The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, April 15, 1910, Page 6, Image 6

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The Commoner.
THE DEATH of Justico Brewer may necessi
tate ro-argument of the big cases against
tho Standard Oil trust and tho tobacco trust.
fdt Tboro aro nine members of tbo supreme court.
t Justlco Moody's illness and Justice Brewers
TddoatU leaves but soven activo members. Un-
loss thoro is practically unanimity or opinion
on thcBo two trust cases among the seven
judges, ro-argumont is believed to be likely.
For JuBtico Browor's successor thoso men aro
namod in newspaper dispatches: Federal Judge
Walter II. Sanborn of Sir. Paul, Minn.; Federal
Judgo Willis VanDevcntor of Choyenno, Wyo.;
Solicitor General Bowers of Chicago, now in tho
department of justice; Secretary of War Dickin
son and Senator Root of Now York.
AN IMPORTANT decision rendered by tho
Now York supremo court is told in a dis
patch carried by tho Associated Press as follows:
"George W. Griffin, a negro porter, was awarded
$1,000 damages for falso arrest from Daniel
M. Brady, a manufacturer, by the supreme court
fioro. In a formor trial of tho case before Justico
Dugro, tho court laid down tho dictum that a
colored man could not suffer shame to the same
oxtont as a whito man as tho result of falso
arrest. Justico McCall today expressed an oppo
site opinion. 'Tho tribunal of justico has noth
ing to do with tho color of a man's skin tho
court said."
THE INDIANA republicans in state conven
tion showod thoir opposition to tho repub
lican tariff law. Yet they did not renounce it
in thoir platform. An Associated Press dispatch
Bays: "Whon United States Senator Albert J.
Bovoridgo, in his speech as temporary chair
man of tho Jndlana republican convention today
declared his antagonism to the new tariff law,
his porlods were marked by storms of applause
from tho delegates and tho crowded gallories
in Tomlinson hall. Repeating, as a toxt, 'I
could not stand for it then, and I can not stand
for it now,' Senator Boveridge mado an impas
sioned defense of tho counts upon which ho
baBod his vote in the senate against tho Payno
Aldrlch tariff bill, which ho did not call by name.
George A. Cunningham of Evansvillo, permanent
chairman of tho convention, said: 'Wo can
make no adoquato answer to tho address of your
temporary chairman, Senator Bovoridgo, at this
time. Tho real answer will bo mado at tho polls
In November. Wo ate all of us for tho re-election
of Albert J. Bovoridgo to tho senate In
1011. In this campaign, so far as it effects na
tional politics, tho re-olection of Senator Bover
idge has become tho overshadowing issue,, on
account of tho principles in which wo all believe
and for which ho has stood and continues to
stand In tho United States senate.' "
THE INDIANA tariff plank is as follows:
"Wo boliove In a protective tariff, measured
by the difference between tho cost of production
horo and abroad. Less than this is unjust to
American laborers; more is unjust to American
Consumers. That difference should bo ascer
tained with tho utmost speed and tho present
Jaw modified accordingly. Wo demand tho Im
mediate creation of a genuine, permanent, non
partisan tariff commission with ample powers
fend deflnito duties fixed In tho law Itself." On
tho income tax tho platform says: "In timo of
yar, or any other emergency, when ordinary
forms of taxation are not enough for tho needs
Of tho government, tho nation should have tho
constitutional power to tax incomos. Wn
leartily favor an amendment to the constitution
dving congress this power." ' Tho section in
lorslng tho administration and Senator Rovor.
Ida reads: "Wo recocnlzo that no nrrHWimit tn
ur history over began his administration with
Sich universal favor and good will as did Wil
am Howard Taft; few men have entered tho
Presidency with such extraordinary training.
Wo Indorse his administration and pledge to
Jiim our support in any efforts to secure tho
(mactment of genuine progressive legislation.
Tho spirit of tho times demands not only wise
policies and sound principles, but clean, vigilant,
bravo and sincere men in public office. We in
dorso and applaud tho splendid record of our
senior senator and especially his record in tho
last session of congress, which deserves the un
qualified approval of all tho people of the state.
With prldo and confidence wo mako a solemn
pledge to the people that a republican legisla
ture will return to tho senate of the United
States this man, whoso name is synonomous with
victory Albert J. Beveridge." The platform
favors "such limitations of tho powers of in
junction as will not imperil tho liberty of any
man without notice and hearing; child labor
legislation, publicity of campaign contributions,
election of senators by popular vote, good roads,
revision of criminal codes to expedite justice.
Tho conservation plank reads: "We demand
comprehonsivo laws for the construction of our
natural resources and especially that the coal de
posits of Alaska shall be kept tho property of
the nation, to be developed only under lease and
payment of just royalties to tho government."
The following nominations were made by accla
mation: Secretary of state, Otis L. Gulley,
Danville; auditor of Btate, John E. Reed, Mun
cie; clerk of tho supreme court, Edward V.
Fitzpatrlck, Portland; state statistician, John L.
Peetz, Kokomo; state geologist, W. S. Blatch
ley, Terre Haute; judge of the supremo court,
Second district, Oscar H. Montgomery, Seymour;
appellate judges, Ward H. Watson, Charles
town, and C. C. Hadley, Danville; treasurer of
state, Jonyo Mokyhan, Orleans; attorney gen
eral, Finley P. Mount of Crawfordsville.
JUDGE W. O. HOWARD, a justice of the
New York supreme court, and a republican,
delivered an address recently at Troy, N. Y.
Referring to the Allds investigation now going
on at Albany, Justico Howard said: "In my
own party a queer condition exists, and, in con
sequence, every! one is seized just now with a
desire to clean house. Whether it is the grafter
or the 'reformer' that is to be cleaned out I
have not learned, but $50,000 is to be spent to
clean house; 50 cents worth of whitewash would
do as well. Of course, a few dead bones may
be rattled by these Investigations, or, perhaps,
a few live ones, fully protected by the statute
of limitations. But suppose they are rattled
what follows? Even if somebody is punished
what of that? No reform is worked. It is not
more investigations that we need; It is more
honesty; not more laws, but more common
sense. We have too many laws now so many
that nobody knows what they are nor where
they are. Tho way to clean house is the way
that Gaynor is doing it. His way doesn't cost
a cent. He Is not a counterfeit reformer, but a
real one. Ho Is cleaning house with the laws
which he has; they do not assist him much nor
hinder him any he would do It if he had no
laws at all. Ho saws wood. He will clean up
New York before he gets through with it and
clean It up well at a saving of hundreds o thou
sands of dollars to the taxpayers."
EMIL SEIDEL, Milwaukee's socialist mayor
is by occupation a pattern maker. He is
regarded as a modest, conscientious and earnest
man. In a newspaper Interview Mr. Seidel
said: "Monopoly, as it exists today, is as crush
ing as tho land foudallsm of the middle aces
only more so. Tho overlord of tho middle aces
gavo his subjects a bit of land for their own
use. The industrial overlord of today does not
allow his workmen to own his own tools and
appropriates tho benefit of them after pavlnc
him a wage for his labor. So tho situation ha!
become just this: The owner does not use
the tool and tho user does not own the tool
Now, we socialists believe that tho tool and its'
profit must bo returned to the user. The way
we think is clear. Monopoly is here, whether
wo like it or not Wo can't divide up the tool
piece by piece without destroying it. ' So wo
will bo Insistent on public monopoly of it in
stead of private monopoly and will begin with
those monopolies that oppress us the most. If
the city takes tho part of tho middle man in
slaughtering its meat, his big profit will bo
clipped from the present prohibitive prices. It's
the same way with ice and other necessities,
down to the cutting of burial prices when wo
dio. We don't raise campaign money through
the corporations. Wo take up" a collection after
a mass meeting, and here in Milwaukee we were
tho only body of men who could go away from
a meeting, even if it were held in a saloon, with
out taking a drink. Then there isn't jthe job
seeking with us. During the five years I've
been an alderman not one comrade has asked
mo for anything and they will not now. Wo
socialists are after something better than jobs.
And then tho children that brings me to the
biggest thing in good government making good
citizens of the boys and girls. As it Is now in
society, a young man, dissolute to a more or less
degree, marries a carefully brought up girl. The
children are the sufferers physically and
MR. SEIDEL contended that municipalities
have not done what they should for chil
dren. He added: "Parents are so stupid that
in their desire to have their children good they
give them nothing they want, but the devil
knows more; he gets them by giving them at
tractions. He has shown how many he can lure
with music and dancing and moving picture
shows and we socialists believe the same attrac
tions should be in the schools and other social
centers where they can be enjoyed and the right
influences shown. Besides we want parlors well
conducted, where the girl, who lives in a hall
bedroom or home where she can't entertain,
can have the callers she otherwise meets on the
street. Up to the age of fourteen here in Mil
waukee we spend about $22 per. capita on our
children's schooling, then 90 per cent go into
the factories and 10 per cent to the high school,
for that 10 per cent we spend $50 per capita
while the other 90 per cent help pay for H.fYet,
the city does nothing for this 90 and we social
ists believe the 90 are not fit to be citizens or
bear the burden. We intend to shorten the
working hours of these children and provide
some means for adding more education to their
toil days. If all that doesn't explain what we
mean by socialism, why here's something short
er," he concluded. "Socialism is a satisfaction
in work that melts and blends lives, women's
and men's together, for the good of all. It's go
ing to make Milwaukee famous for something
better than it has been."
nHI,9AGP THEOLOGICAL circles were con
V sid?b1 stirred recently by the appearance
of a little book written by Edward Holton
James In this book Mr. James undertook to
prove that the Jews were not responsible for
the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. He claims that
the Master was killed by the Romans for the
HL!fS0, ma?este- The Chicago Record
Herald interviewed a number of clergymen and
TnV ZlnJhQrmQ-ln,the theologians arenclined
to doubt Mr. James' statements. They Question
the authenticity of his discoveries. Some? par
ticularly Dr. Emil G. Hirsch, are inclined to
SV18 conc!usi- Dr. Hirsch declares
that Christ was slain by the Romans at the in-
of of Jewi8 Po"t ca
?nni nf tVhe mQmQV of which wore the
tools of the Roman rulers and did not share in.
any way the sentiments of the Jewish neonl"
Dr. Frank W. Gunsaulus declared that both the
Romans and the Jews were to blame tha
Romans for their weakness in yielding to Jewish
clamor for the life of Christ, and the Jews Jo
the malignity with which they turned upon one
of their own race who meant them nothine but
good. Bishop Charles P. Anderson of the EnhS
copal church said that he must see some of Mr
James' proofs before revolutionizing h?s belie
that the Jews were responsible for Christ's death
Professor Shaller Mathews declared that jSt'
James' proof ultimately would support the
biblical story of the crucifixion. Dr CharhS
J. Little could not agree with Mr TnnwU ?
could Rev. Johnstol My1 i'Kf ii"
James' history was impaired by a deSre ti
injure the Roman Catholic church ,Rev
Alexander Patterson, himself the author of a
life of Christ, said there was not the StehtniS
proof that Jesus was a political leaded Dp!
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