n.W( R"Mrt v Ayw-w The Commoner. VOLUME 10, NUMBER 19 10 ft e 10' Af "Site, f(ittW A polltlon for tlio pardon of John 11. Walsh, now Horvlng a torm in the Leavenworth prison for violating tho national hanking law, will soon bo forwarded to Prosldont Taft. Dr. J. P. Lord of Omaha, was chosen president of tho Nebraska Stato Medical Association. An explosion In, a coal nilno at Whitehaven, England, entombed 13G miners. In an address delivered before tho Nebraska Stato Medical Association, Dr. J. II. Mackay of Norfolk, Nob., made tho following showing: "An nual preventable loss of lifo in tho United States is 600,000; annual numbor of avoldablo cases of Illness In United States is 3,000,000; over 500,000 persons In United States are suffering from consumption; finan cial loss annually from consumption In United States is $300,000,000; total economic loss from preventable sickness and death annually is bil lion and a half dollars; fifteen years could bo added to the average hu man lifo by applying science to pre vention of disease." Eight high school students were drowned by overloading a boat at Wilkesbarre, Pa. The Chinese boycott against Japa nese ships has been lifted. A Guthrie, Okla'., dispatch says: "Attorney General West will leave for Washington, D. C, tomorrow whero he will institute original pro ceedings In tho supreme court of tho United States to cancel 'the title of tho patents of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fo Railroad company to its right of way through Oklahoma and to enjoin permanently all railroads and express companies from accept ing interstate shipments of intoxicat ing liquors irito Oklahoma to Con signees holding internal revenue licenses." Three cruisers of the French navy will visit Puget Sound ports next July.- i- The factory of the Novelty Fire works company at Wilmington, Del., was destroyed by fire. Governor Sanders of Louisiana has stated that he would veto any meas ure repealing tho Locke anti-book-making bill. Mother's Day was generally ob served throughout the country. A bronze tablet was unveiled in Chicago at the corner of Market and Lake streets on the site of the old "wigwam" where Lincoln.. was nom inated in .I860. It is a gift from the Chicago chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution. The county treasurer at Seattle forced the Seattle, Electric company to pay up $167,000 of delinquent taxes by seizing 125 of its cars. A total of eighty-two bodies have been recovered from the coal mine at Ealos, Ala., in which an explosion occurred last week. Advices received at Guayaquil state that the Peruvian government has stationed 10,000 men along 'the frontier to resist invasion. An equal number of Ecuadorian soldiers has been sent to the frontier. Fifteen persons were killed and fifty others were injured in an ex plosion which wrecked the plant of the General Explosives company at Ottawa', Canada. The alumni memorial Sail, costing $193,000, was dedicated at the "Uni versity of Michigan. 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