The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, May 27, 1910, Page 12, Image 12

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The Commoner
E '
bQ flvo republicans and four dcmo
crnts as general appraisers and Col.
Cooper 1b appointed to 111 vacancy
In the' democratic representation.
Tho position Is an Important one and
pays In tho neighborhood of $10,000.
Colonel Cooper's friends In official
circles hero are elated at lite appoint
ment, tho members of tho Texas dele
gation in congress boing especially
gratified at his selection. The ap
pointment camo through Senator
Dalloy, between whom and Colonel
Cooper there is tho strongest feeling
of friendship."
President Taft has found It nocos
sary to deny that in a public address
ho mado a bitter attack upon Insur
gent republicans.
Sam B. Coopor of Texas, who la
said to bo "a democrat, but not a
strong partisan," has boon appointed
by Mr. Taft to bo appraiser of mer
chandise at tho port of Now York.
Senator Root, a member of tho
i)allingor Investigating committeo,
has gone to Tho Hague. His depar
ture was expected to push tho Bal
llngor Investigation to a speedy completion.
, Roprosontatlvo Hamilton of Michi
gan, dofendod tho Payne-Aldrlch
tariff law in a spooch in tho house.
. Roprosontatlvo Butlor Ames, re
publican, of Massachusetts, made a
bitter attack upon Representative
Payno of Now York, republican
lcador. ITo read a series of letters
which had passed between him and
Mr. Payno. Tho letters concerned
a resolution Introduced in tho house
March 31 by Mr. Ames whjch set
forth that negotiations should bo
opened with Canada with a view to
establishing closor commercial rela
tions with that country. Mr. Ames'
resolution was referred to the ways
and moans committeo, and tho au-
thor charged that Mr. Payne refused
.to allow tho committeo to consider
it, though he (Amos) presented a
petition favoring It, signed by sov-onty-sovon
republican members and
also urging tho adoption of the resolution.
Mr. Bryan in his St. Louis speech
last Saturday evening, took tho posi
tion that tho brewers must get out
of politics. This sentiment will bo
(indorsed by all thoughtful peoplo
and good citizens. In Missouri it
was tho brewers who elected a re
publican govornor. With tho brow
ors there is no politics. They are
for themselves as against the world,
the flesh and tho devil. They boast
ui iiuvuig accumulated over $150,
000,000 in this state, and with the
groat slush fund they can control,
with their agents scattered over the
stato in almost every voting pre
cinct, who works upon orders from
headquarters, their blighting power
is not half appreciated.
As Mr. Bryan says they must get
ut of politics. There is a growing
prohibition sentiment all over tho
country, largoly because of the per
nicious activity in our politics by tho
brewers. Eliminated from politics
the' prejudice against them would
not be near so great. Otto Stiefol,
a colonol on Governor Hartley's staff
ao mo Buvoniurs mouthpiece in St
Louis. No man can bo named for
circuit judge or for any other posi
tion without this boss brewers O K
The brewers through Hadloy are run
ning tho politics of Missouri at this
time. They must either get out of
'politics or out of business. This is
official. Boonovillo, Mo., Advertiser.
In Cuba cocoauut trees have been
lujureu uy a new disease which an
Mr. Bryan Before the Porto Rico
Association Saturday April 9, 1 9 1 0
pears to bo a t bacterial .moUidy, that
attacks only tho crowns Qt'the'troos
causing them to rot. Ex-. 4-i f !u-
Mr. President, Members of tho
Porto Rico Association, and Friends:
I appreciate not only tho very cordial
welcome that has been extended to
mo through your esteemed president,
but also tho felicitous words ho has
employed In extending that welcome.
I have been on the island long
enough to bo impressed with tho
beauty of the language used by your
peoplo in welcoming those from the
outside. I havo been here long
enough, also, to be impressed with
tho beauty of your Island. T am Al
most afraid to toll you how deeply
I havo been impressed for fear that
it will disclose my previous ignor
ance. I knew how many people you
had; I knew that the island was
about one hundred miles long and
about fifty miles wide; and I knew
that it was about three thousand feet
higher in the center than it was on
tho side, but I had pictured to my
self a round island, that is, round
on the top and had supposed that
when I crossed it on this military
road of which I had heard, 1 would
commence at the seashore, thon I
would gradually rise for twenty-five
miles and thon gradually go down
for another twenty-five miles to the
I had no idea of the picturesque
character of your scenery. I had no
knowledge of the valleys that run
back from the ocean into the moun
tains. I had no idea of the magnifi
cont views that succeed each other
as you go across tho island, and if
I can consider myself a man of aver
ago intelligence and average infor
mation, it is fair to assume that a
great many people of tho United
States are just as ignorant as T was
and it will be my duty, as it will be
my pleasure, to enlighten as many
as I can, as I have been enlightened
myself. I shall take pleasure in
tolling those' to whom I have a
chanco to speak and those who are
willing to read what I say, that I do
not believe there is another place, at
least not another place near the
United States, where you can see as
many squaro miles of beauty in the
same length of time. Friends, when
wu uwuuus oi mis island are
fully, known throughout the
United States, I am sure that
you will have a very large incroase
in the number of visitors nnri vu
that large increase in the number of
visitors, will come the building of
larger ships and faster ships. In
stead of coming from Ne York in
five days, you will probably be able
to come in three days, and instead
of having only the line from New
York, you will probably havo lines
from tho southern states; and when
people can come in three days in
stead qf five, that fact in itself will
still further increase the number.
The amount of money spent by the
people of the United States in travel
ing abroad is very considerable and
a considerable portion of that money
is spent by people who go abroad for
pleasure. You will certainly receive
a very much lar.gor share than you
uvw uu pi max expenditure.
I have been impressed by more,
than the mere beauty of the Island.
I have had a chance to look upon the
fields where your products are raised.
I have seen more sugar cane in the
ast six days than I have ever seen
n my life, and I have been glad to
learn that you are now producing
about four times as much sugar as
you were twelve years ago. If the
people who havo come here from the
United States to cause sourness in
tho resident? of the island, this sour
feeling ought to be sweetened some
what by the increase in tho produc
tion of sugar.
I havo also seen the fields of plne-
l apples and I have heard some stories
that I would not believe had they
not come from persons whose ver
acity I could not doubt. I have felt
like replying to uome of these stories
as a man did after he heard an un
likely story. Some one told him a
story so large that when he finished
telling it, he said: "I would not have
believed it had not seen it myself,"
and the other man replied, "1 have
not seen it."
I was talking with one man on the
south side about pineapples; I do not
know just how the question of size
came up, but ho spoke about their
raising pineapples weighing fifteen or
twenty pounds. I thought that pos
sibly he had inadvertently made a
mistake and asked him to repeat the
statement. I told him that I had
seen somo pineapples exhibited at a
fair that weighed nine pounds, and I
thought that was tho limit. He said
he himself had seen pineapples
weighing twenty pounds and that
pineapples weighing fifteen, sixteen
or seventeen pounds were not un
usual He looked like a truthful man
and I said nothing more. I could
not get the story out of my mind,
however, and soon afterwards I met
another man who came from the
Pineapple country. I brought up the
subject cautiously and told him that
l had met a man who said that ho
saw a pineapple weighing twenty
pounds. He replied: "I took one to
nX?1 lfc h weiEb,ed twenty-three
pw , Ranged tho subject and
waited until I could meet somebody
wW n ne man X met was some
what older than the second nnd I
said to him that I was talking to a
taken a pineapple to an exhibit that
SShdT tweQty-three Punds- He
said. I have seen them weigh
twenty-five." That is the last I have
heard on the individual pineapple
but I was telling tho story to another"
man who said that ho had shipped
some pineapples to the United States
..u uu bum time ne could only get six
into a barrel. b
I have also seen your tobacco
fields I am not as good a judge of
your tobacco as I am of sugar and
of pineapples Dut they tell me that
t is of a very fine quality, and look
ing down upon the tobacco , field
from the hills, I was ImnreaaSd w ?5
the fact that unless thatsfine
tobacco, they waste an enormc m
amount of money in covering it
I have also seen coffee trees and T
am sorry that I can not justtfy Presi
dent Giorgetti's ennfirtJ resi
a user of Porto Rlcan coffee Tarn
away from home a good deal?'or hav
beenI hope to do better in future!
and I am afraid that somVthnes
my absence other coffee haT beeS
purchased, but when I get homfr
made of the test is that the Jute
winjbe prejudiced in favor Vf the
I have also had a chanco to samnle
your oranges, your grapefruit you?
bananas and your cocoanuts and T
have been pleased with what I Save
learned from'the sense of taste Pos
sibly I can not be of as much assis
tance to you in the matter of citrus
fruits as I can in tho case of tho
others for I am developing a fruit
farm in southern Texas. P 2f the last
six months I havo had planted-100
orange trees and 100 grapefruit
treqs, and JUeso may partially supply
my table. I will promise this, how
ever, for your encouragement, that
if I reach tho point where I sell and
become a competitor, I will not throw
all my fruit on the market at onco
and thus demoralize he prices.
I am very glad to learn of the or
ganization of this society. I think
that it is going to be very helpful
to your people in a great many ways.
In the first place, it will be of as
sistance in the way of advertising
your fruits and products, and there
is a great deal in advertising. An
advertising agent told me that a
breakfast food a new kind of break
(Continuod on Page 14)
Clubbing List ,'
Publisher's and
. , , Prtee Homestead
American, The. . . . . . , . . .$ .50 $1.25
American Magazine 1.60 175
American Motherhood.... 1.00 185
American Boy , 1.00 175
Agricultural Epitomlst.-... .25 125
American Bee Journal . . .. ,1.00. 1.65
Black Cat 1.00 1 70
Bank Deposit Guarantee
Journal 1.00 lis
Boys' World "50 125
Breeder's Gazette ...;.... 2.00 2 25
Current Literature 3.00 325
Cosmopolitan, The 1.00 180
Country Gentleman 1.50 205
Courier-Journal 1.00 " reo
Chattanoo'ga News 50 ' .125
Constitution, The 1.00 l'eo
Democrat, The Johnstown. 1.00. .. ' 150
Delineator, The 1.00 2nn"
Etude, The also - 200:
Enquirer, The...... 1.00 1.60
Everybody's Magazine.... 1.50 2.20
Farm and Homo 35 1 25
Farm, Stock & Homo 50 -125
Farm & Fireside as ri'
Farmers Advocate i.nn 1 '
banner's Voice 1.00 1 A
Field & Stream 1.50 2-05 -
Fruit Grower 1 00 160
Green's Fruit Grower 50 1 25 "
w2&i??iU1!keepinff ' i-00 lxfo
Health Culture 1.00 .vi 75
Hoard's Dairyman 1.00 1 ?k
Home & Farm 50 -ipk''
Housekeeper. Tho 7k i'ZZ .
ITnVnn.n TJ: -I" l.OU
4..1U.1 17U4 O JJJU,l ...,...,. 1,00
Industrious Hen 50
Irrigation Age i.'oo
Independent, The 2.00
Kansas Farmer 100
Literary Digest 300
LaFollette's Magazine L00
Live Stock Journal 1 00
McCaH's Magazine .50
McCluro's Magazine 1.50
Metropolitan, The 150
Modern Prlscllla 75
Michigan Farmar I'on
National Monthly 100
News-Times ........... 100
Farmers News-Scimitar'. ' '50
J&fJi01 Trult Grower... 50
Nat 1 Stockman & Farmer 1.00
National Farmer & Stock
Grower Kn
Ohio Farmor ..!"' ion
Outing ....." 300
outlook, The :; Vg
Orange Judd Farmer. 160
Pacific Monthly 1
public, The......:;..; Hx
Pearson's Magazine ' 150
People's Popular Monthly .25
Poultry Success y 4
Republic, The no
Republican, The 100
Prairie Farmer
Reliable Poultry Journal! '50
Recreation o'nn
Southern Fruit Grower'" ko
Sturm's Okla. Mlffine!". llo
Success Magazine......! 100
Scribner's Magazine .... 300
Table Talk ia
Taylor-Trotwood ...!!.' iko
Technical World...... 1 IS
SSa? Mag.:! 1:18
World, Thrice-a-Weeic" " inn
Windlo.'s Gatling Gun 1 nS
Wallace's ParSffp.::: l'oo
Word and Works .... ion
World To-Day ..".. i-Sn
World's Events. A WK,M A
---..... J..VU
Address all Orders to
Lincoln, Neb.
2. 60.
iA a''MMi'driAilfliintiliiliiii!i'V