WjjyPW",""!W? CWf'K' ' -Ti'-,-j -jy i-t 4, Commoner. MARCH 18, 1910 9 ter as It boils away; then rinse thor oughly, fill with fresh ink, screw to gether, and it ought to work as good as when new. Stylographic . ink should bo used; common ink will not do. Stylographic ink can bo had at the book stores. E. S. M. In cities, or large towns where much soft coal is used, the water caught from the roof is very often not fit for toilet purposes, even though not very badly discolored by the soot. It has a tendency to roughen and cause the hands to chap. A pinch of borax in the hyd rant water is much better. Allle R. Roses known to florists as "pillar roses" are not strictly "climbers." They are to be trained to a post or pillar, or to wheel or fan-shaped trellisses. Climbing roses may be used, but they require care ful trimming to keep them neat. Mrs. M. L. The dyes mentioned are claimed to be fadeless, and usu ally are, if used according to direc tions. "Write to the manufacturers to know how to get the stain out; they may be able to help you. (2) Re-silvering mirrors is not always satisfactory when done at home. Will give directions soon. Mrs. A. Nothing is known that will make straight hair grow curly. Sometimes when hair comes out be cause of illness, the new hair is curly. There are harmless curling fluids that maybe used for the occa sion; but none of them give per manent effects. T. H. This is recommended for sleeplessness: Butter one or two crackers and sprinkle cayenne pep per on them; eat just before "retir ing. As insomnia is a very difficult thing to cure, you will have opportu nity for using about everything WHAT'S THE USB Sticking to a Habit -when it Means Discomfort? Old King Coffee knocks subjects out tolerably flat at times, and there is no possible doubt of what did it. A Michigan woman gives her expe rience: "I used to have liver trouble near ly all of the time and took medicine which relieved me only for a little while. Then every once in a while I would be suddenly doubled up with an awful agony in my stomach. It jseemed as though every time I took a breath I would die. No one could suffer any more and live. "Finally I got down so sick with catarrh of the stomach that I could not turn over in bed, and my stom ach did not digest even milk. The doctor finally told me that if I did not give up drinking coffee I would surely die, but I felt I could not give it up. "However, Husband brought home a package of Postum and it was made strictly according to directions. It was the only thing that would s,tay on my stomach, and I soon got so I liked it very much. "Gradually I began to get better, and week by week gained in strength and health. Now I am in perfect condition, and I am convinced that the whole cause of my trouble was coffee drinking, and my getting bet ter was due to leaving off coffee and taking Postum. "A short time ago I tasted some coffee and found, to my astonish ment that I did not care anything about it. I never have to take medi cine any more. I hope you will use this letter for the benefit of those Buffering from the poisonous effects of coffee " Read the little book, "The Road to Wellville," in pkgs. ".There's a Rea son. Ever read the above letter? A new one appears from time to time. They are genuine, true, and full of human Interest. recommended before finding the right one. Mrs. F. E. To clean the coffee pot, inside and out, drop a table spoonful of salsoda into the pot and pour half a pint of boiling water on it. Swab the inside out well with the lfquid, and rub the outside with the same. The stain will all come off. Rinse with clean hot water, and it is ready for use. Contributed Recipes Lemon Ice Two quarts of water, two pints of sugar; boil for ten min utes, and then let cool; add juice of seven lemons. 'When frozen to a mush, add whites of three eggs beat en very stiff, pulp of four oranges, one can of grated pineapple. (This last may be omitted if desired.) Delicious Cookies One pound of butter; if butter is too scarce, use part lard, but whip it until light; ono pound of light brown sugar; add about three tablespoonfuls more of sugar, eight eggs, two teaspoonfulg baking powder, one nutmeg, flour to make a dough. This quantity will make at least one hundred cookies; they are certainly fine. Angel Parfait Place on stove in a small sauce pan one-half cupful each of water and sugar; stir until sugar is dissolved, then boil with out stirring until it spins a thread; beat until stiff and dry the whites of three eggs; add to them slowly the hot syrup, beating constantly while pouring it on; use any pre ferred flavoring. When cold, stir in gently one pint of cream whipped stiff and drained; if there seems to be any plain cream that would not whip, leave it out. Put in a mold; pack at once in ice and Bait; let stand about four hours. This is a sample and dainty dessert. Cheese Straws One cup of grated cheese, half teaspoonful (scant) of salt, butter size of an egg; one cup of flour, enough cold water to make a dough; mix and rpll out until half an inch thick; cut in strips six Inches long, half an inch wide, and bake to a nice brown. Contributed by Mrs. S. M. B., of Columbia, Mo. For the Toilet Several querists have asked for in formation about the henna tea for dyeing the hair auburn, light or dark. It is not always, or often, advisable to dye the hair; but that must be left to the individual. Henna leaves can be had of nearly all druggists, at ten cents an ounce; an ounce of leaves is a good little bunch. It is not to be taken internally, as it is considered poisonous for internal use, I believe, but for dyeing the hair, is harmless to hair and skin. It colors the hair dark, or a light auburn, according to strength of the decoction. Steep an ounce of the leaves in a pint' of boiling water; when of the desired strength let cool and strain. To know when it is of the right strength try It on a small strand of the hair in some unnoticeable place, or on a bit of clean hair combings. If very strong, it may be too dark. Have the hair perfectly clean, freshly shampooed, and allow it to get perfectly dry. Wet the hair all over with the tea, and let dry; then rinse well in cleaT water. Some contend, that it must te ap plied with a tooth brush, or a comb. This formula and directions are from a specialist.' "Sulphume," used as an ingredient in the hair tonic which Mrs. T. asks about, is a proprietary article, just as listerine, vaseline, or like articles are, and is not sold by measure; but a druggist keeping it will fill a formula. It is claimed to be a good ingredient for a hair tonic. Mrs. B. H. asks about the walnut dye. It is the hulls, peeled from the nut itself, not tho bark of the tree, which is used. As the walnut grows nearly everywhere, it should not bo hard to get But all dyes aro a trouble and a vexation. Thcro is no known method by which the hair on tho head may bo made white; a switch can not bo bleached perfectly white, and any thing that will bleach tho hair on tho head will damago it. Requested Recipes Mrs. S. asks for "exact measure ments for ingredients sufficien for one pie, without waste or left-over." This is a difllcult thing to give, as some flour requires more moisture than others, her pie-tin may bo larger or smaller, or else she may roll the paste thicker or thinner. She could learn the amount best by experiment at her own table. Hero is a very good rule for a two-crust pie of or dinary size: One-third pound of flour, one-sixth pound of butter or lard, half a teaspoonful of salt (scant), and just Jco water enough to moisten so it will roll. Divido into two parts, handling as littloas possiblo while making. Roll ono part and put bits of butter or lard over tho top, sprinkle lightly with flour, fold and roll again. Do this threo or four timcB, until you havo used half as much butter or lard as was rubbed into the flour at first. This is for tho top crust; tho other part is for the lower crust, and will need no further rolling or lard. FORTH DDEtf A sailor had just shown a lady over tho ship. In thanking him sho said: "1 am sorry to see by the rules that tips aro forbidden on your ship." "Lor bless you, ma'am," replied tlie sailor, "so were apples In tho Garden of Eden." Brooklyn Citizen. At the present rate, the excava tions of Pompeii will not be com pleted until 1970. Ex. Latest Fashions for Readers of The Commoner 3178 Ladies' Waist, with girdle and body lining. A pretty model for mcssaline, chiffon or crepe de chine. Five sizes 34 to 42. 3168 Ladies' Yoke Skirt, closing at left side-back seam. A stylish model for cheviot, broadcloth or serge. Five sizes 22 to 30. 2077 Ladies' Jumper Dress, with an attached two-piece skirt in Sheath style, and a separate guimpe. Mull or voile, with a guimpe of net or all-over lace are excellent developed in this style. Seven sizes 32 to 44. 3152 Ladies' Waist, with over waist and cap sleeves in one. Mes sallne, satin or foulard develop well in this style. Five sizes 32 to 40. 3160 Ladies' Five-Gored Skirt. Mohair, cheviot or Panama cloth are all adaptable to this skirt. Six sizes -22 to 32. x 3164 Ladles' House Gown. Flow ered cretonne, challls or calico would develop to advantage. Four sizes 32 to 44. THE COMMONER will supply its readers with perfect fitting, seam allowing patterns from the latest Paris and New York styles. The de signs are practical and adapted to the homo dressmaker. Full direc tions how to cut and how to make tho garments with each pattern. Tho price of these patterns 10 cents each, postage prepaid. Our large cata logue containing the illustrations and descriptions of 1,000 seasonable styles for ladies, misses and children, as well as lessons in home dress making, full of helpful and practical suggestions In tho making of your wardrobe mailed to any address on receipt of 10 cents. In ordering patterns give us your name, address, pattern number and size desired. Address THE COMMONER, Pattern Dept., Lincoln, Neb. tf T- AAsi'jbHMtmiu&rM, fefyiftte tt- JtJ-