-v ? The Commoner. JULY IB, 1910 15 ""V ww WW?p??Jfl? Letters from the People F. G. Swain, Sweet Homo, Ark. I noticed after the last contest you asked the question in your paper, "Why was tho democracy not suc cessful?" or something to that effect. I noticed several attempts at answer ing. Even such men as Clark Howell and others of that type, and it seems to me that they all missed the cause. Why you, and every other man. at all posted, know that if half tho money that was spent on Taft had heen spent in your interest, and none spent on Taft that you would have been elected overwhelmingly. And what I want to ask you is why don't you try to bring about a coalition with LaFollette, Cummins and such men as that? The situation looks plain to me that if all the re publicans that believe in Bryan de mocracy and all Bryan democrats were to get together we would sweep the country. I don't believe that the money power could buy them. The nation needs a realignment and we can never do anything in the shape w.e are now in. Let all protectionist and gold standard democrats go into the Hamiltonian or republican party for that Is where they belong, and will ultimately land; and let us (Bryan democrats) get in a shape to induce the LaFollette and Cummins republicans to join us and then we will have a party of the people. If you oppose what I have suggested I would like to know your reasons. It Is conceded that you are doing more to mold the nation's thought than any other man or men. I would at least like to see the thought that I have suggested discussed in your paper. another man pays a tariff, tho first man collects a bill from tho second man who owes him nothing. Tho tariff is a good thing for the fellow who gets it, but an awful thing to the fellow who contributes to it and don't get it. The fellow who pays on a tariff and gets no benefits, is like tho fellow who is always bet ting and always losing, except tho fellow who is always losing expects to win, while tho other can not J. G. Carry, Jackson, Tenn. I herewith enclose you a' few original expressions on the tariff. You may use them as you choose: If what everybody pays on account of the tariff was a revenue, the government could give free board to every work ing man in the United States, and then have more revenue than it now collects from all the people. Now .where does it go? If the manufac turer really wants a tariff to protect the working man, why then does ho not consent for the working man to collect this tariff? If the working man collected the tariff, which is claimed to be levied for his interest, how long would the manufacturer favor a tariff? If the tariff in the cotton schedule was reduced one half it would still be more than the total labor cost in this industry. The tariff is double the labor cost. Then who gets the tariff? If the tariff benefits the working man and it benefits the working man's employer, who then contributes the Benefit? If every body pays a tariff and everybody gets a tariff, then what is the use of a tariff? If one man gets a tariff and Subscribers' Advertising Dept. THE THRESHING PROBLEM SOLVED Machine that will thresh cow peas from tho mown vines, Soy beans, wheat and oats. Something: new. Cat alogue free. Kogrer Pea and Bean Thresher Co., Morristown, Tenn. DARGAINS IN WYOMING LANDS J 320 acre farm In Crook county; best agricultural region In the west; 180 acres of first class plow land; 40 acres of splendid saw timber; balance good pasture land; well improved; well wa tered; fine orchard; a rare bargain at $4,600; liberal terms. Also a mountain ranch for sale; a fine opportunity for Dne in search of health; price $2,000; cheap. Write for list of. farms; wo can suit you. Address Mudd & Mudd, Alva, Wyo., Desk A. WRITE TODAY FOR FREE PAM phlet, and prices on finely ground phosphate rock, the cheapest and best of all phosphate fertilizers., W. J. Embry & Co., Columbia, Tennessee. E CAN TRADE YOUR PROPERTY. Book of 500- exchanges free. Graham Brothers, Eldorado, Kansas. Horatio Itbush, Manchester, Ohio. From an inspection of the Ohio people, the ones that sold their vote to the republican party in 1908 for $25 to defeat Mr. Bryan from carry ing the state wished they hadn't. They are for Bryan in 1912, and a lot of poor republicans say they aTo Bryan men now. In tho 1908 cam paign Hoosevelt wrote Mr. Bryan to express himself what he would do with the trusts if elected. Mr. Bryan expressed himself in behalf of the people. Then the trusts got down to their pocket-books and made big do nations. Of course they must tax the masses in order to get back this money. So Mr. Voter you must stand it four long years. Now after this be a man and listen to what is best for you. Mr. Bryan tried to tell you, but no, the republican people told you Mr. Bryan was a poisonous piece of humanity, and high prices is what you want. It is best to use your own judgment. read tho great city papers for tho republican side, and Bryan's Com moner for the true democratic posi tion. In no other way can ho arrive at a just verdict. B. E. Baker, Cambridge Springs, Pa. I send you the following satri cal poem to illustrate the greed of modern capitalists: "Let us corner up the sunbeams ly ing all around our path, Get a trust on wheat and roses; give the poor the thorns and chaff, Let us find our chiefest pleasure hoarding bounties of today, So the poor will have scant measure and two prices have to pay. We'll capture e'en the wind god, and confine him in a cage; And then, through our patent process we the atmosphere will save, Thus we'll squeeze our little brother when his lungs he tries to fill. Put a meter on his windpipe and present our little bill. We will syndicate the starlight, and monopolize the moon, Claim a' royalty on rest days, a pro prietary noon, For right-of-way through ocean's spray we'll charge just what it's worth; And drive our stakes around the lakes in fact, we'll own the earth." "Here, on the soil enriched with the blood of tho patriotic dead, is to be erected an aristocratic monarchy, with wealth as its God." Wendell Philips. H. S. Stroud, Oshkosh, Wis. The great political questions now pending before the American people, who must be the "jurors" in the case as final arbiters at the ballot box, must carefully examine the evidence on both sides of the question to ar rive at an honest, just verdict. It Is my belief that many juries In the past have been "packed" by honest men that had not critically examined all the evidence in the case, and oth ers that were purchased before the case came to trial. In the great trial of the free and Independent govern ment of the American people, every fair-minded and honest man must carefully examine all the evidence upon both sides of the question. Full and complete evidence upon the dem ocratic side of the question can be found in Bryan's Commoner, and the evidence upon the republican, or trust's side can be found in all the creat city papers, as they are all either owned by the trusts, or are afraid to oppose them. Every hon est man that wishes to carefully look into both sides of the question, must Frank R. Whitcomb, San Fran cisco, Cal. I send you enclosed the report of a most interesting article on silver, delivered hero yesterday by Mr. Frewen. It seems to mo very clearly that the peoplo of tho Pacific coast at least will before long bccomo convinced they can not com pete with China-made goods, paid for in wnges on a silver bnsis in China. DON'T fflUAT VI TMIM HOUSE! mink a jrr;jriiKJB htii,v-ui:atisg if is at ihox You would Jmvn ono In your homo boforo thin wwk nntln If yoti mil lrcxl how kooiI, liow niuali anil liow comfortable) you can Iron with It, liow cny, Miiumly and Inoxiteiihlve to opernto. Not compllcntcilyou loam In ono Ironing liow to bwitlfh It. Won't heat up the holme to Iron uo a JUltlLIClC witi xummcr. Wrlto for free booklet, m Jubilee Manufacturing Co., 216 S. 14th St., Omaha, Neb. IGENTS WANTED We want men wh are et actively engaged 1 taurines tfe act as mr agents. We pay liberal cask eem missions. Write far u catalegae a&d fall particulars ON CREDIT Buggies Only $10. Cash. Balance $5 a month. Warranted for 8 years. Surreys Only $25. Cash. Balance $7 a month. Warranted for 8 years. Farm Wagon Only $15. Cash. Balance $5 a, month Warranted for 8 years We trust honest people located in all parts of the world. Cask or easy monthly payments. Write for our free catalogue OENTURYMFQ OO., ft 2 9 Ul Ideal Home or Investment My fruit farm, which I am offering for sale at a very low figure, contains 160 acres of the finest fruit land in Southwestern Arkansas. The price is so low and the location so good that whoever buys this farm is bound to make a profitable investment. The location Is ideal for fruit growing near to a first-class mar ket without which the finest fruit producing land would be ren dered unprofitable. It is situated three miles from Dequeen, Ark., one of the principal railroad points In that state, and at the foot hills of the Ozark Mountains. FRUIT PICKED ON THIS FARM IS SHIPPED DIRECT TO KANSAS CITY AND PLACED ON SALE THE FOLLOWING MORNING. Kansas City is the greatest market city of the south west, and the prices received there are the very Jbest. This section of Arkansas produces the finest flavored Elberta peaches grown anywhere, always in demand and commanding the highest prices. My farm has 28 acres in one year old Elberta peaches in fine growing condition. As soon as these trees come into bearing three crops of peaches will easily pay for the land at the price I am ask ing. Besides this I have 6 acres in bearing orchard peaches, apples and plums. Of my farm, 130 acres are cleared and in cultivation. The land is of good quality and Is this year planted In corn, cotton, sugar cane, sweet and Irish potatoes, cow peas, peanuts, and garden vegetables. About forty acres of good alfalfa land. Some good timber. Good improvements. Good water. Healthy locality. R. F. D. This farm is a money-maker, but I am past 70 years of age and getting too old to develop it. Besides I have other interests de manding my attention. This is a fine opportunity for a younger man to step in and make some money in a few years' time. The price is so reasonable that you will be surprised when I quote you my terms in a direct letter. I will sell this farm if bought within a short time, at less than one-half the price of the commonest farm lands up north. This farm will bear the strictest investigation you can make. I invite correspondence from any one seeking to better their condition, or wishing to make a splendid investment. J. I. JZAJIM, 041 So. IStJi St., TAticoln, Neb i w 4 'r W : fi '-J Ui 1 :f ; 1-i I II If 1. . ! m H ffl A m r V. k,- i( J.t H J J. . IJ X MJ'-.