HAT 20, 1910 11 The Commoner. memorial to Michigan students who lost their lives In the civil war and to those who have attained distinc tion in the professions. The Meade-Phillips organization primary measure was passed by the New York assembly after that body had defeated the Green-Hinman bill, sponsored by Governor Hughes, and the Grady-Frlsbie bill, a democratic measure. purposes. The fami supplies 150 dozen eggs a day and guarantees a fresh supply for the cars. The new garden farm will cover 400 acres at Paradise, Mont., which has been pur chased and improved, while at tho same point an additional 270 acres of rich bottom land will be dovotod to dalrv mirnnsGH. Riinnlvlni? fronh ImUk and cream." Frederick A. Heluze, the copper man, was acquitted by a New York jury on charges of misappropriating funds of the Mercantile National bank while he was president of that institution. The bodies of 800 earthquake vic tims were taken from tho ruins at Gartago, Costa Rica. The American Co-Operative Union was organized at St. Louis for the purpose of making war on high prices. Thomas G. Nelson of In dianapolis is the president. The plan provides for the elimination of the middle man in the sale of farm produce. Theodore Roosevelt was the guest of the German emperor at Berlin. George V. was formerly claimed king of England. pro- The funeral of the late King Ed ward will take place May 20. George Brumder, the millionaire Milwaukee publisher, died suddenly of heart failure. A Spokane, Wash., dispatch says: "Charles Rondo, who was convicted under the name of Charles Rollins of the murder of M. Vincent of Wal lace, Idaho, and sentenced to forty years in the penitentiary, is a free m$n,? being given his liberty by the state. pardon board after a thorough Investigation, when it was brought oiit that he was the victim of a series of remarkable circumstances. Rondo refused to indulge his iden tity wllen aTrested, saying that to do so would probably result .in the death of his aged mother, neither would he give testimony in his own behalf. When arrested two weeks after the death of Vincent, in Aug ust, 1908, Rondo was recovering from a bruised eye. He was identi fied by Vincent's companions, al though ha bore no resemblance to the two men arrested and positively identified earlier as Vincent's assail ants. The two suspects, however, established alibi and were released. Witnesses testified at the hearing that their identification oP Rondo was made more certain because of his injured eye. Rondo persistently maintained his innocence and this and the conflicting testimony was brought to the attention of the par don board with the result already noted." The supreme court at Guthrie, Okla., instructed the secretary of state to file a petition signed with 59,000 names asking for a vote to amend tho constitution by substitut ing high license and local option for prohibition. Judge Smith McPherson in tho fed eral court at Des Moines, upheld the constitutionality of tho national pure food law and thereby dismissed the bleached flour cases. cors at tho head of tho customs de partment who, under Roosovelt, it charges, were products of tho spoils system. Instances cited are tho ap pointments of Surveyor Clarkson (now resigned) and of Deputy Sur veyors Vail and Bishop, both of whom it is said, were appointed by General Clarkson through waiver by President Roosovelt of civil service rules and both of wlibm have sinco been dismissed by Collector Loeb. rmCf?7EIifiTTiTyiii John Benson, tho millionaire, who, one year ago was sent to jail in California for land fraud, was ic leased from prison and died of heart failure while in a motor car bound for his home. The. packet, City of Saltillo, sunk at Glen Point on the Mississippi river thirty miles south of St. Louis. Six persons were drowned. At Berlin tho German emperor and Theodore Roosevelt were enter tained in a sham battle in which 12,000 German soldiers took part. The executive committee of the Civil Service Reform Association has made public its annual report. The committee is of the opinion that responsibility for the customs frauds here rests upon the executive ofll- Herbort Booth of London, young est son of General Booth, founder of tho Salvation Army, lias retired from that organization and will continue preaching as a "freelance;" ho ob jected to certain methods of disci pline which he believed to be tyrannical. The New England arbitration and peace congress met at Hartford, Conn. aro broad onnoriunltiea thel'.H. ClTtt 8ervlce for A mm. can men arid wotnra OTer IB. IJftvlonir nrmi. lions nra erantnd in () m anna every year, wo enable yon lo nnallrv In vnnr ntrn hmn . small cot to tMinr Civil MttIm. v.r. nmlnatltti. Oct free L'ml Hervlce Hook. IttratliailUrMi. ttkU, Roi 113ftinleii, r. Home Study Courses Orer one hundred Home Study Couri under pro(eori in Harvard, Drown, Cor neli mk leading college'. Atitftaff uti TttftrttMf, Afikttt1, Cm wclil, Ntrail 4 ttt U Stnrfet Vtftf tM4i. Preparation for Oell'gi, Ttaeltrt' 1'rof. Ucnanj and Gltlt Btrvlt examination: KnoUih ttt Wf ht. Wrkelf-tftr. THE HOME CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL Dept. lit, HPnmHM' B, MA. Monuments and Tombstones High Krndo Monuments and Tombstones direct to conMimcrn nt -wholcmlo prices. No bi'ltor work nintiHlilj) cnu bo hml. Wrltn Ulark'a Monumen tal Works, Atntirlcus, Georgia. FOLDING BATH TUB Weight 16 Ibf. Some uied fire car, still good. Write lor (pecUt offer. O. M. T. HATH MF(1. TO., O. N. T., 10J chamber! St., N. Y. City. lit. V, Henry Ki , Prop. a9i it' CMurn Tho Mississippi legislature sug gested that the democratic state committee call an unofficial primary election for tho purpose of passing on the senatorial question. Senator Percy wants a vindication, but tho state committee refused to adopt the suggestion. f Washington News 1 I HnHHHaMJnDKKWHniBianHlHDBHUHNIMManBniHM An interesting experiment now be ing made by a railroad company is described in a St Paul dispatch car ried by the Associated Press in this way: "The results ot a year of 'ex perience have been so satisfactory that the Northern Pacific railway has gone into specialized farming on a large scale and will add to the 11,000 hens which ate working for its dining car department, a herd or 300 milch cqws and a garden truck farm. At the same time it will build a second bakery to supple ment the supplies furnished by the company bakery in Seattle, so that its cars may have fresh supplies both at St. Paul and on the west end. The poultry farm at Kent, Wash., has made good. Fifty-two acres of land are devoted to this purpose and white leghorn hens were selected as the best breed for the company's A Washington dispatch says: "The recently 'reformed' house conaittee on .rules is proving to be as secure a catacomb for proposed legislation antagonized by the spe cial interests as was the one of which Speaker Cannon was chairman. Not a single resolution which might ad versely affect unlawful combinations such as the sugar trust has been re potted favorably by the new commit tee. Speaker" Cannon dominates the reformed body just as effectively as he did the old rules committee." Senators Elklns and Nelson were called to the White House to confer with the president on the railroad bill. Anticipating the passage of tho railroad bill, the railroads ' made a re-adjustment of rates in the terri tory between the Atlantic ocean and the Missouri river. They Increased the rates and the same will become effective in July, It is announced that In the levy of the new "corporation tax 230,000 returns representing 275,000 corpor ations were made. It is estimated- the receipts from this tax will reach $26,000,000. William L. Chambers has been ap pointed third arbitrator with Chair man Knapp of the interstate com merce commission and Commissioner of Labor Neill to adjust the contro versy between the brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen and the railroads west of Chicago. The case involves demands for In creased wages and forty-seven rail roads are involved. By a vote of 4 to 2 the repub licans on the Ballinger investigating committee refused to allow Attorney Brandeis to estaolisri 'connection be tween the elections of Senator Emil Piles of Washington, the appoint ment of Ballinger as commissioner of .the general land office and the po litical activities of tho Guggenheim Cunningham affiliation in Washing ton. Brandeis produced numerous newspaper articles telling of a 'jollity' party held by tho supporters of Senator Piles tho evening of his election. In the articles Piles was quoted as saying: 'I owe my elec tion to Charles Sweeney. He mado me senator.' Sweeney, Brandeis said, Is tho president of the Federal Smelting & Refining company, the 'lead wing' of tho Guggenheim syndi cate. Elmer Todd, United States at torney at Seattle, was quoted as say ing at this meeting: 'We ore all Sweeney men now.' Many of the Cunningham claimants were present. Ballinger attended that meeting as mayor of Seattle and he was active in tho election of Piles and finally that Piles, in offering him the com missionership, said: 'I am request ed to offer you, etc.' Ballinger grew sarcastic under the fire of the 'pros ecution' attorney, when Brandeis suddenly switched his cross-examination to the clear listing of the Cun ningham claims and brought in the alleged connections of Ballinger with the Alaska coal claimants. 'All your attempts to besmirch my character,' cried the Irate secretary, 'intimating some devilish inspiration back of my action, are utterly unfounded. I clear listed the claims 'upon the evi dence before me, as I would now, on the same evidence.' 'But,' insisted Brandeis, 'didn't your actions In clear listing them imply that an ade quate examination had been made?' Objections were raised and the ques tion was unanswered." An interesting incident In the Bal linger investigating committee pro ceedings is described by the Asso ciated Press in this way "During an exchange of amenities between Chairman Nelson and Attorney Brandeis in the course of a weari some afternoon, one of the women spectators rebuked the former be cause he undertook to discipline the (Continued on Page 15) ECZEMA BrTMi VB BbIBbbI MMi w aw Wk OAN JE OUHEI). My mild, colhfnir, rurnUd eur 'ool It and rill. AMI'I.K rrov.i It. BTOl'S TUB ITCniNS ind curee to Uy. WIUTB KQW-TODAT. DR CANNADAY, 174 PARK SQUARE, SEDAUA.'HO TOBACCO FACTORY WANTS SALESMEN Good pay, sternly work and promotion. Kxporlonce unnecessary oh wo will clvo comploto Instructions. Morotock Tobacco Vorksi Box L 32, Danvlllo, Va. AGENTS $33.30 A WEEK WhrnotmalceltT Jack Wood did It I lie writea " Hurry up 100 JTJldWlZ-Z?!5'SBiJiW lot in 2 days' l3? - beat eel lerl ever j Wi 1 "'IlL JJgO, eavr." Hundrode sm BJHTuuS. t mony XC.60 wonnoiiooiaiox Wonderful invention drop forced Nlokol Plated all over. Aslenlahlaa law Dries la naanta -l.'iOOorclnrnd livnnflmnn. Cintcmr Srand confidential proposition Quick. Sample free-" on't delay experience not needed wrlto at once. THOMAS MF. CO., 2131 Wayne t DAYTON, OHIO K n ll tho price of one from finest stool. "Pnn-nc No l'Vo until allowed. Krrto Hook ITUHZTII& FUtLKH A rVLW.R, Wlilnel, N. C. Sunny Southern Idaho IflntcrcHtcd In Irrigated fruit or fnrm lands, in tho famous Bnako Itlver Vnlloy, addresw CO-OI'KKATIVI5 JtKAI.TY CO., Mountain Iloine, Idaho conquer S "t tl IHTfc a Dr. Stcairall'M ASTHMA IUIMJSDY I" rilOMIT, SAFI5 ond SUItB. Nothlnj; clo oircred like It. Wrlto for booklet "Froo Air" to Jtc.pt. IV, Jlanrl JUlluv Jtcmetlf Co., itl'Jt Ht, JKclctiH Ave., Tacomu, lVatth. ftomach Troubles Vanish Like Magic FREE to Every Man or Woman Dr. YQune's PEPTOPADS care where mcdl clnes alone fell. They reeulato thp bowels, re lievo soreness.'and strength en the nerves and muscles of the stomach in either sex. Yoiwsan cat what you -want and all you want without fear of distress. The cures effeotedare mar velous. If you havo Dyspepsia, Iodlgeitlwi, Sour Stomach, Distress after Eating, Nerveus ness, Dizziness, Heart Fluttering. Sick Headache, etc., send I Oc to cover cost of mailing, andl will send you a $1.00 treatment absolutely free. Jt will relieve you immediately. Address DR. O. C. YOUNfJ, 56 National Bank BHlldis, Jackson, Allclilgas, ' k: