'P" ' VZ rr TT-w The Commoner. JULY 15, 1810 13 of the withdrawals and confirma tions were made under the new law passed at the last session of con gress which definitely authorized the president to withdraw various lands from entry pending their classifica tion and special disposition by con gress. The president urged this law as the first step in his plan for prac tical conservation. Ho hopes to se cure additional legislation at the coming session of congress dealing with the terms under which water power sites, coal, petroleum and phosphate may be disposed of." Twelve tons of frozen eggs shipped from Chicago to New York wero seized by the federal government at a refrigerating plant in New York City. They were unfit for food. Serious defects in armor plate have been discovered in the battleships South Dakota and Utah. Secretary of the Interior Ballinger says there is no truth in the report that he intends to resign. He says: "I am not a quitter and never have been." Chief Justice Fuller, who died re cently at Bar Harbor, Me., served twenty-two years as Chief Justice of the United States supreme court. He was appointed by Grover Cleveland. Chief Justice Marshall served thirty lour years and Chief Justice Taney twenty-eight years. It is thought that Governor Hughes of New York will become chief justice in October. Thomas Cowie has been appointed paymaster general and chief of the bureau of supplies and accounts for the navy. ,-." Corporations have until July ito 'pay their corporation tax. v 20 WHERE THEY GET DONE "Among the gambling stories that the late Pat Slieedy used to tell in 'his art shop," said a New York re porter, "was one about a jackpot. "A beautiful young bride, the story ran, entered a corner grocery 'one morning and said: " 'Have you got any jackpots, Mr. .Sands?' 'No ma'am,' Sands answered, and he hid a smile behind his hand. I've got teapots and coffee pots, but jackpots I don't stock.' "'Oh, dear!" said the bride. A -frown wrinkled her smooth and beautiful brow. 'I'm so sorry! You see, Mr. Sands, my husband's mother used .o cook for him, and nearly every night he talks in his sleep 'about a jackpot. So I thought I'd get one, for, since he mentions it so often, he must be used to it. Could ;you tell me, Mr. Sands, what they cook in jackpots?' " 'Greens, ma'am,' was the quick answer." Detroit Free Press. (f If WtW - in nTr rfrfr- ' teminoaor((t Worried "Fer de life er me," said Brother Williams, "I can't see why dem white folks don't stop worryin' over things! Dey worry 'bout dls, en dey worry 'bout dat; dey worry kaze dey got ter live, en worry kaze dey got ter. die? dey worry kaze dey ain't got no money, ' en dey worry haze dey got too much ! En life ez short ez- a circus ter a boy dat never been ter one befo'!" "Don't you ever worry over things?" "No, sun what's de use er it! Ef I ketch do 'possum, dat's good fer me; ef de 'possum git away, dat's good fer him. I go hungry but des think how happy do 'possum is! De bes' way ter go thoo' life is ter quit worryin', en git happy kaze some body else Is happy dat's what!" Atlanta Constitution. A Snfc and Snnc Fourth Hennessey, Okla., July 4, 9 p. m. Speaking of "safe and sane" Fourths this haB been it for the writer. He spent the entire day with the best friend he ever had, bar a sweet faced little woman who answered the summons sixteen years ago and went to her reward after being the best wife and mother and grandmother in history. The next best friend, with whom the day was spent, is a gray-haired, smiling-faced old gen tleman who has reached the four score mark, and is now going down the shady side of the hill, happily, peacefully and confidently. Eighty years old, did I say? I beg pardon four score years young! For the first time in more than forty yeaTs I didn't shoot a fire cracker, didn't set off a rocket or roman candle, didn't explode a tor pedo, shoot a blank cartridge or send up a paper balloon. After a break fast eaten about three hours earlier than I am accustomed to getting up, the two of us, father and son, perched in comfortable rocking chairs on the porch, out of the sun, and sat there and smoked and talked politics, and quarreled about the tariff, and differed on the money question, and failed to get together on bank guarantee, and recalled old days and old friends. In the afternoon we found an other shady spot for the chairs, and again we went back over the sub jects we had discussed during the morning and came about as near agreeing as before. The only dif ference was that we hailed every body that went by and asked for news from the sage brush state, and predicted rain and wondered if the Hennessey ball team had wiped up the earth with the Kingfisher team at the latter place. After supper we rocked some more and grew reminiscent until the stars began to peep, and then the gray headed old boy began nodding in his chair. He went to bed a few minutes ago, and Jhis letter is being hastily written so as to get out on tonight's mail. Oklahoma politics is warming up. Its normal temperature is about 160 degrees in the shade, anyhow; but right now the heat is going up at a frightful rate." The "grandfatter clause" is raising cain, capital re moval has made sore spots galore, the Indian vote and the negro vote are being considered as never before. I had the pleasure of lunching with Lee Cruce of Ardmore today. He is seeking the democratic nomination for governor. Cruce is a fine, stal wart, upstanding democrat whom it is good to meet and know. He is an Oklahoman to the core, proud of this wonderful state, always boosting for it and known far and near as the "sunshine and prosperity" candidate. I have never met his chief competi tor for the nomihation, William Murray "Alfalfa Bill." But from all I hear of him Oklahoma will have a wise chief executive regard less of whether it is Cruce or Mur ray. Naturally I am most interest ed in the success of Charley Daugh- erty. Daugherty is Oklahoma's la bor commissioner, and he has made good. He is a young man, a' printer by trade, and full of energy and en thusiasm. Oklahoma wisely adopt ed Into her organic law a lot of beneficial labor legislation, and Daugherty haB been enforcing these laws fearlessly. The result has been beneficial to the wage earners. He $IO!Zr I $!&!! We mwfMtar all (; k;in. II win p7 yam to is reuftt.Wrlt for catalog lbA prSeelatt. ttURRBE WIND MILL ftO ereath At, Tefxica, Xmmi mJff1 is a candidate for re-nomination and re-election, and if ho fallB to win out I am going to be bitterly disap pointed. So far as I have learned he will have no opposition for re nomination at the democratic pri maries. The one thing I missed today was the noise of my own kiddies. Usu ally I am compelled to arise about 5 a. m. on the Fourth and from then until about 11:30 p. m. I alternate between digging down into my pock ets for money and keeping tho punk stick lit so the kiddies can keep the crackers going.This time I es caped and I've wondered a hun dred times today whether the "lit tle feller" had a full complement of optics and digits, and whether the girlies still had enough hair to curl. But it has been a wonderful day. I'll not have occasion to make many moro such trips, for tho gray-haired old father is close upon the sundown of life. He is approaching it grace fully and fearlessly, as young of heart as he was two score years ago when I first began to really know him. In the old rocking chair that has been in the family for more than a century, surrounded by the books he loves so well, amidst the fruits and flowers and trees which he so well knows how to cultivate, sur rounded by as many friends as there are men, women and children who know him amidst all these he is looking with fearless eyes into the future, knowing full well that in a few short years at best he will have solved the problem that has been the problem of the ages. Why should not such a Fourth be pleasant? I am sure that if all the middle-aged boys who might spend the Fourth in the same way, would do so," they'd agree with me that it is the best way. Please God, I'll spend the next one the same way, and the next, and the next and so on until there is no longer an opportunity to sit and swing in a rocking chair by the side of the gray-haired man who has al ways been father and comrade and chum in one. W. M. M. v 4f i Eyeglasses Not Necessary That the eye can le alrengllienrtl o that ryeijli can bcditpentwl wllh In manr ciwi hat Inert proven beyond a clouM tiy the tettlmnny ol hunrircila ol people who nubllclr claim that their cyetlght hat ln reitoretl by that wonderful little InMrument called "Actlm," Write lor Trial Offer and . Attlaa Appllane Co III Carllce HMr KaataeClty, Ma. aEke AOKNTH 12AUN 176 to (2&0 a month sollln Novcly Knives. Jllntlr. razor steel. Hlr month' cunrnntcc. Handles deem tiled with mime, address, Jotlco emblem", trntln tlrolpiiF, piTSOiml photo, or I Icturid of llitYAN mid other celebrities. Orottt frllrr. Ill rommlwilon. Write quick for territory Novelty Cutlery Co., 68 Bar St., Canton, 0. STACK COVERS; FULL WEIGHT CANVAS 12x18 ft, 8 ounco duck, 8 4-W, 10 ounco duck, $ C.G0 14x20 n., 8 ounco duck, 0.M); 10 ounce duck, 7.75 Hx2l ft., 8 ounce duclc, 7.76; 10 ounco duck, 9.W l(Jx2 ft,, 8 ounco duck, 8.9 ij 10 our en duck, 11.00 18x21 ft, 8 ounce duck, 10.00; 10 ounce duck, 12.25 20x30 a., 8 ounce duck. 13.00; 10 ounetf duck, 10.76 Other sizes In wuno proportion. Fifty Rood second hit ml family compartment tents, OIL wall.com 1)1 o to. for wile cheap. And new tent of every dq-i-erltitlmi. 1. Al. KKKK M WO. CO.. 1007 YVe J Madison St., Chicago, 111. ASTHMA cured and HAY FEVER Befor YoaPay 1 wdl aend anr aufferer a full ! Uitllaof UNITS CUKBoa CDPTDlfll Mil cure. end ma II CO, If It doc net, rHb&a iniflft don't tnl me a rnl titvo ejpreieonlea, Addieit D. i. UftE, 270 Lane- Halldlar, HU Msrre, Maauaa. V This valuable book written' by a man of 25 years' experience) in hay is lull or live pointers. tells how to save 20 per cent of cost of baling how to make) smooth, neat bales. Save 20 per cent of llalltie Coat by usIriK an Auto-Fedan Hay Press. Wo will prove this saving ovor ony other press, rlKht on your own grouud, or take hack tho machlno, pay ing freight both ways. Only two men required to run It. Thrco-htrolte, self-feed, easy draft. Bend for freo hook today. No. 33. (2) TUB AUTO-FISDAN HAY PRIONS CO 1533 W. Twelfth St., Kana City, Mo. Brain Leaks Only once does a business man take a vacation expecting to come home thoroughly rested up. If tho "muckraker" who opposes you would only become a supporter he would be an "ardent reformer." Nothing quite equals the satisfac tion of the housewife who has suc ceeded in making her canned fruit last until now. The man who can not keep a 2x4 lawn in decent shape is usually quite sure he could successfully manage a half-section farm. Scientists are asking us to wage war against the fly. A lot of ns me chanics are too busy waging war against the "rats." We shudder to think of what a famine would ensue if farmers would run their farms like the city men think they ought to run them. A counterfeiting outfit has been found in the Missouri penitentiary. Perhaps the convicts succumbed to the example set by the prison shoe contractor who tacks pasteboard soles on the shoes he sells. Men love to pass remarks upon the gossiping ways of women at "kensingtons," but it's a safe wager that the conversation of the women is of a higher order than that of a bunch of men in the back end of a I saloon or cigar shop. THE GUARANTY STATE BANK has depositors In every state of the union In the interests of sound and safe banking you should bo one of them. In tho interests of your self and dependents your money should be placed where it is secured. We share our success with our customers. Among our assets aro strength, conservatism and liber ality, three Important factors to consider. ' Head for Booklet. M. G. HASKELL, V. P. MUSKOGEE, OKLA. Don't Wear a Truss mmmW STWAKTSFLASTK'FlBSsreaiicreat LlivK yiTTS. from tho painful truia. belnf wade H sVLtJ 4&. Mlf adkrtiTw purpoael r to bold the 1 L t SEl Motors In plaea without utrtw. 7j&iiim 5n rupture In plaea Willi out utrtw, buckles or fDrlnw eaaaot (Up, o cannot ehife or eomprtu aealoit the ptlrlfl bone. The moil obetinate eaaes cured In the prl " Yaer of loo Borne, imuiimi dbto naaeufnllr treated tbemaelrea vitbeat hindrance from work. Baft aa lt atj ( applr Ineipaadre. PreceMef cure U nataral, m no farther tiM for truMef. We rtrote vbat we T "Jim ru ) nybyKodlnr. you trial efPlapao IJLL OF PLAPMr efcioIutclT i-KEK. VrriUnatuecn coupon and mall TODAY. Addreaa PLAPA0 LABORATORIES, Block 54, St. Louis, Mo. 0lTre Wtfc ma jLddrejt, JCetora mail will bring Fraa trial PlapaoM. fc JB i'X :;i Fi. I ,- r - -ii. ". 4ft j. .-,v ViW MAlef' t w