The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, April 01, 1910, Page 12, Image 12

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The Commoner.
i A on Min Unf'k TsI.'LIltl rail-
road occurred at Green Mountain, la.
Forty-seven porsons woro killed and
many olhorH woro maimed. A train
of eight coaclie.s waH being )iillcd by
jtwo engines, running at nign spoon.
iTlio tender of tho II ih L ongino jumped
tho track, llio second ongino and
.train followed. All tlio pooplo In tlio
first car wero killed.
Three persons woro killed In a rail
road wreck on tho Louisvillo and
Nashvillo at Berca, Ky.
Tho British houso of lords by a
voto of 175 to 17 passed tlio third
mid last of the resolutions introduced
by Lord Itoseberry in furtheranco of
his program for tho reformation of
tho upper chamber. Tlio large ma
jority by which the houso carried
Lord Uosoborry's third resolution,
which deals with tho hereditary
principal, is rath or tho registration
of pious opinion than tho forerunner
of any effectivo reform of the second
chamber. Tho resolution was adopt
ed by a voto of 17f to L7. Tho de
jbato revealed a strong feeling against
(tho resolution, and Lord Lansdowne
.had to assure tho members toward
tho close of tho debate that tho reso
lution would In no way sacriiico tho
! hereditary principle, lie said: "A
poor may voto for tho resolution, and
then voto that every member of this
house should havo a hereditary title."
Lord UoBoborry followed and ex
plained that they woro only revealing
tho manner in which they believed
tho reform should go. No bill would
bo submitted; that was for some gov
ernment of (ho day to do. This evi
dently implies that no reform of tho
house of lords will bo undertaken
from tho conservative sido until a
conservative government is in ofllce.
Tho Now Jorsoy stato sonato de
feated tho Gobhardt local option bill.
Tho board of election commission
ers for Chicago has decided that
35,000 names on the dry petition
woro not registered voters. It is
thought, theroforo that the local op
tion olootlon will not take place
April 5.
dolphla, conductor, and Samuel Wil
liams, colored porter, together with
.1. II. Bethea of Dillon, S. C., were
killed. Bethea had been drinking
and quarreling with the porter and
shot him through the heart, killing
him instantly. Conductor Wollman
remonstrated and Bethea killed him
instantly. Tho murderer held tho
passengers off and when tho train
reached Wilmington It was surround
ed by police officers. Tho police rid
dled tho coach in which Bethea had
taken refugo with bullets and Bethea
emptied his revolver In return,
wounding one ofllcer and a bystander,
lie was finally overpowered and ho
fell dead in the arms of a police
ofllcer, having been shot several
times. Bethea was a well to do con
tractor and was on his way to a hos
pital to undergo an operation.
An Associated Press dispatch from
Now Cnstlo, PaM says: "Six publish
ers of 'Solidarity,' a weekly newspa
per published here by the Industrial
workers of tho world, woro lodged in
jail tonight, having refused to pay
fines of $100 each, imposed today by
Judge E. W. Porter. They were con
victed last week of violating the stato
law, requiring the names of owners
and editors to bo printed in news
papers. They are A. M. Stirton,
Gcorgo Fix, Charles IT. McCarty, Val
entino Jacobs, Earl F. Moore and D.
IT. Williams. Unless they change
their minds they will have to remain
In jail thrco months."
dren rolled down tho bank as tho
train dashed by. Nettie had seen
tho baby trotting toward tho ap
proaching train and pursued her al
most to the oncoming engine's pilot
before she caught her in her arms
and leaped aside. Engineer George
Jardino was so shocked that he could
not continue his run further than
this city."
A small riot occurred at Wells
ton, a suburb of St. Louis, A mob
stoned the city hall and threatened
to lynch City Clerk Butler. Butlor
had refused to accept the nominat
ing petition of the anti-administration
party for the city election soon
to take place. Butler was rescued
from the mob by Ethel Kearby, the
youthful daughter of the chief of
At Cleveland, Ohio, former Gov
ernor Myron T. Herrick attacked the
republican administration for its extravagance.
A ono million dollar steamboat
company has been organized at Kan
sas City for tho purpose of naviga
tion on tho Missouri river.
The national corn show for 1911
will be held at Columbus, Ohio.
.BIA' f X5 ifl&k
YOU, oven It you novor sold
worth of goods in your life, me
10 b day that' 30 to i
Governor TIadley of Missouri has
commenced a state wide fight for a
sano celebration of the Fourth of
A fire at Sulphur Springs,
destroyed property valued
Former Vice President Fairbanks
was given a cordial public recep
tion upon his return to his home in
f'ou novor sold & dollars'
n vour life, malt o 015 in
$10 b day that'll 30 to C0 a weok
soiling our mauo-io-mcasuro sails
ana pauw to moa yon moot una
know and who will bur their
clothes from yon on sight of oar
stylos and samplos.
This In Your Chancm
to matte tnonmy
Wo soli suits from $3 to $10 choap
or than anybody olso on earth. Ton
can nndorsoll all others. Our agont
(Ohio) made 975 first week, an-
nllmr fTVr.l aillt.Ktt l.i R .lava.
nnMtAi IWnm 1 Alrt TJ HinflMt it.w TIiaw
did not sot foot out of tholr own.lowns
to do it.
Dig Pay Easy Work
That's what yon want, isn't it. Wo soil
our clothos through agents only and havo
built up tho biggest clothing businoss In
tho country this way alono. We givo yon
oxcluslvo territory, protect you and hack
you with nil our capital. Wo supply
ovorythlng you nood to
Make $3,000 Thlm Yoar.
Novor hnfnrn vrm fin.fl unrTi An on.
porlunlty as this never for
Wa Start You FREE
Don't miss this chanco. Don't lot it slip by yon. You
nood no oxporionco and no monoy. Wo will sond you on
rocciptof your narao and oddross full particulars of tho
biggest suit offer ovormado, our comploto outfit, samples,
stylos and ovorythlng needed to go to work now. Wrlto
quickly if you want your territory and learn how to get
your clothes at cost to advortiso us.
the rfoail taii nniwo fin.
191 Market St. Dept. 40, Chicago, III.
It is tho best policy holder's com
pany in tho United States.
ASSETS, 93,500,000
Twenty-threo years old. Wrlto
The Old Line Bankers Life
Lincoln, Ncbrntikn
Mount Aetna is acain in eruntion
and tho pooplo in that vicinity of the
world aro greatly aroused.
Daniel E. Finn, a Now York City
magistrate popularly known as "Bat
tery Dan" is dead, aged G4.
Captain J. K. Fisher, who was a
member of tho Sixth Pennsylvania
cavalry during the civil war, died at
Atchison, Kan., aged eighty-five.
Judge Itiner in tho United States
court of appeals, at St. Louis, held
that tho federal twenty-eight hour
food and water law relating to the
shipment of livo stock dons not. hold
against a terminal railroad unless the
terminal company delays tho ship
ment tho full time on its own tracks.
Tho Carnogio Trust company, of
Now York, was robbed of $30,000,
and tho guilty porson Is said to havo
boon a messenger in the company's
Tho jury in tho federal court at
Council Bluffs, la., brought in a ver
dict of guilty against John C. Ma
bray and eleven others who woro
chargod with obtaining largo sums
of- money through frauds perpetrated
In connection with fako sporting
events. Mabray and his associates
were sentenced to two years' impris
onment in tho federal prison at
Leavenworth and fines of $10,000.
Tho high building of the Fish Fur
niture company at Chicago was de
stroyed by fire and fourteen girls
lost their lives. The firo originated
from an explosion of benzine.
Tnchan Angan, tho Korean who
assassinated Prince Tto, former Japa
nese resident general of Korea, in
this city on October 26 last, was
executed at Port Arthur.
Theodore Roosevelt expects
roach New York Juno 17.
A democratic conference In the
First Minnesota district have nom
inated H. L. Buick of Winona as a
candidate against James A. Tawney,
republican, now representing the
Dispatches from Daytonia, Fla.,
where Senator Daniels of Virginia
has been sick for several weeks, re
port tho senator as gradually Improving.
Former Mayor Tom L. Johnson of
Cleveland has gone to Europe in
search of health.
A big convention of the anti-saloon
league composed of delegates
from southern states was held at
Atlanta, Ga.
An exciting battle in which three
men wore killed and several injured
began on a' Baltimore and Ohio train
at Newark, Del., and ended at Wil
mington. O. ID. Wellman of Phila-
A Fairmount, Ind., dispatch car
ried by tho Associated Press, says
"Braving death, Nettie Caskey, 15
years old, snatched her three-year-old
niece, Martell Clarkey, from in
front of a locomotive on the Penn
sylvania railroad track. Both chil-
The Sublime Oberammergau I
In the little village of Oberammergau In tho Bavarian Highlands, tho
fhis summT V 10 Prl0n Play f JCSUS th Savi0Ur' wI11 Presented5
th s summer. It has been presented every ten years by tho people of
this v llago as a religious fete in fulilllment of a vow made o God
centuries ago in return for His mercy in delivering them from pesUlenco
and sparing their lives. It will be an event of world-wide Merest Al
ready tho full capacity of many steamships has been sold out tor
rTiii"zzT wm mako tho pn to - thtautwS:
"The Passion Play" on Post Cards
airSKESSS sm ' -
In a neat box ready for malllnT S P3t """ " Paokcd
'zar"TziT:tt:ttta ot,each cara' s y '
tho Passion Play before you-awS. " rd0r you hav0
of the greatest ltZZTZa "" "
sefortt,lrSaatnhIatth60 0P000,,10 '? " r0rai""" -oh
Everybody will bo tn ri! 7 ,. 0,00 PcPl0 will visit this play.
natoyto srrjrs sroii: r you wm :
How to Secure a Set for Yourself Without Cost
vort.rpaTertaVvl'ew this?" ", ' Pm'CaI '
beautiful post eards wUhout oxnenso wl . "B'ous play by fifty
and seouro ono of those beautff;, 7ant y0U t0 wrlt0 -
a fun sot of those trdsaroe"vona;ay!a "" Pla" by W1""'
nu, Lincoln, NehrnNlui:
Enclosed find ono two-cent c,fnmr fnv. ,
of tho set of the WoZvZ'Z pTayTosfcfrd?11 iSS"" ,T Card out
1 may securo tho complete set. Pleaso advise mo how