The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, June 10, 1910, Page 11, Image 11

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    Mr v
The Commoner.
june 10, lDio
V: vF$FjRfi$&ri Pfw,frwTQWt3mffinpr
A Paper From
Your Own State
at Special Price
When Taken Together
With The Commoner ,
Tho publishers of the papers enu
merated below, realizing that all
democratic and Independent voters
should read reliable democratic lit
erature, and feeling that a wider
circulation of The Commoner In
their respective communities will
help tho cause of good government,
aro making sufficient financial sac
rifice to enable them to agree to ac
cept subscriptions for their own
paper, and also includo a year's
subscription to The Commoner, at
the prices shown below. This makes
a happy combination and will en
able democratic workers In tho sev
eral communities to assist In pro
moting tho democratic campaign of
education. "Wo urge upon demo
cratic workers the Importance of
co-operating with these publishers.
In extending tho circulation of these
naners. vou have a local naDer to
defend the efforts of the democratic I
ntf-v nna v nnri 'I'lin I 'rmmnnnr m
discuss and defend democratic prin
ciples from a national standpoint.
Union Sentinel, Ft. Smith, Ark. 1.25
Tho Newton County Times, Mt.
Judea, Ark 90
Siskiyou News, Yreka, Calif... 2.50
Tama County Democrat, Toledo,
Iowa 1.50
Brayfield's Weekly Citizen,
, Charlestown, Ind $1.00
Cdurler-Democrat, Seneca, Kan. 2.00
Garrett Journal, Oakland, Md. . 1.50
Star-Democrat, Eastern, Md..t. 1.55
Tftei Farmer .. JLeader, Pipe- i
Intone, Minri .".;...'. 1.00
Tho Sentinel, Fairmont, Minn. 1.75
Tho Herald, "Waseca, -Minn.... 2.10
Owl Headlight, Stanberry, Mo. 1.50
Jcffersonian, Mound City,. Mo. .. 2.10
Dally Republican, Hastings,
Nob 2.50
The Republic, Pender, Neb.... 1.50
Humboldt Standard, Humboldt,
Nob $1.50
xxeir k'omt
Batavla Times, Batavia, N. T. 1.00
The Montgomerian, Troy, N. C. 1.25
Tho Record, Gage, Okla 1.00
Loudonvillo Democrat, Loudon
vllle, Ohio 1.50
Dally Patriot, Harrlsburg, Pa.. 2.50
Presse Reporter, Pakwana, S. D. 1.75
The Common Herd, Dallas, Tex. 1.00
Tho Herald, Howe, Texas 1.00
Tho Christian Commonwealth,
Madlsonvllle, Texas 1.00
Pilnnnlii Pnlintv T .ar1fvAV Tlol
linger, Texas . .- .' 1.50 I
Pan Handle News, Wellsburg,
W. Va 1.C0
The Independent, Juneau, Wis. 1.50
Subscriptions to these papers may
bo handed direct to the local pub
lisher, or if moro convenient, may
bo mailed to Tho Commoner office.
When the subscription is sent to
Tho Commoner office, the name and
address of the local paper must be
plainly stated; of course, If you
should mail the subscription to the
publisher of your homo paper, It
will be necessary to state specifi
cally that tho remittance is to pay
for their paper and The Commoner
as announced through tho columns
of The Commoner.
Note: All publishers who are ad
vertising clubbing rates with Tho
Commoner, and whoso publications
are not listed above, aro earnestly
requested to write us at once, giv
ing complete name and address of
their own paper together with the
regular annual subscription price;
and also, the price at which they
offer to take annual subscriptions
for their own paper together with
The Commoner.
Mr. Hearst was on tho alert, having
noticed an elegantly dressed man,
who kept dogging his footsteps. Ho
felt the thief at his pocket, and when
the robber fled Mr. Hearst went In
hot pursuit. In his flight the thief
threw away, the wallet, .but Mr.
Hearst did not stop to pick it up.
A lady with him looked after that.
Finding himself hard pressed the
robber took refuge in a shop, where
he was arrested by carabineers."
Mrs. .Grover Cleveland with her
four children, has returned to her
American home after an eight
months' visit in Europe.
tion with tho election of Senator
Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell, a widely
known English physician, died at her
homo In Hastings, England. For
many years sho practiced in ho
United States.
A reckless Russian, Abraham Elr
woish, mado himself notorious at
Berlin by hurling a can of baked
beans at tho crown prince of Ger
many. He was promptly arrested.
Mayor P. H. McCarthy - of San
Francisco suffered a broken ankle
while automobile, riding in Indianapolis.
John TaTasinski, sentenced two
years ago to twenty-five years in the
Wisconsin . penitentiary for murder
has beon- declared innocent by tho
confession of three other men.
Alfred Austin, the English poet,
celebrated his 75th birthday.
Thomas E. Watson of Augusta,
Ga., once named by tho populist
party for president, has announced
his return to ..the democratic paTty.
Former Governor John H. Mickey
died at his home in Osceola, Neb.
The Chicago court has held that
Lee O'Neil Browne must stand trial
on tho charge of bribery in connec-
The New York World and St.
Louis Post-Dispatch have offered a
prize of $30,000 to tho first aviator
who flies from Now York to St. Louis
or from St. Louis to New York.
Glenn H. Curtiss will undertake tho
. Freeman Knowles, former con
gressman from South Dakota, and a
widely known Socialist, died at Dead
wood of pneumonia. Ho was 64
years old.
Hughes, Newlands, Ovorman, Owon,
Paynter, Purcoll, Rayner, Shlvclyy
Simmons and Stone.
Gifford Plnchot, former chief for
ester, has returned from his Euro
pean trip. He says he can not dis
cuss Theodore Roosevelt's attitude.
Glenn H. Curtiss covered 137
miles in 152 minutes, breaking all
records, flying from Albany to New
York City. He won a $10,000 prize
offered by the New York World.
Former Mayor George. A Hlbbard
of Boston died pi tuberculosis, aged
45 years. . ,
: J . : , ,
Washington News
' 'Representative Nbrris of Nebraska
will probably be a candidate for re
election to the house instead of a
candidate for the senate.
Charles D. Norton, of Chicago,
now assistant secretary of the treas
ury, has been appointed secretary to
the president. Mr. Norton is forty
years old and the son of a Congrega
tional missionary.
President Taft left Washington for
a four days' trip to Jackson, Mich.
By a vote of 25 to 30 the senato
defeated the LaFollette amendment
to the railroad bill providing for tho
ascertainment of physical valuation
of all railroad property for the basis
of the fixing of rates. All the votes
cast against the amendment were
given by regular republicans.
Republicans of the house in cau
cus agreed to support the postal
savings bank bill after the same -tots
amended in various ways.
President Taft spent Memorial day
in New 'York City and reviewed the
marching veterans.
Senator Cummins of Iowa, before
leaving home to take part in the
campaign, said that in spite of his
objections to the railroad bill he
would vote for it on final passage.
By a vote of four to three the
supreme court declared that the in
terstate commerce commission had
not exceeded its powers in ordering
the reduction of freight rates in the
Missouri and Denver rate cases.
Senator Bailey of Texas offered a
resolution making it unlawful for
any railroad company to transport
from one state to another "any ar
ticle or commodity manufactured or
produced by it or under it au
thority or by any corporation, Joint
.stock company or partnership in
which said railroad company holds,
owns or controls, directly or indi
rectly, any stock or Interest." Tho
Bailey resolution was defeated by a
vote of 25 to 31. All the negative
votes were regular republicans.
Fourteen democrats and eleven re
publicans voted for the Bailey propo
sition as follows: 'Messrs. Beveridge,
Borah, Bourne, Bristow, Brown,
Clapp, Crawford, Dixon, Dolliver,
Gamble and LaFollette, republicans,
and Bacon, Bailey, Clay, Frazier,
Tho Missouri statuto prohibiting
forolgn corporations from doing busi
ness within tho state if they seek
litigation in tho United States courts
was declared unconstitutional by tho
supremo court. In striking down
tho statuto tho court upheld tho
opinion of Judge Smith McPherson
of tho circuit court of tho United
States for tho vestern district of
Missouri. Tho opinion replied for
cibly to tho critics of tho federal
courts for interfering with state af
fairs. Tho validity of tho law was
brought before tho courts for deci
sion when tho Chicago, Rock Island
& Pacific Railway company asked
for an injunction to prevent tho sec
retary of the state of Missouri from
revoking its license to do business
in the state because of alloged vio
lation of tho statuto of March 13.
Tho circuit court hold tjfat act of
March 13 was unconstitutional be
cause it discriminated against a for
eign corporation by allowing resident
companies to sue in federal courts
whore federal questions might bo in
volved; because it denied to forolgn
corporations rights granted them un
der the federal constitution, and be
cause it impaired tho contract agree
ment of 1870, whereby forolgn cor
porations were promised the. same
protection of law by tho state as
local corporations.
The city of Omaha, Neb., will be
required to purchase tho waterworks
system of tho Omaha Waterworks
company for $0,263,294.49 under a
decision of the supremo court of tho
United States. The court afllrmed
the judgment of tho circuit court
of appeals in tho matter. In 1880
Omaha entered Into a contract with -&
the Omaha Water company for water r
service. In the contract was a right
of purchase clause. In 1903 tho
city, by ordinance, elected to pur
chase tho waterworks. Ono ap-
pralser was selected by the city, an
other by tho water company and a
third by tho other two appraisers.
The fixed valuation was $6,203,295.
49. A suit was brought to compel
the city to purchase at this figure.
The city claimed it could not be com
pelled to accept tho valuation fixed,
because the appraisers Included tho
(Continued on Page 15)
Rc-Nevr-U food (Compound GcBilaa)
In tnblut form
Tho remarkable Tonic Food, tho Great TIshuo Builder, Gives Vim
and Strength, Tones up tho System, Increases tho Appotite. For
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Constipation, Liver Complaint, Kidney and
Bladder Trouble, Catarrh of the Stomach and Bowels, etc. Nothing
like them. N6thlng Just as good. No poison. No Alcohol. Just
Naturo's Herbs, Boots and Cereals in a form as palatable as a
ginger snrfp. PRICE 50 cts. per package; SIX PACKAGES, prc-
THE HOMES IU3AII2DII2S CO., Dept. "B." La Porte. Indiana.
UfUAT 10 IT 9 marvelous
Iff IIA I la 1 1 i New-Mysterious
Works like magic
f ornisb water and soap wo do tho rest. No labor. Simply touch button and let
Nothing else like it.
Best thing ever happoned.
Results amazing
Beads like Action yet true as gospel. Headers listen sharp.
JEvery lamuy aeiigmca. newwayoi Moaning clothes, xoa
her bo. 8 to 8 minutes clothes perfectly clean. Wet awMtshlas: machine,
Does in ono operation the work of washing machine, wash board and boiler.
Cleans perfectly, wnnout wo&r or injury, nam laces, curtains, Dea clothes,
woolens, white and colorod clothes. Haves time. xael. labor, Iiealtlx
RHd meaey. No rubbing, power, motors or cbomfcals. All metal, durable,
sanitary light In weight. Child or frail woman can use it. Saves washday
drudgery. EASY WAY iwaihci all record. Users bubble ovor with
praise can't help It. Llatea: J. McGee, Tonn., writes: "Ono lady cleaned
day's washing in 45 minutes." Mrs. T. Bullon, Canada, writes: "Washed
bedding, quilts, curtains, etc, without rubbing." Lauretta Mitchell, Ohio:
" Done big washing in 45 minutes sold 3 already." A. J). Popple ton, H. Y.:
" Washed bed quilts, creasy overalls, fine clothing greatest thing on earth."
7. B. Post, Pa.: " Did two weeks' washing la 45 minutes." A. II. Barrett,
Ark., after ordering 38 Easy Ways says: "Yon have tho grandest invention I
over heard of." J. W. Myers, Ga.: "Encloso ordor 12 moro greatest Inven
tion for womanhood, abolishing miserable wash day. Soils itself."
Mrs. J. Brown sold 10 In 3 days profit $30.00). K. J. Blevlns, Ohio, writes :
" Made 7 calls ; sold 5 one day "(profit $15.00). It. H. Latlmore, Pa., writes :
" Bold 4 this morning nover yet turned down." Mrs. Gerrish, Mont., ordered
sample, then dozen, then 100 profit ovor $300.00. N. Boucher, Mass., orders
75 more, says : " Everybody wants one. Best tmsloees I ever had." Only
Mies a day means 36.69 a week profit. Thousands of letters like these.
Millions win do sola, jjanasuae zor agents, write qmcic. men or women;
ruers ana appoint agents.
home or traveling: all or sparo time to show, take or3
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