'A"r -nf ?V fiwr &nTi& n m '""a" The Commoner. JUNE 24, 11.10, WVjW K r S Washington News '"""WMeesMe Senator Lodgo lias introduced a bill permitting Associate Justice Moody of the United States- supremo court to retire from ofllco with full pay notwithstanding he . has not served two years on the bench nor is he 70 years old as required by ex isting law. Justice Moody's poor health is given as the reason for the passage of this bill. Representative Cordell Hull of Tennessee argued in the house in favor of having the twelve cotton producing states of the south repre sented in the consular service in Great Britain, France and Germany. He says that no man from a' cotton producing state holds a position in the consular service. Louis' D. Brandeis, and Attorney Vertrieshavo submitted to the Bal- linger investigating committee their 'respective briefs in the Ballinger 'case. . Senator Gore has obtained in the senate favorable action on a bill in creasing the appropriation for the federal building at Oklahoma City from $250,0.00 to $450,000. This increase was due to the fact that Oklahoma City has been made tho state capital. x A - man who gave his. name ' as 'James Stricklin and claims to be jCrom 'Cumberland' Md., called at the executive offices-and asked to see the president. He was recognized as the Don't Wear a Truss v : SrBAirS PLAS TI-PADS urediSrrrnt irom ib !'ihiui iutm, iiuue mnr Mir aabnlTtt purposely 10 noli tlic Tupiar is puce vrlluoui iri buckle or iprlnn ennnut ili, o cannot cuio or cotoprns tunluit the pcivio boue. Tho .most Dbnttnalecuc rurrd In the pri vacy of ibo home. 1 tmuiauili litic lueecMfully treated tbemtelrca without hindrance from work. Bo ft a trlvrt tur la V i.. I bbbIt laoiBCBilie. PmcfMof curt In nniural. TKi - n 'ttr,hfr u, for ru"1'. W pn "I'M e IKIAL OF LAPAObIoluidVMUWrlVaamcron coupon b1 Bail TOBAY. AdfircM PLAPAO LABORATORIES, Block 54, St. Louis, Mo. Kama , Addrewi, Return wll -wilt brlnj Pre trial Plapao , tSeffMk. ": MS " n MM jrj njMU ?m e I iniiiHr. ' m - ims-ssswis llie lie Isl Bfl in all diseases of the Kidneys, Blad der, J,ivcr and DigesUve organs, including Rheumatism, or the treatment-will be an experiment. I test urine Free. Mailing Case for urine sent on request Con sultation, and opinion free. DR. J. F. SHAFER, Specialist. 214 Penn Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. $Mscrtter$' .HMgrfisittg Bept. This department is for the benefit of Commoner subscribers, and a special rate of six cents a word per insertion the lowest rate has been made for them. Address all communications to The Commoner, Lincoln. Nebraska. WE CAN TRADE TOUR PROPERTY. Book of D00 exchanges free. Graham Brothers, Eldorado, Kansas. ILL YOU HELP FIND MY BOY, Glenn? Left his home in Geneva, 111., last month and is believed to .have sought employment among farmers. He is 16 years old, tall and-slender, with regular features, fair complexion, brown hair and blue-gray eyes. No ticeable stammer in speech: About 5 feet 7 inches in height and weighs about 125 pounds. Friends say he is fine- looking. Newspapers please copy this ad. Any help given will bo grate fully received by a lonely mother. Mrs. F. D. Lawrence, Geneva, Illinois. FOR INFORMATION LEADING TO tho finding of Alfred Marion Mc--r Cluer, an heir-at-law of J. W. Mc- Cluer, Sr., I will give $5. Probably in southern Kansas or Oklahoma. J. W. McCltier, Kinnlundy, 111, man who had called there Juno 17 of last year and when arrested had two revolvers in his possession. This time ho was taken into custody and again found to bo armed with a pis tol. He will bo examined as to his sanity. The interstate commerce commis sion has decided in favor of Omaha in its case against the railroads where it' undertook to force reductions of the lumber rate from southern and southwestern lumber regions. Representative Humphrey of "Washington, tho man who introduced the ship subsidy bill, made a speech In the house charging there was a combination among the owners of foreign steamship lines. The senate, by a unanimous vote, passed the bill providing for the ad mission of the territories of New Mexico . and Arizona to separate statehood. The house .bill authorizing the withdrawal of public lands by the president has passed the senate. Oliver D. Street, United. States at torney of the northern district of Alabama, has been instructed to file at Birmingham a petition against the Southern Wholesale Grocers Associa tion on tho ground that it is a trust. The railroad bill came up in the senate in the fornr of a conference report. The report was adopted by a vote of 50 yeas and 11 nays. All of the nays were democrats, and Sena tors Chamberlain, Clay, McEnery, Simmons, - Stone and Taylor voted with 'the republicans in favor of the bill. . " . ' Richard Parr, the customs deputy at New York, who unearthed the sugar fraud, will receive $100,000 as his reward. The house has adopted a rule which will nrevent tho smothering pt legislation in committees, republi cans, insurgents and democrats vot ing, for it. MAN In youth ho wastes his energy by madly running riot; Wherever danger seems to lurk he ventures to defy it; He scorns the good advice he gets and will riot brook restraining, And temperance 'he deems a thing fit only for disdaining. In early manhood he begins to gain a, little reason Then falls in love and so become be fuddled for a season; He toils by day and woos at night, dejected or elated, And robs himself of healthful rest until he's safely mated. Through middle age he works and schemes, spurred, by the high am bition. To' cease to have to occupy a hired man's condition; He eats hiB meals in eager haste; all needful rest refusing. Too much absorbed for pleasure, and his health and strength abusing. At last, If he haa wisely wrought or been by luck attended, He may be rich enough to quit, his daily toiling ended; But then, alas, he may not eat the pastry set before him, Nor drink, nor smoke, and rest and life are things that, merely bore him. Chicago Record-Herald. THAT'S WHO HE WAS George Washington was very small, very black and very now to tho lifo of tho public school which he had just entered. Hfs family had emigrated to the city from some un known wilderness, and the officers of tho school board had discovered little George, and brought him into lino with the prospects of the higher edu cation. It was his first day, and the teacher was trying to make him at homo. ''And so your name is George Washlngtonr" Bald the teacher, "Yassum. Jorgo Washin'ton." "And I suppose you try to bo as like him as a little boy can, don't you?" "Lak who, mam?" "Llko Gcorgo Washington." . Tho youngster looked puzzled. "Ah kain't help bein' lak Jorgo WaBhln'ton," ho replied stoutly, '"cos that's who All am." Youth's Companion. Millionaire (at a "cure" resort) "Seo herd, doctor, I want to get thin ner, my wife wants, to get fatter, and my daughter wants to remain as she is. Just arrange this, will you? I'vo plenty of monoy; don't care what it .costs." Fliegendo Blatter. Ft EI f7 Q -ISIENA-U Ile-New-U feet! (CempnHMtt GeaMnar) la (tablet form Tho renmrknblo Tonic Food, tho Great TIsaucuBulldcr, Gives Vim and Strength, ToneB up tho System, Increases the Appetite For Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Constipation, Liver Complaint, Kidney and Bladder Trouble, Catarrh of the Stomach and Bowels, etc. Nothing like them. No thine just as rood. No uolson. No Alcohol. Just Nature's Herbs, Roots And Cereals in a form as palatable as a ginger snap. PRICE GO cts. per package; SIX PACKAGES, pre paid, for JJJ.DO. TI1F, IIOMIS IIEMI3DII2S CO., Dcpt. H." La Parte. Iadlaaa. NEW BOOK A New, Complete Edition of Mr. Bryan's Speeches Containing All of His Important Public Utterances In two handy volumes. You can follow Mr. Bryan practically through his en tire farcer, from his valedictory oration at Illinois College in 1881, through ills early public life, his presidential campaigns, his world tours, his platform experiences, and his participation in meetings of organizations devoted to national progress, as well as international congresses for the promotion of the world's peace. The subject matter of theso speeches covers a wide range of topics, from the fundamental and vital problems of national and world life to. the highest ideals of human endeavor. A handy means of reference to, the student of social problems of tho present and future. " A Brief Outline of Contents Tn these volumes you ft ill find all his Important political speeches on the Tariff, Banking, Currency, BIraetalism, Income Tax, Monoy, the Silver Question, Imperialism, Colonialism, Government Ownership, The Trust Question, Guaranteed Deposits, Election of Senators by Direct Vote, Initiative and Referendum, Labor, 1908 Tariff Speech, State and Nation, etc., etc. Here you will find all his speeches in foreign lands, beforo tho World's Peace Congress in London, in Cuba, Japan, England, etc., etc. Theso books contain his educational and religious lectures The. Price of a Soul, The Value of an Ideal, The Prince of Peace, Man, Missions, Faith, etc., etc.; his miscellaneous speeches Character, Gray's Elegy, Memorial Day at Arlington, Receptions in Lincoln, his homo city, at tho White House Conference, on Commerce at the Taft-Bryan banquet, to His Neighbors, Tributes to Jefferson, Lincoln, etc., etc. The Only Complete Collection While Mr. Bryan's speeches, lectures and public addresses have ap peared from time to time in different editions of his works, or have been issued in separate form, these two volumes contain the only au thentic, complete and authoritative collection of all of his speeches ever issued. This is the first publication in book form of a complete collec tion of Mr. Bryan's speeches from his first ontry in public life up to the present time. This complete collection of speeches comes in two handsome volumes, cloth bound, I2m gilt top, and printed in large clear type. Frontis pieces showing Mr. Bryan at various stages, with biographical introduc tion by his wife, Mary Baird Bryan. Price per set, $2.00, in cloth binding, prepaid-. Bound in half leather, ?3.00 prepaid. Agent wanted. Sent prepaid on receipt of price. Address all orders and make re mittance payable to THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Nebraska Special Offer For a limited time, to any one sending $2.25 for 2-volume set of the new book, "Speeches of William Jennings Brya," wo will include with out extra cost a year's subscription to The Commoner. If already a subscriber, date of expiration will be advanced one year. If half leather edition Is wanted send $3.25. Send all orders and make remit tances payable to The Commoner, Lincoln, Neb. ' - Name , . P. O. . i i V , r m tf u m i r1 if I ' M -! I ; fi 11 HiS a H - - - - -iSr;rA TT.iti.ii up ,iamiimwm 4JU:I; -iaftr