..,. i ii ' hi ii ."i' i iimnjipiwi.mmi UM'1'40"'''' - ..v vfrteJWlWJ' 4 ' Ji.t The Commoner. VOLUME 10, NUMBER 1 i Id. Ifcl id S si I I : i h a 20 Acres and Independence at San Benito, Texas, in the famous Lower Rio Grande Delta Where 'v1i95JiPt4 $jH ;Vlf ? Where LOWER RIO GRANDE VALLEY BERMUDA ONIONS Enormous Profits in Raising Bermuda Onions San Bonlto Is recognized as ono of tho foremost regions In tho United States In the production of the famous Ttormnrin ! 1 rogion is particularly adapted to their culture. The great San Benito Gravity Irrlgat syste Tho soil of this climato, bolng tho mildest fn tho Unitod States, cnnblc iih to get our onions on T the market before any o2 L? ?I TrS?11? needed, and our highest price, and the climate being semi-arid and tho rainfall very little there fs little danger o I ralnV&SrlnK h Jia statea insuring tho 4 VkW ylQd horo ,s tain and under tho favorablo markoting conditions of this region the profits Tare enormous n,fr E iSe?son' . to 400 crates per aero and getting from $1.50 to $1.75 per crato. Many of them will make from $200 to W00 n2?nront n?r nirSlJ.roi?iOW harvosting from 250 Burress Brothers shipped tho first carload o? onions from San Bonlto March 23rd crop alone. the llrt car to be whipped from any point In the United State. When tho onions are all harvested a cron of rnrn Sit2a one of tho flrst cars, if not some ground and matured during tho summer months in time to bo followed by a crop of winter truck rm Corn may be Planted on the Tho Intorurban railroad now building on tho San Benito tract leaves no farm moro than a mile and a half from transportation either by water or rail. When complotod San Benito farmers can load their products aboard tho freight cars of tho intorurban in their own Holds and bill direct to northorn markets. Tho San Bonlto Region is attracting widespread attention as tho host agricultural proposition In America today. Hero, land which is producing from a single crop moro than Its total cost, may bo had on reasonable torms. ' San Benito is located In tho extromo southern part of tho Unltod States, 19 milos north of Brownsville, Toxas, on tho main lino of tho St. Louis, Brownsville & Moxlco Railroad. In comparison with other land propositions, San Benito has numerous ADVANTAGES It has tho largest and most efllclont Irrigation sys tem In tho atato of Toxas ono of tho finest n America. Tho main canal of this system is 37 miles long, 250 foot wldo and 20 feet deop. It is purely a gravity system, taking water from tho Rio Grando by gravity flow, without pumps, insuring .a stoady supply of water for irrigation at all times, SEND COUPON FOR ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET San Benito Land & Water Co., Box Bt San Benito Texar Gentlemen: Please send, without Incurring anv obWaHrm rt your illustrated booklet containing full information of your ?rrigaTed Naino , P. O tt'F-P Stftt0 (No. 0) w xx jnoobHHiaHHf i vuuwnwn. g. i.i !! 11 ::. ,. iliilltlil 1 Mil i i i llM I lllifll hi nil ill '. ItT lsC Simho01113 rCffl0n IS unsurPassed in America, it is mild tho year around, which Is to say, It is not S?5tt0V?rmKd?rlaB th SUmmer' "or so co?d an sorts Krow ! ,f that and vegetables of an sorts grow in tho open field during the winter Twelve months of field activity each year No aS BZT' NV6fSy dayS' Good Gulf breeze everTday"n yfCaP' ?fc healthful "Bion in America ! JdTal oca- o "ho selOur bie T?lhaV0 Chlc land "n f---- i tc :r jusr s s.rs the favorable cllmatV irrteaU "? VaHed and enable San BtouSriT makoe SSbZfigSS Sugar Cane has paid from $50 tn jl 5 Pronts. cotton makes a bale to to" So- aIfaifaP 1 f from six to ten times a year and wo hS?" a b Ut have paid for their fnV , havo Pinters who alfalfa broom corn ylemHw cron?0 yeaf'S CrP of our planters will make 200 per acre 0"" duct this year; corn violdM t Jn . 0t 0n t-hls Pro" kaflr corn! mi o maize and In tTJ" Sbrffhum' Perfection; vegetables' of all sorts frft CrPS ST0 to the winter and return from $JJ to SooT"1 Profit. This is tho best citrus trJ, Pr acro not region In tho state of Texaa ' Rnd flff Present prices won't lust always; get in while they are in reach. Tear off the the coupon, ana send for our liooMct today. San Benito Land & Water Co. B.x B, 3m B.mto, Te Alb. Heyv,ood, Pr,,!,!.,,, jtxYMM V wu j HU - 4EBBBB' lrJ!JL '' - iJbHititLii&illkJMki