The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, May 06, 1910, Page 9, Image 9

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The Commoner.
MAY , 1910
kitchen ware in another, the glass
in a third. Many small articles may
bo packed inside the larger, with
plenty of packing material to pro
tect both. Everything should be
packed in tightly, so the separate
pieces can not rattle around, as loose
packing will always allow damage
to be done. In packing the silver
ware, every article must be so pre
pared that not an atom is left ex
posed to pressure without support.
.China, glass and silver so packed
can be made as solid as possible.
The moment the weight from with
out is greater than the resistance
from within you may expect to see
the pieces injured or broken. Stuff
all hollow articles as full as possible,
padding all handles, goblet stems
and parts in relief so thickly that
its shape will be hidden, and sep
arate each piece, whether of china,
glass, or silverware, from every other
piece and from the sides of the bar
rel by layers of the padding. Cups
and glasses must not be stacked in
side each other unless well covered
with padding. Old rags are fine for
this. Plates should have layers of
paper between, and the whole pile
can be freighted long distances with
out injury, if solidly and carefully
Pictures and odd pieces may be
packed in with the bed clothing, or
in the trunk with the clothes, but
no pressure should be allowed that
might break the glass or bulge the
Fruit Extracts
Mrs. O. H. sends the following:
For raspberry, blackberry, or
cherry extract, take as much fruit
Coffee a Sure and Powerful Bruiser
"Let your coffee slave be denied
his cup at its appointed time! Head
ache sick stomach fatigue like un
to death. I know It all in myself,
and have seen it in others. Strange
that thinking, reasoning beings will
persist in its use," says a Topeka,
Kansas, man.
He says further that he did not
begin drinking coffee until after he
was twenty years old, and that slow
ly It began to poison him, and affect
his hearing through his nervous
"Finally, I quit coffee and the con
ditions slowly disappeared, but one
cold morning the smell of my wife's
coffee was too much for me and I
took a cup. Soon I was drinking my
regular allowance, tearing down
brain-and nerves by the daily dose
of the nefarious concoction.
"Later, I found my breath coming
hard and frequent fits of nausea, and
then I was taken down with bilious
"Common sense came to me and I
quit coffee for good and went back
to Postum. I at once began to 'gain
and have had no returns of my bil
ious symptoms, headache, dizziness,
or vertigo.
"I now have health, bright
thoughts, and added weight, where
before there was invalidism, the
blues, and a skeleton-like condition
of the body.
"My brother quit coffee because of
its effect on his health" and now
uses Postum. He could not stand
the nervous strain while using coffee,
but keeps well on Postum.
"Miss F., I know personally, was
incapable of doing a day's work
while she was using coffee. She quit
it and took up Postum and is now
well and has perfectly steady
nerves." '
Read the little book, "The Road
to Wellville," in pkgs. "There's a
Ever read the above letter? A now
ono appears from time to time. They
are genuine, true, and full of human
as you wish, according to how much
extract you want, add just enough
water to keep It from burning while
a slow heat is drawing out the juice,
and then boil for thirty minutes,
pour into a cloth bag and allow to
drain as long as there is any drip;
then boil the liquid down one half,
add an equal amount of grain al
cohol, and bottle for use, corking
and dipping the corks in wax, al
though it will keep without. The
fruit must not be touched while
draining, as tho juice must be as
clear of sediments as possible, and
while boiling, it must be most care
fully skimmed.
To make orange or lemon extract,
slice into a glass jar three or four
lemons, or oranges, add one pint of
best grain alcohol, let .stand two
weeks, squeeze and strafn out the
fruit, add one-third as much water
as there is juice and alcohol, and
bottle the extract. Lemon or orange
peel will answer where the whole
fruit can not be had.
For vanilla, get four vanilla beans,
break in small pieces, pour over
them one pint of alcohol and one
third pint of water, set away two or
three weeks, when the extract can
be used; the beans can be left in the
jar when more extract is made, and
does not need removing.
The real vanilla bean should be
used. Another recipe is to cut up
one long bean into small bits, and
put into a glass jar with Ave ounces
of best rectified spirits, cork tight
ly, shako occasionally for one month.
Deodorized (not denatured) aloohol
shouldbe used in making extracts.
For 'making vanilla sugar, get the
real bean, and cut up enough to
weigh ah ounce; add an ounce of
bet grain alcohol and macerate half
an hour, then add two ounced pf
sugar of milk; break seven ounces
of best rock candy into bits, and add
with two pounds- fine sugar. Mix
thoroughly and put into close stop
pered bottles. This is liked by some
better than the extract, and less of
it is required for flavoring.
To Kill Cockroaches and Croton Bugs
This is a constant question with
some housewives. First, everything
must be kept clean all damp places
made drv. and no food allowed on
the floor, or within their reach. There
are several nronrietary roach nastes
which, if placed where the bugs can
reach it, are effective. Among the
recommended destroyers are these:
Equal parts of powdered sugar and
plaster of paris, mixed dry, and put
in their runs. One part arsenic to
ten parts powdered sugar and ten
narts flour. This Is a deadly noison.
Land must be put where nothing else
can get It. Powdered borax, or
slacked lime blown in the cracks
they infest. The room may be fumi
gated with carbon bisulphide, or
hydrocyanic acid gas, and all pests
will go with them. These must be
handled with care, as the fumes are
Contributed Recipes
"Queen of Custards" Beat the
yolk of eight eggs and the whites of
six to a froth; add eight tablespoon
fuls of sugar and beat again; then
add one quart of milk, and stir all
together. Put Into a double boiler
and cook slowly until the custard
clings to the spoon, stirring all the
time. Add a few drops of vanilla
extract and pour into long stemmed
glasses. Beat the whites of two eggs
to a stiff froth; boil half a cupful of
white sugar with six tablespoonfuls
of water until it forms a thread, then
pour over the beaten whites, and
beat until it is stiff enough to Bpread,
then heap high on top of the cus
tards. Mrs. Sadie White.
Boned Chicken Dress and boil a
chicken in as little water as possible
until the meat will fall from the
bones; remove all skin, and chop to
gether light and dark parts, season
with pepper and sah; boil down tho
liquid in which tho chicken Was
boiled, then pour it on the meat,
placo in tin, wrap tightly in cloth,
press with a heavy weight for several
hours, and servo cold, cut in thin
slices. E. V.
Asparagus on Toast Get tho largo
whito asparagus, but see that it Is
not tough and fibrous, as tho best is
a little green. Rinso well in cold
water to removo all grit; tie tho
stalks loosely together so they can
bo easily lifted out when cooked.
Set on end in a vessel and pour over
the tips enough boiling water, salt
ed, to nearly reach tho tips of tho
stalks, and boil gently for twenty
minutes, keeping the vessel well cov
ered so the steam will cook tho ten
der tips. Drain and lay the stalks
on a platter with heads resting on
well toasted slices of white bread.
Make a sauce of a teaspoonful of
butter, ono of flour, a' little salt, pep
per, and half a cupful of thot water
In which tho asparagus was cooked,
cook a few minutes and pour over
tho toast.. Mrs. L. M., Missouri.
Canning Mushrooms
"A Reader" tells us that mush
rooms may bo canned as any othor
vogelablo. After looking over tho
plants, pack tho jars very full, jar
ring and shaking down well; put on
tho covers, put tho jars In a wash
boiler and cover with cold water
nearly to tho top of the jars. Bring
to a boil and boil for an hour and a
half, gently, so as not to havo tho
wator in tho boiler pour over tho jars,
keeping the boiler covered all tho
time to confine tho steam. As tho
mushrooms Bhrink, lift tho boiler
from tho fire and fill two Jars from
tho contents of a third, screw tho
cover on tho re-flllod jars loosely
and return to tho fire, sterilize by
boiling a half hour longor, screw tho
tops down tightly without lifting,
one at a time, and let stand to cool
in the water. Give tho same care
you would to any vegetable.
Latest Fashions for Readers of
The Commoner
3241 Ladies' Shirt Waist. Pon
gee, gingham, lawn or .batiste will
look well developed in this neat I
model. Five sizes 34 to 42.
3216 Boys' Russian Suit, consist
ing of blouse and Knickerbockers.
Chambray, serge, duck or linen aro
excellent developed in this style.
Four sizes 2 to 5 years.
3232 Girls' Dress, with attached
five-gored skirt. Serge, Bedford cord
or linen are suitable for the develop
ment of this model. Four sizes G
to 12 years.
3227 Ladies' Shirt Waist. Linen,
madras, cotton poplin or pongee may
all be used to advantage in this
model. Five sizes 34 to 42.
3230 Ladies' Thirteen-Gored
Skirt, with alternating gores form
ing box-plaifs. Serge, Venetian cloth,
or Panama cloth are all good ma
terials for this style skirt. Six sizes
22 to 32.
3218 Girls' Dress, with remov
able shield. Chambray in any de
sired shade will develop well in this
style. Five sizes 6 to 14 years.
THE COMMONER will supply its readers with perfect fitting, seam
allowing patterns from the latest Paris and New York styles. The de
signs are practical and adapted to the home dressmaker. Full direc
tions how to cut and how to make the garments with each pattern. Tho
price of these patterns 10 cents each, postage prepaid. Our large cata
logue containing the illustrations and descriptions of 1,000 seasonable
styles for ladies, misses and children, as well as lessons in home dress
making, full of helpful and practical suggestions in the making of your
wardrobe mailed to any address oil repeipt of 10 cents.
In ordering patterns give ug your name, addregs, pattern number
and size desired.
Address THE COMMONER, Pattern Dcpt., Lincoln, Neb.