jrwnwfFiwwlTfSI M 4 k I H K rfr . The Commoner. ISSUED WEEKLY. Entered at tho Postofllco r.t Lincoln, Nebraska. An sccond-clasH matter. WlI.I.IAM J. UllVAN Keillor nml Proprietor yill'IlAUl) 1 MWOAMT, Atfot-lnto Kdltor ClIAIII.Kfl W. HnVAH IMitrilnlicr rdllorlnl ItnoriiB nnrt iIwbImwii ( flTtf) 32-3?0 Koutli IVtli Street One Your 91.00 nix MonfiiK no In ClubB of Five or more, per year... .75 Three llondm 25 SliiKlu Copy 05 Samplo Copies Free. Foreign Poat. 5c Extra. SlJIlHOniPTIONS can bo sent direct to Tho Com moner. Tlicy can also bo Bent th rough newspapers which havo advertised a clubbing rate, or through local agents, . hero sub-agents have been appoint ed. All remittances Bhould bo sent by postofllco money order, oxprons order, or by bank draft on Now York or Chicago. Do not send Individual checks, stamps or money. niSCJONTINIJANCICS It Is found that a largo majority of our subscribers prefer not to havo their subscriptions Interrupted and their flies broken In case they fall to remit beforo expiration. It Is therefore assumed that continuance Is desired unless subscribers order discontinuance, either when subscribing or at any tlmo during the year. I'HKHISNTATION COl'IMS Many persons sub scribe for friends, Intending that tho paper shall stop at tho end of tho year. If Instructions aro given to that effect thoy will receive attention at tho proper time 1UQN1QWA1j.S Tho dato on your wrapper shows tho tlmo to which your subscription Is paid. Thus January 21, 09, means that payment has bcn re ceived to and Including tho last Issuo of January, 1909. Two weeks aro required after monoy has been received beforo tho date on wrapper can bo changed. OIIANGR OF A11DHI2SS -Subscribers requesting a change of address must give old as well as now address. ADVIQKTISING RatoB will bo furnished upon application. Address all communications to THE COMMONER, Lincoln, Neb. Practical Tariff Talks There are very good reasons why in each ot tho throo congressional districts in which elec tions have been hold since the passage of the Payne-Aldrich tariff bill, the people have over whelmingly repudiated that law. There are a great many schedules in the tariff law, and there is a general Impression that it is a diffi cult proposition to understand. Tho truth is that an hour's study by any man of these sched ules will convince him of the brazen disregard for the public interest as opposed to the private interest, of the fact that it taxes tho rich lightest and tho poor heaviest. In this column some comparisons were printed a fow weeks ago. Here aro a few more: Uncut diamonds are admitted free of duty, cut diamonds carry 10 per cent. A pasto or imitation diamond, many of which are worn by lovers of ornaments like pins, hair adornments, combs and buttons, cost twice as much to bring in, 20 per cent. Champagne car ries a duty of G5 por cent, but wearing apparel averages abovo 86 por cent. Hats and bonnets costing not over $5 a dozen are taxed at C2 per . cent, whllo those costing more than $20 a dozen are brought in at th6 low duty of 35 per cent The Commoner. can distinguish between what ho thinks are nec essaries and what aTe luxuries. In the glove schedule unlinod women's gloves of sheep are marked as necessaries. They carry a tax of 49 per cent. The lined glove, marked as a luxury, carries but 34 per cent. This has refer ence to tho lengths under fourteen inches. On tho longer gloves the unllned carries 42 per cent and tho costlier lined gloves drops as low as 29.11 per cent. On men's gloves, the cheaper ones carry tho highest tariff. Those of sheep costing less than ?3 a dozen from the manu facturer, unlined, carry a tariff of G6.28 per cent, while the costlier lined ones are taxed at from 14.19 per cent up to 45 per cent. On men's leather gloves the unlined ones carry a' tariff of 44.58, and the lined ones 29.54. The same state of facts can be found in al most every schedule. Take such an item as buckles. These range from the iron and steel ones of simple design, stamped out by machinery, and utilized on trousers and waistcoats, to the highly-decorated and burnished ones that adorn the belt of the well-dressed ladies. The cheap er the buckle the higher the tariff. The real cheap ones carry a tariff of 77.48 per cent, the next cheapest 57.73, and the dearest 26. G3. The lad who celebrated the Fourth of July by in vesting in the more utilitarian and cheap fire crackers must pay a duty of 97.02 per cent, while the householder who desires to preside over a brilliant display to emphasize his social position and freehandedness need pay but 20 per cent duty on his fireworks, under the Dingley bill. The new law sternly steps in to rectify this discrimination, and places a 75 per cent duty on them. C. Q. D. Raw silk is imported free of duty, but to protect tho manufacturer, whose total labor cost is about 30 per cent of tho total, there is levied & tax of 50 por cent. A woman who buys ten yards of woolen or worsted cloth for a dress tho kind generally used pays a tariff tax of $5.40 on cloth that cost $4 abroad, the tax being 135 por cent. If her richer sister desires to buy silk the tax she pays is 50 per cent only The one consolation the former can have is that sho can import rags free. The steel buttons that perform a useful service on tho average man's trousers carry a duty of 126.88 per cent while milady's ivory buttons como in under a tax of 57.40 per cent. The average tWpfr ingrain carpet carries duties ranging from 66 per cent to 87 per cent, but if it is an oriental carpet that is imported the cost is 60 per cent The cheapest blankets carry a tariff tax of 107 per cent, tho highest priced 71 per cent! High priced woolen carpet, used by the wealth ier classes carries a tariff 'of but 50 peY cent but carpet used for mats, rugs, bedsides and hassocks, carry 126.88 per cent. In the senate book of estimates, somo kindly soul marked a tabulated summary of the bill so that th reade? THE TRUTH ABOUT HIGH PRICES While the New York World is engaged in ad vising its contemporary, the Tribune, not to in dulge In foolish and unnecessary worry about the democratic party it might profit by taking its own advice to heart. The advice might also be profitably considered by a number of demo cratic newspapers and statesmen that are osten- -tatiously worrying themselves and trying to worry others because Mr. Bryan called attention to the fact that Mr. Taft, by attributing high prices to the increased production of gold, has vindicated the position taken by the democratic party in 189G. The World pretends to believe that Mr. Bryan is seeking to revive the silver issue. It pre tends to believe that Mr. Bryan is throwing away the democratic advantage which results from the popular belief that the tariff and trusts are largely responsible for high prices. And it pre tends to be very much distressed, and very, very much put out with Mr. Bryan for his stupidity. The World, and those who are harping in the same key, are only making themselves ridicu lous. They seem to assert that the one hope of the democratic party lies in deceiving the . people, and that if Mr. Bryan or anybody else tells the people the truth democratic prospects are ruined. The truth is that the people are just about as well advised as to existing conditions and their causes as is the World, or Mr. Bryan, or most of the rest of their admonishers and advisers Mr Bryan has told them nothing they did not al ready know. And the World, with pitiful follv seems eager to whisk away and hide from them JzeantaCtS of which they have long be?n co Tho best thing the democratic party can dn under the circumstances, is to face the facts squarely and proclaim them promptly There has been a tremendous increase in the production of gold. Insofar as higher dtIppr are world-wide the increased volume of 3 n circulation doubtless goes far toward explain ing them This is a fact that very few neon?e need to be told. And it is a fact that th! World can not prevent the people from "know ing by sticking its own head in the BinS L urging everybody else to do likewise d But the increased production of gold do not explain the fact that prices are higher ?n this country than in Europe. "igner m The increased production of gold does w explain the fact that prices have risen J! rapidly in this country than in Europe mrG The increased production of enlrt 0 explain the fact that man? artloSS can manufacture and common necessity areS BoldEarhPomeC.011Si(ierably Cheaper tha "heVe The increased production of gold does not Pv Plain the fact that the consuming minions have" VOLUME 10, NUMBER 18 got none of the benefits of labor saving inven tions and cheapened methods of production. The increased production of gold does not ex plain away the fact that extravagance in govern ment makes necessary higher taxes, and that when those taxes are levied exclusively on ar ticles of consumption they necessarily mean higher prices for those articles. The World knows, just as every fairly intelli gent man knows, that a part of the increased prices against which the people are crying out is natural and unavoidable, being due to for tuitous inflation of the money supply, and that another part is due to high tariffs, and to trusts which stifle competition, and to extravagance which increases taxes. The World knows that it is not the mission of the democratic party or the wish of the people to beat down a price level which is evenly distributed, fairly shared, and due to natural causes. It knows that it is the mission of the democratic party, and the deter mination of the people, to smash tariff prices and trust prices and extravagant prices, which are entirely separate from the gold supply, and which are fast making this country the most expensive civilized country in which to live whereas not so long ago it was one of the cheapest. The people understand these things. They are neither so ignorant nor so silly as the World seems to think they are. The democratic party would only be making itself ridiculous in their eyes, and proving itself insincere, if it showed an unwillingness to speak the truth frankly about self-evident facts. The people are tired of insincerity and mental dishonesty in political paTties anJ political lead ers. They are tired of being flim-flammed, and entertain a very healthy suspicion of whomso ever shows even a slight disposition to deceive them, whether by distracting their attention from certain facts or otherwise. A good rule for the democratic party to follow is to be frank and honest, both with itself and with those who have been its enemies. If nobody commits a greater crime against the prospects for demo cratic success than to mention that the quantita tive theory of money has been established by re cent experience, the New York World will have no occasion for alarm. Omaha World-Herald. A-CRYIN' FOR HIS DADDY Dess a-cryin' fer his daddy, till dey isn't any rest, En I hush 'im en I soothe im, but he ack lak he possessed, He's a-runnin' ter de winder en he's lookin' down de street, En he lissen in de ebenin' fer de trompin' o' his feet En dey ain't no way ter stop 'im, fer he keep on night en day Dess a-cryin' fer his daddy en his daddy gone away. W'?n,i1? slttin' at de table den he see his daddy's place En de heart-break come en quiver in'de li'l feller's face, Enhisepla7ehe Wnt nUmn'' en he push a-way DwaitS Gf hiS daddy CDmin' ef he on'y sit GU En I try ter tell it ter 'im dess de hes' way dat 1 can, BUnahltan.Cl1 "'' fe"er dat e dess cain' un" Bnd6S0waU 6S h6 Slt e stu(J5Vles a-lookin' at B"at a11.l0kIn' 'Way beyon' " Iak tt 1n't daK XbI-ZbT me- 0U'l0UB' Wld dem "' EnaaIaakyn8W he axln'' nxta'' a" ae tlme vbb Ster My, ''m C'Se en olosel1- en J " 'lm ot B"im hyM7 a,n' a-Comta' on des ta; eU "to JJSta f6r Ms a"Uy-en I ax you' Suh, &"" ' ln cWllu "as to hoi- bo much A1wVK7y ter he,p 'em? Ata' W DaD0anoaamor40mDB 'S 6nded en " aln swino w'StatK, ry,,n de nieM tlme " a Deaway?rJ"n' fer hls aMj- h.S daddy gono Chicago Evening Post. - tJft.i,C$