The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, July 01, 1910, Page 12, Image 12

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    rtt jJr-p "isy.,"! "
The Commoner.
rules comralttoo has announced that
it has hold its last mooting for tho
prcHont session."
By a vote of 138 to 130 tho houso
ngrood to tho sonato action of
striking out of tho sundry civil bill,
a provision that would exempt labor
unions from prosecution under tho
anti-trust and interstate commerce
laws. Mr. Hughes of New Jersey
(dom.) offered an amondment pro
viding that no part of tho appropria
tion for the enforcement of the anti
trust laws shall bo spont in the
prosocution of any labor union.
When the bill reached tho senate
that body struck out Governor
Hughos' amendment. When tho bill
was roturnod to tho houso, Tawnoy,
(staudpat rep.) of Minnesota, moved
that the house recede from Hughes
amendment and concur with tho sen
ate's action. Tho domocrats made
a vigorous fight for the Hughes
amondment. They wore assisted by
tho following republicans: Austin,
Tenn.; Carey, Cooper, Lenroot, Nel
son and Stafford, Wis.; Davis,
Minn.; Fish, N. Y.; Greone, Mass.;
Focht and Reynolds, Penn.; Hub
bard, Kendall and Woods, la.; Hayes,
Cal.; Kronmiller, Md.; Lundln, Rod
onberg and Wilson, 111.; Murdock,
Kan.; Poindoxtor. Wash. The domo
crats who voted with tho republi
cans wero Bartlett, Nov.; Shirley,
Ky.; Pago, N. C.
It has been discovered that tho
public building bill passod by con
gress while providing for buildings
and grounds costing $20,000,000 did
not actually appropriate a dollar to
mako the purchase. It is explained,
however, that tho supervising
architect of public buildings is so
far behind in his work that no mon
ey will bo needed for sixteen months.
f 't'WfU ' " ."f j " PSttC V&
Fred Koehler, the golden rulo
chief of polico at Cleveland, Ohio,
has boon acquitted of tho charges
proforrod against him. Ho has been
John H. McGraw, former governor
of tho state of Washington, died at
his homo In Seattle.
Govomor Shallonbergor of Ne
braska haH issued a public statement
declining to call a special session
of the legislature for the purpose of
passing upon the initiative and referendum.
Governor Haskell and other capital
romoval advocates won tho first vic
tory In tho federal court. A Guthrie
dispatch says: "Holding that W. H.
Coylo, tho complainant, had no
standing in court, Federal Judge
Ralph Canplo Lane dismissed on
jurisdictional grounds tho action
brought to enjoin Governor Haskell
and Secretary of State Cross from
removing tho capital of the state to
Oklahoma City. Tho court did not
pass directly on the validity of the
enabling act. Guthrio now proposes
to bring action in the name of the
United States to enforce tho provi
sion of tho enabling act which locat
ed tho temporary capital at Guthrio
until 1913. Citizens of Guthrio have
appealed to Attorney General Wick
orsham by wire to authorize such a
suit. Meanwhile stato records and
Pays for a Big Daily Paper
3 Times a Week and The
Commoner Both One Year
I tie A-WEEK
New York
and The
J Year $1.
This Extra
Special Offer
Good Only
for a
Limited Time
By special arrangements, good
only for a limited time, Tho Com
moner is ablo to make this unpar
lelled bargain subscription offer to
send The Daily New York World
Thrice-a-Week Edition a big daily
paper three times a week and Tho
Commoner, both ono year each for
$1. Regular price of both is $2.
This big offer means 156 big daily
papers from the nation's metropolis
for all praotical purposes as good
as a regular daily and 52 issues
of Tho Commoner, or 208 rapera for
only 1, less than a half cent apiece.
'xhis special offer is good to all
now or renewing subscribers who
send in their subscriptions promptly.
To get the two papers, tho iull
amount, $1. must be sent to The
Commoner, Lincoln, Nob. See spe
cial coupon on page 10, and mention
this offer when writing.
Tho Commoner wants evoryom to
call tho attention of their friends to
this great offer. This extra special
inducement will enable you to help
along tlu work The Commoner is
doing by adding to its list ao many
now names as possible. Address
THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Neb.
archives may not legally be removed
to Oklahoma City, as tho temporary
injunction against such procedure Is
sued by District Judge Huston last
week remains in force."
Porter Charlton, husband of Mrs.
Mary Scott Castie Charlton, whoso
dead body was found in Lake Como,
Italy, was arrested as ho stepped
from a steamship in Hoboken. The
New York police catechised Charlton
and ho finally made a confession
saying that he struck his wife with
a mallet in a fit of anger. He will
bo returned to Italy and will prob
ably bo given a life term, as Italy
does not have the death penalty.
Colgate University, Hamilton, N.
Y., has conferred the degree LL. D
upon General Nelson A. Miles.
The New York legislature met in
special session Juno 20. Governor
Hughes sent a special message urg
ing tho passage of a law providing
for direct nomination of candidates
and for representative and respon
sible party management. Also urg
ing the investigation of the charges
of corruption against members of
the legislature. Also the provisions
of additional revenue for the state
through a graduated inheritance tax.
Theodore Roosevelt has invited
Governor Hughes to visit him for a
conference. Gifford Pinchot has al
ready been a guest of the former
president; and Robert Collier enter
tained Mr. Roosevelt at a private
A London cablegram carried by
the Associated Press says: "John
P. Redmond, leader of the Irish par
liamentary party, and other noted
nationalists, gave a dinner in honor
of William J. Bryan at the house of
Frank Guillo, convicted as a lead
er in the " white slave traffic" in New
York, was sentenced to ten years in
prison. Frank Salvatore, convicted
of a similar offense, was sentenced
to four years.
Jane Addams has been awarded
the degree of Master of Arts by Yale
college. She is tho first, wmnnn n
on whom this university has con-
ierrea. an nonorary degree.
Riohard White, one of the owners
of the Montreal Gazette, died at his
Quebec home.
duced In parliament. It include
the Imposition of additional military
service on bachelors over 29 years
of age; making obligatory tho mar
riage of state employes who have
reached tho age of 25 years, with
supplementary salaries and pension
allowance for those with more than
three children, and the repeal o tho
(Continued on Page 15)
Don't Wear a Truss
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iron ine paiarai iniM, Being Mm
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Tier ef the haste. Tkonniit !
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PLAPAO LABORATORIES, Block 54 , St. Louis, Mo.
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In the trial of Lee O'Neil Browne,
the "democratic loader," chaTged
with heing guilty of bribery in Mr.
Lorimer's connection with the gen
ate, it was declared that some of the
most important witnesses for the de
fense would injure rather than help
the case. Two were sent hurriedly
out of the city to avoid being called.
The two mon actually accused in the
case Senator Lorimer and Lee
O'Neil Browne refused to take the
witness stand to ileny the charge that
Browne purchased the votes that
elected Lorimer to the senate. State's
Attorney Wayman made his closing
aTgument for the state with a ver
bal assault upon Browne that as
tounded even the defendant's
A Paris cablegram carried by the
Associated Press follows: "A series
of measures designed to stimulate
tho birth rato in Franco was iutro-
H"o.w to Win Men
By William Jcnulags Bryait
This dainty volume contains tho
splendid address of Mr. Bryan at St.
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