or any other champion of Senator Bur kett who is opposing the Oregon plan. Omaha World-Herald. MR. BRYAN IN LIVERPOOL Mr. W. J. Bryan, whose speech at the Philharmonic hall last night, brought tho British conference of the Y. M. C. A. movement to a brilliant 'climax, recalled by his personality irad eloquence his great compatriot, Henry Ward Beechor, who camo to tho samo hall over forty years ago to plead tho cause of tho north. The gospel of the two men was tho samo tho gospel of altruism but what a difference in tho welcomo. Mr. Beechor was howled down and silenced by self-interested cotton merchants who thought their busi ness to bo dependent on slavo labor. Mr. Bryan had a reception worthy of a great ambassador of moral and religious Idealism. In his delightful self-revelation last evening Mr. Bryan proved a dis appointment and a surprise a dis appointment as a master of pure elo quence, and a surprise a very agree able surprise as a man of deep moral and religious convictions. Tho massive head, smooth intellectual face, and thin maBtorful lips spoke of power and aelf-confldence; the kindly oyo of benevolenr and hu mor, and appearances wore not fal sified. In his ninety minutes' ad dress he displayed abundantly all these qualities and many more. What was missing was a justification from tho English point of view of the designation of silver-tongued orator." The voice was deep and resonant, and tho periods rich and easy-flowing; but one found no trace of the silvery tones and majestic phrasing of Gladstone, little of the compelling beauty of Bright, and none of the whirlwind equestrianism of the typi cal American "spell-binder." It was strong, masterful, delightful, and cap tivating speaking in a clear, untiring voice,. not unlike that of Mr. John Redmond, and with a diction bor rowed from the well of pure English, defiled only, if at all, by a pronounced American accent and an American prononess to the vivisection of long words. But if there was no silver in the voice there was much refined gold in tho matter, and it is here that tho pleasant surprise came in. One does not associate moral enthusiasm and religious fervor with American politics, and one remembered that Mr. Bryan had thrice waded knee deep in tho miry intrigues of a presi dential election. His macnificent championship of tho Y. M. C. A. movement as a maker of men, physi cal, mental, and moral, his acknowl edgment of his own obligation to it, his glorification of the moral ele ment, his quarrel with Buckle for excluding it from his definition of civilization, and his masterly reply to scientific atheism all this coming from the lips, and evidently the heart, of an American political lead er was Indeed a surprising revela tion. It was like hearing of tho kaiser turning Quaker, or Roosevelt becoming a local preacher. Not the least delightful part of the speech was it humor, and the most pointed of his humorous shafts was the remark that nowadays an ideal is the only thing of value that can cross a national boundary line with out going through a custom house. When a leader of a great party speaks liko this and boasts, too, with all the pride of a jingo, that tho sun never sets on American philanthropy, one feels there Is yet hope for the great republic. From the Liverpool Daily Post of June 10. TOO SOON An eminent speaker at the Con gregationalist meeting in the First Congregational church, East Orange, was telling tho other day of a west erner's opinion of the east. "This man," said the speaker, "was a prominent churchman and had occasion to visit New York, where he remained for a few days. In writing of his experiences to his wife in tho west he had this to say: 'New York is a great city, but I do wish I had come here beforo I was converted.' " Newark Star. ORGANIZE AND TORY IN 1910! An Announcement of Extraordinary Interest to Every Party Worker Do you want party success In tho nation In your district this fall? Aro you willing to do your part In bringing abojiit this result? Do you realizo that victory Is In sight If the workers of tho rank and file go In to win? Tho prospects of a great democratic victory In the coming fall campaign wcro never better. But "prospects" don't win victories. You can count on tho opposition always being busy, but If you don't got out and "work, tho promise of a sure victory may be turned into disastrous defeat. Tho democratic party Is in a position to win this fall, but this can bo accomplished only by aggressive work and action all along the line. . Tho influence of tho opposition must bo counteracted by placing In tho hands of every voter the facts and argumonts of our cause. We must secure the widest possible hearing among the people before we can hope to win be fore tho court of public opinion. You Can Win Victory in Your Own Community This Fall by earnest effort and wise campaigning. You must keep tho rank and file In lino and win over as many doubtful voters as possible. Tho best way to ot and keep tho voters interested is by placing good democratic literature in their hands and keep it constantly before them during the year. This can best be done through tried and true democratic papers. Thoso who have had experience know of the value of The Commoner as a vote winner and party builder In their own homo communities. Party workers know tho splendid results secured in their local fights by placing Tho Commoner in the hands of doubtful voters, the recent converts, and tho old adherents of the cause. "CLUBS OF TWO" FOR $1 ! n 111 lllll I ! 1 For a Limited Time, we will accept annual subscriptions in clubs of two or more at SO cts each-two for ONE DOLLAR . M M The Commoner is interested in the success of tho democratic party in ovory section of the United States. We want a decisive victory in every state and congressional district possible, and wo aro willing to do our part to help secure it. For this purpose we arc making, FOR A LIMITED TIME, the lowest special campaign rate wo have ever made we will accept now annual sub scriptions IN CLUBS OF TWO OR MORE at 50 cents ? each (? fo? Jl?00.) This special price will enable party workers to place Tho Commoner into the hands of almost every voter in each precinct. Wo believe this offer should cause ovory worker Interested in party success in his own com- BSSWSfi SRoSBSs'SSor of sondIne In as many clubs as pos" Send at Least One "Club of Two ) I This offer gives everyone an opportunity to do some work in this cam paign. Everyone has some Influence, and friends they can anneal to In getting up a club. There are numbers In your precinct who will acSept this offer if some worker will only call their attention to it Will you do leaUst Sno club? y' wlthout waltinff for someone else, and seUiS at Tho only conditions attached to this offer is that there must bo one now subscriber in each club of two. While the purpose of this offer Is to secure as many new subscribers as possible, wo will allow onorJnewaS subscription with one now subscriber in each blub of two at ONE DOLLAR Any present subscriber may. by accepting this offer, have his Commoner date of expiration advanced one year, and either secure one new sub scriber, or send The Commoner ono year to any address desired Lot us hear from tho rank and file In every precinct in the United States Form as many clubs as possible while this offer is in effect. Sample conies will bo mailed promptly on request. .l oampie copies Coupon for Campaign "Club of Two" THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Neb. r near,tJiy endorso The Commoner's efforts for democratic vlctorv in 1910 LZSS10? i?1,0? for lub of two subscriptions to Tho Commonor to be sent to tho following addresses, and I will endeavor to send as manv moro clubs as possible during tho next thirty days. a r lo SQna as many NAME ADDRESS , NAMI9 . f. . . ADDIUSSS l $9mx