The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, April 29, 1910, Page 10, Image 10

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The Commoner.
Tho trial of Dr. Hydo at Kaiisns
City, charged with tho murder of
Col. Thomas Swono, is developing
startling Incidents and attracting
mbro than tho avorago attontlon.
Govornor Hughes granted a rc
nulsitlon for tho return to Pittsburg
of Frank N. Iloffstat, president of
tho Pressed Steel Car company, who
Ib undor indictment for bribery.
Iloffstat's company Is tho one that
had what Is known as tho McKees
Rocks strike several months ago, In
which rioting was followed by tho
loss of sovoral lives.
Art lovers aro much Interested In
iho charge mado against tho Count
do Catiguy and his wife, of Paris,
who aro charged with selling bogus
paintings and "antlquo" furniture.
Henri Rochofort, oditor of Patrio,
says that hundreds of "old masters"
havo boon sold to American millionaires.
against John M. Commons, former
Indian agent for tho. Omaha agency,
removed last October and now a resi
dent of New Mexico; Frank Cod
dington of Decatur, Nob., Common's
clerk; Harry L. Keefo, merchant;
Walter Dlllock, attorney; E. W. Ros-
siter, will Estello, James Orr and
Ernest Kelley, all of Walthill. Tho
indictments charge conspiracy by in
ducing the Omaha Indians to enter
into fraudulent contracts to deed
their lands and secure title after the
twenty-live years of trusteeship upon
tho part of the government which
oxpircd last July. The indictments
also charge that in many Instances
tho Indians were induced to sign
deeds which thoy supposed were
leases. As soon as these deeds were
secured, they were placed on record
and the property at once transferred
(to third parties."
Mr. Bryan reached his home In
Lincoln on April 21. Ho was met
at the depot by a number of friends,
prominent among whom were mom
bors of the Lincoln Commercial
A sudden drop in tho temperature
throughout the central west- during
the week of April 17 is believed to
havo seriously injured tho entire
fruit crop. Only high winds and
cloudy skies prevented a total loss.
Bolloving ho has all tho evidence
needed to begin proceedings against
tho moat packing companies, Attor
ney General Major of Missouri has
brought his investigations to a close
Ho promises to bring ouster pro
ceedings within thirty days.
Edward M. Flold, son of Cyrus W.
Field of Atlantic cable fame, was
admitted to Bollevuo hospital, New
York, friendless and destitute.
Councilman M. L. Swift, Jr., tho
first of tho victims of tho Pittsburg
graft scandal to be put on trial, was
found guilty of bribery. The jury
was out fivo hours. Six other coun
cilmon aro under indictment for tho
same offense.
Chicago butter dealers declare an
Investigation of conditions under
which tho Elgin butter board fixes
prices had been started with a view
to presenting the evidence to the
United States district attorney. At
a meeting in Elgin it was declared
by Chicago commission men the
Elgin board fixed tho weekly price at
32 cents, outvoting the Chicagoans
by "packing" tho meeting with
clerks and other employes. T. E.
Purcoll, a Chicago dealer who waB
in Elgin, said; "Tho Elgin com
mittee, as a rule, makes the price
without a single sale, and we have
to suffer from it for the rest of the
Emil Seldel, socialist, was inaugu
rated mayor of Milwaukee on April
In Now York on April 19 Anthony
Droxol, Jr., of Philadelphia, was
married to Marjorlo Gwynno, daugh
ter of George J. Gould.
An exploding boiler in a match
factory in Szegedln, Budapest, killed
ton girls and one man, and danger
ously wounded eighteen girls.
Congressman Frank O. Lowden of
tho Thirteenth Illinois district an
nounces that ho will not be a can
didate for re-election. Physician's
orders aro given as tho cause for his
retirement. He is a son-in-law of
tho late George M. Pullman.
An offlcial call for tho fifth re
union of the Roosevelt Rough Riders
at New York from Juno 16 to 20 has
boon issued. Tho chief object of
tho reunion is welcome homo to Col
An Associated Press dispatch from
Omaha says: "After two weeks of
almost continuous labor, during
whloh time 150 witnesses were ex
amined the federal grand jury this
' afternoon returned indictments
A Paris cablegram says: "Four
teen of the twenty women candidates
for the chamber of deputies have
withdrawn from the race, declaring
they wore no longer able to stand
Til" -tsij-ttn . C 11.
mu juvua ui uie men wnom they ad
dressed. They say few women at
tended the meetings and the men
Ignored their presence and publicly
insulted them."
Colonel William F. Cody, "Buffalo
Bill, has been granted a pension of
?12 a month.
A cablegram from Belgrade re
ports the death of Col. Maschin who,
with a band of officers, forced his
way into the palace on the night of
a ' Xl,uo ll"u massacred King
Alexander and Queen Draga and
those who sought to defend their
majesties. Maschin was the hus
band of the queen's sister and the
promoter of the tragedy.
In tho supreme court of Oklahoma
Attorney General Charles West, on
behalf of Charles A. Taylor, ' state
examiner and inspector, began man
damus proceedings in the supreme
court .against Bank Commisslorier
Young to compel him to permit an
examination of the books and rec-
oS 0f Sll ofilco by the Btae ex
SS,nSrwlt? artIcular reference to
the defunct Columbian Bank and
Trust company.
The China-Japan mail train on the
qSH?P aCi?C was neld Pa
SPfte' Calif., by two masked men
and robbed of nine pouches of
registered mail. Four of the
pouches wore recovered but the oth
ers were rifled by tho robbers, who
escaped into tho hills. After getting
the mail sacks the robbers cut the
engine loose and sent it wild down
the road. But for the presence Of
mind of a telegraph operator at
Suisun it would have collided with
a heavily loaded passenger train at
that station. The operator threw a
switch and .ditched the wild engine
in the nick of time.
Tho wage controversy between the
trainmen and yardmen of the Pitts
burg and Lake Erie road and their
employers has been placed in the
hands of P. H. Morrissey, former
president of tho Drotherhood of rail
way trainmen, as sole arbiter.
While enjoying a "joy ride" on
an engine on the Baltimore and Ohio
narrow guage line between Shippen
ville and Clarion, Pa., four men were
killed by the engine leaving the rails
and rolling down a steep embankment.
Forty miners were killed in a
mine explosion at Birmingham, Ala.,
on April 20.
The announcement is made that
the referendum vote of the teleg
raphers of the Delaware and Hudson
company shows a large majority for
a strike unless the demands for an
increase in wagees are granted.
Details of the proposed merger of
the Dominion Steel and Iron com
pany and the Dominion Coal com
pany of Montreal have been an
nounced. The combined capital, in
cluding bonds, amounts to sixty mil
lion dollars.
A New Haven, Conn., dispatch un
der date of April 20 says: "A con
fession of faith which drops the
apostles creed and requires no for
mal expression as to the divinity of
Christ has been adopted by the dea
cons' and will be presented for adop
tion by the Center church (Congre
gational), of this city. The signifi
cance of this action is that the
church has strictly held to Puritan
orthodoxy for more than two and a
half centuries.
S. G. French, the' oldest living
confederate general, died at Florala,
Ala., April 20, aged 94. He was the
oldest living graduate of West Point
in the confederate service. The
body was buried at Pensacola, Fla.
w n?ere? K7" dlBPatch says:
'Walking into his drug store, and
taking his place at the cigar counter,
Sam Welch, president of the Berea
National bank, was assassinated, five
shots being fired into his body The
assassin has not been apprehended!
A clerk in the drug store, the only
witness of the tragedy, declared that
Welch came down the street with
his son-in-law, Grover Fish Tho
clerk said that as Welch entered the
store, Fish stood in a doorway and
fired five shots at Welch, one of
T ???r elch had fallen life
less. Fish has disappeared, and
posses are organizing to take up pur-
SLV,', him Welcu was one oVthe
wealthiest men in this section of Hi
, BLthe naTro margin of two votes
the Murray resolution, providing fo?
New York of the proposed income
tax amendment to the United q?S
constitution was defeated n the as
sembly. The vote was 74 to 66 Tm
mediately the Introducer of the'res
lution moved that the vote be rl
So ' abireed a4Vhat the "SSonb5o w
the table. This passed by a decisive
STlS tyi' S that tno solution may
be called up again, and the fact that
at least half of the absentees nr
known to be in favor of Ke mSL
indicates that it may pass ?hT assem-
has depositors I,n every stato of tho
union In tho interests of s6und
and safe banking you should bo ono
of them. In the ihtere&ts of your
self and dependents your money
should be placed -yhore It Is secured.
Don't be fooled by tlio-: bmvkor
whose over-towering- Integrity
forces him to oppose every' plan of
security for his depositors.
Scud for Booklet.
You lenrn nil about Vlr
j?inln InmlH, fluent nll-thc-year
climate In the United
States, best water, raise a
larger variety of crops than
any other section in Amer
ica. For particulars send
25 cents for a yearly sub
scription to the
. Virginia Farmer,
DEPT. 716,
Deafness Cured
"I have demonstrated that
deafness can be cured."
Dr. Guy Clifford Powell.
T!1?, f ecrot of how to u0 th0 mysterious and'
invisible nnturo forces for tho euro of Deafness
ana Head Noises has at last been dlscovorod by
X? nmS ys'clan-Sdontlst, Dr. iQuy Clifford
hv i Dea,fncsa nil Head Noises disappear as if
by maple undor tho mo or this now and wonderful
disco vory .Ho will send all who suffer from Deaf
ness and Head Noises full Information how thoy
may bo cured, absolutely free, no matter how long
thoy havo been deaf, or what caused thoir deafness.
ffi Treatment Is so simple, natural
andcortaln that you will wonder why It was not
discovered before. Investigators arq astonished
ro?,iore(limtl,0n,f th0m80lve3 mnrvel at tho quick
., , y dea,f porson caa uav ftill information
athnmnll(itCUre.(1lflUlCkljr nd Cn to Stay CUTOd
Dr m?vWrUt sUnp a cent. Write today to
JneS "a- V rnn(J. ffot mU information of this now .
and wondoriul discovery, absolutely free.
?er; ver nnd Digestive organs,
including Rheumatism, or the
tS-?1' wiJ! bc an experiment,
flesliuri,le Free Mailing Case
.i ne sent on "quest. Con
sultation and opinion free.
,? J' p-SHAPBR, Specialist
214 Peun Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa.
&2ft nSa.d.SKP!nsesto.menan'lwon1in to col.
ASTHMA ffiriT nOXpro to10
- w ,B" i", lf Itcuroa send $l;if
Nations dumlSSWSi offASfaSogJS
kW5.i?P 5. approval wtUumt 1 Mn
PAYVfffi repaid. DON'T
J JtfKM mrnmT Jti
price BBHi "!!22K:
nu U 'L,Jf.2'm " offer.
'ONE ftFHT ("U Itwllleort rata
wheal i.,f.rKE1 Coastor - Brake rear
' rYf .
' W ...,. ,xm