The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, April 15, 1910, Page 13, Image 13

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    VT, vjv T ""
The Commoner.
APRIL 15, 1910
and allow hira to Hvo Is worso than
murdor ho said. 'This Is what co
caine docs bccauso the victim of tho
drug continues to live and exert an
Influenco that Is Immoral, depraved
and criminal.' "
WSJMfM'JIJIJIjF wW-wyrm -" - yicniy- u.
S-i Trrr""'" - v mi i it- i i i - '' - . - -z
A news item In tho New York
World follows: "Ten thousand per
sons, unable to gain entrance to the
church of St. Rita of Cascia, College
avenue and One Hundred and Forty
fifth street last night, where a
Novena is in progress, knelt in prayer
on the sidewalks and roadways about
tho church, remaining there for
hours. St. Rita is the patroness of the
temporal wants, sometimes called the
saint of good luck, and the Novena is
held for nine days, preceding the
feast of the saint."
At a New York dinner Governor
Fort of New Jersey charged that the
New Jersey senate was in the control
of the corporations. The senate has
appointed a committee requesting the
-governor to appear before it and he
will be called to account.
will Include Judge Martin J. Wade
of Iowa City for governor and Sen
ator B. G. Moon of Ottumwa' for
lieutenant governor. Early this eve
ning at a conference of many of the
most prominent members of the gen
eral conference of yesterday it was
decided that Wade and Moon should
be urged to make tho race in tho in
terests of the democratic party of
the state: Difficulty was anticipated
in including Judge Wade to make
tho race, as he has steadfastly de
clined to enter politics for office since
his retirement from congress. S. H.
Bashor of Waterloo already has filed
his nomination papers, doing it on
the eve of the conference."
Tho republicans of tho Thirty
second New York district have nom
inated George W. Aldrldgo, a repub
lican boss as a candidate for con
gress to succeed tho late James B.
Perkins. Tho democrats have nom
inated James Havens, a lawyer, and
they expect to elect him.
Wharton Barker of Philadelphia
proposes to organize a new party.
Mathew D. Doss surrendered to the
Chicago police claiming that two
years ago he poisoned his wife at
Washington, D. C. It has always
been believed that sho committed
An effort to wreck the Homestake
mine at Lead, S. D., was frustrated.
, Thomas F. Walsh the famous mine
owner of Denver died at his apart
ments in Washington City.
municipal theatre here, the proceeds
of which will go to chanty."
A San Juan, Porto Rico, dispatch
carried by tho Associated Press says:
"William J. Bryan, who is touring
tho island, took occasion today to de
ny certain reports which have
reached him as to his intentions on
returning to the United States. He
smilingly declined to say what he
would do, but declared himself on
some of tho things he would not do.
He said he would not start a prohi
bition paper, and he would not be
a candidate for the senate. The
change in the rules committee of the
house of representatives, he added,
'pleases me.' Mr. Bryan will be a
passenger on the steamer Caracas,
which sails for New York April 13.
Democrats of Iowa held a success- He has been greeted by large crowds
ful banquet at Des Moines, April 8. at the various towns in Porto Ricp,
An Associated Press dispatch, from through which he lias passed. Last
'DesMoines says: "Certain defeat
"for tlie republican party in Iowa next
November is the prediction of the
"democratic leaders gathered in Des
Moines today from every corner of
the state. Tonight's annual dinner
of the Jefferson memorial banquet
club furnished the ostensible object
of the roundup of the party leaders,
but the true reason for the unusually
large gathering of the faithful is
.found in the general desire for a
party conference to discuss the early
plans for the coming campaign.
Chairman Price and all of the mem
bers of the state committee were in
attendance. The democrats profess
to regard the outlook for their suc
cess next fall as unusually bright.
Their hopes, are based largely on the
serious dissensions in the republican
ranks. Iowa is now regarded as a
'progressive' state. Her senators
took the lead in the tariff fight, and
were backed by insurgent congress
men from several districts. It has
been practically settled that an effort
will be made to elect, insurgent re
publicans in congressional districts
represented by standpatters. But
whether a fight shall be made on
governor and other state officers has
not been definitely determined. It is
believed by many progressives that
they should keep hands off state
offices. Perhaps Just as many insist
that a campaign should be made to
oust Governor Carroll, who, it Is con
ceded, will be a candidate for re
nomination before the June prima
ries. Leading democrats are of the
opinion that if tho factional warfare
of tho republicans extends to the
state offices a democratic victory is
certain to result. The democratic
ticket will be named at the state con
vention to be held In Ottumwa tho
last week of July. Tlie republican
convention is to meet in Des Moines
one week later. At the democratic
banquet here tonight Governor Shal
lenberger of Nebraska was the prin
cipal speaker. If the democrats who
inet here in conference today have
their way about It, their state ticket
Robert W. Patterson, editor-in-chief
of the Chicago Tribune, and
his mother, Mrs. Julia A. Patterson,
died on the same day recently and a
joint funeral was held at tho Patter
son residence in Chicago.
William C. Archer of Athens, 0.,
writing to tho Ohio Journal of Com
merce, says:
Permit mo to suggest a plan of
procedure in the conduct of legisla
tive business which, I think, is an
improvement upon tho present
There should bo at least three ses
sions of tho legislature with recesses
of not less than six months. At the
first session lot all bills be intro
duced. Allow time for explanation
and discussion. Then an adjourn
ment for six months should follow.
During this time the voters of tho
state may become acquainted with
proposed legislation and each legisla
tor can have time to consult with
his constituency. At the second ses
sion allow the introduction of amend
ments with opportunity for their ex
planation and discussion. Tho dis-
evening he delivered a lecture at tho cussion at this session may cover the
On April 8 at 2 o'clock in the
morning two masked bandits at
tempted to hold up the Chicago, Mil
waukee & St. Paul railroad "Pioneer
Limited" train from Chicago to St.
Paul. An Associated Press dispatch
says: "The men boarded tho train
at New Lisbon, Wis., getting in by
way of the forward vestibule of the
front sleeper, which had been left
open when the conductor took his
orders to the engineer. The men
passed through the front sleeper into
the rear vestibule of the car, locking
both doors of the vestibule. When
Conductor Shnmway passed through
the train he was stopped . by the
locked vestibule door. Unlocking
the door he was Instantly confront
ed by revolvers held by two masked
figures. Conductor Shumway leaped
at the larger of the bandits. A tus
sle followed in which the railroad
man was overpowered. One robber
then reached down under the steps
and cut the air connection, stopping
the train. The men then jumped off
and fled. The men escaped into the
swamps. Sleeping Car Conductor
Mills was in the third sleeper when
Porters J. H. Matthews and William
J. Johnson dashed in saying the train
was being held up. Conductor Shum
way was grappling with one of the
men in the sleeper Ontanagon. Por
ter Johnson obtained a revolver and
fired twice after the men."
Sixteen officials of the window
glass trust were indicted at Pittsburg.
An Associated Press dispatch from
Philadelphia says: "Capital punish
ment for dealers in cocaine was ad
vocated tonight by Dr. Henry Beates,
Jr., president of the Pennsylvania
state board of medical examiners In
an address before the American so
ciety for the study of alcohol and
other drug narcotics. To kill a man
terms of the entire bill. Then an
other six months adjournment.
At the last session allow further
discussion but no further amend
ment of any measure. Then should
come the vote.
By this plan the best features of
the initiative and referendum would
be applied to leglslatipn, there would
be ample time for members to study
tho bills and time for the people to
register their op nions of tho pro
posed laws. Then, too, would the
haste and skulduggery of the closing
days be avoided.
My plan would not only limit the
Introduction of bills to the first ses
sion but it would also limit tho num
ber of bills to be Introduced to ono
for every member. This would pre
vent the torrent of freak bills, silly
bills, requested bills, foolish bills that
fill the hoppers under the present
methods. If some energetic member
had more than ono Important meas
ure to propose he could doubtless
persuade a colleague to father it.
Think how preposterous it is for
millions of citizens, as in Ohio for
instance, living in peace and order,
having enacted anew every two years
a largo book of additional regula
tions for their civil conduct. Why,
even the senators and representatives
themselves are surprised beyond
measure when they finally got home
and read up what they have done.
Many think the meeting of tho
legislature a biennial calamity. This
plan would make It a more efficient
body of lawmakers.
An Irishman visited a tuberculosis
exhibit, where lungs in both healthy
and deceased conditions were dis
played preservedin glass jars. After
carefully studying one marked
"cured tuberculosis lung," he turned
to the physician and said:
"Perhaps It's becanse OI'm Irish,
bnt if ye cured th' patient, how could
ye have his lung in a bottle?" Lip-plncotfa.
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