The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, April 01, 1910, Page 13, Image 13

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APRIL 1, 1910
The Commoner.
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My Children and I
When I was but a little boy, and just
about so high,
I read of Lincoln's early toil, and of
how hard he'd try
To get some learning in his head
and I remember, too,
My Dad would say, "Remember, son,
and always keep in view
Abe Lincoln's way of doing things
and you will win success."
But something has gone wrong or
else I sadly miss my guess.
I've got some children of my own,
but whene'er I begin
To tell 'em of my boyhood days they
look at me and grin.
I tell 'em when I was a boy how
many miles I'd go
To school, and tramp with ill-clad
feet through slush and frozen
How thin my clothing, poor my
books, how dreary was the room
In which I sat upon a bench amidst
the dust and gloom.
I tell 'em how I had to toil and
never, never had
A nickel or a dime to spend from
my hard-working Dad.
But when my children hear me talk
they discount more than half,
And then they lean back in their
chairs and 'laugh, and laugh and
I tell 'em when I was a boy we had
no picture shows;
No matinees, no street car rides, no
pretty bough ten clothes;
How hard we children had to work
from early dawn till night,
And then to bed in some cold room
with naught but candle light.
Then in most solemn tones I'll try
to make my children see
How awful proud of their old Dad
they really ought to be;
How much of all their yourthful joys
they really ought to think
But just when I'm most solemn-like
they'll look at me and wink.
I tell 'em when I was a boy bicycles
were unknown;
That roller skates and boughten dolls
were things no child could own.
And then I try my very best to make
'em realize
How much the blessing that they
have they really ought to prize.
I draw a contrast 'twixt the time
when I was just a lad
And times like these, to make 'em
see how hard a time I had.
But just about the time I think I've
got 'em going well
They'll look at ma, who merely
smiles and then they fairly yell.
God bless their souls! I'm really
glad they're mighty hard to stuff
With all those tough old tales of
yore, and similar sort of guff.
For all I try to make 'em" think my
boyhood days were sad
I guess I had as much of fun as any
fellow had.
I know I had a better time than my
own father knew
When he was but a' little boy and
I'll confess to you
I wouldn't have my children miss a
single childish joy
Because it never came my way when
I was just a boy.
Nebraskan transplanted from Mis
souri. Will Ferguson of Long Pino,
Nebr., writes as follows:
"One quart corn meal, white;
pinch or two of salt; two-thirds tea
cup of lard or one cup of 'cracklins;'
enough water to make stiff dough.
Mould into a pone and bake in a
well greased skillet in a hot oven
for one hour in fact, fairly iloat
the pone in grease.
"As you know, the original pone
was baked on a 'nigger hoe' in front
of the fireplace, and I've been told
that is the best way, although I
never ate one so baked. Bolted corn
meal is not as good as tho coarser
ground. I know all about tho corn
pone, and it is really a feast foj the
gods. The 'missus' will have to ex
periment a little until she gets the
right proportions, for you remember
that the old cooks did not measure
ingredients, but just 'guessed at 'em.'
My wife has learned to make it just
Mr. Ferguson has the real secret
wo don't get the right kind of corn
meal any more. Too fine, and not
from well selected corn. Present
day millers seem to think that any
old corn will make meal, and they
burn the life out of it with their
patent rollers. What is left of nutri
ment Is pretty well bolted out be
fore it is marketed. You'll never
know what real corn bread is until
you've eaten some made from meal
ground in a water wheel mill be
tween old-fashioned burrs, and
ground so slow that a man could
stand at the spout and oat the meal
until he starved to death. Modern
cooking schools run too much to tho
high-falutin' eatin's. What we want
is a course in poneology. We are
saving up our surplus wages to en
dow such a course.
Corn Pone
A northwest Nebraskan, trans
planted from Kentucky, has contrib
uted something to "corn bread lore"
as it has so often been mentioned in
Agricultural Notes
Spaded up a radish bed yesterday
and found four cans full of fish
worms. That's a sign I'll be busy
for several days the first of next
The pussy willows are purring.
That's a sign that you'll see a sign
on my office door next Monday:
"Closed for three days."
Saw in my morning paper that the
wheat crop Is damaged. That is a
sign my grocer is going to raise the
price of flour fifteen cents a sack if
he sees it.
Sowed some lettuce last night.
That's a sign my neighbor will soon
forget to keep his chickens penned
Dreamed of running brooks and
placid lakes last night. That's a
sign I'm going to overhaul my tackle
box this evening.
Why Not?
"The only trouble with the people
of the United States is getting the
facts to them," remarks President
When this remark was called to
the attention of Uncle I. B. Domed
of our end of town he spat reflective
ly at a bug and observed:
"It's a wonder the president don't
take an occasional fact with him and
show it to us folks when he is just
happenln' around."
Domestic Science Notes
The missus shows Bymptoms of
tying a cloth around her head and
ramnacinc: around with a wet rae in
this department, presided over by a her right hand. That's a sign I'll'
have to beat a few rugs and eat cold
grub off tho kitchen table.
Pork chops for supper last even
ing. That's a sign that my grocery
and meat bill is going to look like
a government deficit about April 1.
Children complaining of itching,
burning sensations. That's a sign
I've got to dig up for a lot of light
weight underwear mighty soon.
Peculiar odors in tho air. That's
a sign I'll havo to make garden or
leave home.
Barter and Trade
"I'll throw in my Bixty horse
power machine to boot."
"You'll have to do bettor."
Evidently wo had come upon a
trade of some kind. Thercforo wo
paused and awaited developments.
"Well, I'll add my motor boat and
my patent lamps."
"All right, if you'll just throw in
your airship and give mo that three-year-old
trotting horse."
"It's a trade."
Whereupon tho party of the first
part gravely handed over to tho paTty
of the second part six eggs and a
three-pound porterhouse, receiving
in return a bill of sale to the various
articles mentioned by the party of the
second part.
Able Assistant
"Please mum," remarked Walker
Rounds, "I'd like to havo a little
lift, 'cause I'm on me way to de east
t' git a fine job."
"Havo you a situation in view?"
asked Mrs. Goodharte.
"I got a fine openin', mum, In New
"What is it?"
"I hear Mr. Rockefeller Is incor
porate' himself to give his money
away, and I'm hustlin' back to help
him see his best opportunity."
City Note
Now comes the fagged-out city man
With shovel, hoe and rake,
With earnest mein and careful plan
A garden for to make.
He'll dig around a measley plot
Until he's stiff and sore,
Then, when the weather's boiling hot
Ho'll eat the green stuff ho has
Down at the grocery store.
Tho Limit
"Say, old man, I'm, a little short
today and I'd like to borrow "
"Same here, old sport. I'm so
short I'm going over to a chiropodist
and have him cure my headache."
Brain Leaks
The men "higher up" will be the
men "lower down" when the final
accounting is made.
The half of the world that does
not know the other half lives evi
dently does not care very much.
Why is it that when men are dele
gates to some sort of a convention
they love to cover themselves with
big badges?
We seize this opportunity to re
mark that we are not in favor of a
noiseless Fourth of July. We will
not be ready for a noiseless Fourth
until wo are ready for a boyless
A teacher in ono of our elemen
tary schools had noticod a striking
Platonic friendship that existed be
tween Tommy and littlo Mary, two
of her pupils.
Tommy was a bright enough
youngster, but ho wasn't disposed to
prosecute hits studies with much en
ergy, and his teacher saw that unless
he stirred himself boforo tho end of
tho year ho wouldn't bo promoted.
"You must study harder," she told
him, "or else you won't pass. How
would you like to stay back in this
class another year and havo littlo
Mary go ahead of you?"
"Aw," said Tommy, "I guess
there'll bo other littlo Marys." Tit-Bits.
"There has been another battle."
"So I see." "Are these South Amer
ican revolutions very dreadful?"
"Not so very. Most of the victories
aro awarded on points." Louisville
A Clinncc to Mnkn Money
Yoa, elegant free liomuBtcfiriH can still
bo had In Mexico whero many Ameri
cans are now locating. You need not
go to Mexico, hut are required to havo
live acres of fruit trees planted within
five years. For information address tho
Jantha Plantation Co., Dlock f90, Pitts
burg, Pa. They will plant and care for
your trees on shares, so you should
make a thousand dollars a year. It Is
never hot, never cold. Tho health con
ditions aro perfect.
Boforo you pny a cent, wo "will convince you
that Manino permanently euros any drue habit.
Guaranteed not to contain Morphlno, Lauda
num, Opium or any other habit forming drue.
No money required In advance, a full month's
troatmont sent to thono afflicted without one
cont of deposit. Manino has cured thousands,
it will euro you. GIvo it a freo trial. Yoa
aro to bo tho solo judgo and at our expense.
ManincCo. 149 Maninc BId.St.Louis,Mo,
MT cUffWleTab MflUt. null-
on-tight Sold to tho user at Wholrtale
rneri. no -y rrrj(ni. catalogue rrco
Uox 234 Winchester, Indiana.
fjfJCN WANTED- To prepare for next Rnll
u way Mall, Internal Itovcnuu, CiiHtoms and
Bvl PontoMco Examination. f'AOO to IVM.OO
monthly. Annunl vacations. Ktiort hours.
Rapid advaucomout. No "Jay offa". Common
education milllclrrit. Country and City resident
Htand equal chances. Political influence- niinnces
pary. Over 10,000 appointment to ho made this
year. Writo immediately for bcIhuIiiIo nhowlng
dates and places of com Inc Examinations. Wo aro
proparing candidates freo,
Franklin Institute, Dept. S 130, Rochester, N. Y.
Is honest officials; tho best se
curity of depositors is tho Okla
hoinu bank law. Bank officials
aro not dlwayB honest. Tho
state banks of Oklahoma aro
all operated under the Guar
anty Law. If you want to
know about it ask for our
Muskogee, Oklahoma
M. G. HASKELL, Cashier
i-.h A
.., (Also called Tetter. Gait Rheum, Pruritus, Mllk.fJrust, Weeping Skin, etc.)
ECZEMA CAN BE CUBED TO STAY, and when I cay cured, I mean just what I ray
C-U-R-E-D, and not merely patched up for awhile, to return worse than before. Now. I do not care what
all yoa have used, nor how many doctors have told you that you could not be cured all I ask Is just a
chance to show yon that I know what I am talking: about. If yoa will write me TO-DAY, I will send yoa
ainUEE TBXAJu of my mild, soothing, guaranteed cure that will convince you more in a day than 1 or
anyone else could in a month's time. If you are distrusted and discouraged, I dare you to give me a
chance to prove my claims. By writing me to-day yoa will enjoy more real comfort than you bad ever
thought this world holds for yoa. Just try it, and yoa will nee I am telling you the truth.
Dr. J. E. Can naday, 1081 Park Square, Sedalia, Mo
SfreneM : Third NkUonal Could you do a better act than to send this notlco to soma
Bnk.golll.Mo. uoor sufferer of Eczema P
i m r" 1 -Tj" fy i rj