The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, July 15, 1910, Page 11, Image 11

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JULY 15, 1910
The Commoner.
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A tablet to the memory of Benja
min Franklin was unveiled at Ecton,
England, the ancestral homo of the
Franklin family.
The Louisiana legislature elected
Governor Jared Young Sanders to
the United States senate to succeed
the late Senator McEnery.
Joseph W. Folk, visiting in Den
ver, was given a dinner by democrats
of that city.
The Boston Daily Herald is in the
hands of a receiver. The indebted
ness is $2,200,000.
, The Western Union Telegraph
company has discontinued its service
to a number of stock brokers in
Pittsburg and Johnstown, Pa., Syra
cuse, Ithaca, Rome, Utica, Glovers
ville, Auburn, Watertown and Cort
land, New York. This action was
Caused by the recent raids made on
bucketshops. Later the-1 service was
Casper Koehler, president of the
Columbia Brewing company, St.
Louis, died at Berlin, Germany,
aged 72.
Va.; Charles S. Fobs, Reading, Pa.;
Homer F. Sweerley, Cedar Falls, la.;
F. O. Hayes, Alva, Okla.; E. T. Fair
field, Topeka, Kan.; Samuel Avery,
Lincoln, Neb.; C. A. Dunmay, Bozo
man, Mont."
The government crop report shows
that the wheat yield, in the north
western states will bo short.
A Salt Lake City dispatch carried
by the Associated Press says: "Pub
lication by the Herald-Republican of
the confession of Harry Thorne,
when the latter was about to be tried
for the murder of George W. Fassell,
and the reprinting of the confession
while talesmen were being examined,
was contempt of court, according to
District Judge T. D. Lewis, who Im
posed fines on the newspaper, its
general manager, two editors and a
reporter. George T. Halo, general
manager of the Herald-Republican
Publishing company, was fined $200
on each count. The managing editor,
city editor and court reporter were
each fined $10."
Mrs. Ella Flagg Young, superin
tendent of schools in Chicago, was
elected president of the National Ed
ucational Association in session at
Boston. An Associated Press dis
patch says: "Her opponent, Zacha
ri'ah Xenephon Snyder, president of
the state normal school of Colorado,
who was the selection of the nomin
ating committee representing all the
states, was defeated by a vote of 617
to 376 in the general convention. It
took a clear parliamentary head to
cut the knot which the nominating
committee had tied about Mr. Sny
der, but the women were equal to
the task and, as Mrs. Young had re
signed as a candidate for second vice
president on the ticket presented to
the general convention, her friends
put her up as a direct candidate
against Mr. Snyder. "When Mrs.
Young was declared the winner, the
convention immediately accepted the
other names presented by the com
mittee as follows: Treasurer, P. W.
Springer, Michigan; vice presidents,
James Y. Joyner, Raleigh, N. C;
Miss Julia Richman, New York; G.
L. Cook, Spearfish, S. D.; George A.
McFarland, Valley City, N. D.;
Thomas C. Miller, Shepardstown, W.
New xYork dispatches say that
Porter Charlton may be given his lib
erty. His case in Jersey City was
continued to August 11, and it is
thought that the Jersey City court
may discharge him. If Italy then
demands his extradition the state
department will refuse it unless the
Italian government agrees to turn
over to the United States in the fu
ture all Italians who commit crimes
in this country and flee to Italy. It
is understood that Italy will not
agree to this and Charlton, who
killed his wife may' go without punishment.
Congressman Walter P. Brownlow
died at his home in Johnson City,
Baroness de la Roche, a woman
aviator, lost control of her machine
at Betheny Plains, Rheims, and fell
to the ground, breaking her legs and
arms and suffering other injuries.
A Newark, O., dispatch carried by
the Associated Press says: "Carl
Etherton, 22 years old, employed
Thursday night by the state anti
saloon league as a blind tiger raider,
was lynched here at 10:35 tonight,
following a day of almost continu
ous rioting. The heavy doors of the
Licking county jail were battered
Each of the chief or
gans of the body is a
link in the Chain of
'Life. A chain is no
stronger than its
weakest link, the body
no stronger than its
weakest organ, If there is weakness of stomach, liver or lungs, there is a
-weak link in the chain of life which may snap at any time. Often this so-colled
' weakness" is caused by lack of nutrition, the result of weakness or disease
of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition. Diseases and
" weaknesses of the stomach and its allied organs are cured by the use of Dr
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. When the weak or diseased stomach ia
cured, diseases of other organs which seem remote from the stomach but which.
uave their origin in a diseased condition of the stomach and
Other organs of digestion and nutrition, are cured also.
The strong man has a strong stomach.
Take the above recommended "Discov
ery" and yon may have a strong stom
ach and a strong body.
Given Away. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser,
new revised Edition, is sent free on receipt -of stamps to pay
expense of mailing only. Send 21 one-cent stamps for the
book in paper covers, or 31 stamps for the cloth-bound vol-
Address Dr. R. V. Pieroe, Buffalo, IS. X.
down and Etherton was dragged
from his cell. Ho was shot, kicked
and bruised beforo the street was
reached and tho finish followed
quickly. Etherton, early in tho ovon
ing, confessed ho killed William
Howard, proprietor of the 'Last
Chance,' restaurant and former chief
of police in a raid of alleged 'speak
oasies' this afternoon and narrowly
escaped lynching at that time. When
news from tho hospital that Howard
had died passed over tho city at 9
o'clock tonight, tho fury of the mob
took definite form. Largo batter
ing rams were directed upon the
doors of tho Licking county jail, and
tho deputlos woro powerless; Tho
doors fell after nearly an hour's at
tack. Crying piteously, Etherton, a
curly-headed Kentuckian, who had
been serving as a strike-breaker sinco
ho was released from marine service
threo months ago. was dragged forth.
'I didn't mean to do it,' he wailed.
His cries fell upon deaf ears. Fear
ing that the mob spirit would not
bo satisfied by ono victim, Sheriff
Linke immediately asked Adjutant
General Weybrecht for troops to pro
tect six other 'dry' raiders held at
the city prison in another section of
the town. A hurried guard was
thrown out in their defense. Tho
mob, after the first taste of blood,
seemed to be quiet, but it was feared
that they might storm the city prison
before the night was finished. Eth
erton's last moments, while ho heard
the mob battering down the doors,
were spent in praying and writing
a note to his parents, farmers resid
ing near Willisburg, Ky. 'What will
mother say when she hears of this?'
he kept moaning to the jailer."
A call for a democratic conference
to be held at Lincoln, 111., July 20,
has been issued. Two hundred Illi
nois democrats have signed this call
and the purpose is to repudiate tho
action of the democrats who helped
to elect William Lorimer to the
United States senate.
Nineteen persons were killed and
a number of others seriously injured
in a head-on collision between a
freight and a passenger train on tho
Big Four near Middletown, Ohio.
Iowa socialists have chosen John
M. Work of Des Moines as their can
didate for governor.
William Beckert, former chancel
lor of the German legation, was ex
ecuted by shooting at Santiago,
Chile, for the murder of a Chilean
messenger in 1909.
The steamer Grand Republic
caught fire while passing through
the Narrows on her way to New York.
Her forty-five passengers were all
landed safely and the fire was extin
guished with about $125 damages.
Twenty-five thousand engineers
employed on forty-nine railroad sys
tems west of Chicago are formulat
ing demands for increased wages.
These demands will be presented be
fore August 1.
A committee with Andrew Car
negie as chairman will arrange for
a world-wide celebration in 1914 of
the one hundredth anniversary of
peace among English speaking
In the government suit before the
federal court at Kansas City on
bleached flour the jury found that
the flour was adulterated and mis
branded. An Associated Press dis
patch from Kansas City says: "Mil
lers say that the bleached flour de
cisions will handicap the farmers of
the southwest to the extent of from
fifteen to eighteen million dollars a
year. They say the old differential
of 5 cents a bushel, in vogue in Chi
cago and St. Louis markets five years
ago beforo bloached flour camo in,
will soon appear again. Thoy furth
er say that farmers of Missouri, Kan
sas, Oklahoma and Nebraska will loso
five cents a bushel on their present
crop and that hard winter wheat
soon will be selling at 25 cents a
bushel less than at present. Already
millers are considering tho establish
ment of bleaching stations In states
where the uso of bleached flour is
not prohibited. Thus they say thoy
may avoid tho interstate commorco
law. Big mills whoso product is
turned out in states whero bleached
flour is illegal may ship their un
bleached into the states whore tho
sale of it is permitted, unload it at
theso bleaching stations, bleach it
and distribute it In tho stnto."
Dr. B. Clark Hyde, convicted of
tho murder of Thomas H. Swopo.ot
Kansas City, has been sentenced to
Btato prison for life.
Two negroes who killed a whito
planter were taken from tho jail at
Charleston, Mo., and lynched.
John A. Malloy, a Chicago grocer,
has been indicted for an nllegcd at
tempt to corrupt Oscar T. Morford,
a juror In tho recent trial of Leo
O'Nell Browne.
A Raleigh, N, C dispatch carried
by tho Associated Press says: "Tho
democratic county convention of
Bertie county, North Carolina, in
dorsed Joseph W. Folk of Missouri
for tho democratic nomination for
president. His father, Henry B.
Folk of Tennessee, was a native of
Bertie county, leaving there when ho
was 21 years old."
Now cornea a Colorado man and
claims that after all Dr. Cook was
not a faker, A Colorado Springs
dispatch carried by the Associated
Press says: "P. J. Carrigan, an
able seaman and placer miner, who
arrived in Colorado Springs a few
days ago, said today that ho himself
had climbed Mt. McKinley and found
there tho copper tube and records
left there by Dr. Cook to establish
tho latter's claim of having first as
cended the mountain. Carrigan's
story is regarded by John R. Bradley,
Dr. Cook's backer, as sufficiently
plausible to warrant careful investigation."
The dead and injured record. of
the Fourth of July, 1910, is: Dead,
39; injured, 1,840. The 1909 rec
ord was: Dead, 215; injured, 5,093.
The Lord of Little Children to tho
sleeping mothers spake:
"Lo, the dreaming time is over, yo
the hand of Life must take;"
And the dawn was in our faces as
we staTtled up awake,
On Liberty's great day.
We have heard the babes that called
us from the whirr of wheel and
In a world of sun and meadows cry
ing for a little room,
Ere their blood ran to the coffers,
ere their labor made their tomb;
And we arise and go.
We have heard our sister weeping
for tho child that must not live,
For the hands that may not tend it,
for the milk she may not give;
We have seen her kneel in anguish
and the bitter blow receive,
And we arise and go.
Over law unblessed, unsanctioned by
a mother's holy name,
Law that gives the child to bondage
and the woman unto shame,
See the star of justice rising with a
dread, consuming flame!
'Tis bringing in His day,
Oliver Tllford Dargan.
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