The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, July 08, 1910, Page 11, Image 11

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The Commoner.
JULY. 8, 1910
to importance sufficient to do harm
either to Harmon or to the demo
cratic party because a righteous case
can not bo made out of it."
Our Waterloo contemporary seizes
with avidity the handle of every
seeming opportunity to depreciate
the influence of Mr. Bryan in demo
cratic party affairs. We wish that
this were not so, because convinced
of the unselfish, moral purpose un
derlying every public act of the Ne
braskan; wo hope to see his influ
ence extended rather than circum
scribed. SUppose Mr. Bryan had not urged
his Senatorial plan and no democrat
will1 dispute that it is generically
democratic the issue of popular or
legislative selection of senators
would not have been raised in Ohio.
Mr. Harmon is a national figure; Mr.
Bryan is a national figure. Mr.
Bryan is a democratic democrat
seeking to advance popular control
of public affairs. Is Mr. Harmon the
same sort of democrat, seeking the
same purpose? Mr. Bryan addressed
inquiry to the governor for or
against popular choice?
This is Mr. Bryan's offense, that
he called upon Governor Harmon to
say where ho Btood. If it was an
improper inquiry, Governor Harmon
would have ignored it. That ho
made reply indicates he considered
it a proper inquiry, and recognized
Mr. Bryan's right to address it. Tak
ing his position against popular
choico of senator, was Mr. Bryan
justified in asserting that Governor
Harmon therefor would bo unfitted
for national leadership? Mr. Bryan
might say that Mr. Hearst, advocat
ing Imperialism and the principle of
protection, was unfitted to be a lead
er of the democratic party. Would
that be dictatorship by Mr. Bryan?
Would that be the rule or ruin
Democracy implies free discussion;
it implies freedom of speech; It con
templates the right to ask for Infor
mation; it gives room for debate; it
admits the right of one to challengo
tho leadership of another.
Democracy does not admit a muz
zle. Thoro is no progress when men
are muzzled. Supposo Mr. Bryan
hadn't made tho issuo in Ohio. Sup
pose others like aim made no Irruch.
Suppose no one said, "This Is not my
view; I shall oppose your leadership
if you represent a different view; I
shall fight for tho dominance of my
conviction of what "aro right princi
ples;" what progress would there
Mr. Bryan is for progress. His eyo
is on principles. The Times-Tribune
Is looking at men. Dubuque (Iowa)
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