The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, July 15, 1910, Page 12, Image 12

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The Commoner.
.Washington News
Colonel John S. MoHby, tho cIIb
tinguishod confodernto leader, lias
boon rotlrod from (ho government
Horvlco on account of ago.
Tho troopore of Ft. Myor tried to
break In tho jnll at Ft. Myor Heights
for tho purposo of lynching a negro,
who had killed a white soldier.
Tho French foreign ofllco has set
August 18 ns tho dato for tho cere
monies attending tho presentation,
by the state of Virginia, of tho bronzo
reproduction of Houdon's famous
statue of Washington to tho people of
France. Tho statue will bo located
In Paris.
An Associated Press dispatch from
Doverly, tho summer capital, says:
"Continuing his policy of practical
conservation, President Taft signed
orders withdrawing 35,073,164 acres
of coal lands from tho public domain
in tho states of North and South Da
kota, Washington, Utah, Colorado
and tho territory of Arizona. Of tho
total withdrawals 20,698,469 acres
aro new, while 14,374,695 acres are
covered on confirmations and ratifi
cations, under tho new law, approved
Juno 25, of withdrawals made dur
ing the last four years by both Presi
dents Roosevelt and Taft. North
and South Dakota are tho two states
affected by tho new withdrawals.
From tho public domain in North
Dakota tho president has withdrawn
from settlement 17,828,182 acres of
land believed to contain workable
coal. In South Dakota tho amount
withdrawn Is 2,870,287 acres. Pre
vious withdrawals confirmed by tho
president aro divided among the sev
eral states as follows: Washington,
2,207,967 acres; Arizona, 161,280
acres; Utah, 5,814,287 acres, and
Colorado, 6,191,161 acres. The
withdrawal orders, prepared by the
geoponical survey and approved
by tho secretary of tho interior,
reached Beverly from Washington
lato tonight. They were sent tonight
to tho Taft cottago on Burgess Point,
where they were signed by the presi
dent. This was announced as one of
tho few important matters that will
be called to Mr. Taft's attention dur
ing his ten days of real vacation. All
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The Commoner, Lincoln, Neb.
Gentlomen: I dcslro to accept your liberal
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