",,,r -v v.."'"wt" ywjjp''m&sf-wm,ffmm 8 The Commoner. VOLUME 10, NUMBER 11 i( b ls m 7 ffivw: lP11'1- fl v;'-1 T I I ffl H 'ilH NV W) KSf.' iMWSWiV Vnr21" Conducted by Wetet Watts Mm fDeparlmeni "Tj dv ? Easier Dnwn Awalco, awako, Oh sleeping buds, in meadowland and mere, In dale and swalo and garden plot, for Easter day ls hero. In purple gloom the night has swept beyond tho misty hill Tho April dawn In silvery gown Is waiting at tho sill. From moor and marsh, from holm and croft, and brooksldo far away Sho calls her flower-children all to graco tho Easter day Majestic lilies, fair of breast as pigeon's milky wing, And white and azuro violets that breathe tho soul of Bprlng; Vorbonas, touched with rosy flame, tho pansy's purple gom, And, In its regal purity, the Star of Bethlehem, Tho lowly bloodroot's bud of snow, tho Jonquil's disk of gold, Tho flowors of tho wind that spring bo lightly from tho mold. Bwoot April, snooded with tho sun and zoned with tender light, Is calling forth her blossom-babes from hollowland and height. Bo como, with nectaries of scent and aurooles of bloom Tls Easter morn, and Christ, tho Lord is risen from tho tomb. Harriot Whitney Durbin. of the home-folks. And the children were Just as happyl Easter Eggs In tho long ago, littlo children colored their Eastor eggs in various ways with homo-mado dyes. Here are somo of tho old-timo methods: For mottoes, first submerge tho egg In hot water, then write on it with tho sharpened end of a whito wax or adamantlno candle. Tho wax or oil will sorvo to prevent tho dye from adhering. For dyeing eggs red, brazil-wood or cochineal was used, iu uu boi wun a solution of alum. Thoy should bo bojled by preference In a tin kettlo. Have your dye stuffs well dissolved and strained before Immersing tho egga, and then keep Burring all tho time, to dyo evenly If you want speckled eggs, dot about with whito wax or oil. A neater way of engraving eggs ls to dye them, and with a pon-knifo scrape upon them any device or letters you wish Logwood chips will give a dark pur ple, which may bo sot with copperas: a good yellow may bo had by boil ing in water in which the brown Bklns of onions are thrown. Or take two parts of black-oak bark and on part of hickory bark and boll for a littlo whilo, thon boll the eggs In this, using a lump of alum to set the color. Or, first dyo your eggs in a pan of hot water colored with a littlo tumeric tied in a bag; these will bo yellow; then stir Into tho water enough of Indigo blue to pro duce any Bhado of green desired ?!Lbo11 mo.ro egSB ln m' Many" children tied or Bewod up the eggs in bits of bright colored calico, or wool, "warranted to fade," and thus powers, leaves, or figures wore read ily transferred. Tho mothers in those days knew of many things to be used which would vary tho col ors. The aniline dyes used today are much less trouble, and glvo ex cellent results, and their cost is but a trifle; but ln tho far-away days of our fathers and mothers, these ayes were not known, and tho okk colorlng depended on tho ingenuity For tho Kitchen Floor Wo cannot all have linoleum on our kitchen floors, and some of us would prefer tho bare, washable boards, for several reasons. But tho work of keeping an unfinished kitchen floor clean is more than any woman is able to accomplish without great fa tigue to herself. A good oiling is the very best protection the floor can have; but if paint is preferred, hero is a good, cheap paint that has found favor with many housewives: For a soft pine floor, fill all cracks, rough places and nail holes with a mixture of sawdust and glue, and let this get thoroughly dry several days will bo required. Then get four pounds of French ochre and mix it well with ono gallon of boiling water, to which one ounce of melted glue has been added. Paint the floor with this, using a whitewash brush, and the mixture must be hot (not merely warm) when applied. If applied at noon, it should be dry by night. When dry, apply a coat of boiled linseed oil, using tho white wash brush, and this should be quite hot, too. The oil should be dry by morning. This will improve with time, and is easily kept clean. For a room twelve -by sixteen feet square, about three quarts of linseed oil will bo needed. One of the very best preparations for a kitchen or washroom floor ls Unseed oil and paraffin. Sot the ves sel containing the oil in an old iron kettlo and put into the kettle suffi cient boiling water to keep the ves sel containing tho oil very hot, and sot over tho fire, either indoors or out, as you aro careful. Melt the paraffin and stir it into the hot oil two ounces of paraffin to tho pint of oil. Have tho floor perfectly clean, and all cracks and holes filled una mo uning dried. Then apply very hot with a whitewash brush, or paint brush if you have it. Apply to a small space at a time, rubbing it in well before beginning another space. The oil must be well rubbed in, or it will "lint" and catch dust and dirt. For tho Toilet Wo all want to look our best men, as well as women, and it Is right that wo should; It is natural to love a person because they are good, even though not pretty, but wo love them none the less for a littlo care of their looks. To be beautiful, one must be clean. Clean liness is, indeed, next to godliness, in a greater sense than wo usually admit it to bo. We often say of a ,a?ynthat the "dlrt is al1 on tho out side, but it can not always be said pf tho adult. To bo really clean, all the sewers of tho system must bo in good working order, and all offensive matter must be eliminated. If not, it is like tho kitchen where every tnincr la claim hut Vi tT, n. slop-pail. Buckets of lotion, pounds of creams and skin foods, dozens of flesh brushes, complexion rollers soaps and bleaches will never makd the skin clean and healthy unless the regular cleaning is kept going inside the body. It is like white? washing the outside of tho plg-stT When pimples and "liver spot?' make their appearance, tho diet should be looked to, and tho sewers cleared out; rich foods, meats pastries, sweets should give place to fruits, fresh greens and the simplest nourishing dishes. Blood tonics would never be needed if the blood making organs were supplied with suitable material, and one very necessary material is plenty of pure water-drinking of the temperature most comfortable, and a close second is plenty of clean, fresh air. I do not know but I should have placed over all these, a cheerful, optimistic state of mind, with a strong deter mination to see nothing but the sun shine, or, if not the real sunshine, the nearest to it that can be found. And the sun is always shining, if only we brush aside the clouds. Try cleanliness" of the inner self, and a looking on the bright side. For tho Laundry When washing flannels to put away, remember to choose a sunny day, so they will dry quickly and thoroughly. Put the flannels in quite warm water; do not rub them on the board, but press and rub them in the hands, squeezing and patting un til tho dirt is dislodged. Change them to fresh suds as soon as they aro clean. Rinse in a pail of clear hot water, squeeze dry, or run through a wringer, but do not twist. Shake them out well, and hang in tho sunshine. If treated thus, they they will retain their softness and smoothness, and will not shrink. For delicate lace and muslin cur tains, allow a tablespoonful of pow dered borax to two gallons of warm water, and soap enough to make a strong suds. Soak the curtains all night in this. In the morning add more water, having it warm, and press every part between the hands, ouueusms uua "sozzung" them up and down in the suds, but do not rub; put them in fresh suds in a few minutes, and If this water looks dark after washing, put them through another. Drain and put in the boiler with enough cold water to cover them; to boil up once will be sufficient. Then take them out t(la, tuJ? of clean cold water made slightly blue with good indigo. From this water squeeze out, or run through a wringer, and Btretch on frames, after starching, leaving them in the sunshine to dry. When you wish to make the wash ing easy, try this: Put as many pails pf water into the tub as you need into each pailful of water put one tablespoonful of aqua ammonia and add one-half the usual amount of soap: in that wntw tmir , -i.,. over night (the white clothes). Pre pare the water for the boiler in the "?5?ew? In th? mornln&. and wring the clothes out of the first water putting them in tho boiler, boil as SSS'wt1 rinse in two wit w5 Catting Children's Hair us-Mrt; imit MIchisan, tolls us. The writer has followed the l1?? f halr basing for al most thirty years. During that time Seiul0n 10fcuttinS short the hai? of little girls has come in and gone out again several times. Early n SX NWrM' became IntereBted in the question whether or not cutting the hair in childhood helped to pre? w iItB auJy ln womanhood. I have investigated this matter thor oughly bo h by observation and from data obtained from others I ha become convinced that most womln with heavy hair had heavy hah? i childhood, but had their hair cut In childhood, while most women having thin hair, had thin hair in childhood, or, having thick hair in childhood) never had it cut. I believe that cut ting is tho most effectual way of preserving to womanhood tho beauti ful locks of childhood. In my opin ion, every child should have her hair cut short between the ages of ten and twelve, and the fact that her hair is exceptionally long and heavy should not make a child an excep tion to the rule. It will materially thicken thin hair and preserve the thickness and beauty of hair already thick and beautiful." For Curling tho Hair For making straight hair curl, few things are better than tho old-fashioned bandoline made from quince seeds; it is entirely harmless, but will leave, when dried, a dusty look which can be readily brushed out For a small quantity, pour one table spoonful of boiling water over ono dozen quince seeds and let stand until cold, making the mixture fresh every time it is wanted; strain, and wet the hair with this, shaping it into little rings, or twisting up on kid curlers, or bits of paper, or clean rags; when dry, brush lightly to remove the quince dust. Another mixture is made of a small quantity of clean, clear pieces of gum arable left to dissolve overnight in a little cold water an ounce and a half in a quarter of a pint of water, will mako quite a good deal. Strain the dis solved gum through a piece of thin muslin, add a few drops of perfume, and use to shape the curls as above. This will give a glossy appearance to the hair. An old, old curler was made of sugar and water. None of these will have but a temporary effect, and in damp weather, the hair soon straightens out The hair should be clean, but not freshly shampooed, as the shampoo takes the oil out of the hair. Hanging Paper For the ceiling that has been whitewashed, before hanging the new paper, maka a paste of wheat flour and mix it up with boiling vinegar Instead of water, adding five cents worth of liquid glue to tho paste needed for each room. Tho vinegar neutralizes the alkali, In the lime, and the paper will stick. Pre pare the glue as you would for other use. In case you have any doubta about paper sticking to walls, it is well to paste both wall and paper. Fill every nail hole, or crack in th plastering, and patch all large holes. Query Box Will Mrs. H. S. R., of Pennsylva- mip'af?!81180 a?Cept thanks to Re quested poem? h Sonstantn Reader" wishes direc- seed" frnmaki?S "California beer seed from sorghum molasses Will some one tell her? luoiasses' W111 Mrs. E. m tt u.n..... usual ag S ug who is part y breast-fed. When the R.! lU,s the meals. Every oaby is, however a law unto Hhi' veX nftieMdeI-Tllere usual pound far more nutrlmmX a r best of meats SS$2to oM of Importance as a bone-malrRi. ,J note-builder, forma atTortal 'V1"1"11" " ,1 T-r-ii)-m..i.,i,. , T,T,M''M'-'"l'li..w .1. ii-.,.., ' -! a i.i .I,,,..,, ' i' " . ','"'"'i'''''"''w""i'i'Mii..rii i VitrMiiHiwr..irt.n..li..i.i...i .. T"1 ' i i ' , i1UB :. : .... rTl --- ....5iL.i:L.;.i,sg . t O-.wnUiUeWVl