The Commoner. 8 i i VOLUMB 10, NUMBER 19 V mwzizimm'E i ., ssafcacnu wib m w n ijr - miw'- i - mihimi it."-ji i iii l . i,ii.udrairr if i y u1 u ivviv WJAblPWy .-fctSlJPU K Wwj .. Jv S . Vftlj U B-M " I fr"il' Conductedby ee;MisScJp Department fff Tho World Goes On Wo can do but a part of tho work to bo done, Wo can cheer but 'a' few of tho bouIs that aro sad; Wo can win but a fow of tho fights to bo won And malco but a fow of tho troubled hoarts glad; Wo may toll as wo will, by night and by day. Wo may study and dolvo into scionco and art, But whon tho ond comes and frionds lay us away, , Another will follow and tako up our 'part. Wo can loam but a fow of the things to bo learned, And solvo but a fow of tho prob lems of earth; And tho world will go on, when tho roadway wo'vo turnod, As it did in tho days before wo had our birth. Wo can mako ourselves groat, but not greater than all, And bo of somo service to our followmon, But tho moment Death carries us out through tho hall Tho world moves along just as bravely again. What wo havo done ono who follows can do, Tho placo wo aro filling anothor can fill! Death cuts off tho man and takes him out of vlow, But tho work ho was doing Is car riod on still. And so as wo journey along and press on, Performing tho tasks that aro ours, day by day, Let nono of us think that whon he shall have gone Tho wide world will suffer. That iBn't God's way. Edgar A. Quest, Detroit Froo Press. ditions beyond their control which force them on, resist as they may. It calls for a strong shoulder to stand against tho onslaught, and wo aro not all strong. Yet tho wise aro constantly keeping their eyes open for tho chance to escape from tho maelstrom, and when the way opens, however narrow tho rift, thoy aro ready to take advantage of it, not only for themselves, but for those who havo tho strength and courage to follow. Charcoal as a Disinfectant Glass vessels of any kind, as well as other utensils, can be purified by rinsing woll "with powdered charcoal. Putrid water can bo immediately de prived of Us bad smell by charcoal, and a fow pieeds .of charcoal laid with fresh meats will absorb all bad odors. A tablet of willow charcoal taken twice a day will sweeten tho breath. A Neglected Industry A writer living in California, says: "I never know a well established lav ender plant to be affected detrimen tally by anything. It will stand ex tremes of heat and cold, drouth or flood or neglect, and still yield abundance of blossoms, which is tho part used for scenting and In medi cine. It will grow readily from seeds or from cutting, and yield blossoms the second year, commencing to bloom in July. While tho blossoms or seeds aro the parts used for mak ing extract of lavender, every part of the plant is full of perfume. A few dried stems and leaves burned in a' room will perfume and purify tho atmosphere deliciously. The plant is not extensively raised, and a high price is paid for its product, Its blossoms or seed selling aB high as fifty cents a pound. It Is recom mended that women might make a neat little sum by growing the. plant, as it is very easy to raise, and sells readily to druggists and others. Its uses in tho way of perfume are legion. Every part of tho plant may bo used in some way." This may be true as regards California, but Its growth might not be so ready in other localities. The demand for It is said to be large, and the supply inadequate, as it has not been grown extensively for commercial profit. But it would be a good plan for every housewife to raiso a few plants ror ner own use, as a few blossoms or oven leaves and branches laid among clothing give a most refreshing per fume. For filling sachets, It la Invaluable. and repeat several times. It Is said to whiten the neck. It Is claimed that a sulphur lotion is very good to prevent the hair from graying, and as a wash, sulphur soap may bo used. A wash made of boiled walnut leaves also darkens the hair; but this will stain whatever it. fniinhps. nil tnrifls to darken the 'hair, but will necessitate frequent wasning. Brushing with violet or jasmine oil at night should be fol lowed In the morning with some strong tonic to counteract the greasy quality; jaborandi tonic is good. But It must be borne in mind that what will help one may not help another. To Clean tho Piano Caso A highly polished case that has grown dull and white-looking aB well as finger-marked, can be safely washed with a pure white soap and water, and made to look like new. Have ready a basin of tepid water, a piece of pure white castile soap and several pieces of old cotton flannel. With one of the pieces of cloth, ap ply the soap to the case by first wetting the flannel then rubbing it across the soap, then applying it to the case, rubbing over only a small space at a time; then wet another piece of flannel and go over the same place, removing all the soap, and follow this with the dry cloth, rub bing the wood thoroughly, rubbing briskly to give a polish. Or, the pol ish can be given with a soft chamois skin. The work must be done rap idly; the soap must be left on the wood as short a time as possible, and for this reason, but a small space must be wet at a time. Piano keys can bo olpjinori wifh powdered pumicestone, if care is taken. paper, and close the lid tightly. Line a suitable sized box with paper, crumpled or fitted in, and put the pail in this, and cover. You will find the things cold and the ice not melted when you open it. A similar fitting up of a pail and box will carry your "hot things" safely to the dinner. The idea Is to keep the cold insido in one and .beat, inside in the other. "It works." Human Inhumanity We aro wickedly careless of tho welfare of our fellows, their inter gats on earth, or their claims on heaven. Thousands of lives have gone down into darknesB that would nave shone as stars had any ono taken the trouble to direct them up ward. Minions He down with tho lion, under tho impression that It Ib a lamb. Hunger makes thousands of thieves, yet bread Is wasted on very hand. The ranks of the fallen of either sex are recruited from the thousands who are paid a few cents for tho work worth dollars, and our almshouses are filled with tho wrecks of men who havo spent their strength In building palaces or star ration wages. Too many are re Quired, to make brick without straw and whon strength falls thorn, they are scourged Into Imbecility by their taak-maatera. Who Is to blame? It fa said by some that tho people aro thamselvea to blame for such condi tion. Parhapn. But there are con- For tho Toilet For traveling, a little pot of cold cream, a powder puff, a small bottle of eau do cologne and a soft piece of cambric are very necessaTy ac cessories. Cold cream cleanses as woll as softens, and where the water iS bad. it BhOUld be Used On tht tnna rubbing it over the face, leaving for a few minutes, then removing with the cloth. A strawberry cold cream is very nice. Put four ounceB of oil of sweet almonda and f-nrn dozen largo, ripe strawberries in a porcelain-lined sauce pan and bring to a boll-heat slowly, then lift from the fire, stir well, and cool. Melt together half an ounce each of white wax and spermaceti, and when the mixture is well molted, beat in tho strawberry oil, using a silver fork; beat the mixture slowly until it creams, then add a few drops of oil of geranium, beating In well. Pack in small porcelain Jars and cover; keep cool. Use as any other cold cruuiu, For the discolored neck, It Is rec ommended to get a large, ripe cu cumber and chop or maoh Into a pulp, and spread the pulp on a cloth. Put the pulp around the neck, and cover with another cloth to keep it in place. Do this at night, Gleanings To prevent the icing of a cake from running down the sides, double a piece of oiled paper three inches wide and pin it closely around the cake, letting the band come half an inch above the cake. In this way, a cake may be frosted evenly and with a thick layer to Its edge. Leave the band of paper on until the icing sets and dries. Never wash a cake mold; place It in the oven to warm, thon taim and wipe with a- cloth and put out of tho way of dust. What Is meant by greasing and flouring a cake mold is, first, to pease it, then put a handful of flour "u"BflaKe ai1 around the bottom and sides, and also the pipe In the center. Currants should be rinsed in warm water several days before a cake K to be made; rub through the hands to remove all sand and dirt, squeeze as dry as you can, then spread out on paper until you are ready to use in tho cake. Outing Comforts Trythis: Get a- large graniteware pail with a tight-fitting cover: put a layer of heavy wrapping paper, cut t0 fltir?un? the InsIde and bottom, and fill in the bottom with an inch deep packing of crumpled newspaper. Put a small square of thick woolen cloth or old blanket on this, and in side of it & lump of ice. Have the milk, cream and butter in neat little pint and half pint Jars securely sealed, and set these on the Ice; wrap the woolen cloth tightly around and nil all spaces with crumpled news paper; lay on soveral thicknesses of Helpful Items To perfume hanging clothed, draw ers, cupboards or 'boxes, when cloth ing is put away, taken broken lumps of natural pumicestone and put a few drops of your favorite scent on each of them, and they will retain and impart to whatever they touch a delicate fragrance. To assuage thirst and cure fever ishness, apple tea is a notable sick drink. Slice up raw apples into a stone jar, fill the jar with boiling water, as in tea-making, and sweeten to taste. Cover closely and when cold, this apple tea1 will be found tart and refreshing. For a severe nervous headache, one of the best remedies is to wring out a towel from cold water and bind it around the head, bringing it well down on the back of the neck, over the ears and across the upper half of the forehead. It seldom fails. This method will also brighten the intellect and clear one's thoughts. Freshening "Rumpled" Muslin When a muslin garment becomes limp without being soiled, it may be freshened by sprinkling with gum arabic water, then turn the dress wrong side out and dry in the shade as quickly as possible; then sprinkle with water, roll in a towel for a short time, iron on the wrong siSe and unish by pressing the rough seams and edges on the right side. AS the nicnic Seflflmi nrfvnTinoa Tin wroning will become a large factor in me neat appearance of the family, and before beginning to iron, see that everything is perfectly clean. Use plenty of newspapers; spread them on the floor about the ironing board to catch the "overflow" of large garments, such as 'dresses, skirts, etc. Have a paper to rub the iron on every time It is taken from the stove, and be sure to wipe the flatiron around the edges, and see mat the iron stand is perfectly clean. Have a bowl of cold water and bits of white cotton cloth, and use these to moisten any place which has. be come too dry to iron smooth, by sponging" with the damp cloth. Do not forget the hit nt wav oi . the iron over this quickly, then over the paper, wiping the edges to re move any "smudge" before using. A course of lessons in some good family laundry would "come handy" to nearly any girl, as a good lroner is very much of the time "made" by experience, rather than "born," If ;aJC? ,5s pbJorly mad0' the irons will i:ckCTand a' smear TrfH be the re sult. When making starch, it is al most impossible to give proportions, as starches vary in strength. When: m,uruu is made, and still hot on Y,? ?VGi a taBPoonful of pulverized i 5i iw. QuartB of starch should? L5 wd lnrA. The Bta?"ch should be Rnrfni ThIS StarCh aTOXaS- E ;iWlll.not stlck' the clotlQe3 will Sffcieaa longer and the alum gives the fabric a sort of. fire-proofing! If wialm,f at Btar made witB weak soapsuds, made with white soap, gives a gloss. "Brown Spots" nfSIeiS? ln5ulrles for tho removal arma ?atCheS" from " ' XEi n face,' and for bleaching a hSSl0?,1??' aro &t hand- ThO eZiftCeS" aro not alya the livr ?Lelther tan or disordered i Jind ln fPmB ca8e symp tom of a condition which wIU rK hM " "!n