APRIL 1, 1910 9 The Commoner. of the ingredients should be baked in a very hot oven. A little experience will give the right skill. For the Spanish bun, which is a dough, not a batter, take six eggs, beaten separately, a pound of butter and one pound of sugar, beating the butter and sugar together to a cream, then adding the beaten yolks of the eggs; measure after sifting a pound of flour, sifting with it two tea spoonfuls of baking powder, and add this to the mixture alternating with the beaten whiles. No milk or other liquid is needed. Bake in form of a loaf in a well greased pan. For cooking evaporated or dried fruits, take the quantity desired and put into a deep vessel, adding barely enough water to cover, and put a light weight on the fruit. Let this stand for half a day, then take out the fruit and put into another vessel; reduce a few pieces of the fruit to a' pulp, and add the pulp to the wa ter in which the fruit was soaked, pour over the fruit and serve. A few seeded raisins may be added, if liked. Sweetening is not recommended for sour fruits. Query Box (We have several calls for more information regarding the alcohol stove and sad-iron. Will some one who has used them toll us how they are liked, and what the cost of the denatured alcohol?) L. M. Cochineal, and the harm less vegetable colorings sold by drug gists may be used in coloring candies. H. L. It is recommended to dis solve a tablespoonful of powdered alum in a pint of starch for cotton wash goods, as it will brighten the colors. Annie S. A "puree" of potatoes means that the vegetable is boiled until soft enough to mash through a' colander, then to the pulp are added milk, butter and seasoning to taste, the Whole being well heated before serving. Housewife One hardly knows what to eat. We are told that eggs are bad for any one subject to rheu matic pains, and that the much laud ed dried beans contain a poison that is harmful to any but the most ro bust system. We know a great many people who can not eat the legumes without experiencing much discom fort. W. F. T. It is generally conceded that denatured alcohol, when used as fuel, is reasonably safe, and is not expensive. Prices differ in different localities. Manufacturers offer the stovo pr iron on trial, "money back if you are not satisfied." Homc-Mndo Grape-Nuts Use graham flour; put one yeast cake to soak, or use half a teacupful of sugar, enough graham flour to make like cake-batter, with a pint of lukewarm water; let stand all night. In the morning add a tablespoonful of molasses mixed with a level tea spoonful of soda dissolved in half a cupful of warm water; beat in the graham flour until it is stiff. Pour in pans, let rise until the top cracks open, then bake. When it is a day old, crumble up and put into pans, Bet in the oven to toast; mash up and put into fruit jars or cans, covering or sealing, and it will cost but a fraction of what the commercial grapenuts cost, and will be just as nice, and you will be sure you are not eating ground-up corn cobs. L. L. S. freely; the phlegm which obstructs the air passages will be either vom ited up, or washed down, and the throat relieved. For goitre, try this: Take a strong brine strong enough to hold up an egg; wring cloths out of the brine, making the cloth double thickness and long enough to reach half way around the neck on either side. Apply to the throat, cover with a dry towel, and leavo over night. Repeat every night for about three weeks, when a cure is supposed to bo effected. Another remedy is, use col lodion spread on the entire outside of the tumor, painting it on with a small brush, three times a day. The action of the collodion is to mechani cally squeeze the blood out of the tumor gradually. Some Health Notes Here are several simple remedies, given by physicians of standing, and persons who have tried them. In any case, the expense is trifling, and the remedies are harmless: For grip, eat of very highly salted food. For a severe sore throat, mix some sugar .with the white of an egg, and eat it Jjittlo Savings To Mend Rubber or Leather Dis solve an- ounce of gutta percha in half a pound of chloroform. Clean the parts to be cemented; cover each with the solution and let dry for twenty minutes. Then warm each part in the flame of a candle and press firmly together till dry. Try to remember that burning coal oil must be extinguished with flour, as water thrown on only spreads the flaming oil. Flour thrown by scoopfuls on the flame will at once extinguish it. Keep a box for the odds and ends. Put into this box any odd bits, such as an extra caster, an odd hinge, wardrobe hook, and the like, and you will find they come handy some time. Keep a few tin canB into which to drop a few nails as you have them, keeping each size sep arate, and keep a hammer with them. A screw driver and a few screws are good things to have in the kitchen. Keep a pair of scissors hanging in the kitchen; two pair would bo better; one sharp pair for cutting, and an old pair for use about the lamp. Keep a small funnel for use about the lamps. When buying new things for the kitchen, replace the earthenware and wooden bowls with the new papier mache. These are inexpensive, more cleanly, and unbreakable. When used, wash as other vessels and let dry. Asbestos is now much used for the protection of tops of furniture on which wet or hot things are to be set. Get a sheet of the asbestos and make all sizes of doileys, to suit any size dish or vessel, and thus save the looks of your furniture. For the comfort of the feet in warm weather, bore a small hole on either side of the shoe about one inch from the sole and close to the instep; the holes pump in the air while the wearer is walking, and thus ventilate the shoes. It beats foot-ease powder, or pain. The hole may be bored with an awl. of the intelligent and earnest cltlzon ship of the southwest: "Even thoso who have been best informed as to public sentiment in tho west from the Alleghanies to the Pacific would hardly have pre sumed that the republican newspa pers of this vast section would have been so decisively against the con trolling order of things in the re publican party. When it is remem bered that many of thoso who ex press themselves in favor of Cannon and tho now tariff law are influenced by federal appointments, tho conclu sion must be reached that, so far as newspapers reflect public sentiment, that sentiment is nearly unanimous. "What is more, this feeling is not local nor sectional. It is nearly as strong in the east as in tho west. In its broad application it means that the republican party is suffering a revolt, from which there can be a re covery only through some striking alignment with tho people. "If a presidential election were to bo held now there is probably only FACTS FOR WASHINGTON TO PONDER The Record-Herald has had occa sion to warn republican leaders against indulging in futile and vag uely general defenses of the new tariff act, defenses that irritate and embitter without changing a single opinion. It has also reminded Washington of the wisdom of reck oning with, facts and putting aside fictions and flattering unction. The revived discussion of the Payne-Aldrich style of tariff revision Is eliciting some significant and can did comment, which the administra tion and the congressional leaders can not afford to dismiss lightly. Here, for example, Is what a per sonal friend and strong supporter of President Taft, William R. Nelson, says about the accumulating evi dence of "overwhelming opposition" to Cannonism and tariff bourbonism in his thoroughly independent and in fluential paper, the Kansas City Star, a paper that reflects the sentiment one republican who could bo elected, and ho is out of tho country and freo from all responsibility for or con nection with tho tariff betrayal and the restriction of popular representa tion in congress." These are tho words of a trained and authoritative observer. They aro Impressive words of soberness and truth, and Washington needs nothing so much as tho truth tho facts of tho actual situation. Let there be an end to Ill-tempered and worse than unprofitable censuring of republicans and inde pendents who aro dissatisfied with tho tariff and with tho house ways of doing or not doing business. Tho part of duty and wisdom Is to face conditions as they aro and de vote republican energies henceforth to tho promotion of tho policies which represent progress and em body constructive statesmanship. Tho "tide of revolt" can not be stemmed by any other means; public senti ment can not bo changed in any other way. Chicago Rccord-IIerald. Latest Fashions for Readers of The Commoner 3187 Hum fi& 310lj mm Mm 3187 Ladles' Shlrt-Walst. This waist with its frill Is a most becom ing model developed in linen, pon gee, cross-bar cambric or dimity. Six sizes 32 to 42. 3191 Ladies' Circular Skirt, In tunic style and short sweep length. This is a most becoming model de veloped in any of tho soft clinging materials. Five sizes 22 to 30. 3210 Ladies' Dress in semi princess style, closing at front. This is an excellent model for pongee, foulard or voile. Six sizes 32 to 42. 3203 Ladies' Waist, with high or low neck and full length or elbow sleeves. Crepe de chine, silk or satin develop to advantage in this model. Six sizes 32 to 42. 3210? 3186 Child's Dress, with high or low neck and long or short sleeves. A neat little dress is here shown, developed in light blue challis and trimmed with white embroidered flowers. Four sizes 2 to 8 years. 3206 Misses' Semi - Princess Dress, with high or low neck and long or short sleeves. A dainty party frock developed in dotted silk mull, in any desired shade. Three sizes 13 to 17 years. THE COMMONER will supply its readers with perfect fitting, seam allowing patterns from the latest Paris and New York styles. The do signs are practical and adapted to the home dressmaker. Full direc tions how to cut and how to make the garments with each pattern. The price of these patterns 10 cents each, postage prepaid. Our largo cata logue containing the illustrations and descriptions of 1,000 seasonable styles for ladles, misses and children, as well as lessons in home dress making, full of helpful and practical suggestions in the making of your wardrobe mailed to any address on receipt of 10 cents. In ordering patterns give us your name, address, pattern number and size desired. Address THE COMMONER, Pattern Dcpt., Lincoln, Neb.