"HT',vr fmr?,T, T?' "- F Ifj (J -"VOX. The Commoner. JUNE 3, 1910 a wr together, stirring for two minutes; then add five or six slightly beaten eggs with half a teaspoonful pf salt and a pinch of pepper, and cook as scrambled eggs. A nice way to use egg on toast is to prepare six slices of milk toast, have the eggs slightly under-done, and sprinkled with four tablespoon fuls of grated cheese, then pour the eggs and cheese over the toast, set in the oven to heat through the cheese, and serve. Or, the egg may be poured over the toast, then the cheese grated over the top. They should be set in an oven until the cheese melts, and the eggs are done. Query Box Mrs. P. W. It is said that any firin-meated fruits may be canned without cooking by using new jars, antisoptically clean, packing the jars as full of fruit as possible, and fill with pure cold water, 'seal, and put into a darjc closet. The water is best let to flow into the jar from a hyd rant, but any way, it must fill all air spaces and .be "running over" when the top is screwed down. It would be best to experiment with a few jars. Mrs. L. The name of the dish is spelled correctly "cole" slaw. The word, .cole, is thd name given several species of the cabbage family of which the slaw is made. ' "Cold" slaw is incorrect. L. S. S. Vinegar that is very strong should not be used for salad dressing, as it kills the delicate flavor, eating the tender leaves and pickling the other ingredients. Tar ragon vinegar or lemon juice is pre ferred. ' V. R. Tarragon vinegar Is made by wringing the buds , and leaves from the larger branches and stalks of the plant, just before it blooms, bruising the leaves. Put the tarra v gon Into small stone jars, cover, with " good vinegar and let stand for sev eral months; strain, and bottle the vinegar, keeping it tightly corked. Ella S. This method of removing fruit stains is given by a laundress. Get a two ounce bottle of good whis key and put Into it a heaping table- HARD ON CHILDREN When Teacher Has Coffee Habit spoonful of gum camphor broken in to bits'; keep this well corked. When sorting soiled clothes, look for the stains and apply the dissolved cam phor freely aftef shaking tho bottle well. Wash as usual, and the stains will disappear. The Ply Nuisance Our weather in the north has been so cool that tho house fly has not put in its appearance in the usual number, but even one is a nuisance and menace, and strict watch should be kept that the number does not in crease. Try to have screen wire at the openings, and do not let foods lie about; keep -the door yards free from anything that will attract them, and wage a war of extermination from now on. " "Best is best, and best will ever live." When a person feels this way about Postum they are glad to give testimony for the benefit of others. A school teacher down in Missis 'sippi says: "I had been a coffee drinker since my childhood, and the last few years it had injured me se riously. "One cup of coffee taken at break fast would cause me to become so nervous that I could scarcely go through with the day's duties, and thiB nervousness was often accom panied by deep depression of spirits and heart palpitation. "I am a teacher by profession, and when under the influence of coffee had to struggle against crossness -when in the school room, "When talking this over with my physician, he suggested that I try Postum, so I purchased a package and made it carefully according to directions; found it excellent of fla vor, and nourishing. "In a short time I noticed very gratifying effects. My nervousness disappeared, I was not irritated by my pupils, life seemed full of sun shine, and my heart troubled me no longer. "I attribute my change in health and spirits to Postum alone." Read the little book, "The Road to Wellville," in pkgs. "There's a Reason." Ever read tho above letter? A now no appears from time to time. They Are genuine, true, and full of human Interest. Recipes for Young Housewives Mrs. W. A. T., of New York, kind ly sends some tested and recommend ed recipes for our "girls." Of course we are grateful, and we do think we have tho dearest, most helpful readers! Here are the recipes: (Note The measurements used in these recipes are as follows: Have a teacup that measures one half pint exactly, and one teacupful always means the cup level full. One tea spoonful means level full, except where it says one rounded teaspoon ful, in which case it means exactly two level teaspoonfuls; a heaping teaspoonful means one heaped up. The same rule applies to the table spoonful.) Lightning Cake Put In mixing bowl one cup of sugar, one cup .and one level tablespoonful of flour; two level teaspoonfuls of baking powder. In a cup put a piece of butter size of an egg, two eggs, one teaspoonful of vanilla extract, and fill the cup with sweet milk. Pour in mixing bowl and give all good beating; bake in pan about eight Inches square. Breakfast Cake Butter (cold) size of an egg; half a cup of sugar, one egg; cream together well; half cupful pf sweet milk, two level tea spoonfuls of baking powder and one and one-half cups of flour. Beat well together. Bake in two layer-cake tins. I often put one layer on the other with no filling. Jelly is good between.N Thjs is good for twelve patty-pans. Coffee Cake One cup of cold cof fee, one cup of brown sugar, one cup of New Orleans molasses, one cup of shortening (lard), one egg, one level teaspoonful of soda, one level teaspoonful of ginger, flour to mix just soft enough to drop from spoon. Flavor with teaspoonful of lemon juice if liked. Rice Dessert Wash one cup of rice and add five cups of boiling wa ter with one-fourth teaspoonful of salt. Boil fast for fifteen minutes, then set uncovered in a moderate oven for about twenty minutes, or .until the water evaporates. Each grain will be fluffy and white and separate. Make a sauce for it thus: One cupful of sugar, two tablespoon fuls of tyitter, one tablespoonful of flour; beat togetherand add one cup of boiling water, flavoring with one teaspoonful of either cinnamon or juice of lemon. Gems One teacup of sifted gra ham flour or meal, one teacup of white flour, four level teaspoonfuls of baking powder, half a cup of sugar; stir welL together with table spoonful of lard; beat one egg and add with one cup of milk or water. gredionts and beat to a smooth bat ter. Bake in a quick oven in two layers, buttering tho first on top be fore laying tho other on, so they will separate smoothly. When done and cool enough, separate tho layers and spread each with boiled icing; cover the icTng thickly with whole ripo strawberries, pressing them down in to tho icing, and sprinkle the berries with powdered sugar; cat the cake cold. Or, tho layers may bo baked in separate tins, and two cakes mado if desired. Butter Beans and Now Potatoes Just before tho potatoes aro done, remove from tho stovo and lot cool. Cut one pint of butter beans into small pieces after cooking. When the potatoes are cold cut into dice, and arrange potatoes and butter beans In layers in a deep dish, sprinkling each layer with butter and pepper and salt to taste. Pour over this one cupful of cream and cover tho top with rolled cracker; cover tho dish, set in tho oven and let got hot through, remove tho cover and let brown a llttlo, then serv6 hot. Boots Wash carefully, and leavo about an inch of the leaf stalks on the root, not breaking the small roots while washing. Cook by rapid boiling until tender (or thoy may bo baked). Whon done, drop while still hot Into a pan of cold water and rtf movo tho skin by rubbing, at' once. Slice, dross with butter, popper and salt and servo hot; or put a llttlo sugar and vinegar with the dressing and pour over them hot, and servo, BOOKS RECEIVED Tho Slavery of Progress. ' Its causes and Its cure. By A. F. Thomas. The Neale Publishing Co., New York and Washington, An Interview. By Daniel W. Church. The Berlin Carey Company, Chicago, 111. Common Honesty. A study of fundamental principles and their re lation to tho labor problem. By Orren M. Donaldson. Pan-American Press, Chicago, 111. Requested Recipes Strawberry Shortcake Beat one tablespoonful of butter with a cup ful of sugar until creamy; then add three well beaten eggs and half a cupful of milk or water. Sift to gether two and one-half cups of flour and two teaspoonfuls of baking pow der; stir the flour into tho other in- Latest Fashions for Readers of The Commoner A '3268 Ladies' Shirt Waist. This stylo model will develop well in washable or silk fabrics. Five sizes 34 to 42. S 32 G 8 Ladies' Skirt, with or with out tunic. Foulard, mescaline or pongee will develop well in this style. Five sizes 22 to 30. 3254 Ladles' Russian Dress, with a separate five-gored skirt and with or without sleeve caps. , This is a becoming model and may bo mado of cloth, foulard, pongee or wash ma terials. Five sizes 34 to 42. S208L 3265 Chllds' Coat. White cash mere was used for- tho development of this model. Four sizes 1 to 7 years. '3257 Childs' Dress, with long or short sleeves. Lawij, or challis are the best: materials for this little model. Thrde sizes 1 to 3 years. 3205. 2VT 3254) 3267 Misses' Russian Blouse Coat. This can be mado of any ma terial such as broadcloth, serge, duck or linen. Three sizes 13 to 17 years. B2( THE COMMONER will supply Its readers with perfect fitting, seam allowing patterns frpm the latest Paris and New York styles. The de signs are practical and adapted to the home dressmaker. Full direc tions how to cut and how to make the garments with each pattern. The price of these patterns 10 cents each, postage prepaid. Our large cata logue containing the illustrations and descriptions of 1,000 seasonable styles for ladies, misses and children, as well as lessons in homo dress making, full of helpful and practical suggestions in the making of your wardrobe mailed to any address on receipt of 10 cents, In ordering patterns give us your name, address, pattern number and size desired. Address THE COMMONER, Pattern Dept., Lincoln, Neb. ' . i n ") :H &iuljitlid&4iiiM&:&ftoer m wW. SJAj3 . .1