6 The Commoner. VOLUME 10, NUMBER 1 UtMjmr. immjuiiM ll"J lva ;V!l 6NT GOPI ul .! -r-33aCW5SglrVa, 'jll,iJfc agMi ifc HPnUliHir- ir 1 11 - Inn xGURR I IW i TbytkTMjjL--i--j--JMa 4C9hbB0hb Jn ,. iBBTffltw1"' dMgriiH.vSatSSSgSa WILLIAM R. HEARST has brought suit against tho Associated Press and a number of nowspapors, among these, tho Louisville Courier-Journal, on tho charge of libel in con nection with tho publication of tho story of Mayor Gaynor's recent attack upo.. Mr. Hearst at a Now York banquet. Mr. Hearst announces ho will make vigorous prosecution of all these publications. Replying in tho Courier-Journal, Henry Wattorson says: "It is given out that Mr. Hearst will personally come to Kentucky to direct and conduct tho suits against us. Wo sincoroly hopo that this will prove to be true. In that ovont, wo shall try to make his sojourn lntorosting. If ho will agree to take the stand and answer under oath certain lnterrogativ.es which tho attorney of the Courier-Journal is pre pared to ask. him, not only will this interest bo augmentod, but, ' in advancq, the Courier Journal company will agree to, pay him double tho amount .of whatever judgment ho may obtain." AN ECHO of tho incomo tax fight in the New York legislature was Heard when it was openly charged on tho floor of tho house, that Mitchell E. Friend had admitted that ho voted against tho federal incomo tax amendment in ordor to save his seat in tho house which had boon contested by his republican opponent. Friond hold his seat by a vote of 107 to 24 and It was chargod that tho up-state republicans were forced to voto for Friond because of this agree ment. Assomblyman Murray charged that Friend had confessed to, Minority Leader Frisbio that ho had changed his voto on tho income tax proposition in order to secure a favorable re port in his contest case. Murray called upon Friond to deny Oils charge, 'but Friond refused to speak. It Is proposed that Friend be pro ceeded against under the constitutional provi sions prohibiting such agreements as Friend was charged with having mado. NOW THE newspaper correspondents say that worry over politics was tho cause of King' Edward's death. In support of this claim they clto tho statomont which the king's physicians published over their signature in a London news papor. This statomont follows: "His majesty had for some years suffered from, emphysema, with attendant bronchial catarrh, signs of which wore permanently present at the base of tho lungs. On several occasions digestive disturb ances had caused his medical attendants to realize that his majesty no longer had tho re serve constitutional power which had stood him in such splendid stead after his serious opera tion in 1902, and that any intercurrent catarrhal or bronchitlc attack of a serious kind would at once call upon both heart and lungs for their fullest effort. It must here be said that those around him know how earnestly concerned ho was at tho present strained position of political affairs and this fact should not bo lost sight of in an all round consideration of tho king's health." BY A VOTE of 200 to 126 the house of repre sentatives passed the railroad bill after Mr Taft's framework of it had been materially changed. Before tho bill was passed Representa tive Adamson of' Georgia, senior democratic member of the committee on interstate and . foreign commerce, moved to recommit the bill" i with Instructions to strike from it tho first six paragraphs, which provide for tho establishment of tho court of commerce. This Is President I Taft's pet idea. Tho motion was defeated 157 J to 17G. Tho third roll call was forced on the ; passage of the bill. On this vote the Insurgents 'dropped back under tho party standard. The (following democrats voted for tho passage of the bill: Representatives Havens of New York' Hughes of New Jersey, Pou, Webb, Kitchin and PaS Q Naort c Garner, Gillespie, Rus l sell and Smith of Texas, Jamieson of low? ( un4erVf fVirginia' and Bartlott of Nevada! . Tho Washington correspondent for the Now York World says: '"Tho bill as passed by the houSo . today has had stricken from it tho two sections to which the chief objection of the democrats and insurgents were registered namely, tho paragraph providing for the legalizing of traffic agreements 'pooling and the paragraph legalizing mergers. Of the new matter inserted the 'long and short haul' clause Is considered by tho insurgents as their greatest victory of the present session of congress." REPRESENTATIVE Adamson of Georgia who led the democratic fight against the railroad bill, said that the worst feature of the railroad bill was the stock and bond provision. "Fortu nately, however," he added, "that could not be enforced even if the senate should leave it in. Tho courts will knock it out. I fought that part of the measure because of its unconstitutionality but I am not at all alarmed at it for the very reason that the courts would immediately pro nounce it a violation of the constitution. Tho democratic minority accomplished all they ex pected. We have got rid of the pooling and merger clauses which are the next two features to the worst of them all. We have eliminated the proposed control by the attorney general of all litigation and restored that control to the in terstate commerce commission. I would have been glad to get rid of the commerce court but that is really the least of the evils and one large ly offset by other advantages that we gained. The president says ho will not stand for our long and short haul and physical valuation pro visions but he can not get them out. What is he" going to do about it?" AN IRISHMAN, P. E. Smith by name, writes to the New York World to pay this tribute to the late King Edward: "The Irish through-, out the world would normally be inclined to hear of the death of a British monarch, as of the de struction of the whole British nation, without a ripple of emotion. Toward Edward VII. they had, however, a kindlier" feeling than toward any of his predecessors. The late king was a strong home ruler. He greatly liked the Irish and tried hard to gain their affection. He was much dis tressed by his reception in Ireland the people polite, but silent and idly Indifferent. He was so well disposed toward the religion of the Irish that he is supposed to have been secretly a Catholic. But were he none of these things he would still have remained a high-minded, gallant and lovable gentleman. Requiescat in pace." O THE QUESTION of a new American cardinal has agitated Catholic circles recently and political circles have not been entirely undis turbed. It seems however, that many people are doomed to disappointment on this line A Rome cablegram, carried by the Associated Press, says: "It is announced that the pope has struck off from the list of candidates for the cardinalato, all Americans, including the arch bishops of New York, St. Paul, Chicago and' NeV Orleans. The chancellory of the Vatican con firms this without volunteering an explanation. The question of a1 new American cardinal has been prominently discussed, but no definite de cision has ever been reached. Those most prom inently named as candidates have been Arch bishop Farley of New York, Archbishop James Edward Qulgley, Chicago; Archbishop John Ire- l?indi0fxTSt- au1' and Arclibishop James H Blenk, New Orleans. The Rome Tribuna has on various occasions referred to the probabilitv of the creation of a new American cardinal and has named Archbishops Ireland and Farlev as the most probable candidates." A THRILLING flight in a balloon and a nar XX row escape from death were had recent! v by A. H. 'Forbes of Bridgeport, Conn and J c Yates of New 'York. Mr. Forbes h T vice .ureal dent of the Aero club of America and Mr. Yates is a New York business man. This was Yates" first trip through the air and will probably bo his last. Tho men lost control of their balloon and it came to earth near the town of Center Ky. Both men were badly bruised and were removed to a farm house where their injuries were cared -for. Speaking to a correspondent for the Associated Press Mr. Forbes says: "Wo left Quincy, Illinois, at 6:55 o'clock Monday evening. We were hoping to strike favorable air currents from the west that, might give us a chance at the long distance record. We were carried in a smi-circle, passing over parts of Illinois, Missouri and Kentucky. Tuesday we encountered intense cold, and a severe snow storm at an altitude of 16,000 feet. Tuesday afternoon at an altitude of 16,000 feet we ran into another snow storm. Shortly afterwards we shot up to 20,600 feet. From that time on the cold was so intense that we became be numbed and half stupefied and gradually, lost power to control the balloon. I can not tell what the altitude was just before we made our final drop but efforts to let out gas by the valve had not succeeded in bringing us to the ground as fast as desired. Finally I decided to use the rip cord before we lost consciousness entirely. In some manner as yet undiscovered, the cord did its work entirely too well and ripped the bag frdhi top to almost the bottom. The descent was terrific and I judge that for the last 100 feet there was very little gas, left in the balloon, as it fell like a stone." , THE IDENTITY of the actual purchasers of the Philippine friar lands and much other information bearing on the sale of land in the island of Mindanao are asked of the war depart ment in three resolutions which the house passed recently. An Associated Press dispatch says: "The resolutions were introduced by Representa tive Martin of Colorado in an effort to develop whether there is or was any connection between the American Sugar Refining company and Henry W. Taft, a brother of the president, ana the sale of the lands or the arrangement for their sale. They were ordered favorably report ed with some changes by the Insular affairs" committee and their passage followed a spirited colloquy between Chairman Olmstead of the committee and Mr. Martin. A fourth resolution by Mr. Martin bearing on the same general question was tabled by the house on the recom mendation of the committee as imposing a doubt-, ful duty on the department. The resolutions' direct the secretary of war to ascertain by cable' 'whether the Mindoro Development company has been authorized to do business in the Philip-' pines.' Mr. Martin insisted that the chief of the bureau of insular affairs had testified before the Insular . committee the real purchasers of the land were Horace Havemeyer and a man named Sempf!,,who was formerly vice president of the American Sugar Refining company, 'and' another gentleman associated with the Havemeyers In the sugar business.' Mr. Gersdorff, the attorney, brought into the transaction by the firm of Strong and Cadwallader Henry W". Taft's firm according to Mr. Martin, testified'.before the committee that he was the attorney who carried the transaction through and 'that Horace Have- SSJf, -? Welch and Semfl furnished' the money.' " . .v , rnn?S.!Wyers, Particularly are greatly rhi Sf0etd.In a aeclsIn made recently by Sonf i hpB fSUPree COUrt ln whIch deci- ??nii ! e that Punisliment must be propor- eWaiinSS herring to' this decision, PresT saVs- "S!?1?,011 for the Associated xress says. The agitation among the lecal profession arises from tho decision of the court last Monday for the first time in its hisW in setting at liberty a person convicted of an offLso because there has been inflicted upon him 'a cruel and unusual punishment ' Tf w!f ?J r. of Paul Weems, an official in thliLi!? the CaS vice in the Philippines hV JL ghthouse ser" the bill of rights ?f the island Cas came u,ner nounced that it must eiv , S? he, court au" man methods for causing Sres!rt to inhvL had been used toreCt? rbtato i?" -Zt custom of sewing a parricide IntS a lea?hrT fl 1 If tfB - abt. it--. . .u a iRih .rijiiHt mSw krw'wi